Nafisa Nizomiddinovna Khamroeva
Teacher of the Department of Preschool Education of Bukhara State University
Speech etiquette units are analyzed in the context of pragma linguistics. The emergence of research in this area provides an opportunity to study the various aspects of speech issues more in depth. The units of speech etiquette are one of the important issues is the lingua pragmatic study which reflects the cultural state of the language. Such units do not appear on the basis of a common pattern, but are subject to individual rules. Complimenting is also one of the current issues to be studied as a unit of speech etiquette. The article deals with the rules of compliment and speech etiquette.
Keywords: linguistic politeness, fatic communication, personality of the interlocutor, units of speech etiquette, compliment, praise, flattery
Today, the main task of science remain to study the relationship of linguistics with anthropology, psychology, sociology, cultural studies and a number of other disciplines, to significantly expand the range of research objects. Compliment, which is the unity of verbal etiquette and the manifestation of fatic communication, is one of the problems of modern linguistics.
Speech ethics is a complex phenomenon, which is characterized by the peculiarities of human upbringing. Speech etiquette is related to a person's normal communication as a member of a social group to which he belongs, all the features that belong to him, as well as his place of birth and upbringing. As the English linguist Sephir points out, people adapt their needs directly to the environment. 'Sometimes it is necessary to understand the need for forms of social morality in order to better adapt to changing circumstances' [2; 259]. Social ethics are an important condition for living in a society: they regulate people's social and practical activities. It is impossible not to follow the social norms and customs that govern the life of any society, the collective activities of the people. Thus, the customs attached to the rules of etiquette are an ancient form of preservation and transmission of human historical and social experience. These rules include one or another civilization (e.g., Southeastern Asian civilization, modern Western European and North American civilizations, etc.), based on the whole of humanity or cultural groups, or national culture (based on stereotypes of these ethical norms, such as "typical English" , "typical French" and so on), as well as subcultural and sociological disciplines (ethics of students, middle class and other
styles). Specific norms of ethics are reflected in the style of public speaking and the system of paralinguistic means of communication (facial expressions, gestures, etc.).
A norm is a set of expressions that are considered exemplary in a particular society (statistically). The norm in its dynamics is the selection operation, which regulates the selection of linguistic means on the basis of collectively accepted rules [1; 102]. The norm is the cornerstone of the interpretation of the concept of "politeness". It is precisely what, that determines the form of expression that the speaker prefers for the purpose of communication in a particular communication situation. E. Coseriu interprets the norm as "a system of compulsory implementation (accepted) by a society and culture ...". In its concept, the system reflects the structural potential of the language, and the norm - is clearly implemented and accepted in society, that is, the norm should be understood as a traditional stable set of language systems.
Politeness, compliment is a form of fatic communication. The concept of "compliment" in Russian linguistics Formanovskaya (1989), Issers (1985), Serebryakova (2001); In English linguistics, Karasik (1992) and Petelina (1988) described it as a manifestation of behavior and a form of etiquette.
Bezmenova interprets the concept of "compliment" as a special communicative level of speech etiquette, while Petelina notes that the concept of "compliment", in contrast to subservience, reflects the content of sincere praise and respect.
The Explanatory Dictionary of the Uzbek Language defines the word "Compliment" as follows: "Mulozamat - [Arabic - to be together, inseparable; to follow together; perseverance] a compliment shown to win a person's heart; respect, praise"[5; 635].
Complimentary expressions belong to the speech etiquette, but do not have a stable character, and may vary depending on the particular communication situation. According to Sidorova, the purpose of a compliment (compliment) is "to provoke a positive reaction of the interlocutor to the speaker, as well as to create a favorable environment for further communication" [3, 37]. Etiquette microdialysis, which includes compliments, ideally consists of three components:
Participant A^ Participant B Participant A (object of compliment) □ Participant B (subject of compliment)
Expression stimulus □ response Compliment (replicas, effort) □ reaction The field of application of units of speech etiquette is closely related to the typical situations that express the interpretation of the situation accepted in the speaking society. Failure to use the expected expression, in accordance with the rules, which are not written anywhere, is known to all as unwillingness to continue the conversation, or even to ignore it, and is considered disrespectful to the interlocutor.
The following situations are typical for the performance of a compliment: a compliment made when meeting a woman (in general, the meeting situation is typical of a compliment), a compliment to a housewife; if you are in the apartment for the first time, a compliment will be made for the house, apartment, etc .; if a woman comes in a new dress or a new hairstyle, then it is impossible not to compliment the woman. At the same time, it knows no boundaries in the use of compliments and is not strictly related to the usual situations, like other units of speech etiquette.
To conclude, compliment is a fatic dialogue that is studied within the general strategy of behavior, aimed at expressing positive feelings towards the person. The fatic function of compliment is to create a generally pleasant environment for verbal communication. For this reason, compliments can affect the feelings, thoughts and actions of the interlocutor. Compliments affect human emotions. Therefore, it can be considered as an "emotional tool" that affects the conversation.
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