Tennis: history and the present
Borisova O. V
National University of Physical Education and of Sports of Ukraine
Purpose - a substantiation of ways of development of professional sports in Ukraine (on a tennis material). The primary information is received by the analysis of the scientifically-methodical literature and the documentary sources, official sites of organizational structures of tennis (ATP, WTA, ITF, continental and national federations, organising committees of tennis tournaments, tennis academies etc.) (more than 450 sources); the method of expert estimations (the qualified experts, judges, trainers, science officers - 26 people) was applied. In article possibility of use of tennis as by one of effective models of development of Olympic kinds of sports in conditions of commercialization and professionalization is theoretically proved; the history-theoretical analyzes of development of professional tennis in the world (3 periods) is carried out; the analyzes of its organizational-legal and economic forms at the international and national levels.
sports, organisation, management, commercialization, professionalization tennis, model.
Борисова О.В. Теніс: історія та сучасність. Мета - обґрунтування шляхів розвитку професійного спорту в Україні (на матеріалі тенісу). Первинна інформація отримана шляхом аналізу науково-методичної літератури і документальних джерел, даних офіційних сайтів організаційних структур тенісу (АТР, WTA, ITF, континентальних і національних федерацій, організаційних комітетів тенісних турнірів, тенісних академій тощо) (більше 450 джерел); засто-совувався метод експертних оцінок (кваліфіковані фахівці, судді, тренери, науковці - 26 ос.). У статті теоретично обґрунтована можливість використання тенісу як однієї з ефективних моделей розвитку олімпійських видів спорту в умовах комерціалізації й професіоналізації; проведено історико-теоретичний аналіз розвитку професійного тенісу у світі (3 періоди); аналіз його організаційно-правових і економічних форм на міжнародному та національному рівнях.
спорт, організація, управління, комерціалізація, професіоналізація, теніс, модель.
Борисова О.В. Теннис: история и современность. Цель - обоснование путей развития профессионального спорта в Украине (на материале тенниса). Первичная информация получена путем анализа научно-методической литературы и документальных источников, данных официальных сайтов организационных структур тенниса (АТР, WTA, ITF, континентальных и национальных федераций, организационных комитетов теннисных турниров, теннисных академий и т.д.) (более 450 источников); применялся метод экспертных оценок (квалифицированные специалисты, судьи, тренеры, научные работники - 26 чел.). В статье теоретически обоснована возможность использования тенниса как одной из эффективных моделей развития олимпийских видов спорта в условиях коммерциализации и профессионализации; проведен историкотеоретический анализ развития профессионального тенниса в мире (3 периода); анализ его организационно-правовых и экономических форм на международном и национальном уровнях.
спорт, организация, управление, коммерциализация, профессионализация, теннис, модель.
Prompt growth of popularity of sports on international scene, increase of the political importance of performances of sportsmen as factor of national prestige, professionalization and commercialization Olympic sports cause necessity of optimization of a management system of sports in the country. It is characteristic, that an orientation to the maximum social and economic efficiency, an esthetics and staginess today are not less important components of sports, than sports result. Change of relative density of a professional component in the general system of sports predetermines necessity of special attention to all kinds of maintenance of sports preparation: organizational-administrative, economic, legal, personnel, material, scientifi-cally-methodical, medical, etc.
One of the basic tendencies of development of a modern society is globalization owing to which defining features of functioning of modern sports are: integration into market economy system, migration of sportsmen and coaches, formation of the powerful transnational market of the sports equipment, information and ideological measurements [1, 4, 9, 10, 12].
The radical changes occurring in modern sports of the higher achievements, cause necessity of working out of its strategy of development at national level according to universal tendencies. In a special measure it concerns the Post-Soviet countries having enormous historical and practical experience of construction of an effective management system and preparation of sportsmen in Olympic sports, but practically absent - in professional sports [5-7].
© Borisova O. V., 2012 doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.97379
Thereof, today there was a sharp necessity for the analysis of tendencies of development of professional sports, and also possibility of use of the American and West European experience for the purpose of development of national systems [2]. The special attention by methodology of professionalization Olympic kinds and development of kinds of sports which traditionally have the status professional, is involved with long-term history of development of tennis as professional kind of sports.
Communication of work with scientific plans, themes.
Work is executed within the limits of a theme 1.2. «Modern professional sports and ways of its development in Ukraine» «Consolidating plan of research work in physical education and sports sphere for 2011-2015» the Ministries of Ukraine of affairs of a family, youth and sports (number of the state registration 0111U001715).
Research objective - a substantiation of ways of development of professional sports in Ukraine (on a tennis material).
Methods and procedures.
The methodological basis of research was made by the dialectic approach based on comprehension of universality of interrelations of social processes and the phenomena, adequate reflexion of reality. Knowledge also is put in a basis of methodology of research and the experience, saved up in sphere of the Olympic and professional sports, stated in works of domestic and foreign experts [3, 5, 8, 11].
Results and discussion.
As the model of development of sports in the country can explain universality of tennis from following positions (fig. 1).
Carrying over of knowledge from the international experience (global and national levels) on country with the account socially -economic, legal relations and traditions
Presence of knowledge about development and functioning Olympic and professional directions
Tennis as model
Practical check of the received by means of model of knowledge and them use for construction the generalizing theory (concept) developments of sports, its transformation or managements
The independent object of research in the various the historical periods
Fig. 1. Aspects of consideration of tennis as models of development of sports in the country
The leisure form
Commodity market formation
Creation of universal structure
Development of capitalist relations
Occurrence of the first international tournaments (personal and command)
Formation of the international sports organizations (Olympic and professional)
Tennis structurization taking into account an economic component
Strengthening of a role of the person of the tennis player
Fig. 2. Stages of globalization of tennis
I - The period of origin of tennis;
II - The period of formation of bases;
III - The formation and development period
Fig. 3. Dynamics of development of tennis from the Ancient world to the present
Modern tennis
Not legal intra-state and international rules (morally-ethical standard, civilization features and distinctions)
The international
recommendatory and
political norms
Fig. 4. Elements of a standard component of modern tennis
Globalization in sports is an objective consequence of an aggravation of insoluble problems at the state level and contradictions, develops irrespective of activity of national social institutes and is caused by the external reasons for them. Tennis globalization provides both natural association and a corporate reconstruction (fig. 2).
The analyzes of dynamics of development of tennis, since the Ancient world and finishing the present which allows to assert, that a major factor of development of a kind of sports was interest of the upper class (kings, the nobility, presidents), and features of functioning at various historical stages - a kind elitism, absence sports orientations (entertainment) and professionalization, providing both criterion of a social accessory, and reception of material compensation (fig.3).
In history of development of modern tennis 5 periods are allocated: 1875-1895; 1896-1925; 1926-1967; 19681987; 1988 - on the present time, caused by basic influence of set sociopolitical, business factors and factors of development of sports movement. Origin of tennis in the conditions of formation of free market relations, its exception of the program of the Olympic Games for the long period (from 1928 to 1988), an era of “open tennis” (since 1968). Fast rates of development and popularization of a professional direction in the world have defined professionalization and commercialization an amateur direction and, as consequence, creation of uniform international system of competitions. The essential factor which has affected development of modern tennis, returning to it of the status of an Olympic kind of sports, the admission of professionals to participation in Olympic games that promoted not only to progress of professional tennis practically in all member countries of the international Olympic
movement (207 national federations), has affected features of a sports labor market and regulation in it of labor relations, but also became a source of the best practices for professionalization other kinds, search of perspective ways of an exit from the contradictions which have developed between Olympic and professional sports.
Today in tennis development take part more than 200 countries of the world, each of which differs a public and political system, national signs, legal and organizational systems. For increase of efficiency of organizational-legal regulation we will allocate object and a subject. As object tennis on global (international) and national (the separate countries-participants) levels acts. As a subject activity and behavior of people - subjects of the market (heads, functionaries, sportsmen, coaches etc.), and also relations between the international and national, public and state organizations of a various orientation (sports, commercial, scientific, medical etc.) the world countries (fig. 4).
Development of world professional tennis occurs according to the laws inherent in difficult systems. The commercial organizations form the markets of the finance and work, manufacture and sale of sports-entertainment services and the consumer goods, the mechanism of free prices, etc. Accessory of system of professional tennis to business sphere causes atmosphere of a rigid competition in all its structural formations, dictated by the market, that, on the one hand, makes active processes of monopolization in the system, with another - provides its further development. Thus in a prize there are practically all subjects of market relations: tennis players, their agents, coaches, organizers of tournaments, firms-sponsors, spectators (sellers and buyers of sports-entertainment services), etc. (fig. 5).
sports federations (ITF, national); professional leagues (ATP, WTA, national) sports clubs management and marketing agencies
Sports buildings; trading enterprises, services, medical centers; manufacturers of the sports goods and the equipment; scientific institutions
1 1 Fans;
Mass-media; Consumers of televiewers; fans-
sponsors sports services clubs; engaged
Fig. 5. The basic components and communications of the industry ofprofessional tennis
Fig. 6. Market communications of tennis
a2012 11
□ — bases of system of the sports, put
in pawn during the Soviet period;
□ — social and economic possibilities;
□ — rates of their adaptation to market
■ — natural and ecological features of territories;
— national traditions
□ — others
Fig. 7. The factors influencing an organizational condition of professional tennis in the transitive conditions as for Russia and Ukraine are (results of an expert estimation)
The modern system of the organization of professional tennis in the world represents transnational association with global level of the management, which activity is directed on transformation of a kind of sports to the profitable commercial enterprise with culture of «super states» dominating in it (mainly to the USA), where the result of work (a product - a show) is sale more than in 200 countries. Tennis globalization in economic, organizational, legal, technological, information, scientifically-techno-logical, social, political and other displays has caused formation of structure of the world tennis bourgeoisie united corporate (first of all economic) interests. It is necessary to carry to them: firms-manufacturers of the goods, services and entertainments (including mass-media); the international sports organizations; leading tennis players-professionals (fig. 6).
Feature of modern tennis, and in particular systems of competitions, is not only stability of a calendar (carrying out terms), but also attachment to sports objects (a carrying out place). Today tennis tournament is the independent and economic action assuming not only direct carrying out of competitions, but also the decision of some organizational questions, questions on the property rights, attraction of financial assets, participation of players etc. As a bright example for that four tournaments of “Grand Slam”.
Stability of organizational-administrative system of tennis, absence of the crisis phenomena, characteristic for other kinds of sports (mutual relation of players and organizers, economic), is predetermined by activity of three administrative organizations - ATP, WTA, ITF, the competitions forming uniform system, providing balance between financial indicators, achievements in sport and a corresponding place in Olympic movement, and also independence of sportsmen as subjects of the market from national structures (state and public), including at definition of priorities of the career.
The basic features of functioning of national structures of the professional tennis defining efficiency and equation of their activity, are: various schemes of formation of an infrastructure of sports, level of achievements in sport of leaders and national teams, quality of the organization of internal and international competitions, conditions
for preparation of sportsmen and work of coaches, and also the home market and change condition, occurring in a society (social, economic, political, etc.). The general for all subjects is dependence of development of national organizational-administrative structure on the tendencies in world system of professional tennis.
The factors having the high importance and defining an organizational condition of professional tennis for the countries in transitive conditions as for Russia and Ukraine are (fig 7.): bases of system of the sports, put in pawn during the Soviet period; social and economic possibilities; rates of their adaptation to market conditions; national traditions. At the same time active participation political and statesmen, heads of local administrations, prominent representatives of business circles, a science and culture, mass media of the Russian Federation in tennis development, and also use of the advanced sports practice of the strongest western professional commands, positive organizational experience of the centralized complex preparation of national national teams of the USSR (base, a technique, coaches, medicine) and modern mechanisms of sports management has allowed Russians to occupy in the lead position in youthful sports and is essential to strengthen positions in professional tennis.
Having studied foreign experience where professional tennis already has the developed structure and also opinion of leading domestic and foreign experts in the sports, we can design certain model and concept of development of tennis in the country. So, the tennis system should represent uniform system of preparation and the vertically-integrated system of competitions providing interrelation and interaction of Olympic and professional tennis, and its structural components are mass, reserve sports and sports of the higher achievements. Formation of the organizational system corresponding to the European model of professional sports is the optimal by development of professional tennis in the country.
Prospects of the further researches. The received knowledge concerning tennis, experience of its development in sports movement can be applied in other kinds of Olympic sports.
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Информация об авторе: Борисова Ольга Владимировна
borisova-nupesu@rambler.ru Национальный университет физического воспитания
и спорта Украины ул. Физкультуры 1, г.Киев, 03680, Украина. Поступила в редакцию 27.09.2012г.
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8. Avila F. Managing tennis business in times of crisis. ITF Coaching and Sport Science Review, 2009, vol.48, pp. 18-19.
9. Bairner A. Sport, nationalism, and globalization: European and North Americanperspectives. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2001, pp. 135-146.
10. Jarvie G. Sport, culture and society: an introduction. London: Routledge, 2006, pp. 17-35.
11. Jones N. A general overview of contracts in sport; a tennis perspective. ITF Coaching and Sport Science Review, 2003, vol.31, pp. 4-6.
12. Maguire J. Power and global sport. London: Routledge, 2005, P. 207-233.
Information about the author: Borisova O. V.
borisova-nupesu@rambler.ru National University of Physical Education and Sport of Ukraine Fizkultury str. 1, Kiev, 03680, Ukraine.
Came to edition 27.09.2012.