Научная статья на тему 'role and place of economic security in the system of state regulation providing for national security of Ukraine'

role and place of economic security in the system of state regulation providing for national security of Ukraine Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
state regulation / national security / economic security / political security / environmental security / military security / information security / social security / scientific and technological security / mechanisms of state regulation / державне управління / національна безпека / економічна безпека / політична безпека / екологічна безпека / воєнна безпека / інформаційна безпека / соціальна безпека / науково-технологічна безпека / механізм державного управління

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Akimova Lyudmila Nikolayevna

The essence of such concepts as “national security”, “economic security” is disclosed; the components of the national and economic security of Ukraine are defined; mechanisms of public administration economic security; the main indicators of economic security are described; detected threats that affect economic security; Recommendations are developed to improve the effectiveness of implemented measures to minimize existing threats. It is determined that at present state administration of the subjects of ensuring national security taking into account real and potential threats should be directed to the improvement of the organizational structure of the management of the subjects of ensuring national security, namely: clarification of the functions of ministries and other central executive bodies, elimination of surplus administrative units, simplification and relatively cheaper control of the management apparatus, taking into account the assessment of the impact of information networks on the management of entities with bezpechennya national security in a single information space. Having considered the components of national security, it was concluded that the most important in the overall system of national security is economic security, since it is the material basis of national sovereignty, which determines the real possibilities for securing other types of security. It is noted that the main content of economic reforms in Ukraine is the creation of conditions for overcoming poverty and excessive property stratification in society, bringing social standards closer to the level of the states of Central and Eastern Europe — the EU member states, achieving the economic criteria necessary for Ukraine to become a member of the EU. According to the adopted “Strategy of National Security of Ukraine”, the main condition for a new quality of economic growth is the provision of economic security.

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Розкрито сутність таких понять, як “національна безпека”, “економічна безпека”; визначено складові національної та економічної безпеки України; механізми державного управління економічною безпекою, схарактеризовано основні індикатори економічної безпеки; виявлено загрози, які впливають на економічну безпеку; розроблено рекомендації щодо підвищення ефективності впроваджених заходів та мінімізації наявних загроз. Визначено, що на сьогодні державне управління суб’єктами забезпечення національної безпеки з урахуванням реальних і потенційних загроз має бути направлене на вдосконалення організаційної структури управління суб’єктів забезпечення національної безпеки, а саме: уточнення функцій міністерств та інших центральних органів виконавчої влади, ліквідацію надлишкових управлінських підрозділів, спрощення і відносно здешевлення апарату управління з урахуванням оцінювання впливу інформаційних мереж на організацію управління суб’єктами забезпечення національної безпеки в єдиному інформаційному просторі. Розглянувши складові національної безпеки, дійдемо висновку, що найважливішою в загальній системі національної безпеки є економічна безпека, оскільки вона є матеріальною основою національної суверенності, що визначає реальні можливості в забезпеченні інших видів безпеки. Зазначено, що основним змістом економічних реформ в Україні є створення умов для подолання бідності і надмірного майнового розшарування в суспільстві, наближення соціальних стандартів до рівня держав Центральної і Східної Європи — членів ЄС, досягнення економічних критеріїв, необхідних для набуття Україною членства в ЄС. Відповідно до прийнятої “Стратегії національної безпеки України” основною умовою нової якості економічного зростання є забезпечення економічної безпеки.

Текст научной работы на тему «role and place of economic security in the system of state regulation providing for national security of Ukraine»

UDC: 351.863:351.746.1

Akimova Lyudmila Nikolayevna,

PhD of economic science, assistant professor, assistant professor of the Department of finance and environmental sciences, National University of Water and Environment, 33000, Rivne, Str. Oleksy Novaka, 75, tel.: (067) 362 23 91, e-mail: l_akimova@ukr.net

ORCID: 0000-0002-2747-2775 Атмова Людмила Миколагвна, кандидат eKOHOMiuHux наук, доцент, доцент кафедри фтанав i природокористу-вання, Нацональний утверситет водного господарства та природокористування, 33000, м. Рiвне, вул. Олекси Новака, 75, тел.: (067) 362 23 91, e-mail: l_akimova@ ukr.net

ORCID: 0000-0002-2747-2775 Акимова Людмила Николаевна,

кандидат экономических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры финансов и природопользования, Национальный университет водного хозяйства и природопользования, 33000, г. Ровно, ул. Алексея Новака, 75, тел.: (067) 362 23 91, e-mail: l_akimova@ukr.net

ORCID: 0000-0002-2747-2775

DOI https://doi.org/10.31618/vadnd.v1i12.75


Abstract. The essence of such concepts as "national security", "economic security" is disclosed; the components of the national and economic security of Ukraine are defined; mechanisms of public administration economic security; the main indicators of economic security are described; detected threats that affect economic security; Recommendations are developed to improve the effectiveness of implemented measures to minimize existing threats.

It is determined that at present state administration of the subjects of ensuring national security taking into account real and potential threats should be directed to the improvement of the organizational structure of the management of the subjects of ensuring national security, namely: clarification of the functions of

ministries and other central executive bodies, elimination of surplus administrative units, simplification and relatively cheaper control of the management apparatus, taking into account the assessment of the impact of information networks on the management of entities with bezpechennya national security in a single information space.

Having considered the components of national security, it was concluded that the most important in the overall system of national security is economic security, since it is the material basis of national sovereignty, which determines the real possibilities for securing other types of security.

It is noted that the main content of economic reforms in Ukraine is the creation of conditions for overcoming poverty and excessive property stratification in society, bringing social standards closer to the level of the states of Central and Eastern Europe — the EU member states, achieving the economic criteria necessary for Ukraine to become a member of the EU. According to the adopted "Strategy of National Security of Ukraine", the main condition for a new quality of economic growth is the provision of economic security.

Keywords: state regulation, national security, economic security, political security, environmental security, military security, information security, social security, scientific and technological security, mechanisms of state regulation.


Анотащя. Розкрито сутшсть таких понять, як "нацюнальна безпека", "eKOHOMÍ4Ha безпека"; визначено складовi нацюнально! га eK0H0MÍ4H0i без-пеки Украши; мехашзми державного управлшня економiчною безпекою, схаракгеризовано основш шдикатори економiчноi безпеки; виявлено загро-зи, як впливають на економiчну безпеку; розроблено рекомендаци щодо шд-вищення ефективносп впроваджених заходiв га мiнiмiзацii наявних загроз.

Визначено, що на сьогодш державне управлшня суб'ектами забезпечен-ня нацюнально! безпеки з урахуванням реальних i потенцшних загроз мае бути направлене на вдосконалення оргашзацшно! структури управлшня суб'екпв забезпечення нацюнально! безпеки, а саме: уточнення функцш mí-шстерств та шших центральних оргашв виконавчо! влади, лшвщащю над-лишкових управлшських шдроздшв, спрощення i ввдносно здешевлення апарату управлíння з урахуванням оцшювання впливу íнформацíйних мереж на оргашзацш управлíння суб'ектами забезпечення нацюнально! безпеки в единому шформацшному простора

Розглянувши складовi нацíональноi безпеки, дíйдемо висновку, що най-важливíшою в загальнíй CTereMi нацíональноi безпеки е економíчна безпека, оскшьки вона е магерíальною основою нацюнально! суверенности що ви-значае реальш можливосгí в забезпеченнí шших видiв безпеки.

Зазначено, що основним змютом економíчних реформ в Укра!ш е ство-рення умов для подолання бщносп i надмíрного майнового розшаруван-

ня в сустльст, наближення сощальних стандарт до рiвня держав Центрально! i Схвдно! бвропи — членiв 6С, досягнення економiчних критерив, необхщних для набуття Укра!ною членства в 6С. Вiдповiдно до прийнято! "Стратеги нащонально! безпеки Укра!ни" основною умовою ново! якостi економiчного зростання е забезпечення економiчно! безпеки.

Ключовi слова: державне управлiння, нацiональна безпека, економiчна безпека, полiтична безпека, екологiчна безпека, военна безпека, шформацш-на безпека, сощальна безпека, науково-технологiчна безпека, мехашзм державного управлiння.


Аннотация. Раскрыта сущность таких понятий, как "национальная безопасность", "экономическая безопасность"; определены составляющие национальной и экономической безопасности Украины; механизмы государственного управления экономической безопасностью; охарактеризованы основные индикаторы экономической безопасности; обнаруженны угрозы, которые влияют на экономическую безопасность; разработаны рекомендации по повышению эффективности внедренных мероприятий и минимизации имеющихся угроз.

Определено, что в настоящее время государственное управление субъектами обеспечения национальной безопасности с учетом реальных и потенциальных угроз должно быть направлено на совершенствование организационной структуры управления субъектов обеспечения национальной безопасности, а именно: уточнение функций министерств и других центральных органов исполнительной власти, ликвидацию избыточных управленческих подразделений, упрощение и относительно удешевление аппарата управления на основе оценки влияния информационных сетей на организацию управления субъектами обеспечения национальной безопасности в едином информационном пространстве.

Рассмотрев составляющие национальной безопасности, можно констатировать, что важнейшим в общей системе национальной безопасности является экономическая безопасность, поскольку она является материальной основой национальной суверенности, что определяет реальные возможности в обеспечении других видов безопасности.

Отмечено, что основным содержанием экономических реформ в Украине является создание условий для преодоления бедности и чрезмерного имущественного расслоения в обществе, приближение социальных стандартов до уровня государств Центральной и Восточной Европы — членов ЕС, достижение экономических критериев, необходимых для обретения Украиной членства в ЕС. Согласно принятой "Стратегии национальной безопасности Украины" основным условием нового качества экономического роста является обеспечение экономической безопасности.

Ключевые слова: государственное управление, национальная безопасность, экономическая безопасность, политическая безопасность, экологическая безопасность, военная безопасность, информационная безопасность, социальная безопасность, научно-технологическая безопасность, механизм государственного управления.

Formulation of the problem. In

today's globalization, each country is striving for economic independence. In particular, the question of determining the role and place of economic security in the overall system of state regulation of ensuring national security of Ukraine is important for achieving this result. In today's realities, we can see a tendency regarding the impact of the factors threatening the state activities. In the future, these can all lead to a decrease in the level of economic security of Ukraine, which in turn will greatly affect the national security of the country as a whole.

Analysis of the recent research and publications. Determining the role and place of economic security in the system of ensuring the national security of Ukraine is one of the most important topics that is reflected in the works of national scholars: O. Baranovsky, I. Bodnar, E. Burovlev, A. Vasin, L. Gerasimenko, O. Hryt-senko, C. Dzyubik, T. Zhyluk, O. Krav-chuk, O. Koristin, S. Makuha, A. Mel-nyk, Y. Mironova, I. Mygus, M. Nebava, S. Onyshko, T. Popovich, T. Poznana, G. Pukhtayevich , O. Rivak, G. Sta-rostenko, V. Stogniy, L. Shevchenko, and many other scientists.

The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence of such concepts as "national security", "economic security"; to identify the components of national and economic security of Ukraine; to

characterize the main indicators of economic security; to identify the threats affecting economic security; to develop recommendations for improving the effectiveness of implemented measures to minimize existing threats.

Essential part. The state is the main institution that creates the appropriate conditions for the functioning of each economic entity. But in spite of this, one should not forget that the state should be protected from the threats that could affect its economy. To do this, there is a mechanism of state regulation of national security that provides all spheres of public life, the economic security being one of the most important components. For a better understanding of this issue, it is appropriate to consider the definition of "national security" and "economic security".

Article 1 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Fundamentals of National Security of Ukraine" states that national security is the protection of vital interests of a person and a citizen, a society and a state, ensuring the country's sustainable development, timely detection, prevention and neutralization of real and potential threats to the national interests in various activities [1].

It should be noted that the leading component of the national security of the state is economic security, which performing well-defined functions, has a significant functional load. In the economic literature there is no single

definition of the concept of "economic security". According to S. Dzyubyk and O. Rivak, economic security of the state is a state of the economy and authorities, which guarantees the protection of national interests, harmonious, socially oriented development of the country as a whole, sufficient economic and defense potential, even for the most unfavorable variants of development of internal and external processes [2].

However, O. Koristin believes that economic security should be interpreted as ensuring the ability to survive in the event of natural and environmental disasters or in the face of national and world economic disasters [3]. Scientists G. Starostenko, S. Onyshko and T. Posnov argue that economic security is a complex multifactorial dynamic system, which is expressed in its scale, structure and technical level [4].

We agree with the majority of researchers that economic security contributes to the creation of a reliable state, which is provided with all necessary means, the protection of national and state interests in the field of economy.

According to the Law of Ukraine "On the Fundamentals of National Security of Ukraine", the main subjects that provide national security are: 1) the President of Ukraine; 2) the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine; 3) the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine; 4) National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine; 5) ministries and other central executive bodies; 6) the National Bank of Ukraine; 7) the courts of general jurisdiction; 8) the Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine; 9) the National AntiCorruption Bureau of Ukraine; 10) the local authorities and the local self-gov-

ernment bodies; 11) the Armed Forces of Ukraine; 12) the Security Service of Ukraine; 13) the External Intelligence Service of Ukraine; 14) the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine and other military formations formed in accordance with the laws of Ukraine; 15) the civil protection bodies and units; 16) the citizens of Ukraine, associations of citizens [1].

In Article 9 of the above-mentioned Law it is stated that according to the Constitution and on the basis of the legislative acts of Ukraine, the subjects are endowed with the following powers:

The President of Ukraine as the head of state, the guarantor of the state sovereignty, territorial integrity of Ukraine, the observance of the Constitution of Ukraine, human and civil rights and freedoms, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Chairman of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine carry out general management in the areas of national security and defense of Ukraine.

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, within the limits of the powers determined by the Constitution of Ukraine, defines the principles of internal and foreign policy, the basis of national security, forms the legislative base in this area, approves decisions on the introduction of emergency and martial law, mobilization, determination of the general structure, number, functions of the Armed Forces Ukraine and other military formations established in accordance with the laws of Ukraine.

The National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine coordinates and controls the activities of executive au-

thorities in the areas of national security and defense; taking into account changes in the geopolitical situation, makes proposals to the President of Ukraine to clarify the Strategy of National Security of Ukraine and the Military Doctrine of Ukraine.

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, as the supreme body in the system of executive bodies, ensures state sovereignty and economic independence of Ukraine, takes measures to ensure the rights and freedoms of a man and a citizen, defense, national security of Ukraine, public order and the fight against crime.

In accordance with the main principles of monetary policy, the National Bank of Ukraine determines and implements monetary policy in the interests of national security of Ukraine [1].

Ministries, other central executive authorities, the Security Service of Ukraine and the Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine, within the limits of their authority, ensure implementation of the tasks provided for by the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, acts of the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, carry out the implementation of the concepts, programs in the field of national security, support the forces and means of ensuring national security in the state of readiness for the use [1].

The local authorities and local self-government bodies provide for resolution of the issues in the field of national security, assigned by the legislation to their competence.

The military organization of the state provides defense of Ukraine, protection of its sovereignty, territorial

integrity and inviolability of borders; counteracts the external threats of the military character. Civil protection bodies and units take measures to protect the population and territories from emergency situations in peacetime and during a special period.

Law enforcement agencies are fighting crime and counteracting terrorism. Courts of general jurisdiction carry out proceedings in cases of crimes that are detrimental to the national security of Ukraine.

The Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine exercises powers in the sphere of national security of Ukraine in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine and the Law of Ukraine "On the Pro_ secutor's Office of Ukraine" [1].

The citizens of Ukraine, through participation in elections, referendums and other forms of direct democracy, as well as through the state authorities and local self-government bodies, which they choose, realize national interests, voluntarily and in accordance with the constitutional duties, carry out measures determined by the legislation of Ukraine regarding the ensuring of its national security; both directly and through the associations of citizens, draw the attention of public and state institutions to dangerous phenomena and processes in various spheres of vital activities of the country; legally and lawfully protecting their own rights and interests, as well as their own security [1].

Consequently, the aforementioned subjects are the participants of the corresponding legal relations, which have subjective rights and fulfill legal obligations for ensuring national security. In the general sense of the subject of

the national security provision, one can perceive any element of the state structure, from the supreme bodies of state power to each individual citizen, since they are united by the common goal — national security.

At present, the state administration of the subjects ensuring national security taking into account real and potential threats should be directed to the improvement of the organizational structure of the management of the subjects ensuring national security, namely: the clarification of the functions of ministries and other central executive bodies, the elimination of redundant administrative divisions, the simplification and relatively cheaper control of the management apparatus, considering the assessment of the im-

pact of information networks on the regulation of the entities providing national security in a single information space.

In order to better understand the importance of such an element as economic security, we suggest considering the structural scheme of national security (see Fig. 1).

As we see from fig. 1 the national security of the state is presented by:

• Political security, which is a stable state and effective development of the political system of society that allows you to respond adequately to negative internal and external actions, to preserve the integrity of the society and its essential qualities [5, p. 82].

• Economic security is a state of the national economy providing for

External and internal environment

National Security

of the state





i i

state policy

Fig. 1. The scheme of national security of ukraine1

1 Source: compiled by the author on the basis of the source [3].

Threats to national security

National interests of the state

the protection of national interests, the resistance to internal and external threats and the ability to develop and protect the vital interests of people, society and the state [6].

• Ecologial safety is the state of the environment, which prevents deterioration of the environmental situation and the emergence of danger to human health [7].

• Military security is a state of law that allows: to restrict and consistently reduce the level of military threat and military danger of the use of armed force against the state through security policy; in the event of a military conflict — to repel aggression and to exclude or to limit as much as possible the destructive manifestation of armed forces within the state [8].

• Information security is a set of means of ensuring information sovereignty of Ukraine, protection of the information sphere from external and internal information threats [9, p. 69].

• Social security is the state of society, including all major areas of production, social sphere, protection of internal constitutional order, external security, culture, in which the nominal level of social conditions and social, material, sanitary-epidemiological, ecological, psychological benefits, etc. are ensured, determining the quality of life of a person and society as a whole and guaranteeing the minimum risk for life, physical and mental health of people


• Scientific and technological security is the degree (measure, level) of protection of vital interests of a person, society and the state from inappropriate development (lack of strategy for

the development of innovative, socioeconomic, ecologically balanced components) [10, p. 35].

Having examined the components of national security, we consider that the most important in the overall system of national security is economic security, because it is the material basis of national sovereignty, which determines the real possibilities in providing other types of security. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the main components of Ukraine's economic security (Fig. 2).

In order to trace the state of economic security, its level is determined by means of a set of indicators, which have quantitative expression. Indicators of economic security are real statistical indicators of the country's economic development, which most fully characterize the phenomena and trends in the economic sphere [12].

In order to determine this level, experts identify certain groups of indicators:

1. The first group includes indicators of economic growth. These are the most important indicators of economic security. Among them there are the main reproductive macroeconomic indicators of the general plan (gross domestic product, gross national product, national income in absolute and relative terms), as well as the dynamics and structure of domestic production and income, volumes and rates of industrial production, the sectoral structure of the economy and the dynamics of individual branches, volumes and structure of investments, etc.

2. The second group reveals the natural resource, production, scientific and technical, innovation-technologi-

Fig. 2. The main components of economic security of ukraine2

cal and other aspects of the country's economic potential [13, p. 48].

3. The indicators of the third group characterize various parameters of the economic mechanism, first of all its dynamism, adaptability, dependence on external influence. These include indicators of inflation, the balance of payments deficit, the stability of the national currency (the level of do-llarization, monetization, etc.), internal and external debt.

4. The fourth group of indicators reflects the quality of life in the country. The main among them is GDP, calculated per capita. It reflects the general level of the overall economic development and through it — the quality, level and life expectancy of the popula-

2 Source: compiled by the author on the basis of the source [11].

tion, the health of the nation, food security, education level, etc. This group also includes indicators of income, employment and unemployment, the state of the environment, the crime level [13, p. 49].

It is worth noting that the gross domestic product of Ukraine in January-June 2017 increased by 2,5 %, and inflation was 7,6 %. Despite the positive dynamics of GDP in general, Ukraine's industry in the first half of 2017 demonstrated a slight but still negative dynamics. The volume of industrial production decreased by 0,4 %: the output in the mining industry and power sector fell by 6 % and 5,6 % respectively, while the processing industry grew by 3,6 %. In agriculture, the output decreased by 2,1 %. In crop production, there was a fall of 8,5 %, and in animal husbandry — the reduction was 0,9 %.

Due to unfavorable weather in spring and early summer, the yield of winter wheat was much lower than last year — it was 33,4 centners/hectare on July 1 (-12,3 %). The yield of wheat was low in southern and central areas affected by drought. Relatively high yield was in Odesa region (55,8 centners/hectare) and western oblasts.

In the first half of the year, positive dynamics was demonstrated by wholesale trade turnover (+ 1,5 %), and cargo turnover increased by 9,1 % y/y. Significant was the growth in construction — by 24,6 %. The volume of construction of buildings increased by 28,7 %, non-residential buildings — by 27,3 %. The growth rates in these two sectors were the highest since the beginning of the year. The volume of construction of residential buildings grew by 16,5 % — more than in the first five months of the year, but lower than in the first quarter.

Large and medium-sized enterprises of Ukraine in January-June of 2017 received UAH 186,3 billion in profit before taxation, which is 3 times higher than the indicator for the same period of the previous year at the level of 62,9 billion hryvnias. The share of unprofitable enterprises in Ukraine in January-June 2017 decreased to 31,2 % from 34,6 % a year earlier.

In the first half of 2017, the key role in the development of the economy was played by the restoration of domestic demand and events in the East of the country. At the same time, the support of the economy in early 2017 provided private consumption, thanks to the restoration of real incomes growth and investment growth. In the first quarter of 2017, the growth of nominal incomes

of the population significantly accelerated due to their major components: social assistance and other received current transfers (increased by 31,8 %) and wages (increased by 25,9 %).

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The business expectations of enterprises and consumer confidence continued to improve. In addition, in the II quarter, capital expenditures for the consolidated budget increased significantly. Consequently, the volume of construction works continued to grow at high rates, even despite the increase in the base of comparison. In particular, the construction of engineering facilities has significantly intensified due to the transfer of a large part of customs duties within the framework of a "customs experiment" to rehabilitate road infrastructure. This indicates the preservation of the role of investment in economic growth. Consumer demand continued to grow in conditions of rising real wages of the population, the formation of positive consumer expectations against the backdrop of strengthening the hryvnia against the US dollar, as well as the gradual recovery of consumer lending.

Fiscal policy remained restrained in the implementation of budgets of all levels with a surplus. In January-May 2017, the positive balance of the consolidated budget reached 50,5 billion UAH due to the surplus of budgets of all levels. Consolidated budget revenues increased by 46 % year-on-year, including due to tax changes and additional resources (NBU transfers and confiscated funds). High growth rates of tax revenues (31,1 % yoy) were primarily secured by significant income from PIT (personal income tax), corporate income tax and VAT [14].

The indicators presented above may have better positions, but according to Art. 7 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Fundamentals of National Security of Ukraine", the main real and potential threats to the national security of Ukraine, stability in society, from an economic point of view are: 1) a substantial reduction of the gross domestic product, the decrease of investment and innovation activity and scientific and technological potential, reduction of the research on strategically important directions of innovation development; 2) weakening of the system of state regulation and control in the field of economics; 3) instability in the legal regulation of relations in the sphere of economy, including financial (fiscal) policy of the state; 4) the absence of an effective program to prevent financial crises; 5) the growth of credit risks; 6) the critical state of the main production assets in the leading industries, agro-industrial complex, life support systems; 8) the insufficient pace of reproductive processes and overcoming structural deformation in the economy; 9) the critical dependence of the national economy on the conjuncture of foreign markets, low rates of expansion of the domestic market; 10) the inefficient structure of exports with a predominantly raw material nature and low specific weight of products with a high share of value added; 11) the large debt dependence of the state, the critical amounts of state external and internal debt; 12) the growth of the share of foreign capital in the strategic sectors of the economy is dangerous for Ukraine's economic independence; 13) the ineffectiveness of antitrust policy and mechanisms of state regu-

lation of natural monopolies, which complicates the creation of a competitive environment in the economy; 14) critical situation with food provision of the population; 15) the inefficiency of fuel and energy resources use, the insufficient rates of diversification of sources of their supply and the absence of active energy saving policy that threatens the energy security of the state; 16) the "shadowing" of the national economy; 17) the predominance of activity of administrative structures of personal, corporate, and regional interests over national [1].

It should be noted that the main content of economic reforms in Ukraine is the creation of conditions for the elimination of poverty and excessive property stratification in society, the approximation of social standards to the level of the states of Central and Eastern Europe — the EU members, the achievement of the economic criteria necessary for Ukraine to become a member of the EU. In accordance with the adopted "National Security Strategy of Ukraine", the main condition for a new quality of economic growth is the provision of economic security by:

1) controlling export-import activities aimed at supporting priorities important for Ukraine and protecting domestic producers;

2) combating illegal economic activity, counteracting the uncontrolled outflow of national material, financial, intellectual, informational and other resources;

3) increasing the sustainability of the national economy to negative external influences, diversification of external markets, trade and financial flows;

4) ensuring the readiness of the economy to reflect Ukraine's armed aggression;

5) legal protection in international institutions of property interests of individuals and legal entities of Ukraine and the Ukrainian state, violated by Russia;

6) stabilizing the banking system, ensuring transparency of monetary policy and restoring confidence in domestic financial institutions;

7) systematic counteraction to organized economic crime and "shadowing" of the economy on the basis of forming the advantages of legal economic activity and, at the same time, consolidating the institutional capacities of financial, tax, customs and law enforcement agencies, identifying assets of organized criminal groups and their confiscation;

8) creating the best conditions for investors in Central and Eastern Europe, attracting foreign investment in key sectors of the economy, in particular in the energy and transport sectors as a tool for ensuring national security;

9) developing the defense industry complex as a powerful high-tech sector of the economy capable of playing a key role in its accelerated innovation;

10) de-oligarchization, demonopo-lization and deregulation of the economy, protection of economic competition, simplification and optimization of the taxation system, the formation of a favorable business climate and conditions for accelerated innovation development;

11) ensuring the integrity and protection of infrastructure in situations of crisis, threatening national security, and a special period;

12) effective use of budget funds, international economic assistance and resources of international financial organizations, effective control over the state of public debt [15].

Consequently, economic security is an important element of the public administration system in ensuring national security in general. Economic security is one of the leading places in the system of ensuring national security of Ukraine and concerns almost all other components. We believe that compliance with the above recommendations will bring economic security to a new level, that is, consolidate its position, thereby strengthening the national security of Ukraine as a whole.

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