TEAM SPORT VOLLEYBALL AND ITS DIFFERENCE FROM OTHER SPORTS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Tabinbaev B.A., Qaliev Q.S.

Volleyball is a popular game in many countries around the world. Volleyball was first played in the United States of America. In 1895, William Morgan, a physical education teacher at a college in Heliok, Massachusetts, offered students a new entertaining game whose main idea was that players should hit the ball with their hands and make it fly over the net. The game has been named "Volleyball", which in English means a flying ball. The sporting rules of this game were developed in 1897 and have been changed and supplemented again and again. A simple game that does not require expensive equipment, it spread very quickly in Japan, China, the Philippines and later in Europe. Volleyball began to develop in our country after the Great October Revolution. Gain great popularity.

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Tabinbaev B.A. assistant

Physical Education and Sports University of Uzbekistan

Nukus branch Qaliev Q.S. intern-teacher

Physical Education and Sports University of Uzbekistan

Nukus branch



Abstract: Volleyball is a popular game in many countries around the world. Volleyball was first played in the United States of America. In 1895, William Morgan, a physical education teacher at a college in Heliok, Massachusetts, offered students a new entertaining game whose main idea was that players should hit the ball with their hands and make it fly over the net. The game has been named "Volleyball", which in English means a flying ball. The sporting rules of this game were developed in 1897 and have been changed and supplemented again and again. A simple game that does not require expensive equipment, it spread very quickly in Japan, China, the Philippines and later in Europe. Volleyball began to develop in our country after the Great October Revolution. Gain great popularity.

Keywords: volleyball, game, ball, net, training, health, physical development.

The concept of the development of physical education and sports in the Russian Federation indicates that the importance of physical education of schoolchildren is due to the needs of our state in preparing a healthy, diversified, able-bodied younger generation for the full-fledged fulfillment of the function of a citizen of our society. In the daily life of schoolchildren, the importance of physical education is due to:

- firstly, the intensification and increasing intellectualization of educational work, caused by an increase in the scientific and theoretical level of content

subjects, the widespread introduction of active learning methods;

- secondly, an increase in the employment of children during extracurricular time with activities that limit the manifestation of motor function: educational activities in the classroom, classes in circles;

- thirdly, the use of a computer in everyday life and educational activities.

According to many authors, initiation to sports from childhood gives a

person physical hardening, brings up dexterity, clarity and speed of reaction, increases activity, develops him morally, aesthetically, which is necessary for a

healthy, complete person. Full-fledged physical development of children is possible only with the integrated use of physical education: natural factors, hygiene measures and physical exercises.

Volleyball is one of the most popular games in Russia. The massive, truly popular nature of volleyball explains its high emotionality and accessibility, based on the simplicity of the rules of the game and the complexity of the equipment. A special advantage of volleyball as a means of physical education is its specific quality - the possibility of self-dosing the load, i.e. compliance between the preparedness of the player and the workload he receives. This makes volleyball a game accessible to people of all ages. [1, 87p]

Playing volleyball is a very effective means of promoting health and physical development. All movements in volleyball are natural in nature, based on running, jumping, throwing. Modern biomedical and sociological studies show that systematic volleyball lessons cause significant multifunctional changes in the activity of analyzers, the musculoskeletal system and internal organs and systems.

Through the efforts of specialists from many countries of the world, the general issues of volleyball (methods of teaching the game and improving technical techniques) have been fairly well studied and covered in various teaching aids and developments. In our country, such specialists as A. G. Ayriyants, N. V. Semashko, O. P. Topyshev, Yu. N. Kleshchev, Yu. D. Zheleznyak, V. V. Medvedev, Yu. P. Furaev, A. G. Furmanov, L. N. Sluzhsky, S. L. Fetisova, A. V. Belyaev and others. Among foreign authors, we can mention such names as S. Oinuma, Y. Matsudaira, N. Ikeda, M. Saito and others. But the process of improving the methods of training volleyball players is limitless. We still do not know everything about the human body, its capabilities. The modern physical education program for schools contains material on many sports. Among them, a worthy place is given to volleyball. Volleyball (English volleyball from volley - "volley", "volley", and ball - "ball") - a sport, a team sports game, during which two teams compete on a special platform, divided by a grid, trying to send the ball to side of the opponent in such a way that he landed on the opponent's court, or a player of the defending team made a mistake. Volleyball is a non-contact, combinational sport, where each player has a strict specialization on the court. The most important qualities for volleyball players are jumping ability for the ability to rise high above the net, reaction, coordination, physical strength for the effective production of attacking blows. Volleyball - Olympic sport since 1964.

Fifth-graders must master the basic elements of the game of volleyball -these are the ways of moving in volleyball, rational starting positions for performing game techniques - the so-called volleyball stances, study the top transfer of the ball with two hands, master games that prepare for volleyball. The stances and movements are not that difficult for children to learn. Movements and stances are part of the playing technique of a young volleyball

player; the success of various actions with the ball depends on their perfection. The stand is the position of the volleyball player's readiness to perform the reception of the game, for example, the transfer.

Each teacher of physical education is clear about the main task, which is to ensure that students successfully master the basics of playing volleyball skills. You need to learn how to quickly move around the site, stop and change direction, learn the transfer from above with two hands, the bottom serve and receive from below with two hands. Having studied these techniques well in the lessons in the fifth grade, you can confidently play according to the rules of mini-volleyball. All this will become the basis for the successful study of program material in the next grades 6-11. Students must learn certain rules of conduct in the classroom when learning the techniques of playing volleyball. Exercises with a volleyball must be preceded by exercises in the introductory part of the lesson. It is necessary to introduce students to the skills of self-insurance during jumps, the falls of which are many in volleyball.

The Federal State Educational Standard in the subject "Physical Education" obliges teachers to take into account the anatomical, physiological and psychological characteristics of children when planning and conducting classes, since without deep knowledge of the anatomical, physiological and mental characteristics of students and the ability to take them into account in the specific conditions of the educational process, it is impossible to successfully resolve issues associated with increasing the physical fitness of students. Thus, we can conclude that volleyball in physical education classes in the fifth grade can give students pleasure, serve as a means of reasonable rest, promote the development of physical abilities, strength and speed, endurance, promote the formation of physical qualities and skills. You only need skillfully select physical exercises and tasks so that they arouse interest among schoolchildren, and, consequently, arouse interest in physical education - this is the main goal that the teacher strives for in connection with the task of increasing the level of the process of teaching physical education.


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2. Barchukov I. B. Teoriya i metodika fizicheskogo vospitaniya i sporta [Theory and methodology of physical education and sport]. Moscow, Kronus Publ., 2011, 247 p.

3. Belyaev A. V., Bulykina L. V. Voleybol: teoriya i metodika trenirovki [Volleyball: theory and training methodology]. Moscow, Physical Culture and Sport Publ., 2007, 184 p.

4. Belyaev A. V., Zheleznyak Yu. D., Kleschev Yu. N., Kostyukov V. V., Kuvshinnikov V. G.,Rodionov A. V., Savin M. V., Topyshev O. P. Voleybol v shkole [Volleyball at school]. Moscow, Physical culture, education and science Publ., 2010, 357 p.

5. Vasil'kov A. A. Teoriya i metodika fizicheskogo vospitaniya [Theory and methodology of physical education]. Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix Publ., 2011, 381 p.

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