THE AGE OF HYBRID WARS AND NEOTERRORISM IN THE INFORMATION SOCIETY[1] Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Sokolova Anastasia A., Sokolova Svetlana N.

In the article, the authors explore neoterrorism as a basic element of the strategy of hybrid wars in the modern world and a resource of international terrorism, since today, in the context of hybridization of public relations and international politics, issues related to the information-value deactivation of the individual in the information society are particularly relevant.

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УДК 614.8.07 / 08: 614.876

SOKOLOVA Anastasia A.

Master of Technical Sciences

University of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergencies of the Republic of Belarus, Minsk

SOKOLOVA Svetlana N., Doctor of Philos. Sc., Associate Professor Polessky State University Pinsk, Republic of Belarus

Received 24 March 2021


In the article, the authors explore neoterrorism as a basic element of the strategy of hybrid wars in the modern world and a resource of international terrorism, since today, in the context of hybridization of public relations and international politics, issues related to the information-value deactivation of the individual in the information society are particularly relevant.

Keywords: political singularity, info sphere, hybrid wars, neoterrorism, information violence, information security.


магистр технических наук

Университет гражданской защиты МЧС Республики Беларусь, г. Минск, Республика Беларусь

СОКОЛОВА С.Н., д-р филос. наук, доцент профессор кафедры межкультурных коммуникаций

Полесский государственный университет, г. Пинск, Республика Беларусь


В статье авторы исследуют неотерроризм как базовый элемент стратегии гибридных войн в современном мире и ресурс международного терроризма, так как сегодня в контексте

1 Статья публикуется в авторской редакции.

гибридизации общественных отношений и международной политики особенно актуальными становятся вопросы, связанные с информационно-ценностной деактивацией личности в информационном обществе.

Ключевые слова: политическая сингулярность, инфосфера, гибридные войны, неотерроризм, информационное насилие, информационная безопасность.

Introduction. The modern transformational crisis and digitalization processes taking place in the information society determine the structural changes in public relations during the pandemic. The development of information and telecommunication technologies changes the existing social reality, the mental environment, the spiritual equipment of the modern personality, which leads to the transmutation of traditional values that initiate destructive social interactions during a pandemic. The era of hybrid wars and neo-terrorism affect the form of social institutions and the content of social relations [1], because «... humanity has entered the phase of searching for new strategies of civilizational development, searching for new value guidelines, when it is necessary to analyze the previous life meanings that would guide the development of civilization» [2].

The format of international relations in the information society testifies to the aggressive nature of the info sphere, as a result of which the civilizational pendulum is approaching a critical point, since the danger of a regional armed conflict developing into a global catastrophe is constantly increasing. And in such a situation, the hybridization of international politics actualizes complex issues related to the struggle for resources between modern states, since it is «... resource security has a direct impact on national interests and the preservation of sovereignty, which can probably change the traditional interpretation of the issue of the legality of forces, which can lead to political and even military intervention in order to protect access to resources» [3, p. 143]. Tectonic shifts of political and legal reality in the era of hybrid wars provoke panoramic transformations of the info sphere, occurring as a result of a civilizational break and giving rise to global crises (economic, political, anthropological, demographic, ecological) [4, p. 94-95]. And, apparently, it is no coincidence that the destabilizing factors destroying modern society serve as proof that structural imbalances in all

spheres of society's life lead to an increase in the number of dangerous crimes related to information violence, drugs, corruption, human trafficking, terrorism, cyber attacks, armed conflicts, the use of explosive devices, chemical, biological and precision weapons. It is not uncommon in the information society to demonstrate military power by various states, which is initiated by elites and replicated by the media using information and telecommunication technologies. It is such complex and multivalued negative paradoxes of social reality that actualize the use of information and telecommunication technologies that increase the risks of manipulating public consciousness, which is associated with information security, which «... today is one of the global problems of humanity as a whole» [5, p. 99].

Modern international relations, according to the authors of the article, indicate that neo-terrorism is gaining strength, as a result of which violence is increasing in the information sphere (info sphere), full-scale manipulation of public consciousness, information-humanistic

deactivation of the individual is constantly initiated, as a result of which the mechanism of human morality is atrophied, gradually traditional values are losing their significance for society and there is an increase in semantic eclecticism (a conflict of interpretations). It is precisely neo-terrorism that purposefully affects not only the material world, but also the spiritual sphere, influencing the moral and intellectual choice of a person, and, apparently, therefore, it is not by chance that information and psychological deformation occurs (a person is an object, a person is a thing for consumption), which fixes social recapitulation (digital transformation, «dehumanization» of the material world). In the context of the aggressive interaction of modern political elites, the dominance of the consumer society and violence, in the era of hybrid wars, issues related to the fact that a modern person is in a state of deprivation acquire particular relevance.

Plunging into a wave of information chaos, social and political instability, financial and economic eclecticism, due to destructive interstate information and psychological confrontation, national economies are purposefully destroyed and traditional values are lost [6, p. 64]. It is in the era of hybrid wars that the conflict-generating potential of social relations is exacerbated, which is used by the elites and, with the help of information and telecommunication technologies, inevitably changes «... the ratio of non-military and military methods», determining the existing social reality, transforming the personality competence matrix, creating an axiological vacuum [7, p.15].

Neoterrorism is a large-scale, multi-vector, systematic and long-term aggression, gradually implemented by latent forces through a complex (external and internal) measures in the infosphere, sanctioned by the dominant elites, a distinctive feature of which is the use of modern digital, information and telecommunication technologies, dominance in the information sphere. violence carried out regularly and indirectly [8]. And in this case, the interference of the engaged elite in the internal affairs of other states, through media pressure (information violence), provokes an unauthorized struggle of some citizens for democracy, which, in fact, turns into a confrontation of one people with a common history and distinctive culture against itself [9 ]. This is how interested elites ensure control over the socio-political, financial, economic, cultural and historical life in a particular state and provide systematic financial, economic, media support from destructive forces that provoke chaos and the impossibility of a dialogue of cultures, as well as constructive «political communication» in the era of hybrid wars.

Neoterrorism, according to the authors of the article, characterizes a purposeful, latent-destructive impact of a long-term nature on various states (region) by means of a committed political, financial, military-scientific elite, dynamically accumulating the most aggressive and diverse impact on all spheres of life of the information society to neutralize the adaptive potential any social system. And in this version, neoterrorism, as a destructive process that is quite extended in time, is aimed at changing social life and consciousness with the help of

modern information and telecommunication technologies (differentiation of value-normative systems, replacement of humanistic principles with a surrogate, reformatting of public consciousness, changing traditional values), that directly concerns information security.

Main part. The events taking place in the world today indicate that neo-terrorism is gaining strength in the information society, as a result of which humanistic principles, traditional values are losing their primary importance and axiological uncertainty (axiological vacuum) dominates, which is not filled automatically. And, as a result of such, basically, deviant metamorphoses, a modern man, being the semantic core of social eclecticism, «includes» an analog model of thinking. As a result of such chaotic and destructive transformations, the multidimensional nature, the dualism of the individual, offers the implementation of paradigmatic plurality in the existing social reality, which leads to axiological deformation, devaluation of traditional values. Information and telecommunication technologies, which are intensively spreading in society, today generate problems related to information security, i.e. ensuring the safety of the infosphere, restricting access to information, which poses a threat to the life of a modern person (cyberspace).

Neoterrorism, as a special and most destructive expansion and a resource of international terrorism, as a basic element of the strategy of hybrid war, as open information violence, proves the fact that in the epicenter of the conflict there is always a marginal element, traditional marginal opposition, a specific social group or «criminal beau monde», destroying the national economy and traditional values. As a rule, the sources of such a destructive influence are not only the armed formations, analytical units of the enemy, but also the upgrade technology initiated at the international level by elites (politicians, financiers, diplomats) and public organizations. That is why today it is important to pay special attention to information security, the dynamics of the development of the modern infosphere, the axiological guidelines of the modern person, which make it possible to actualize the positively creative social adaptation of the modern personality. Social relations that are formed in the integrating infosphere, in the system of updated meanings and images (meaning images), urgently require an emphasis

on the axiologically oriented existence of the individual and society. Precisely neo-terrorism, as «... the phenomenon of new terrorism, used as an element of the strategy of conducting a hybrid war» [10, p. 103.], provokes tectonic changes that determine information and telecommunication technologies, formats the mental and cultural matrix and national identity of the individual, thereby creating conditions for systemic crises, including in the field of security. And in this case, information security accumulates a fundamental component that allows protecting the infosphere from unauthorized access (cyberattack) and ensuring the completeness, accuracy, and availability of information (cyber security). Information and telecommunication technologies (ICT) in the information society, under the influence of intensive informatization of society are dynamically spread.

The cause of systemic crises in the information society, as the authors of the article are convinced, are the multi-format paradoxes of political singularity, which allow political elites to implement various slogans in the process of anti-democratic, both in form and in content, reforming the existing model of social relations. Political singularity, as a rule, characterizes an extremely unstable state of the socio-political system, which is observed, at the initial stage of the formation of society, when the activity of political actors (elites) is constantly increasing, and the destructive impact on the development of social relations becomes systemic in nature, negatively affecting all spheres of life society, including information security. At the same time, it becomes necessary to develop a special conceptual apparatus, the content of which in a more adequate form would reflect the essence of the modern political process, the main content of which is the degeneration of the elites with the subsequent seizure of power (the use of elements of external control). It is the destructive transformations taking place in society that, as a rule, testify not only to the specifics of the political activities of national and military-scientific elites, but also to the upgrade technologies used in conditions of political singularity. And, as a result of such an impact on the institutions of power, which are originally intended to reproduce the regulatory and regulatory experience and preserve the cultural and historical potential of previous generations,

they use modern information and telecommunication technologies to solve domestic political problems. As a result of international confrontation, provoked by latent forces, the most aggressive ideological confrontation is initiated, the ultimate goal of which is to reformat public consciousness with the help of a war of controlled chaos, multivariate war, complex military actions, as well as full-scale information and humanistic deactivation of the individual. Influencing «... both rational and emotional perception of the subject of military-political reality» [11 p. 8]. It is precisely neo-terrorism, which is at the peak of political singularity, that provokes large-scale changes in the infosphere, destroying social institutions and national economies of European states, which makes it impossible for a constructive dialogue between modern states, and interaction between political elites «... goes not so much at the negotiating table as in hot points» [12, p. 4].

Neoterrorism, as a rule, uses modern information and telecommunication

technologies, as well as new types of weapons, attracting paramilitaries and terrorists, specially trained marginals or «criminal elite». And, as a result, neo-terrorism, synthesizing the forms and methods of waging a traditional war (open armed invasion of the territory of another state, subversive activities of special services, financial, economic, socio-political, information violence using information and telecommunication technologies) initiates leverage on the national economy and social institutions. Consequently, neo-terrorism illustrates a destructive, multi-vector process associated with the hybridization of international politics, and also initiates the methodical spread of disinformation, which does not exclude the use of high-precision weapons with the involvement of armed forces and irregular formations on the territory of another state, thereby generating crises in all spheres of information society.

Neoterrorism accumulates digital danger, multi-format impact on all spheres of social life, including the security sphere, since as a result of contactless invasion, information violence, as well as network-centric military actions, surrogate, network wars, which implement a multifactorial, diverse, unauthorized expansion using information and telecommunication

technologies, virtual programs (cyber technologies) and specialized communication methods. And all this is directly related to information security, since in the era of hybrid wars negative «... social and psychological consequences are manifested in the fact that the personality begins to blur both moral values and the ability to distinguish between the illusory and the real» [13, p. 182].

In this regard, in order to counter neo-terrorism, as a «war of controlled chaos», «multivariate war» or «complex military actions», it is necessary to actualize the following areas:

- to focus on the tolerant attitude of the political elites of various states and the most politically correct international cooperation, especially in the field of information security (military-strategic, financial-economic, political-legal, socio-cultural interaction), which minimizes the degree of mistrust between countries, reduces the risks associated with military aggression in solving global and regional problems;

- initiate more effective international control and scientific support of innovative developments (strategic, innovative-tactical systems, programs, types of weapons), which is a catalyst for transformations in the world of civilization;

- to optimize tolerant public relations on the basis of trust and empathy in order to improve the ways of multi-format, transparent interstate cooperation in the process of strengthening the international security system, changing the focus of information structures influencing the modern alliance of superpowers. So, if we recall the «Ukrainian military-political modernity», today for many European states there is a real danger of total destruction of national economies, changes (reformatting) of social relations (social institutions) as a result of information war (information and telecommunication technologies, cyberattacks). As a result, it can be argued that neo-terrorism, in its direction, is a destabilizing factor of disintegration, which is aimed at initiating systemic crises in a particular country (region), which, in turn, can destroy the national economy of any country and social relations, redistribute intellectual and cognitive functions between social groups (states). The hybridization of international politics and the transformation of NATO as a «relic of the Cold

War» into a completely different organization, authorizing a non-contact invasion, aimed mainly at destroying the national economy, reformatting the national identity of citizens of a particular state in the era of hybrid wars.

Conclusion. Neoterrorism, as a rule, includes cyberattacks, information violence, financial and economic blockade, socio-political and anthropological crises, military invasion and replacement of the political elite of a particular state, and also formats the national identity of citizens. As a result of such a violent influence of destructive forces, as a result, the content of humanitarian education changes, and traditional values are replaced. Thus, neo-terrorism is a purposeful destructive phenomenon that accumulates all types of modern war. And in this case, under the leadership of a committed political elite, there is an authorized struggle of citizens for their freedom, territorial integrity and independence of their state, which, as a result, turns into a struggle against themselves, which destroys the national economy, social institutions and national culture. In this regard, it is necessary, according to the authors of the article, to use preventive methods to counter neoterrorism.

First, the method of aggregation and antimonopoly development of the informatization infrastructure (infosphere) and the software implementation of sustainable and secure development, initiating the integration of foreign economic activity in the field of informatization (a nationwide strategy for the development of the security sphere, and in particular, information security).

Secondly, the priority method in the development of funding for scientific and technical innovation developments, especially those related to information security (nanoindustry, nanobiotechnology, robotics, artificial intelligence, android construction, upgrade technologies, medical, space industry, energy).

Thirdly, the method of consistency in solving urgent issues related to the informatization of society and the creation of more efficient territorial infrastructures in order to implement a systematic approach in creating a single infosphere.

Fourth, the method of coordinating influence and implementation of progressive socioeconomic development, ensuring continuity,

stability, unity of the state policy of informatization, guaranteeing a sufficient level of information security.

Fifth, a method for predicting the prospects for the development of the infosphere (information-semantic and legal field) based on the humanization of information-telecommunication and communication technologies (information and analytical support, monitoring of national security, information security).

Summing up, it can be argued that modern «... the countries of the world are now solving one large-scale task - the need to ensure sustainable and safe development» [14, p. 141], since the hybridization of international politics is accompanied by the destruction of the national economy, the change in the infosphere, the transformation of traditional values, the neutralization of the adaptive potential of the social system in the information society, which is the result of the biased actions of the marginal opposition, which has a deliberately accumulating destructive effect on the elite of any independent state.


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Статья поступила 24 марта 2021 г.

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