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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Sakhratulaeva M.M.

The article deals with the technology of development of management decisions as the most important aspect of the organization. The types of management decisions, as well as the requirements necessary for its adoption are shown. The process of managerial decision-making is displayed.

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УДК 35.351

Sakhratulaeva M.M.

Master's degree student 1 course of study in the direction "State and municipal administration " Dagestan State University Russia, Makhachkala TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT, ADOPTION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF MANAGERIAL DECISIONS AS AN IMPORTANT ASPECT OF ACTIVITY

Abstract: The article deals with the technology of development of management decisions as the most important aspect of the organization. The types of management decisions, as well as the requirements necessary for its adoption are shown. The process of managerial decision-making is displayed.

Keywords: management decision, requirements, management, efficiency, alternative.

In the process of economic and financial activities of organizations there are constantly situations when there is a need to choose one of several possible options. The result of such a choice is a certain decision.

The main content of the activities of state and municipal authorities is the management of economic and socio-cultural development in the relevant territory.

Such management is carried out by the management body through management decisions.

How well a management decision is prepared depends not only onto the degree of effectiveness of the management body influence on the managed object but also the organization of the implementation of command decisions and control over the execution. In other words, the effectiveness of public administration bodies largely depends on the quality of management decisions.

The concepts and types of management decisions of state and municipal government.

In the system of state and municipal management, various options for the concept of "management decision" are used: a plan for resolving, eliminating the problem, actions of management entities aimed at choosing from several alternative options for one option of the development of the organization, the course of actions, or a separate industry as a whole, ensuring the achievement of the intended goals at the lowest cost, or the form of the impact of management entities on the managed object aimed at achieving the goal.

The solution as a process is characterized by the fact that it is carried out in several stages, proceeding in time. In this regard, it is appropriate to talk about the stages of preparation, adoption and implementation of decisions.

The decision-making stage can be interpreted as an act of choice made by an individual or a group with the help of certain rules.

According to the subject of management decisions, they are divided into

individual, collegial and collective ones.

Individual decisions are mainly developed and made by the head on issues requiring prompt action, as well as on personnel and other private issues.

Collective decisions are taken by a group of relevant managers on matters of the principle of importance to the organization in its functioning and development.

Collective decisions are developed and adopted at general meetings of all employees on the basis of the majority of votes cast for the proposed decisions.

According to the duration of implementation, management decisions are divided into:

— strategic or long-term — with a validity of more than 5 years;

— tactical or current — within a year;

— operational - within a quarter or a month.

According to the degree of freedom of action of the performers, management decisions are divided into policy, regulatory, flexible and orienting ones. Policy decisions require strict implementation. The normative and flexible ones represent a certain choice of methods of execution of the tasks provided by them. Orienting decisions give only general course of actions without specifying tasks.

For the reasons of emergency, the following groups of administrative decisions are allocated: the program ones, according to the order of higher bodies, the initiative, situational ones, i.e. caused by the situation developed in the object of management.

The problem is understood as a situation characterized by the difference of the existing state in the control object with the desired or necessary one. According to the functional orientation of management, decisions are divided into the planning, organization, control, coordination ones.

The ratio of these groups of management decisions to some extent characterizes the style of management. Thus, the lack of proactive decisions indicates the predominance of the formal approach of the head to his duties, or even his inability to independently manage the object.

A large number of situational decisions mean some shortcomings in management, the inefficiency of the construction and functioning of the management system as a whole.

Management decisions are also divided into the programmable (standard) and non-programmable (non-standard) ones according to the degree of complexity of their preparation. The structure of the decision and the procedure of its preparation, adoption and execution have been worked out for programmable decisions. Nonprogrammable solutions are novel and require creative design.

To use programmable management solutions, it is advisable to create a bank of standard solutions. To a certain extent, the development of standard solutions can be formalized and, on this basis, automated with the help of electronic computers.

The use of personal computers can improve the quality and speed up the process of preparing a solution and monitoring its implementation.

It is important to improve the work on non-standard solutions that require creative efforts in their development. So, there should be some transformation of

complex non-standard tasks into standard ones, which greatly simplifies the solution of the problem by using a known order of its solution.

In turn, the effectiveness of management decisions depends on its quality, which is determined by a set of properties that provide the ability to resolve the problem.

These properties include:

• purposefulness;

• scientific validity;

• timeliness;

• consistency;

• reality;

• the authority;

• legitimacy;

• quantitative and qualitative certainty.

Purposefulness means the need to have a clearly defined goal aimed at resolving the problem.

The scientific validity of the management decision involves taking into account the requirements of objective laws of functioning and development of the managed object, which is provided by the use of scientific methods in the preparation of management decisions.

The timeliness of management decision-making is its most important property that determines the effectiveness of the management entity's influence on the object. A decision must be made when it is necessary. A hasty or delayed decision can lead to losses. In many cases, an early decision is effective. Such a decision can prevent or mitigate the arising contradiction, interrupt the development of a conflict situation.

The consistency of the management decision is understood as its consistency with earlier decisions and decisions of higher authorities.

The reality of the management decision is its practical feasibility, provided by the establishment of sufficient amounts of necessary resources and deadlines for the implementation of the decision.

The authority of a management decision means that it is made by an official with the necessary rights.

The legality of the management decision is understood as its compliance with the current legislation and law.

The purpose of the management decision should be formulated in certain quantitative and qualitative indicators.

Management decisions are classified on various grounds: functional content, organization of development, duration of implementation, scope, breadth of problems, causes, methods of development, organizational design, management hierarchy, etc.

In some cases, non-standard problems should be divided into a number of standard and several new issues, which will simplify the solution of the new problem by its maximum standardization.

However, the greatest effect is provided by non-standard creative solutions. It is important to verify the non-standard nature of the problem as some of them may not be so new in a deeper analysis.

Professional managers are distinguished by the ability to see behind numerous non-standard problems their common cause and to solve a significant group of seemingly non-standard, particular problems on the basis of the development of a common approach.

Management decisions are also divided in the verbal or written forms. In the state and municipal administration system the written form of management decisions is the most common one.

In the legal literature, written management decisions of state and municipal authorities are considered as legal acts that express the principles of power inherent in the management carried out by these bodies. These legal acts are divided into the normative and individual ones.

The regulatory acts of management contain certain rules designed for the repeated use, on the basis of which specific administrative and legal relations may arise. These acts are issued for the purpose of regulating certain, fairly similar public relations relating to the sphere of state and municipal administration, for example, the rules and procedure for obtaining housing from the state or municipal fund, the procedure for receiving and considering citizens' appeals to state or municipal authorities, etc.

Individual management acts are issued by management bodies and officials on operational and other current issues arising in the process of executive and administrative activities.

Individual acts of management, being acts of application of the rules of law, should always be based on the regulations that are their legal basis.

The technology of development and implementation of management decisions

The process of preparation and implementation of management decisions includes the following stages:

1. Identification and formulation of the problem.

2. Forming a group for the preparation of the decision.

3. Collection of information and analysis of the problem.

4. Preparation and justification of solutions.

5. Choice and decision-making.

6. Organization of execution of the decision.

7. Monitoring and evaluation of the results of the decision execution.

At the first stage, the identification of the problem situation in the control object is carried out, which requires the control action of the control system. Problem situations arise when the normal process of functioning of the control object is rejected as a result of internal and external disturbances. Problems also arise while analyzing the results of the operation of the control object in the past period, the assessment of the degree of use of resources, etc. The problem can be set up by a higher organization.

The formation of the problem and the purpose of the management decision

are carried out by the head.

At the second stage, the manager forms a group of qualified specialists who, in his opinion, are able to prepare solutions to the problem. If necessary, the manager performs this work independently.

At the third stage, the group preparing a solution to the problem collects and processes the information necessary for making a management decision. This information includes policy and regulatory information, including previous decisions on this issue. The quality of the information collected should be evaluated for reliability, accuracy, completeness, relevance, value, usefulness. Based on the information collected, the problem situation is analyzed with the following conclusions:

a) what changes have occurred in the control object, what the problem is;

b) what causes provoke the formation of a problem situation;

c) what resources the management system have to solve the problem;

d) what measures should be taken to solve the problem.

At the fourth stage, the group develops alternative solutions based on the chosen methods.

As methods of devising solutions the following ones are used:

1. Analogy methods.

2. Methods of an experiment.

3. Economic and mathematical methods.

4. Simulation modeling methods.

5. Methods of business games.

6. Methods of system analysis.

In each type of solution the main directions of achieving the goal (problem solution), the specific implementing decisions, necessary resources, deadlines, goal achievement, perceived social consequences from the implementation of the decision should be determined.

Thus, the alternatives of the administrative decision found by means of scientific methods are presented to the head that makes a final choice and the statement of the administrative decision.

On the basis of comparison of the presented alternative solutions, the most optimal one is chosen. The comparison of alternative solutions is based on different indicators. As such indicators the degree of solving the problem, the cost of resources, the duration of the solution, the social consequences for the object of management can be used. The choice of option and approval of the decision by the head is the content of the fifth stage of the process of preparation and implementation of management decisions.

At the sixth stage of this process, the execution of the decision is organized. At this stage, first of all, it is ensured that the decision is communicated to the executor or executors who develop an action plan for its implementation and inform the head of administration about it.

At the final stage there is monitoring and evaluation of the results of the decision. For this purpose, a copy of the management decision is transferred to the

control service where it is placed under control. The control service reminds the executors of the approaching deadlines and, with the involvement of the necessary employees, carries out the actual control of its execution, assessing the timing and quality of execution.

With the help of performance control, the manager receives information about the state of affairs which allows him to prevent adverse situations in advance.

The evaluation of performance is when the results of the implementation of management decisions are compared with the expected. If the results do not coincide with the forecasts and plans, then the correction of actions to achieve the planned result is carried out, i.e. there is a need to develop and adopt a new management decision.

The reasons for the corrections of decisions in the process of their implementation may be the poor organization of the decision execution, abrupt changes in the situation caused by external reasons, the inadequacy of the decision and some others. When a previous decision loses its validity, it can disorganize the work. It is often enough to make a few additions to the decision to correct it, but there are cases when it is necessary to make a new decision. In both cases, the manager must quickly communicate the adjustments to the implementers.

List of references:

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