Научная статья на тему 'The conceptual model of strengthening the economic security of Azerbaijan'

The conceptual model of strengthening the economic security of Azerbaijan Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Zhylinska Oksana I., Salayev Kanan Haci

Efficient strengthening of the economic security of the country is one of the priority tasks of the Azerbaijan Republic not only in terms of its development as a sovereign independent State, but also in the aspect of new scientific research directions. The main characteristics of the State economic security strategy for countering negative phenomena and threats in the long term are defined. A conceptual model of strengthening the economic security of the country is formed and recommended for implementation in conditions of the national economy of Azerbaijan. An analysis of components of the economic security system of the country is carried out. It is specified that the modern realities of the global economic development and the internal socio-economic priorities of the Azerbaijani Government require the formation of a separate effective concept and a strategy of the economic security of the Republic of Azerbaijan in order to allocate specific strategic goals and activities that in full measure incorporate the economic potential and prospects for sustainable development of the country. The mechanism for strengthening the economic security of the country, which implies structuring of the main elements and directions of improvement of the State economic security system to stimulate the economic growth, timely detection and counteraction to potential threats and risks of development of the national economy, is suggested.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The conceptual model of strengthening the economic security of Azerbaijan»

UDC 351.863 (479.24)




UDC351.863 (479.24)

Zhylinska O. I., Salayev K. Haci. The Conceptual Model of Strengthening the Economic Security of Azerbaijan

Efficient strengthening of the economic security of the country is one of the priority tasks of the Azerbaijan Republic not only in terms of its development as a sovereign independent State, but also in the aspect of new scientific research directions. The main characteristics of the State economic security strategy for countering negative phenomena and threats in the long term are defined. A conceptual model of strengthening the economic security of the country is formed and recommended for implementation in conditions of the national economy of Azerbaijan. An analysis of components of the economic security system of the country is carried out. It is specified that the modern realities of the global economic development and the internal socio-economic priorities of the Azerbaijani Government require the formation of a separate effective concept and a strategy of the economic security of the Republic of Azerbaijan in order to allocate specific strategic goals and activities that in full measure incorporate the economic potential and prospects for sustainable development of the country The mechanism for strengthening the economic security of the country, which implies structuring of the main elements and directions of improvement of the State economic security system to stimulate the economic growth, timely detection and counteraction to potential threats and risks of development of the national economy, is suggested.

Keywords: economic security, conceptual model, national economy, strategic development, the State regulation. Fig.: 2. Tbl.: 2. Bibl.: 27.

Zhylinska Oksana I. - Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (60 Volodymyrska Str., Kyiv, 01033, Ukraine) E-mail: [email protected]

Salayev Kanan Haci - Postgraduate Student, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (60 Volodymyrska Str., Kyiv, 01033, Ukraine)

УДК 351.863 (479.24) Жилнська О. I., Салаев К. Г. Концептуальна модель змщнення eK0H0Mi4H0i безпеки Азербайджану

Зазначено, що ефективне змцнення економчноi безпеки крайни сьо-годн виступае одним ¡з проритетних завдань Азербайджансьт Рес-публ'ши не лише у плат ii розвитку як суверенноi незалежноi держави, але i в аспектi нових наукових напрямюв доМжень. Визначено основн характеристики державноi стратегизабезпечення економiчно'i безпеки для протистояння негативним явищам i загрозам у довгостроковй перспективi. Сформовано концептуальну модель змщнення економiч-но1 безпеки крани та рекомендовано для 'тплементаци в Азербайджа-т. Проведено анал'в складових системи економiчно'i безпеки крани. Наголошено, що сучасн'> реалиглобального економiчного розвитку та внутршнi соцiально-економiчнi прюритети азербайджанського уряду вимагають формування окремоi Ыево! концепцИ та стратеги еконо-мiчноiбезпеки для Азербайджанськоi Республ'ши, для виокремлення кон-кретних стратегчних цлей iзаход'в, як бповною мiрою передбачили врахування економiчного потенщалу та перспектив сталого розвитку крани. Запропоновано мехашзм змщнення економiчноi безпеки крани, що являе собою структуризацю основних елемент'в i напрямiв удо-сконалення системи економiчноiбезпеки держави щодо стимулювання економчного зростання та своечасного виявлення i протиди потен-цшним загрозам i ризикам для розвитку нацональноi економки. Ключовi слова: економiчна безпека, концептуальна модель, нацональ-на економка, стратегiчний розвиток, державне регулювання. Рис.: 2. Табл.: 2. Б'бл.: 27.

Жилшська Оксана Шн'юна - доктор економiчних наук, професор, Кив-ський нацональний унверситет iм. Т. Шевченка (вул. Володимирська, 60, Ки/в, 01033, Украна) E-mail: [email protected]

Салаев Кянан ^dmi - астрант, Кшвський нацональний утверситет iм. Т. Шевченка (вул. Володимирська, 60, Кию, 01033, Украна)

УДК351.863 (479.24) Жилинская О. И., Салаев К. Г. Концептуальная модель укрепления экономической безопасности Азербайджана

Эффективное укрепление экономической безопасностью страны выступает одной из приоритетных задач Азербайджанской Республики не только в плане ее развития как суверенного независимого государства, но и в аспекте новых научных направлений исследований. Определены основные характеристики государственной стратегии обеспечения экономической безопасности для противостояния негативным явлениям и угрозам в долгосрочной перспективе. Сформирована концептуальная модель укрепления экономической безопасности страны и рекомендована для имплементации в условиях национальной экономики Азербайджана. Проведен анализ составляющих системы экономической безопасности страны. Отмечено, что современные реалии глобального экономического развития и внутренние социально-экономические приоритеты азербайджанского правительства требуют формирования отдельной действенной концепции и стратегии экономической безопасности Азербайджанской Республики для выделения конкретных стратегических целей и мероприятий, которые в полной мере предусматривают учет экономического потенциала и перспектив устойчивого развития страны. Предложен механизм укрепления экономической безопасности страны, который представляет собой структурирование основных элементов и направлений совершенствования системы экономической безопасности государства для стимулирования экономического роста, своевременного выявления и противодействия потенциальным угрозам и рискам развития национальной экономики.

Ключевые слова: экономическая безопасность, концептуальная модель, национальная экономика, стратегическое развитие, государственное регулирование. Рис.: 2. Табл.: 2. Библ.: 27.

Жилинская Оксана Ивановна - доктор экономических наук, профессор, Киевский национальный университет им. Т. Шевченко (ул. Владимирская, 60, Киев, 01033, Украина) E-mail: [email protected]

Салаев Кянан Гаджи - аспирант, Киевский национальный университет им. Т. Шевченко (ул. Владимирская, 60, Киев, 01033, Украина)

Б1ЗНЕС1НФОРМ № 1 '2019


Modeling economic security (ES) is a basic condition for a stable development of the national economy to avoid a number of challenges and threats. In this case, it is necessary to maintain a balance between the key interests of an individual, society and the state; their mutual responsibility in ensuring security at all levels of management of a country's economy plays a significant role.

Strengthening the processes of globalization and digitalization requires elaborating a dynamic and sustainable system of national economic security at the present stage of the development of the world economy. Therefore, today an effective strengthening of the national economic security is one of the priorities of the Azerbaijan Republic not only in the context of its development as a sovereign independent state but in the aspect of new scientific areas of research as well.

Problems of ensuring economic security of a country at the present stage of development of the world and national economies were studied in works of domestic scientists, namely, Z. G.Babayeva [1], A. M. Gasanov [2], Sh. I. Zhakieva [3], V. D. Zalizko [4], A. I. Sukhorukov [6], O. V. Tymoshenko [7], Yu. M. Harazishvili [8], and others. This issue is also the focus of attention of foreign scholars, including J. S. Hacker [9], H. B. Heslop [11], M. M. Kevin [12], D. K. Nanto [13], O. Soimu [14], A. Wysokinska-Sen-kus [15], and others.

However, the scientific literature lacks a more detailed elaboration of conceptual models for strengthening a country's economic security for an effective prevention and overcoming of threats to national economic interests.

The aim of the article is to develop a conceptual model for strengthening the economic security of the Republic of Azerbaijan in order to counteract risks and threats and prevent their negative impact and damage to the national economy and the welfare of the population.

When developing a new concept for strengthening economic security in Azerbaijan, it is necessary to consider the four main phases that the country will pass through in the event of deciding to radically reform the economic system:

1) carrying out scientific and practical research;

2) destructing the old economic model and forming fundamentally new economic systems. Depending on the quality of the first phase, there observed different levels of inflation and decline in production;

3) financial stabilization of the national economy, the effectiveness of which depends on the political will and rational management decisions of the national government, but its achievement is sometimes accompanied by imbalances in the economic structure (e.g., for example, an imbalance between government obligations to finance budget expenditures and the possibility of securing them may lead to forced excess cash emission, monetary restriction, etc.);

4) growth and development, which marks the beginning of a recovery of the economy and comes

after the transformation of the main economic institutions of the society [1].

Under these conditions, security in the economic sphere is a compulsory system of measures aimed at protecting the national interests of Azerbaijan in the field of the economy, which have a regulatory impact on it and actively counteract external and internal threats, no matter where they are from.

The current development of the economy of Azerbaijan indicates that there is still a significant dependence on the production of oil and oil products. Fluctuations in world oil prices have led to a reduction in the efficiency of forecasting oil export revenues. Therefore, today the issues of the diversification of the national economy, assessment of the level of potential in this area, accounting and monitoring of the main problems in ensuring economic growth, as well as strengthening of innovation activity for the formation of the information society are becoming more and more relevant.

To counteract negative phenomena in the sphere of socioeconomic security, Azerbaijan needs an active state strategy.

The subject of state activities in the field of economic security is the identification and monitoring of factors that undermine sustainability of the socioeconomic system of the country in the short and long term, as well as formation of economic policies that eliminate the harmful effects of these factors or mitigate them.

The strategy of economic security implies: + description of internal and external threats to

economic security; + definition of criteria and parameters of the state of the economy;

+ development of a mechanism for strengthening economic security of the country.

Strategic national interests of Azerbaijan in the field of economics are multifaceted. The Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About National Security" of June 29, 2004 states that the realization of the national interests of the Azerbaijan Republic is possible on the basis of the sovereignty; territorial integrity; stability of the country; sustainable economic development; economic cooperation at the subregional, regional, and global levels; creation of favorable conditions for economic development [16].


n accordance with the Law, the national interests of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the sphere of economics include:

+ + + +



increase in economic potential;

development of a market economy, improvement

of its legal basis;

ensuring economic stability;

creation of favorable conditions for internal and

external investments for the purpose of economic


protection and rational use of natural and material resources;

ensuring free and equal participation in the formation and operation of regional and world markets [16].

When formulating the country's economic security strategy, the external aspects of providing economic security of Azerbaijan are indispensable. They present a set of international conditions for coexistence with other countries, arrangements and structures that enable the state to freely choose and implement a strategy of balanced development. At the same time, it should be noted that the economic security of the country directly depends on the current internal social and political processes.

The system of economic security consists of the legislative, executive, and judicial authorities, public and other organizations and associations, as well as statutory instruments regulating economic relations.

The comprehensive provision of Azerbaijan's economic security requires the development and implementation of a conceptual model and security mechanism that can strengthen the national economy in terms of the following characteristics:

1. Resistance to exogenous and endogenous threats - the ability to withstand destabilizing factors of internal and external origin, including unpredictable threats and those that are difficult to predict, by means of relevant security institutions; reserves; stocks; legal, organizational and economic instruments for protecting the interests of the population and economic entities.

2. Capability of the national economic system for self-reproduction and self-development - the ability of regions to ensure reproductive processes, meet the needs of the population, adhere to the concept of sustainable economic development.

3. Relative economic self-sufficiency - the country's independence when choosing a strategy for using resources and real property assets; developing industry, agriculture, services, regional infrastructure, education and science.

4. Strength of the links between elements of the national

economy - a major factor in the formation of a system of partnership between public authorities and business entities.

5. Ability to use competitive advantages through the formation and effective functioning of the state innovation system, the development of science and education in the modern areas of scientific and technological progress.

6. Compliance of the components of the economic security system with the regulatory level - the country's economic security must be ensured in a comprehensive manner for all its components.

7. Balance of inter-regional relations - the need for cooperation among regions, openness of the country's economy and regions [7].

On the basis of the systems approach and using methods of synthesis and analysis, a conceptual model for strengthening a country's economic security was formed and recommended for implementation in Azerbaijan (Fig. 1).

The presented model implies the achievement of the main goal of a country's economic security - counteracting

risks and threats in order to prevent their negative impact on and damage to the national economy and the welfare of the population.

The key role in terms of determining the areas of strengthening economic security is played by components of the economic security system, namely: production, investment, innovation, fiscal, foreign economic, food, energy, ecological, and informational ones. These components make it possible to form individual levels of the national economy, according to which potential threats and risks are identified.

In constructing the conceptual model, there used a systems method which has made it possible to distinguish the following principles of economic security management in a country:

+ principle of conformity, which implies that managerial decisions to increase the level of socioeconomic development meet the basic requirements of the system of economic security of the country and its regions; + principle of unity, which emphasizes that all managerial decisions regarding the provision of economic security at different levels of state regulation are aimed at achieving a common goal of socioeconomic development of society; + principle of continuity, which involves a systematic control and adjustment of managerial decisions in connection with the possible emergence of new and transformation of existing negative impacts and threats;

+ principle of completeness, which suggests an opportunity to implement all managerial decisions under real conditions of the functioning of the country's socioeconomic systems; + principle of consistency, which implies the absence of contradictions between the basic structural components of the system of economic security of the country;

+ principle of perspectiveness, which provides an opportunity to implement measures on strengthening economic security that are adequate not only to the current level of economic security of a region but to its predicted (and / or planned) level in the future as well.

The system of indicators of economic security is one of the most important components of the proposed conceptual model. The adequacy of the selected indicators and the assessment system formed on their basis depends on the correctness of identifying the real state of the country's economic security and the ability to manage the economic system as well as to determine the conditions necessary to strengthen a country's economic immunity as a result of its impact on the structural components of economic security.

The analysis of Azerbaijan's legal framework shows that the country has not adopted the concept and strategy of economic security. The legal platform for enhancing security of the Azerbaijan economy is laid down in the Law on

BI3HECIHQOPM № 1 '2019


Legal system

Institutional environment

ES concept

ES strategy

Regional ES programs

Subjects involved in strengthening ES

Governmental authorities

Population of the country

Components of the ES system

Principles of ES management

Key indicators for evaluation of the ES system


Mechanism for strengthening a country's ES

1 T

Main areas


Functional components


Objects of economic security

Fig. 1. Conceptual model for strengthening a country's economic security Source: developed by the authors based on [17; 12].

National Security approved by Milli Mejlis of the Azerbaijan Republic in 2004, and in the National Security Concept approved by the Presidential Decree of Azerbaijan on May 23, 2007. The main measures of these legislative documents include ensuring economic independence by raising economic potential of Azerbaijan, development of market relations, integration into the world economic space, etc.

In our opinion, the modern realities of the global economic development and the internal socioeconomic priorities of the Azerbaijan government require the formation of a separate effective concept and strategy of economic security for the Azerbaijan Republic in order to identify specific strategic goals and measures that would fully envisage the consideration of economic potential and prospects of the sustainable development of the country. The concept of state policy in the sphere of economic security aims at identifying and monitoring factors that undermine the sustainability of the socioeconomic system of the state in the short and long term as well as the formation of economic policies that eliminate the harmful effects of these factors or mitigate them. The state's strategy in the field of ensuring economic security should facilitate the creation of mechanisms for elaborating measures to develop and strengthen positive phenomena and processes in the economy and mitigate negative ones.

The concept of economic security should lay the foundations of the state policy to ensure the economic security of the Republic of Azerbaijan, which include:

+ establishing an information base for objective and comprehensive monitoring of the economy and society and implementing the monitoring in order to identify and predict internal and external threats to the vital interests of the objects of economic security;

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+ developing a set of measures for the prevention and neutralization of internal and external threats, evaluation of the results of their implementation; + creating conditions for the implementation of the set of measures to ensure economic security [1].

At the same time, the strategy of economic security

should include: +



description of internal and external threats to economic security;

definition of criteria and parameters of the state of the economy;

development of a mechanism for strengthening the country's economic security [1].

In general, the state strategy of Azerbaijan in the sphere of security should be developed and implemented in the framework of the conducted economic policy, the main priorities of which are to ensure a stable socio-economic

position of an individual, socioeconomic, military and political stability of the society, observance of constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen.

It is worth noting that the main strategic goals of Azerbaijan's economic policy are currently quite prudent and rational, including the development of the oil sector; improvement of transport, transit, and logistics infrastructure; balanced development of regions; provision of the transition to the information society; development of human capital and an effective system of social protection; enhancement of institutional capacity; development of civil society; protection of the environment, etc.

The state and regional level of economic security cannot be ensured without proper support at the enterprise level. Each business entity is a component of the country's economic system and a potentially vulnerable element that may affect the overall equilibrium of the entire system. Therefore, the formation of systems security foundations for each individual economic entity of the national economy is a guarantee of the protection of the economic system as a whole. To this end, international standards of economic security have been formed in the world system of economic relations, which created unified basic conditions for the protection of the global economic system and international relations at the micro level.

Many years of work of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) have resulted in the creation of documents concerning issues of development and unification of the standards of economic security, which consider all the main components of accounting and risk management in activities of a business entity. The introduction of security standards at the enterprise level allows for "defining the context" in the system of initial conditions for ensuring the economic security of an organization and allows the organization to set goals, conditions under which it seeks to achieve its goals, identify stakeholders and risk criteria (acceptable levels). The qualitatively developed on the basis of international experience standards of economic security of an organization make it possible to assess the level of security of the organization, its competitiveness, which is especially important in strategic development planning, including in the implementation of investment projects.

The practice shows that, under conditions of globalization of the world economy and increasing competition of world economies, the economic stability of the functioning of all economic entities does not depend on the forms of ownership and the level of capitalization. Therefore, under modern economic conditions, enhancing economic security of Azerbaijan's enterprises is one of the main guarantees of an effective development of the economy of the country as a whole, including ensuring a high level of its competitiveness in the world community.

A key role in the proposed conceptual model is played by the mechanism for strengthening a country's economic security, aimed at ensuring the stability and balance of the national economy in the long run. Let us consider this mechanism in more detail (Fig. 2).

Thus, the presented mechanism is a structuring of the main elements a country's economic security system and areas of its improvement, aimed at providing favorable conditions for stimulating economic growth and timely detection and counteraction to potential threats and risks for the development of the national economy.

This mechanism should play a number of important functions, namely:

+ protective function, which involves the protection of the economic system from internal and external hazards, the realization of which is directly related to the formation and use of resource potential of the regional economy; + regulatory function, which implies the neutralization of risks and guarantee of economic security take place through mechanisms represented by various subsystems of economic relations (the mechanism of state regulation of the economy, market, enterprise); + preventive function, which is in averting critical situations in economic processes: developing measures of socioeconomic, organizational and technical nature, aimed at neutralizing threats and improving the protective functions of the system; + innovative function, which suggests the ability of economic security to stimulate the search for non-traditional solutions in preventing possible negative effects caused by threats in the regional economy;

+ diagnostic function, which means that the development of relevant concepts, programs, practical policies, legal and institutional infrastructure must undergo compulsory diagnosis in terms of economic security; + social function, which suggests the ability of an economy to satisfy the interests of economic actors and social groups, all members of society [20].

The economic security of a country is inextricably linked with the development of the information society and the introduction of information and communication technologies (ICT) in all spheres of the economy.

Strengthening security and increasing trust in using ICT is one of the most important factors in the development of the information society of Azerbaijan. Today this aspect is paid close attention in developed world countries, first and foremost, due to the threat of unauthorized acquisition of economic information. It involves network security issues, data security management, electronic transaction security, including authentication of electronic documents and protection against spam of business entities, government bodies and other organizations that form the core of the national economy. All of these types of protection have formed the concept of cybersecurity in the world of scientific and practical information activities. For Azerbaijan, this issue is also extremely relevant.

In order to protect economic and other types of information, a special Electronic Security Center under the Ministry of Communications and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan has been formed in the country. This



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Mechanism for strengthening a country's economic security

Subjects of economic security



The main directions for strengthening ES

1. Improvement of the system for monitoring and predicting factors that present threats to ES

2. Formation of threshold values and riskareas for industries on the basis of recent advances i n science and technology

3. Improvement of measures to regulate the provision of ES, the implementation of which is assigned to executive authorities

4. Improvement of measures to regulate the provision of ES, the implementation of which is assigned to local self-government authorities


Functional elements of the mechanism for strengthening ES

1. Collection, processing and systematization of statistical and other information on peculiarities of the functioning and development of the economy, in particular, the nature and extent of threats to ES

2. Scientific substantiation of indicators and criteria of ES, as well as methodological tools for assessing the degree of protection of structural elements of the national economy

3. Improvement of the legal framework for regulating security of economic sectors as well as its regular updating in changing operating environment

4. Substantiation and elaboration of a long-term ES strategy, as well as its systematic updating and adjustment

5. Mid-term and short-term forecasting and planning of ES-related activities envisaged by the concept and strategy

6. Development of interconnections between ES at all levels of government with a view to distributing and improving functions and responsibilities

Objects of ensuring economic security of a country Fig. 2. Mechanism for strengthening a country's economic security.

Source: Developed by the authors based on [18; 19; 14].

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organization, created on the basis of Part 5 of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated September 26, 2012 No. 708, is a state body that provides coordination of activities of information infrastructure subjects in the field of cybersecurity; information on existing and potential electronic threats at the country level; education of the population, private and other structures in the field of cybersecurity; methodological assistance [21].

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU), a world organization defining standards in the field of telecommunications and radio, annually publishes the Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI), which is a survey measuring the commitment of countries to cybersecurity at a global level. Published for the first time in 2014, the GCI was created to promote the development of a global culture

of cybersecurity and its integration into the basis of ICT. The Index defines the obligations of ITU member states regarding cybersecurity in order to facilitate further efforts in the adoption and integration of cybersecurity on a global scale.

When calculating the Global Cybersecurity Index, experts rely on five pillars: availability of legal systems and structures dealing with issues of cybersecurity and cybercrime; technical capabilities in the field of cybersecurity; existence of institutes for coordinating cybersecurity policies and strategies at the state level; availability of research, educational and preparatory programs, as well as certified specialists and state institutions that contribute to building capacity in the field of information security; availability of partnerships, cooperation mechanisms, and information exchange systems. The values of these indicators and the general index are presented in Tbl. 1.

Table 1

Scores of the selected post-Soviet countries for the GCI pillars in 2015

Country Legal measures Technical measures Organizational structures Capacity building International cooperation Global index Regional ranking

Azerbaijan 0.75 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5294 1

Georgia 0.75 0.6667 0.75 0.25 0.25 0.5 2

Russia 1 0.3333 0.5 0.375 0.5 0.5 2

Moldova 0.75 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.375 0.3824 3

Ukraine 0.75 0.3333 0.25 0.125 0.5 0.3529 4

Armenia 0.5 0.5 0 0 0.125 0.1765 5

Belarus 0.75 0.3333 0 0 0.125 0.1765 5

Kazakhstan 0.75 0.3333 0 0 0.125 0.1765 5

Tajikistan 0.75 0 0 0 0.25 0.1471 6

Uzbekistan 0.75 0.1667 0 0 0.125 0.1471 6

Kyrgyzstan 0.5 0 0 0 0.25 0.1176 7

Turkmenistan 0.75 0 0 0 0 0.0882 8

Source: The International Telecommunication Union.

As is seen, in 2015 Azerbaijan ranked 1st among the post-Soviet countries in the GCI with its index equal to 0.5294, being narrowly ahead of Russia and Georgia, which indexed were at 0.5. In the global ranking, the Republic of Azerbaijan was the 11th out of 196 countries.

In 2017, the GCI included 193 countries. Only 38 % of them had a robust cybersecurity system that could ensure protection against hacker attacks, another 12 % were in the process of developing a similar strategy.

According to the report, in 2017 Azerbaijan was the 48th in the world ranking. The position of the country among the post-Soviet countries is shown in Tbl. 2.

As is seen from the data in Tbl. 2, in 2017 Azerbaijan was the 4th among the selected post-Soviet countries and the 48th among 193 countries of the world. The GCI of Azerbaijan did not change starting from 2015, due to which the

country lost 37 positions. The best achievements among the analyzed countries had Georgia and Russia, which rose by 4 and 2 positions respectively. All the other countries, including Azerbaijan and Ukraine, fell in the ranking.

In recent years, in Azerbaijan, decisive steps aimed at reforming the economy and transiting to qualitatively new forms of management have been taken. Undoubtedly, the Republic of Azerbaijan has a powerful economic potential and it will help to raise the standard of living of its population. The state should focus its efforts on creating equal conditions for developing and increasing competitiveness of enterprises regardless of the form of ownership, for attracting foreign investments, elaborating an effective mechanism to monitor compliance with legislation, strengthening state regulation in the economy, and taking necessary measures to ensure reliable protection of all sectors of the national economy.

Table 2

Dynamics of the GCI of the selected post-Soviet countries

Country of the region Index value Place in the global ranking

2015 2017 Change

Georgia 0.819 12 8 +4

Russia 0.788 12 10 +2

Belarus 0.592 23 39 -16

Azerbaijan 0.559 11 48 -37

Ukraine 0.501 17 59 -42

Moldova 0.418 16 73 -57

Kazakhstan 0.352 23 83 -60

Tajikistan 0.292 24 91 -67

Uzbekistan 0.277 24 93 -69

Kyrgyzstan 0.27 25 97 -72

Armenia 0.196 23 111 -88

Turkmenistan 0.133 26 132 -106

Source: The International Telecommunication Union.


Consequently, the scientific comprehension of the complex of problems associated with the development and implementation of the state policy to ensure economic security, is now of particular importance in Azerbaijan, since their solution will contribute to the development of the information society in the country, sustainable development of all sectors of the economy and increase in the level of welfare of the population.

The proposed conceptual model for strengthening Azerbaijan's economic security facilitates achieving the main objective of the country's economic security - counteracting risks and threats in order to prevent their negative impact and damage to the national economy and the welfare of the population. A key role in the proposed conceptual model is played by the mechanism for strengthening a country's economic security, aimed at ensuring the stability and balance of the national economy in the long run. It represents the structuring of the main components and areas for improving the system of economic security of the country in order to ensure favorable conditions for stimulating economic growth and timely response to potential threats and risks associate with the development of the national economy. ■


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