Научная статья на тему 'Conceptual relationships between the systems of ensuring the economic security of the state and the implementation of the state policy of import substitution'

Conceptual relationships between the systems of ensuring the economic security of the state and the implementation of the state policy of import substitution Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Lupak Ruslan L., Kunytska-Iliash Marta V.

The aim of the article is to substantiate the conceptual relationships between the systems of ensuring the economic security of the state and the implementation of the state policy of import substitution. It is noted that ensuring the economic security of the state should take place systematically in order to reach its acceptable level. Therefore, it is important to define all its elements taking into account their effectiveness, necessity, and objective character. According to these assumptions, the conceptual bases of combining the systems of ensuring the economic security of the state and implementing the state policy of import substitution are justified. At the same time, the state policy of import substitution is viewed as the one which can provide the list of directions and tools that would enable stabilizing the national economy, creating conditions for its sustainable development and ensure its self-sufficiency optimally and efficiently. The conceptual content of relationships and mutual influences of the system of state economic security and directions of implementing the state policy of import substitution is substantiated. Correspondingly, structural components, functional components and spatial characteristics are identified as elements of the system of ensuring the economic security of the state. The directions of implementing the state policy of import substitution are characterized taking into account the determinants of counteracting import dependence, priority spheres of regulation and segments of the internal market.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Conceptual relationships between the systems of ensuring the economic security of the state and the implementation of the state policy of import substitution»

UDC 351.862.4:339.562




UDC 351.862.4:339.562

Lupak R. L., Kunytska-Iliash M. V. Conceptual Relationships between the Systems of Ensuring the Economic Security of the State and the Implementation

of the State Policy of Import Substitution

The aim of the article is to substantiate the conceptual relationships between the systems of ensuring the economic security of the state and the implementation of the state policy of import substitution. It is noted that ensuring the economic security of the state should take place systematically in order to reach its acceptable level. Therefore, it is important to define all its elements taking into account their effectiveness, necessity, and objective character According to these assumptions, the conceptual bases of combining the systems of ensuring the economic security of the state and implementing the state policy of import substitution are justified. At the same time, the state policy of import substitution is viewed as the one which can provide the list of directions and tools that would enable stabilizing the national economy, creating conditions for its sustainable development and ensure its self-sufficiency optimally and efficiently. The conceptual content of relationships and mutual influences of the system of state economic security and directions of implementing the state policy of import substitution is substantiated. Correspondingly, structural components, functional components and spatial characteristics are identified as elements of the system of ensuring the economic security of the state. The directions of implementing the state policy of import substitution are characterized taking into account the determinants of counteracting import dependence, priority spheres of regulation and segments of the internal market. Keywords: economic security of the state, import substitution, state policy. Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 18.

Lupak Ruslan L. - Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, Lviv University of Trade and Economics (10 Tuhan-Baranovskoho Str., Lviv, 79005, Ukraine) E-mail: [email protected]

Kunytska-Iliash Marta V. - Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Senior Lecturer of the Department of Enterprise Economics, Innovation and Counseling in the Agroindustrial Complex named after I. V. Popovich, Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies named after S. Z. Gzhytskyi (50 Pekarska Str., Lviv, 79010, Ukraine) E-mail: [email protected]

УДК 351.862.4:339.562 Лупак Р. Л., Куницька-1ляш М. В. Концептуальн взаемозв'язки систем забезпечення економiчноi' безпеки держаеи та реалiзацii' державноI полтики iмпортозамiщення

Мета статтI полягае в об(рунтуванн'> концептуальних взаемозв'язшв систем забезпечення економ/чно/ безпеки держави та реалваци державно} полтики Iмпортозамщення. Зазначено, що забезпечення еко-ном/чно/ безпеки держави мае в/дбуватись системно, щоб досягти прийнятного рвня, а отже, важливо визначити ва // елементи з ура-хуванням дквост\, необхдност'!, об'ективного характеру. ЗгШного з такими припущеннями об(рунтовано концептуальн засади поед-нання систем забезпечення економчно/ безпеки держави та реал/зацИ державно/ полтики >мпортозамщення. При цьому державна пол/тика Iмпортозамщення розглядаеться як така, в якш можна оптимально та з високою ефектившстю закласти перел'ш напрямв та 'тстру-ментв що дозволять стаб/л/зувати, створити умови для стшкого розвитку та забезпечити самодостаттсть нацонально/ економши. Об(рунтовано концептуальний змст взаемозв'язмв I взаемовпливу системи економЫно! безпеки держави з напрямами реал'ваци державно/ полтики Iмпортозамщення. В'дпов'дно видлено структуры! компоненти, функцональнI складовI та просторов: характеристики як елементи системи забезпечення економЫно/ безпеки держави. На-прями реалваци державно/ полтики Iмпортозамщення охарактеризовано з урахуванням детерм/нант/в протиди >мпортозалежност\, пр'юритетних сфер регулювання та сегмента внутршнього ринку. Ключое'1 слова: економЫна безпека держави, Iмпортозамщення, державна пол/тика.

УДК 351.862.4:339.562 Лупак Р. Л., Куницкая-Иляш М. В. Концептуальные взаимосвязи систем обеспечения экономической безопасности государства и реализации государственной политики импортозамещения

Цель статьи заключается в обосновании концептуальных взаимосвязей систем обеспечения экономической безопасности государства и реализации государственной политики импортозамещения. Отмечено, что обеспечение экономической безопасности государства должно происходить системно, чтобы достичь приемлемого уровня, поэтому важно определить все ее элементы с учетом действенности, необходимости, объективного характера. Согласно таким предположениям обоснованы концептуальные основы сочетания систем обеспечения экономической безопасности государства и реализации государственной политики импортозамещения. При этом государственная политика импортозамещения рассматривается как такая, в которой можно оптимально и с высокой эффективностью заложить перечень направлений и инструментов, позволяющих стабилизировать, создать условия для устойчивого развития и обеспечить самодостаточность национальной экономики. Обосновано концептуальное содержание взаимосвязей взаимовлияния системы экономической безопасности государства с направлениями реализации государственной политики импорто-замещения. Соответственно выделены структурные компоненты, функциональные составляющие и пространственные характеристики как элементы системы обеспечения экономической безопасности государства. Направления реализации государственной политики импортозамещения охарактеризованы с учетом детерми-

Рис.: 1. Ббл.: 18.

Лупак Руслан Любомирович - кандидат економ'нних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри економки, Льв'вський торговельно-економ'нний ушвер-ситет (вул. Туган-Барановського, 10, Льв'в, 79005, Украна) E-mail: [email protected]

Куницька-1ляш Марта Васил'юна - кандидат економiчних наук, старший викладач кафедри економ'жи тдприемства, iнновацiй та дорадни-цтва в АПК iменi i. В. Поповича, Льв'жький нацюнальний ушверситет ветеринарноi медицини та бютехнологш iменi C. З. íжицькoгo (вул. Пекарська, 50, Льв'в, 79010, Украина) E-mail: [email protected]

нантов противодействия импортозависимости, приоритетных сфер регулирования и сегментов внутреннего рынка. Ключевые слова: экономическая безопасность государства, импор-тозамещение, государственная политика. Рис.: 1. Библ.: 18.

Лупак Руслан Любомирович - кандидат экономических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры экономики, Львовский торгово-экономический университет (ул. Туган-Барановского, 10, Львов, 79005, Украина) E-mail: [email protected]

Куницкая-Иляш Марта Васильевна - кандидат экономических наук, старший преподаватель кафедры экономики предприятия, инноваций и консультирования в АПК имени И. В. Поповича, Львовский национальный университет ветеринарной медицины и биотехнологий имени C. З. Гжицкого (ул. Пекарская, 50, Львов, 79010, Украина) E-mail: [email protected]

Introduction. State economy can be charactarized in various ways and with the help of a significant number of categories allowing to determine the level of its stability and susainability, rate of growth, independence or opposite tendencies. An imortant task is using a comprehensive conceptual apparatus that would enable identifying on a large scale all features of the development of the state economy, corresponding prerequisites as well as qualitatively determining the strategic priorities and ways to achieve them. In our opinion, the generalization of the processes of ensuring the functioning and development of the economy of the state should be carried out with the help of the concept of «economic security of the state» that is based on a number of definitions of its essence and con-ceptuality at describing economic processes.

It is obvious that achievement of economic security indicates the formation in the state of an environment that provides for satisfaction of own needs of all economic agents at an acceptable level and ensures a stable and balanced development of the state. However, this is not the final list of characteristics of a state that seeks to be independent and, accordingly, operate safely in the global economy.

It can be noted that ensuring economic security of the state should occur systematically in order to reach its acceptable level and, therefore, it is important to determine all elements of the system. So, different approaches are considered, but, in our opinion, elements of the state economic security system should be chosen in view of their effectiveness, necessity, objective character, etc.

In our opinion, it is more objective to consider the composition of the system of state economic security by singling out individual blocks of elements by which it is possible to fully characterize all the features of the functioning of the system and determine its conceptual relationships with the state policy of import substitution.

Analysis of recent researches and publications. In the economic literature the problems of theoretical and methodological generalization of the essence and conceptual characteristics of ensuring the economic security of the state are con-siderd by a number of domestic and foreign scientists, among which it is necessary to mark out researches of Z. Varnaliy, T. Vasyltsiv, V. Geyets, A. Dvihun, Ya. Zhalilo, O. Zhykhor,

V. Muntiyan, I. Nedin, E. Oleynikov, O. Sobkevich, A. Sukhoru-kov, M. Fleychuk, Yu. Harazishvili, L. Shevchenko, V. Shlemko and others. The problems of state regulation of import substitution are paid a lot of attention in works of such domestic and foreign scientists as I. Dunaiev, V. Zaryankin, T. Krupelnytska, O. Kundytskyi, A. Mazaraki, T. Melnyk, A. Moldy, R. Preb-ish, O. Starovoitova, J. Heliner, A. Shevchenko, Ya. Yalovenko. However, despite the considerable scientific potential of domestic and foreign scientists and practitioners concerning this topic, a number of important problems in studying the conceptual relationships of the state economic security systems and implementation of the state policy of import substitution require further research, in-depth study and the formation of new approaches and directions for its improvement.

The aim of the article is to substantiate the conceptual relationships of the systems of ensuring the economic security of the state and implementation of the state policy of import substitution.

Presentation of basic material of the research. In the

economic literature it is generally assumed that economic security is provided based on available national resources, stability and sustainability of the national economy, availability of opportunities for self-development and progress of the national economy. At the same time, within the framework of such components all prerequisites for effective implementation of the state policy of import substitution are formed: availability of natural resources and their efficient use, industrial potential, product competitiveness, skilled labor force, effective taxation (availability of national resources); political stability, low unemployment, effective work of state institutions that provide law and order in financial and economic activities, social guarantees for the unprotected strata of the population, developed market infrastructure, acceptable level of incomes of the population, effective governance (stability and sustainability of the national economy); scientific and technical development, constant modernization of production, modern educational institutions, integration into the world economy, development of investment and innovation activities (ability of self-development and progress of the national economy).

And on the contrary, determinants of the counteraction to import dependence are interrelated with the system of en-

suring self-sufficiency, stability and sustainability, self-development and progress of the national economy. Thus in his scientific statements T. Vasyltsiv points out a number of threats to the economic security of the state, in particular, the negative impact of import dependence is singled out, and it is proposed to reduce it through formation of competitive advantages among domestic producers and their products [1, p. 298-309]. We consider it to be correct to find solutions to the problems of high dependence of the state economy on imports through creation of high competition in the market at the same time supporting domestic products manufacturers.

It is obvious that different methods should be used to reduce the dependence of the national economy on the import of goods and resources. In particular, the state should change the legislation, develop the market infrastructure and approaches to using the national resource base, reduce the shadow sector, etc. We believe that the research of M. Kozl should be recognized as systemic and complex. In his opinion, the state regulation of the problems of import substitution should be oriented toward the formation and consolidation of structural changes that determine the depth of the reform and its penetration into all spheres of social reproduction-production, distribution, exchange and consumption [2, p. 18].

One of important determinants of the counteraction to import dependence is development of the consumer market, which in the national economy is rather contradictory, some internal tendencies have acquired a stable character and, in fact, destabilize its present state. G. Fylyuk and O. Shevchuk consider that a number of tendencies of the domestic consumer market only strengthen the import dependence of the economy, in particular, the inadequate competitiveness of domestic products, failure to comply with international quality and food safety standards, as well as obstacles in trade that lie in the legal and practical plane [3, p. 27-35].

In addition, some other structural parameters of the socio-economic development of the state can be considered as determinants of the state policy of import substitution, in particular: (1) the business market infrastructure, the development of which will include establishment of close relationships between subjects of industrial and commercial entrepreneurship and creation of multifunctional trading facilities; (2) the structure of the consumer market, which is considered optimal when the volumes of the purchasing of industrial goods increase, the market develops evenly in terms of space and territory, there is no gap between the demand and production capacities of the service sector, the share of uncivilized trade in food and clothing markets decreases; (3) the level of incomes and wages of the population that can increase the import dependence of the national economy when their growth is outstripping in comparison with the development of domestic production; (4) the shadowization of economic relationships in the consumer market, which at the present stage represents a real threat to the economic security of the state.

One of the groups of elements of the state economic security system is its functional components. So, according to legislative and normative provisions, the economic security of the state is formed by production, demographic, energy, foreign economic, investment-innovative, macroeconomic, food, social and financial components [4].

Some scientists separate the components, supplement the list with additional ones or reduce it. V. Geyets basically adheres to the approved list of components of economic security of the state, only does not single out the macroeconomic and production ones, but adds the ecological component to it [5, p. 14]. This opinion is also inherent in Z. Varnaliy, but unlike V. Geyets, he does not supplement the list with additional components, but only changes the interpretation of individual ones (demographic — labor-resource, investment-innovative -innovative-technological) [6, p. 34].

It should be noted that for each component significant relationships and mutual influences are formed between the economic security of the state and its policy of import substitution. At the same time, ensuring the economic security of the state should be considered regarding creation in the domestic market of individual segments that in one way or another affect each component and constantly interact with the processes that are characteristic for them.

Thus, a number of scientists associate the condition of industrial safety of the state with market of capital, innovations and technologies, on the basis of which the whole resource base is created to ensure an efficient use and expanded reproduction of national production capacities. It is obvious that as the level of availability of resource markets decreases, new means should be found due to which the production potential of the state would correspond to the level of competition in world markets and create significant competitive advantages for domestic economic operators in the domestic market. The search for new ways of using the national resource base will be demonstrated by the ability of economic agents of the state to create high-tech products that will not allow saturating the domestic market with imported products. The existence in the national economy of large manufacturers of products of high consumer demand will not only ensure its import independence but also for a long period will allow domestic actors participating on an equal footing in the world trade, exchange of scientific and technological achievements, international unions and associations.

It should be noted that industrial safety is also closely related to the labor market, which creates all the prerequisites for development and dissemination of innovative technologies, elaboration of rational approaches to the use of existing production capacities in the state. Thus the state policy of import substitution can be considered successful if, despite the introduction of modern production technologies, high employment of the population will be ensured, it will be possible to purchase home-produced goods of often better quality and retain from cheap imports.

Similarly it is possible to combine the mutual influence of investment-innovative, financial components with markets of innovations, capital, the financial market, and social or demographic ones with the labor market, the consumer market. Thus, according to A. Sukhorukov, encouraging investors to invest in the economy of the state and ensure its security is stipulated by the institutional environment, which high quality is achieved provided that all trends are taken into account in various segments of the internal market [7, p. 43-79]. Undoubtedly, the acceleration of the flow of funds at their intensive investment in economic facilities is of primary importance

for the national economy — this is the main means of ensuring its functioning and development. However, such processes should be controlled by the state, which will not hinder them and interfere only under condition of their threat to the national security.

The level of solvency and financial sustainability of public finances, domestic and foreign indebtedness, stability of the monetary and credit system and exchange rate formation, financial stability of banking institutions, and provision of insurance companies with financial resources ensure the security of the state. It is obvious that such characteristics have an external dependence, which through the import of goods, services, works does not allow to fully develop the financial potential of the state. Such relationships can be observed in the financial, foreign exchange market, market of capitals, etc. Here, the policy of import substitution should concern the creation by domestic financial institutions of such conditions under which higher stability, integrity and unity of the national financial system can be ensured.

In our opinion, in the process of ensuring investment and innovation security and implementing the state policy of import substitution the following model should be formed: in the innovation market it is necessary that there existed facilities that would be highly attractive to investors, and the state would provide free access to them; in the capital market, new sources of investment should be developed, schemes for investing money that would be without question approved by state institutions; the financial market would attract potential participants by the opportunities for rapid formation of exchange-redistribution relationships associated with the purchase and sale of financial resources against the background of the adoption by the state of legislative norms that would clearly regulate them.

To ensure social security in the state, it is necessary that the basic property relationships would be properly maintained, the social structure of society optimally differentiated, the needs of the population satisfied with the income received and the existing living conditions. T. Vasyltsiv, O. Ilyash, S. Hrynkev-ych believe that the permanent transformation of the state economy should take place with consideration for the safety of population reproduction and labor potential, social sphere, employment, migration security. Under such circumstances, a major role is played by state institutions, which work should concern the expansion of employment, activation of entrepre-neurship, intensive development of integration links between the sphere of employment and the labor market [8, p. 66-73; 9, p. 170-179; 10, p. 124-149]. Thus, the labor market would meet all the opportunities for activating the technologies of import substitution — labor deshadowization, coordination of labor supply and demand, institutionalization of employment relationships, capitalization of labor, organization of labor capital regulation, legal protection, incl. abroad. It is important that the labor market would provide the maximum motivation for the population to participate in the implementation of a similar import of domestic products.

In addition, there are close relashionships between the labor market and demographic security. Thus, according to I. Tsvigun, demographic security of the state can be ensured by preserving and improving the health status of the population,

supporting the family and increase in the birth rate, minimizing migration threats, etc. It is proposed to link the policy of import substitution with ensuring the demographic security through regulation of labor migration by direct (legislative, regulatory and organizational) and indirect (economic, information, cultural, educational, propaganda) influences [11, p. 322-340]. This opinion is also expressed by O. Ilyash, who proves the importance at implementing the state policy in the appropriate areas of measures to stimulate immigration flows, especially concerning scientists and cultural workers, skilled specialists and workers, migrants to rational territorial placement, taking into account the socio-economic and demographic situation in the country [8, p. 403-405].

Any actions of the state to ensure social, demographic and especially food security should be related to the development of the consumer market of goods and services. It is in the consumer market that the need for import substitution has a pronounced character and by trends in which its effectiveness can be rationally evaluated for the state economy and for ensuring national security.

L. Shevchenko, V. Shlemko and I. Binko believe that the state policy of import substitution should concern the provision by the state of unhindered economic and physical access of the population to vital food products, mainly at the expense of domestic production and resources of the state material reserve [12, p. 123-125; 13, p. 80-92]. Consequently, the state would be able to solve a number of important tasks: to prevent the expansion of often low-quality imported products that can be produced in necessary quantities by domestic enterprises; adapt its own commodity production to changes in the institutional environment of the economy; increase the efficiency of using its own natural and climatic, economic, scientific and political resources; support eveyday vital activities of the population, etc.

The processes of the domestic market, especially those in the segments of the consumer market of goods and services, the capital market, etc., have also a significant impact on the provision of foreign economic security of the state. For example, Yu. Harazishvili and Ye. Dron consider that in order to achieve an acceptable level of import independence, the state should actively use its participation in the world division of labor, which will be accompanied by (1) openness of the economy for deepening specialization and cooperation of production, rational distribution and use of resources, world experience, increased competition between domestic producers, (2) integration of the economy into the world economic system (3) high product innovativness and growth of its share in the commodity exports (4) saturation of the domestic market with competitive products [14, p. 84-89]. The opinion is also shared by A. Sukhu-rukov, who notes that the state needs to maintain the competitiveness of the economy and use competitive advantages in the international division of labor in order to effectively protect its own economic interests and counteract external economic threats [15, p. 49].

It is undeniable that other components of the economic security of the state are associated with processes in the internal market. So, macroeconomic security of the state is achieved due to the balance of macroeconomic reproduction proportions with the selected indicators of economic transformations

in the society. In order to achieve a dynamic economic equilibrium, it is necessary to combine entrepreneurial activities with the regulatory activities of the state. Accordingly, the policy of import substitution will focus on stimulating the economic activity of domestic producers and will not provide for any restrictions or prohibitions in the market.

Regarding energy security, it is provided through diversification of energy sources, introduction of new technologies, development of energy infrastructure, reliable and uninterrupted supply of electricity and fuel to consumers. Here the state policy of import substitution will concern the use of domestic resources for reducing dependence on imports of energy resources and reasonably sufficient energy supply to the economy and the population.

The systemic nature and complexity of economic security of the state is manifested in its spatial characteristics, among which we can mention the unbalanced development of territories and active reproduction of the natural resource potential, spatial and territorial proportions of its social and economic development, structure of sectoral spheres ensuring viability of the society, concentration of the potential of entrepreneurial activity. In our opinion, their establishment in the economy of the state depend on a large number of factors but, given the current transformations of the market environment, it is necessary to rationally consider their relationships and mutual influences with the policy of import substitution, in which they will be combined with priority spheres of state regulation.

V. Gorbulin and A. Kachynskyi believe that the unbalanced development of territories is formed in connection with the lack of an operational plan for regulating domestic production, the system of commodity circulation, promotion and consumption of domestic goods in the state [16, p. 32, 210]. Therefore, the policy of development of domestic manufacturing of products, according to which it would be possible to achieve an acceptable level of import dependence is of priority. Here it is important to rationally distribute the use of their natural and resource potential between the territories of the state so as to ensure efficient production and sufficient production income without considerable overexpenditures. As a result, through the restoration of the resource capacity of the territories it is possible to expect the growth of the export potential of the state and its active economic development.

Also, territorial aspects are taken into account in determining the spatial proportions of the social and economic development of the state. And this is obvious, because the territories of the state have different production potential and, accordingly, their development occurs at different rates. However, in the state there should exist mechanisms that allow reducing such disproportions. At the same time, the competitiveness of domestic products will testify to the formation of the state's resource potential for ensuring its social and economic development and economic security in general.

In addition to territorial and spatial proportions, we designate as the important characteristics of economic security of the state the sectoral ones. Undoubtedly, the economic security of the state can not be ensured if the society does not have an

optimal structure of the spheres of its vital activity, in which the needs, opportunities, priorities are correctly identified and distributed. At the same time, it is advisable to consider the relationsips between the sectors ensuring the viability of the society and domestic production, the trade and intermediary link, and the sphere of trade effective.

The high concentration of entrepreneurial activity potential indicates the level of ensuring the economic security of the state. For example, Ya. Zhalilo notes that the need for priority development of entrepreneurial behavior is conditioned by the needs of the state to form such economic conditions in which motives for effective use of available resources in the society and multiplying the national wealth of the state in a market economy will be fully strengthened [17, p. 41]. Therefore, at the state level it is necessary to develop and implement a system of motivating economic entities to increase their business activity. In the work [18], the state policy of import substitution is considered to be the priority direction. It will provide for the formation of cooperative relationships, intersectoral and interregional cooperation, and this will stimulate domestic producers to improve the quality of their products more actively, increase market share and compete with foreign producers.

The characteristics of the system of state economic security are determined by various processes on which it depends and with which its elements need to interact. The transformation changes of the market environment confirm the importance for ensuring the economic security of the state of implementing the policy of import substitution in which it is possible to optimally and with high efficiency lay down a list of directions and tools that will provide for stabilization of the national economy, creation of conditions for its development and possible independence. Accordingly, Figure 1 presents the conceptual content of the relationships and mutual influences of the system of state economic security with directions for implementing the state policy of import substitution.

It should be taken into account that the intensity of implementation and conceptual directions of the import substitution policy can be changed due to increasing external threats of the expansion of imported goods to the domestic consumer market and solving problems to reduce their influence.

Conclusion. Ensuring economic security can not take place without a detailed study of all posibilities to improve the competitiveness of production and sale of high quality products in the international market, creation of reliable conditions and guarantees for development of the business sector, technological development and integration into the world economy. It is thanks to the elaboration and rational planning of the implementation of the state policy of import substitution that it is possible to achieve the solution of these tasks, and, what is more, this will also affect the effectiveness of state regulation of the economy concerning other priorities. In this case it is necessary to take into account a number of features that are formed when the critical level of import dependence is reached, especially in the regional and sectoral aspects, which should be the subject of further research in this direction.

Elements and characteristics of the economic security of the state

Structural components Functional components Spatial characteristics

■ availability of national resources; ■ stability and sustainability of the national economy; ■ availability of opportunities for self-development and progress of the national economy ___ j ■ macroeconomic; ■ manufacturing; ■ financial; ■ investment-innovative; ■ food; ■ foreign economic; ■ social; ■ demographic; ■ energy; ■ ecological _ j ■ disproportion in the development of territories and active reproduction of the natural resource potential; ■ spatial and territorial proportions of socio-economic development; ■ structure of sectoral spheres of ensuring viability of the society; ■ concentration of entrepreneurial activity potential _ j




Relationshipsland mutual influences

Determinants of counteracting to import dependence

competitive advantages of domestic manufactures and their products; dependence of the national economy on imported goods and resources; development of the consumer market; other structural parameters of socio-economic development

Internal Market Segments

consumer market of goods and services;

market of capitals; financial market; currency market; labor market; innovation market; energy market

Priority spheres of regulation

export potential; competitiveness of domestic manufacturers and goods produced on the territory of the state; integral relationships of the sectors of domestic production, trade and intermediary links and the sphere of trade;

cooperative relationships, intersec-toral and interregional cooperation of the real sector entities

-i i -i i i -i

Directions for the implementation of the state policy of import substitution

Fig. 1. Conceptual relationships of the economic security of the state and implementing the state policy of import substitution

(developed by the authors)


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