RAISING THE SPIRITUALITY OF YOUTH IN THE ERA OF GLOBALIZATION - THE IMPORTANT TASK OF TODAY'S Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
globalism / education / upbringing / ideological upbringing / spiritual threat / information attack

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Olimova M.R., Jamalova N.U.

The article reveals the importance of education and training in protecting young people from various alien and harmful ideas and moral threats during the globalisation period.

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UDK 37.02

Olimova M.R.

teacher Jamalova N. U. teacher

National University of Uzbekistan



Annotation: The article reveals the importance of education and training in protecting young people from various alien and harmful ideas and moral threats during the globalisation period.

Keywords: globalism, education, upbringing, ideological upbringing, spiritual threat, information attack.

At present, global processes are increasingly deepening in the international arena. As a result of this, the ongoing threats to various negative spirituality are increasing. In the era of globalism, spiritual threats, the ideological landscape of the world cover the entire sphere of society. In order to conquer today's world, attempts are made not by various clashes, but by peaceful, non-war ideas and ideologies, and bunda is widely used by the Internet and information resources in the acquisition of the worldview of young people. Now in the possession of a single state is carried out not with different weapons, but with ideas. Now the idea as the most expensive commodity is increasing its importance. In this way, the state is actively using information resources as an area for conflict, the realization of geopolitical goals.

It seeks to maintain a strong information policy aimed at protecting our national values, in line with the current democratic principles. In the processes of globalisation, Western countries export their ideas to the Eastern countries. That is, "democracy exposes", political and information attacks are becoming the main means by some Western countries in pursuing their national interests. It is not difficult to understand that the globalisation process is directly related to information. Experts say that information is now becoming the most serious source of the economy. Today, the protection of young people from information attacks is becoming a modern demand. It is important to fill the minds of young people with their national ideas, values and traditions during such information attacks and ideological struggles of independent Uzbekistan. After all, it is necessary not to fall under the influence of such diverse ideas and never forget that the development of the future of our country is in the hands of these young people. This suggests that special attention should be paid to the issue of education. It is urgent to conduct education and training in a harmonious state.

Education and training have not lost its importance in all times. After all, the thinker, who described Farabi as one of the first in education, said that "education is the teaching of theoretical knowledge on the basis of teaching, explaining to a person, education is the teaching of norms of conduct and practical skills necessary for the acquisition of human qualities and certain skills," the scientist says. Scientists who lived in the period after the IX-X century also carried out a lot of scientific work on the issue of human morality, youth education. Scientists from the world of Sufism Najmiddin Kubro, Farididdun Attor, Bakhovuddin Naqshband, Ahmad Yassavi, Jalaliddin Rumi, Abdurahman Jami, Aziziddin Nasafi, Alisher Navoi and other scientists also contributed to this good work. Thanks to the creative activity and rich spirituality of these scientists, the foundations of the national education system came into being.

Great attention is paid to the issue of education and training in our country. In particular, the fourth priority directions of the strategy of action for the further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, approved by the decree of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 7, 2017 № 4947 P D, are the priority directions of development of the social sphere, 4.4 of which is called the development of the sphere of education and science[1].

In accordance with this paragraph, attention is paid to improving the system of continuous education, increasing the opportunities for quality education services, training competently qualified personnel in the labor markets. In this sense, in order to further develop general secondary education, on September 6, 2019, the decree of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to further improve the system of public education" PD-5812 was adopted. In order to increase the quality of education in our country and ensure its competitiveness, private schools in our country also open up their activities.

In addition to providing modern knowledge to students and young people, systematic work is being carried out within the framework of five important initiatives put forward by the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan aimed at forming ideological immunity to them.

In the era of globalism, such a systematic education occupies a fundamental place in the preservation of the identity of the people and the nation, and in this it is an important task to integrate ideological education. "Ideological upbringing is a process aimed at forming the worldview of a person, a social group, a nation, a society, arming them with ideological knowledge that expresses certain goals[3]. Every social force or stratum of the population in the society tries to attract other groups to the influence of their ideas, even when they create a system of ideas that expresses their own interests and aspirations.

In the period of ideological struggles, we will be able to achieve the development of the state if we can form an ideological iimunitet in order to protect young people from various alien and malicious ideas. It is these young people that are the layer of the society that is being treated. The education of young people in all respects mature and harmonious was relevant in all times. Youth is an

emotional part of society. For this reason, even in the seizure of states, the idea was precisely aimed at poisoning the minds of young people. Spiritual and educational work is the broad involvement of young people in all changes and situations that occur in the life of society through various activities.

The changes taking place in the life of society, the information attacks taking place in relation to our country require young people to read, correctly choose the life purpose of their profession, approach to the side-by-side with extreme responsibility. The president of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev also touched upon this issue and expressed the following thoughts: "Today, put the scourge of ignorance both in the field of economy and in the education, health and culture system that we are facing in all spheres of our life, and this ill-deed is in our hands and in our hands. What kind of word xech can not be about progress and development without getting rid of this shackles. for this reason, a lot of work is being done in the educational system[4]. After all, the more important is the professional skill, the more important will be the future qualified specialist, high human qualities and spirituality. For this reason, a lot of attention is paid to the field of science in our country and a number of normativelegal documents are accepted.

In particular, on January 24 of this year in the appeal of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to the Oliy Majlis it was noted that it is necessary to develop the concept of "Youth of Uzbekistan - 2025", in which practical measures of bringing the spiritual and physical harmonious generation to an adult[5]. According to the decree of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 8, 2019 Pd-5847 "On the development of the higher education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030", dated October 10,

2019 "On science and scientific activity", the adoption of the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan[6]is of great importance in the broader direction of youth Today, the only way to develop the state is to raise the level of knowledge and knowledge of this nation in a comprehensive way. Taking into account these aspects, a lot of attention is paid to science in our country today. In particular, the declaration of

2020 as the year of "Science Education and digital economy" shows the attention given to the field of Science in our country. The main purpose of all these legislative acts is to educate young people with high spirituality and as a real specialist of their profession. Education and training this is a process that becomes richer with the passage of years when xech does not lose its value.

Due to the reforms carried out in our country, special attention should be paid to the educational function of the disciplines in teaching. After all, it is highly effective not to forget that special attention is paid to the issue of upbringing, manners, morality in the Eastern countries, and the use of rich spiritual heritage left by our ancestors in the upbringing of young people in the spirit of National Education. Civil position, which is of great importance in the formation of their worldview. The importance of the five initiatives of the president in raising the awareness of young people in the period of ideological struggles has also been

determined by the president in the meaningful Organization of youth leisure. Especially the contest "Young bookstore", which is being held in order to promote its readers among young people, also causes great interest among young people. After all, such competitions increase the interest among young people in reading, reading, studying in the book. And this happens even if we call it an innovation method of the idea of combating ignorance with enlightenment. Increasing the youth's love and interest in the book shows its great importance in further strengthening the future of our country.


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