INFORMATION SOCIETY AND PERSONAL SECURITY Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Kalenchuk Tatiana V., Sokolova Anastasia A., Dyk Alexander G.

In the article, the authors focused on the modern transformations of social reality and the processes of integration, digitalization, which determine the structural changes in the security sphere. The development of information and telecommunications technologies and digitalization change the existing mental environment and the spiritual sphere of society, which leads to the transmutation of traditional values, initiating destructive social interactions in the field of information security of the individual.

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УДК 614.8.07 / 08: 614.876


Assistant of the Department of Biotechnology Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus

SOKOLOVA Anastasia A.

University Ministry of Emergencies Situations of the Belarus Master of technical sciences Minsk, Republic of Belarus

DYK Alexander G., PhD of Legal Sc., Associate Professor Department of Civil Law and Procedure, Smolensk State University for the Humanities, Smolensk, Russian Federation

Received 12 April 2021


In the article, the authors focused on the modern transformations of social reality and the processes of integration, digitalization, which determine the structural changes in the security sphere. The development of information and telecommunications technologies and digitalization change the existing mental environment and the spiritual sphere of society, which leads to the transmutation of traditional values, initiating destructive social interactions in the field of information security of the individual.

Keywords: transformation crisis, traditional values, media culture, axiological matrix of modern personality, information security.


ассистент кафедры биотехнологий

Полесский государственный университет, г. Пинск, Республика Беларусь


магистр технических наук

Университет гражданской защиты МЧС Республики Беларусь, г. Минск, Республика Беларусь А.Г. ДЫК, канд. юр. наук, доцент,

Смоленский гуманитарный университет, г. Смоленск, Российская Федерация


1 Статья публикуется в авторской редакции.


В статье авторы акцентировали внимание на современных трансформациях социальной реальности и процессах интеграции, цифровизации, которые детерминируют структурные изменения сферы безопасности. Развитие информационно-телекоммуникационных технологий и цифровизация изменяют существующую ментальную среду и духовную сферу социума, что приводит к трансмутации традиционных ценностей, инициируя деструктивные социальные взаимодействия в сфере информационной безопасности личности.

Ключевые слова: трансформационный кризис, традиционные ценности, медиакультура, аксиологическая матрица современной личности, информационная безопасность личности.

Introduction. The pandemic and desynchronization of public relations, as well as multi-vector changes of a global nature in modern society, affect the security sphere, predetermining the axiological content of public relations [1], because «... humanity has entered the phase of searching for new strategies of civilizational development, searching for new values, when an analysis of the previous life meanings that would guide the development of civilization» [2]. Purposeful diversification, cyberbullying, low level of media culture, panoramic impact on the information society, formats the verbal and logical patterns of thinking of a modern person, which weakens social control, generates a conflict of interpretations, complicating the moral and ethical choice of the individual, minimizing positive communication and reducing the emotional and semantic unity of the subjective and objective reality. It is in the information society that language (sign systems) becomes a means of communication and solution of international problems in a globalizing world, taking into account the socio-biological foundations of the evolution of language, intercultural communication and social interactions (information-analytical,

organizational-adaptive, intercultural-mediatory, interpersonal communication). Structural transformations of the security sphere during a pandemic give rise to deindustrialization, social instability, dehumanization, diversification of society, associated with the diversity of linguistic semantics, the use of information manipulation technologies, which are the result of the activity of the media-Internet space as a fundamental factor in the development of the information society.

Recall that at the beginning of the XXI century, there is a transition from a bipolar to a polycivilizational world, which provoked crises of a global nature, which divided social reality into many component parts (regional, nationalterritorial, religious-historical, socio-political, cultural-ethnic, information-mental,

communication and linguistic), since «... the bipolar picture of the Cold War is giving way to much more complex relations in a multipolar, polycivilizational world» [3]. The information society, which is a multi-level system of public relations, is today the result of a constantly renewing media-Internet space, in which «... the previously formed scientific worldview and rational thinking are purposefully replaced by the media with myths of various kinds and pseudoscience. The result was a change in the system of coordinates of mass consciousness» and traditional values [4]. That is why during a pandemic there is an intensive marginalization of society (local military conflicts, cyberattacks, interethnic aliens), and there is also sociopolitical, financial and economic instability, which leads to the dehumanization of public relations, as «... play ... groups of managers ... and various kinds of informal communities, including those that deny the existing world order, in particular criminal and terrorist ... communities that operate on a par with the established centers of economic and political power, having access to financial, organizational, information, technical civilization» [5]. The security sphere of the information society is multifaceted in its structure, and this «unchanging monolith» is inevitably transformed during a pandemic, and under the influence of the digital environment, the scale and intensity of attempts to constantly format public consciousness and devalue

traditional values change, which is dangerous for modern people and society. In this regard, a cognitive dissonance arises, characterized, on the one hand, by the dominance of the psychology of consumption and violence in the information society (information violence) and the emergence of digital danger, and on the other hand, during a pandemic, the axiological personality matrix is deformed [6].

Information violence, as a result of the purposeful impact of illegitimate information and the purposeful use of digital technologies to manipulate information, provoke mainly negative reflection (cyberattacks, ideological pressure, destructive communication). Media communications, media production, information and telecommunication technologies are becoming an aggressive digital environment and, in the process of correcting stereotypes of human behavior, they create a value vacuum that affects the verbal and logical patterns of thinking, «worldview meanings» and the mental environment of a modern personality [7]. The value vacuum that arises as a result of such dehumanization is not automatically filled, which is associated with the emergence of anti-values that determine the spiritual equipment of a modern person. It is the propaganda of reification, as well as the introduction of anti-values into the public consciousness, that today initiates an aggressive attitude of a person to everything that happens in the information society (fear, hatred, violence, stress, neuroses, suicide, neuroticism, depression). Structural transformations of the security sphere are connected with the fact that traditional values are giving way to artificial stereotypes, which does not at all contribute to fruitful international cooperation, intercultural communication and diplomatic settlement of international issues that are directly related to a multicultural society, personality and the "semantic and communication constant" the role of subjective «... reality, measured by deep feelings (conscience, intuition, self-awareness)» [8].

The sphere of security during a pandemic is becoming a particular priority due to the prevalence of the digital environment in the information society («digital man», «digital generation», «digital natives») and the scale of information violence spreading in society, which leads to the replacement of traditional values with a surrogate and anti-values. And as a result

of modern technologies for manipulating information, international relations are changing, and the security sigma, which is focused on traditional values and is a tolerant person with a sufficient level of legal awareness, with modern knowledge, focused on international cooperation, a healthy image, is becoming the basic factor affecting the security sphere life, creativity and dialogue of cultures. Existence of a person consists of two interconnected systems: organic and inorganic, which are subordinate to the general universal principles of origin and destruction. Inorganic (inanimate nature) creates conditions for life, and organic (living nature) reproduces life in its various species diversity, and the organic system at the same time consists of many structural levels (species), i.e. of relatively organized and ordered life forms. The main goal of any of these living structural levels is its own survival by creating a safe environment for existence. Proceeding from this goal, the authors consider it expedient to present three main directions of relationships between various structural types of life. If one structure begins to violate the security environment of another, then the stronger one will suppress the weaker one. And if these structures do not interact with each other, then they develop independently. But, provided that the structures are interested in each other for the purpose of self-preservation, they can complement each other, forming a more complex and extended (spatio-temporal) general structure, which consists of a number of subjects that create certain (necessary) ways of ordering and the organization of relationships that contribute to the self-preservation of the system of a particular type of culture, language, writing, religion, art, science, morality, law; sociality (social hierarchy), various forms of associations and relationships; politics, state, power, power structures, fiscal authorities; economy, various types of production, finance, market. The dominant element in a particular structure was the state, which united all the elements into one whole, acting as the main subject of self-preservation, the development of a particular system. The main goal of the system, as already noted by the authors, is the self-preservation of a person and society, which is revealed through the qualitative criteria of cyclical development. So, there are three such stages: convergent, transitional and divergent; or, in another

sequence, - from divergent to convergent (depending on the starting point of movement: from homogeneous to heterogeneous structure or vice versa). If a homogeneous structure (structures) is formed in the convergent phase of development, then in the transitional period, new influencing factors appear that form the rudiments of heterogeneous structures, due to which a transition to a divergent phase occurs, i.e. based on the old homogeneous and new heterogeneous structures. As a rule, the reason for the transition to a new stage in the development of technogenic civilization is associated more with economic problems (depletion of resources, ineffective production and labor resources during a pandemic) and, to a lesser extent, with an (anthropological) value crisis. The updated structure (in this case, divergent), on the basis of various potential qualities, states, selects one that is necessary from the point of view of self-preservation, i.e. the social structure that best suits the existing new conditions. The mechanism of cyclical development generates a socio-cultural tension (contradiction) between the core of values (cultural code) and factors (external, internal) that bring certain changes in social reality.

Main part. The security sphere of the information society is focused, on the one hand, at clarifying the specific sources of various kinds of dangers and threats, and on the other hand, is associated with the disclosure of the structural elements of the system that ensure its self-preservation and progressive development in a changing social reality. The relationship between the authorities and the state in the organization of influence on society is an extremely important issue for clarifying the essence of state regulation and impact on public relations. The political power and the state have their own functions in society, from which the diversity of their manifestation and interaction follows, and the main thing is that without the supreme power, the state will not consider society as its partner (counterparty). And in this case, on the basis of stimulating signals about needs and interests coming from the main strata and large social groups in the information society, the government, through legislation and through changes in financial flows, regulates the parameters of the activities of state bodies to ensure security, especially during a pandemic. The state is the main regulatory institution in

society, provided that there are competitive relations in society, and they are possible only in a democratic system. This is how the security of the information society is ensured, since the goal-setting activity of the state aimed at countering the infliction of unacceptable harm to a person is security. At the same time, the state acts as an arbiter, but at the same time it represents the interests of those strata of the population who have the greatest opportunities to put pressure on state power, economically, politically dominant forces. But the question arises: is the security sphere unlimited for state intervention or state power should be limited in everything, by the rights and freedoms of citizens, that is, there is no, and there can be no public spheres where the state would be completely free in its actions. At the same time, the socio-political arbitration of the state is indeed not always ideal, and what forces dominate in society can be seen in the state's attitude to vital issues of different segments of the population, and not just to security issues. Obviously, objectively in modern societies there is a second version of the subjectivity of business structures and these structures are part of the public, which in a democratic society should actively participate in management, since in an information society it will not be possible to separate the "political" from the "economic", from which, Apparently, we can conclude that not all processes in the security sphere are political in nature (which, in fact, allows at least to assume the objectivity of participation in this area of citizens, the public, business, and not just the government). There are connections between the state and society, there is an interchange of information (infosphere) and activities, therefore, when it comes to the state as a subject of security regulation, we do not mean all manifestations, properties, aspects of the state, but only those that are associated with goal setting, the impact of a certain type on society and on the security sphere. However, situations are not excluded in which one and the same public authority can and should function simultaneously in the systems of regulation and safety management. And at the same time, today there is no answer to the question: is the government of any modern state ready for permanent activity in relation to numerous nonstate actors? There are other topical questions: is the system of budgetary state regulation a

priority in the field of security? Or maybe the political will of the ruling leadership, the preparedness of the special services, or something else is more important in it? As a result, it turns out that it is very difficult to answer these questions in a socio-philosophical manner. Of course, the state by means of regulation has to implement mainly the common interest, since otherwise it is impossible to achieve the satisfaction of the interests of man and society in ensuring the most effective security. For these purposes, a strong state power is needed, provided that its main object is the information society and the security sphere. The substantive part of the state regulation system is largely related to goal-setting. For many years, scientists have been discussing issues related to which society will reflect the interests of the majority of citizens, how to protect the electorate from dangers and a pandemic. Goals before society and the state were usually postulated by the authorities. It is for these purposes (goal-setting) that a modern series of domestic political measures has been proposed to increase public confidence in the state and authorities. With regard to the security sphere, this approach is constructive, since it is obvious that without public trust in the authorities, as well as in the special services and other power structures, security cannot be guaranteed. Setting goals in front of the system of state regulation, on the one hand, concerning the entire society, and on the other, relying on state power, is a difficult intellectual process. It can highlight the following system-forming moments, especially relevant for the information society. In this regard, public sources of emergence and fixation of the goals of state regulation are necessary. It should be noted right away that, in contrast to the prevailing stereotypes, according to which one can see better from above, objectively the goals of state regulation arise and should appear "below", i.e. go from the needs of citizens and the interests of society. The goal of a modern state is and only is to foster the material and spiritual development of the individual and ensure security, since the goals of regulation are formulated by the political power, or no one formulates them. However, if the statistical data are supplemented with some facts and generalized, then somewhat different conclusions can be drawn about the state of the security sector, since public sources

of articulating socially significant goals allow us to formulate objective goals of state regulation of the security sector. At the same time, it is important to understand that only after setting goals, taking into account public sources, can the problem field of state regulation of the security sector be formulated, since it is relational and reflexive during a pandemic.

Structural transformations of the security sphere actualize the author's functions, which, during a pandemic, minimize destructive impact of the observed crises (transformational, military-political, economic, anthropological crises) and modern information manipulation technologies.

The function of social forecasting of the impact of structural transformations during a pandemic, which is necessary to develop a sustainable development strategy, achieve a sufficient level of security and a state of stability in society (implementation of doctrinal guidelines in the field of security).

The function of identifying priorities for the development of the security sphere, where the state determines the priorities, which are then implemented in politics [16]. Consequently, for the sustainable development of the information society, a system of state regulation of the security sphere with clearly formulated development objectives within the framework of the Concept of National Security (Concept of Information Security of the Republic of Belarus) is required.

The function of synchronizing the efforts of government agencies and the public and the complex impact on the security sphere. In scientific controversy, there is a very wide range of opinions on how to revitalize the security sphere. And it's no secret that during a pandemic, transformations take place in the information society, which illustrate an unstable state, a political singularity that causes a transformational crisis that arises at the stage of the formation of information-mental models in the process of destructive activity of political actors, which becomes repetitive. And within the framework of this function, according to the authors, it is important to create conditions for stabilizing the situation in the economy, politics, as well as humanizing public relations, in order to implement a sustainable state policy in the field of security.

The function of promoting positive transformations in the field of security, ensuring the sustainable development of society, as well as a sufficient level of security for the individual, society and the state. In the information society, this function has general social goals, and the regulation of relations between various communities are carried out in order to achieve stability within the framework of ensuring national security. And in this case, an effective innovation policy is necessary for the development of high-tech industries, science-intensive products that will change the economic and political situation in a particular state, determining the security sphere. The leading role in the process of shaping the directions and implementation of innovation policy should remain with the scientific and political elite, state authorities, which are called upon to develop the so-called «rules of the game» in economics and politics. But still, during a pandemic, only innovative policy, the activation of intellectual resources, the prospective development of the security sphere is not exhausted, since objectively there is a need to strengthen cooperation and partnerships between small and medium-sized businesses and participants in innovation, including government organizations, research and academic institutions.

The function of permanent initiation of democratic transformations in the security sphere is connected, first of all, with the regulation of political relations (political security). The sphere of security, as a special sphere of public life, permeates the economic, political, social and spiritual areas of the life of society, since national security includes political, economic, military, environmental,

informational security, etc. Specialized bodies, which are one of the main, but by no means the only subject of national security, are engaged in solving issues of all these areas. All state institutions and civil society actors play an important and varied role in its provision, which presupposes not only a safe existence of state bodies, but, above all, a sufficient level of security of the individual and society.

Function of integration and coordination of international cooperation on security problems. This function is that the modern state should strive to integrate the security sphere. Thus, within the framework of globalization, the

modern Republic of Belarus is actively involved in maintaining international security and a stable world order, actively interacting with the UN and other international organizations. In the information society, it is necessary to introduce humanist-oriented methods of regulating international relations, since this problem poses a serious challenge to international institutions during a pandemic, which can and should develop a more effective strategy to resolve the transformational crisis and prevent local military conflicts. The implementation of this function, as the authors think, will contribute to international cooperation, since it assumes the existence of various centers of power and competition in the international arena, the involvement of a large number of non-state actors in international activities. The problem of the influence of power on public relations, especially in the security sphere, remains almost unexplored, although recently there has been an increase in interest in studying the theory and practice of state regulation of the security sphere. The methods of state influence on the security sphere in the information society should be issues of integrated security, especially during a pandemic, which include biosafety, international, economic, political, social, spiritual, demographic and food security.

The authors' interest in the structural transformations of the security sphere is due to the fact that today in the information society, the dominant media-Internet space and the mythologized dimension of social reality give rise to a situation of value deprivation that formats the axiological projection of the personality. To actualize the issues of introspective psychology, we note that they are associated with the use of information manipulation technologies and the conversion of public relations in an information technology society.

Structural transformations of the security sphere that occur during a pandemic initiate four types of influence of state structures on society in the information society: a mobilization type of state regulation, which determines the ability of the information society at a certain time to accumulate resources (material, human, informational), concentrating them on a priority area for a more effective strategy for sustainable development; a distributive type of state regulation, contributing to the placement of

resources available in the information society in accordance with the needs of a modern individual, taking into account socio-political, financial-economic and cultural-information interests; a controlling type of state regulation, explaining the activities of various social institutions, groups and modern personality; a communication type of state regulation, which makes it possible to actively use information technologies for the dissemination of humanistic ideas in society in order to increase the effectiveness of the regulatory influences of power structures that affect the information security of an individual. Information security of an individual is associated with state regulation (impact), which should be aimed not only at preventing a pandemic, but also at implementing comprehensive measures to overcome modern transformational, military-political, economic, anthropological crises, as well as preserve territorial integrity and constitutional order. On the basis of this idea, according to the authors, a humanistic concept that is understandable to the whole society can be proposed, which can and should become a meaningful basis for social harmony, consolidating social institutions and security subjects.

Conclusion. During a pandemic, the purposeful impact of state structures on the security sphere, according to the authors, should be carried out in five main areas.

Increased attention of the state to the interests of the public, while the state, by its regulatory actions, should instill optimism and confidence in the protection of its citizens, both on the territory of its country and abroad, in order to create optimal conditions for sustainable development, stability, public and personal security.

New directions of scientific developments in the field of security, aimed at innovative thinking and humanization of public relations, need further improvement. Maximum synchronization, transparency of the multidimensional process transformations taking place in the field of security is the primary task of state structures. During a pandemic, a human resource is fundamental for the information society, the development of which is facilitated by medicine, education and science (intellectualization of the security sphere).

It should be recognized that it is impossible to ensure the progressive development of the

system of regulation of public relations in the field of security using only administrative methods, and therefore it is important to focus the attention of state structures on the regulatory principles of civil society participation, which exclude the division of society into reformers and reformed. Complex geopolitical processes provoke various crises, which more clearly outlined the boundaries of a civilizational rift that changes international relations that affect the security sphere. And in the process of modern transformations, especially during a pandemic, an imbalance and discomfort arises, intensifying the information war.

Consequently, the options for the safe existence of the individual, society and the state proposed by the authors are projected in two planes: firstly, in the essential characteristics and features of the information society, which is not yet ready to implement systemic solutions in security issues, and, secondly, in readiness the political elite should really integrate during a pandemic, minimizing brutal-aggressive methods of broadcasting information (information violence). In the future, the implementation of the directions proposed by the authors will allow not only to influence the effectiveness of the security sphere, but also to diagnose the dynamics of the development of the security sphere during a pandemic.

Thus, it can be argued that the authors have characterized the main functions of state regulation, which is associated with a transformational crisis during a pandemic and is due to the resources of previous social relations, as well as ambiguous modernization processes, the intensity of digitalization in the context of reforming all spheres of society, including the security sphere. Summing up, it can be argued that during a pandemic, structural changes in the security sphere objectively occur, since national economies, social institutions are destroyed and the coordinate system of mass consciousness is being formatted, which means that the adaptive potential of the social system decreases, destroying traditional values and deforming the axiological matrix of personality [9].

As a result, firstly, in the information society it is necessary to minimize the ongoing devaluation of traditional values, which is objectively associated with a pandemic, the emergence of artificial stereotypes and a total reification of the existing social reality.

Secondly, the dehumanization of society and the devaluation of traditional values is associated with information violence, which minimizes the safe existence of the individual, society and the state. Consequently, the dominance of destructive tendencies in the information society provokes the emergence of anti-values that destroy the system of traditional values and gives rise to lack of spirituality, which affects the moral and psychological climate in society. And, thirdly, it is important to intensify the process of developing recommendations for updating traditional values in the information society, which requires an accentuation of the nationwide strategy in the context of changing communication architecture (information and telecommunication technologies, digitalization, neural networks, neocybernetics, intelligent robotics), especially in the field of security.

During a pandemic, international relations, as a rule, are the result of the military-political, socio-economic and socio-cultural activities of the state, which is characterized by the engagement of the elites, aggressive media pressure and social instability in the process of information war. With a rapid increase in the amount of information, as a rule, catastrophic changes occur in public consciousness associated with information violence, cyberbullying and low level of international terrorism, which affects the transmutation of the axiological potential of a modern personality, which becomes a strategic resource in the process of replicating violence in the information society. And this information expansion (information war) has led to large-scale changes in the security sphere using information and network technologies. During a pandemic, destructive tendencies

(transformational, military-political, economic, anthropological crises) dominate in international relations, as well as violent methods of informational influence on society, which actualizes information security, which is an integral part of the national security of the Republic of Belarus. Thus, firstly, it is necessary, if possible, to minimize the destructive informational impact on the individual, society, the state (cyber-attacks, cyberbullying, low level of media culture) and develop a scientific conceptual apparatus, the content of which in a more adequate form would

reflect the essence of structural transformations of the security sphere , since the modern «... a person is forced to seek some form of self-defense that allows him to survive in the conditions of information and psychological warfare deployed in the media and social networks» [10]. Secondly, the information society during a pandemic, when information and telecommunication technologies totally control the impact of the infosphere on public consciousness, determined by the crisis state of the globalizing society, scientists, experts, politicians are discussing issues related to structural changes in the security sphere, which «... act as completely a special element in any discursive practice» [11].


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Статья поступила 12 апреля 2021 г.

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