Научная статья на тему 'The forecasting of elimination of heart insufficiency by means of blood circulation model'

The forecasting of elimination of heart insufficiency by means of blood circulation model Текст научной статьи по специальности «Компьютерные и информационные науки»

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Текст научной работы на тему «The forecasting of elimination of heart insufficiency by means of blood circulation model»

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo. 1493223 LCC - № QP1-345



Anastasiia Novikova1, Olena Belih1

1 The Kherson national technique university, Ukraine Address for Correspondence: Olena Belih, the student The Kherson national technique university E-mail: belih_alena@gmail.com

Abstract. The work is devoted the analysis of existing models of cardiovascular system, and also working out of the intellectual automated system of forecasting and identification of pathologies of heart. During the analysis of theoretical models of cardiovascular system changes of parameters of the given models are studied at occurrence of pathologies of various departments of heart.

In work models mathematical and networks the approach to studying of forecasting of diseases of heart are presented. Working out of the automated system for simplification of forecasting for what in work it is resulted circuit technical and the program approach is offered. Recommendations for further use of the offered product are given.

Keywords: cardiovascular system, pathologies, models.

Анотащя. Робота присвячена аналiзу юнуючих моделей серцево-судинно'1' системи, а також розробщ штелектуально! автоматизовано'1' системи прогнозування й щентифшацп патологш серця. У ходi аналiзу теоретичних моделей серцево-судинно'1 системи вивчеш змши параметрiв даних моделей при виникненш патологш рiзних вщдшв серця.

У робот представлеш моделi математичного й нейромережного тдходу до вивчення прогнозування захворювань серця. Запропоновано розробку автоматизовано'1 системи для полегшення прогнозування, для чого в робот наведений схемотехшчний i програмний пiдхiд. Дано рекомендацп для подальшого використання запропонованого продукту.

Подання об'екта, що моделюють, як системи керування дозволяе ставити й виршувати за допомогою математично'1 моделi рiзноманiтнi завдання науково-дослiдного характеру. У першу чергу, це класичш завдання керованих динамiчних систем: керованiсть, спостережешсть,

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щентифшованшсть. На 0CH0Bi математично'1 моделi можлива побудова реальних систем керування

елементами штучного й допомiжного Kp0B006iry. Постановка й ршення завдання щентифшацп дозволяе визначати ra6ip значень параметрiв моделi системи кровооб^у за результатами вимiрiв рiзних фiзiологiчних кривих реального людського органiзмy. Програмна реалiзацiя моделi дозволяе вiдслiдковyвати вщхилення iдентифiкованих параметрiв вiд 1'хшх нормальних значень. Це дае можливють використання моделi i ii програмно'1 реалiзацii для рiшення дiагностичних завдань.

Головною особливютю класу моделей е те, що цi моделi дозволяють вивчати (моделювати) коливальнi (зокрема перiодичнi) процеси в об'екп, що моделюеться. Моделi е самонастроювально'1, що вiдбивае найважливiшi гомеостатичнi властивостi системи кровообiгy. Розглядаеться математична модель системи кровооб^у, особливютю яко'1 е неосередненнiсть по серцевому ци^ й можливiсть моделювання в реальному час нелiнiйних коливальних процеав.

Бурхливий розвиток неiнвазивних засобiв вимiрy параметрiв серцево-судинно'1 дiяльностi, засобiв бездротових локальних мереж на базi BlueTooth, Wi - Fi й засобiв мобiльного зв'язку дозволяе використовувати математичну модель системи кровооб^у в якост основного мiнтелектyальногом елемента для розробки систем керування пристроями, розроблювальними в рамках програми "розумний будинок". Це штелектуальш кардiостимyлятори, iнсyлiновi помпи й iншi аналогiчнi пристро'1 зi зворотним зв'язком.

Ключов1 слова: серцево-судинна система, патологи, моделi.

Introduction. The necessary question arises about the construction of intelligent systems that will help identify the state of the organism in its pre-built models. Therefore, the topic of the thesis, which is related to the identification of pathological changes in the heart according to blood circulation models, is relevant.

The purpose of the work is to create an identifier for cardiac diseases according to blood circulation models. To achieve this goal, the following tasks need to be answered:

- to analyze current blood circulation models, in particular models of functioning of the heart at different levels;

- to analyze changes in the mathematical model with the appearance of pathological abnormalities in the functioning of the heart;

- to develop a model of the identifier of heart diseases on the basis of existing models of functioning of the cardiovascular system

Objective. The object of the study is the dynamic physiological parameters of the cardiovascular


The subject of the study is the methods and means of modeling the functioning of the heart.

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Materials and methods. Methods of research are based on the methods of computational

mathematics, neural network modeling, schematic presentation of the research problem.

The object of modeling is simplified as a ring system of reservoirs: left ventricle of the heart (HL), arterial reservoir of the pulmonary circulation (AL), capillary venous reservoir of the great circle (VL), right ventricle of the heart (HR), the arterial reservoir of the lesser circle (AR), the capillary venous reservoir of the lesser circle (VR). The aortic, tricuspid, pulmonary and mitral valves provide unidirectional flow of blood through this annular reservoir system.

The reservoirs HL, AL, VL make up the great circle of blood circulation, and HR, AR, VR - a small circle. The numerical parameters describing the tanks are not constants, they change under the action of control signals, which in turn are formed as a result of measuring the functions of the state vector of the system. Thus, we have an object controlled by the principle of feedback loops.

The model has two main control loops:

• Control circuit of ventricular ejection.

Controls in the circuit are the values of systolic pressure in the ventricles.

• The contour of the neuro-humoral control. It implements a variety of interdependencies of the circulatory system states mediated through the nervous and hormonal subsystems of the body. The controls in the loop are the magnitude of the neurohumoral factor, which is the numerical expression of the total controlling influence of the nervous and hormonal mechanisms.

The essence of the experiment on the model is to change its parameters in the simulation process, save the simulation results, save the parameter values and initial conditions with the possibility of replaying the simulation process.

Prediction of any situation, in particular, early diagnosis and prognosis of the development of the disease according to the model provides for the development of an automated system.

The problem of identification is formulated as the task of building in some sense the best or optimal model of the circulatory system based on observations taken in the conditions of vital activity of the real human body. The problem can be seen in two different aspects.

1) Structural identification, i.e., the problem of the best, in any sense, choice of the type of equations of the mathematical model.

2) Parametric identification.

The procedure for removing the ADC - measurements intended for the manufacture of a package of measurements based on information that comes from physiological sensors information.

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Thus summarizing the above, we can conclude that to predict the states of the heart according to the

constructed blood circulation model, the intelligent automated system will help most accurately, reliably and conveniently.

Conclusions. 1. The structure and functioning of the developed mathematical models of the cardiovascular system are analyzed. All possible levels of human heart function are considered. The changes of parameters of mathematical models of the cardiovascular system with the appearance of pathologies of the heart that have been considered in accordance with the medical classifier are considered.

2. Models of cardiac pathology identifier based on mathematical, neural network models were constructed. It is concluded that as an identifier of diseases, further development of the intellectual automated system is necessary. The proposed schematic and software solution of the problem.

3. A criterion for evaluating the quality of the model and its probability compared to the real modeling is carried out. It is concluded that this model of the system can be used for the development of methodological, demonstration and educational goals.

Conflict of interest statement: The authors state that there are no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this article.

ISSN 2311-1100 CC-BY-NC


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2. Иткин Г.П. Разработка и исследование систем управления протезами сердца с помощью математического моделирования: Автореф. дисс. канд. техн. наук. М., 1974. 27 с.

3. Солодянников Ю.В. Элементы математического моделирования и идентификации системы кровообращения. Самара: Изд-во "Самарский университет", 1994. 316 с.

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Recommendations for further use of the offered product are given Keywords: cardiovascular system, pathologies, models

У сюБотт представлен! модел! математичного й нейромережнопо пшхпду до вивчення прогнозування захворювань серия

Дано рекомендаим для подал ыиого використання запропрнованого продукту

У першу чергу. це кпасичы завдання керованих динамнних систем: керован!сть. спос

modelAnastasiia Novikoval, Plena Belih11 The Kherson national technique university, Ukraine Address for Correspondence: Plena Belih. the

The wortc is devoted the analysis of existing models of cardiovascular system, and also

During the analysis ot theoretical models ot cardiovascular system changes of parameters of the

In work models mathematical and networks the approach to studying of forecasting of diseases

Working out of the automated system for simplification of forecasting for what in work

Робота присаячена анашзу ¡снуючих моделей серцвво-судинноТсистеми. атакожрозроШ ¡нтелеюуальноТ автоматшованоГ системи прогнозування

У xoni анал1ау творвтичних моделей сериево-судинноТ системи вивчеы змни параметру даних моделей при виникненш

Запропоновано розробку автоматиаованоТ системи для полегшеннд прогнозування. для чого в роБол наведений схемотехн!чний

Псдання об'екта. то моделкжэтъ. як системи керування дозвопяе ставши й вистшувати за допомогою математмчно! нодел!

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