Научная статья на тему 'Improvement of group tactical actions in protection at volleyball players of 15-16 years'

Improvement of group tactical actions in protection at volleyball players of 15-16 years Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Markov V.A., Nevmerzickaya E.V.

The article describes the process of group learning tactical techniques of the game of volleyball, a very important group tactical training in games and achievement of high sports results in the competitions in volleyball. Tactical training takes a great place in the preparation of volleyball. In order for tactical training to have a good result in competitive activity, it is necessary to be able to analyze different situations on the site, have an idea about the game in defense and be able to apply various techniques in the game. The organization of protective actions is very difficult process demanding harmonious actions of the players who are taking part in blocking and the players accepting a ball from the attacking blows and on insurance. A good defense can turn the tide of the game and bring victory to the team.

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Совершенствование групповых тактических действий в защите у волейболистов 15-16 лет

Рассказывается о процессе обучения тактическим групповым приёмам игры у волейболистов, в котором очень важное значение имеет групповая тактическая подготовка в играх и достижении высокого спортив ного результата в соревнованиях по волейболу. Тактическая часть занимает в подготовке волейболиста большое место. Для того чтобы тактическая подготовка имела хороший результат в соревновательной деятельности, необходимо уметь анализировать разные ситуации на площадке, иметь представление об игре в защите и уметь применять различные технические приёмы в игре. Организация защитных действий очень сложный процесс, требующий слаженных действий игроков, принимающих участие в блокировании, и игроков, принимающих мяч от атакующих ударов и на страховке. Хорошая игра в защите может переломить ход игры и принести победу команде.

Текст научной работы на тему «Improvement of group tactical actions in protection at volleyball players of 15-16 years»

ББК 75.566 УДК 796.323


V.A. Markov, E.V. Nevmerzickaya

Volga Region Academy of Physical Culture of Sport and Tourism, Kazan, Russia

The article describes the process of group learning tactical techniques of the game of volleyball, a very important group tactical training in games and achievement of high sports results in the competitions in volleyball. Tactical training takes a great place in the preparation of volleyball. In order for tactical training to have a good result in competitive activity, it is necessary to be able to analyze different situations on the site, have an idea about the game in defense and be able to apply various techniques in the game. The organization of protective actions is very difficult process demanding harmonious actions of the players who are taking part in blocking and the players accepting a ball from the attacking blows and on insurance. A good defense can turn the tide of the game and bring victory to the team.

Keywords: attack, block, modern volleyball, game zone, tactical training, training process, volleyball players.

Introduction. Modern volleyball, as Olympic or professional one is unusually spectacular and fascinating game. It is power giving in a jump, the powerful attacking blows at a grid and from the back line, masterly protective actions at a block and in the field, difficult tactical combinations with participation of players of the forward and back line [1].

Complication of the attacking actions of volleyball players imposes increased requirements to physical, technical and psychological fitness of the protected players. At the same time, changes in rules have allowed teams to resist to offense of the rival more actively. Activation of protective tactical actions in modern volleyball is characterized by speed of movement in protection and more frequent use of double and threefold blocking [2].

The analysis of competitive activity of highly skilled volleyball players has shown that at most of teams the effectiveness of tactical actions in protection is much lower, than in the attack. This tendency has begun to be shown in the 70-80th. The attacking potential of highly skilled volleyball players has increased thanks to increase players athleticism. In these conditions of protection, it is hard fo player to resist a powerful attack [2].

The difficult nature of game activity of young volleyball players causes a wide variety of the used movements most of which often should be carried out with the greatest possible speed. At the same time, the main difficulty of measurement of indicators of tactical actions in protection is unpredictability of each subsequent movement which entirely depends on the created situation on the platform. Overcoming the available difficulties at objective assessment of tactical actions

in protection can be carried out by modeling of a game activity in the conditions as close as possible to the movements which are carried out by volleyball players at defensive play.

The purpose of the study: to prove and develop theoretical and to experimentally skills. To the check application of sets of exercises for improvement of group tactical actions in protection of volleyball players of 15-16 years.

The object of the study: a process of tactical training of volleyball players of 15-16 years.

The subject of the research: an improvement of group tactical actions in protection of volleyball players of 15-16 years.

Research objectives:

1. To study the materials connected with age features and a technique of improvement of tactics of defensive play of young volleyball players in educational and training process.

2. To reveal initial indicators of group tactical actions in protection of volleyball players of 15-16 years.

3. To develop sets of exercises for improvement of group tactical actions in protection of volleyball players of 15-16 years.

4. To define changes of indicators of group tactical actions in protection of volleyball players of 15-16 years of control and experimental groups at the end of the research.

Practical significance is an application of the developed sets of exercises for improvement of group tactical actions in protection of volleyball players of 15-16-year age in training process for increase in efficiency of a game of athletes during the competitive period, when they performing elements of protection.

Physical Culture. Sport. Tourism. Motor Recreation. 2018. Vol. 3, no. 4


The main methods of research are the analysis, synthesis and synthesis of scientific and methodological data.

Organization of the research.

In the course of studying scientific literature and preliminary researches, sets of exercises for improvement of group tactical actions in protection which have been used further for carrying out a research have been picked up [3; 4].

The research was conducted from September, 2017 to March, 2018, in Kazan Sport Youth School. Volleyball players of 15-16 years participated in a research. The control of group that were trained by the curriculum the made trainer-teacher on the basis of the basic training program. The experimental group trained also by the curriculum, but occupation has included special exercises on improvement of group tactical actions in protection [5]. In each group there were about 12 people.

We have analyzed complexes of special exercises on improvement of group tactical actions in protection at volleyball players of 15-16 years.

The research was conducted step by step.

At the first stage (September, 2017) the relevance and level of readiness of a problem of the research by studying and the analysis of literature came to light. There were definite purposes, tasks and methods of the research.

At the second stage (October, 2017) we have held testing of indicators of group tactical actions in protection of volleyball players of 15-16 years. Further in experimental group for six months on training occupations special sets of exercises were applied.

At the third stage (March, 2018) the repeated research of volleyball players of 15-16 years has been conducted.

The fourth stage (March-April, 2018) is devoted to processing of results of our and other researches [6; 7; 8] and registration of final qualification work.

In the research testing of indicators of group tactical actions in protection was applied:

1. Reception of giving of u the direction of a ball on the binding player.

The accepting players settle down in zones 5, 6, 1, binding — in a zone 2. Giving make on players of zones 5, 6, 1 which should send a ball after reception precisely to the player of a zone 2. this exercise from players of a zone 5, 6, 1 is required thinner differentiation of reception of giving as they have to send a ball not just to a zone, and to precisely binding player. Players choose a way of reception of giving indepen-

dently (on each player moved on 10 giving, precisely finished reception was estimated at 10 %, not precisely finished — 0 %).

2. Reception of the attacking blows.

Examinees carry out reception of a ball two hands

from below, moving from the zone 5 to the zone 6 after the attacking blows of the players who are at a grid during 30 with, with intensity of 10 receptions. Inclusion in a grid, out of borders of the platform is considered as loss of a ball (10 forwards of blows were made, I left a ball in a game — 10 %, I have lost a ball — 0 %).

3. Actions blocking depending on actions of the binding player.

The binding player settles down in a zone 2, forwards — in zones 3 and 4, blocking — on the opposite side of the platform. Blocking, having foreseen the direction of the second transfer on actions of the binding player, have to move to the corresponding zone and put the block (10 forwards of blows were made, in case of blow closing with the block completely — 10 %, and in case of unsuccessful blocking — 0 % were appropriated).

4. Reception of a ball by the player, free from blocking.

Three blocking players in zones 4, 3, 2. The attacking players in zones 4 and 2. On a signal forwards from transfers of the binding player carry out blow in one of zones which is closed blocking zones 4 and 3 or 3 and 2. The player who isn't participating in the block carries out an insurance or is delayed in a free zone in the line of attack and accepts the attacking blow (10 forwards of blows were made, I left a ball in a game — 10 %, I have lost a ball — 0 %).


1. The analysis of special literature on a subject of a research and practical experience has shown that the modern level of the theory and practice of volleyball players is characterized by further search of effective remedies and methods of formation of group tactical actions in protection.

Use of special sets of exercises as factor of increase in efficiency of training process will promote improvement of group tactical actions in protection of volleyball players of 15-16 years.

2. Volleyball players of experimental and control groups at the beginning of the research have rather equal average results on all indicators of testing of group tactical actions in protection.

3. We have developed 6 sets of exercises on improvement of group tactical actions in protection of

Improvement of Group Tactical Actions in Protection at Volleyball Players of 15-16 Years

volleyball players of 15-16 years who were applied in the preparatory and competitive periods within six months. The microcycle made 6-1 (the 6th training day, 1 day — rest). Sets of exercises alternated. In the first training day of a microcycle the first complex on improvement of interactions of players of the forward line by means of exercises on the equipment including 4 exercises in the second day—the second complex on improvement of interactions of players of the forward line by means of exercises on tactics containing 4 exercises in the third—the third complex on improvement of interactions of players of the back line by means of exercises on the equipment from 6 exercises, in the fourth day — a complex on improvement of interactions of players of the back line by means of exercises on tactics from 3 exercises, in the fifth day—the fifth complex on improvement of interactions of players of forward and back lines among themselves by means of exercises on the equipment from 5 exercises and in the sixth day—the sixth complex on improvement of interactions of players of forward and back lines among themselves by means of exercises on tactics from 6 exercises was applied. Complexes were applied in the main part of educational and training occupation within 30-40 minutes.

4. During the research in an experimental group the reliable gain in all tests was observed. In control group of reliable changes in the studied indicators it wasn't observed.

In experimental group in tests:

- «reception of giving and the direction of a ball on the binding player» reception has improved on 33, and in control for 9 %;

- «reception of the attacking blows» average result has increased by 39 %, and in control for 9 %;

- «actions blocking depending on actions binding» in comparison with initial indicators result I have im-

Поступила в редакцию 15 ноября 2018 г.

proved for 27 % and in control for 9 %;

- «reception of a ball by the player, free from blocking» a gain has made 27 % and in control — 10 %;

Volleyball players of experimental group surpass volleyball players of control group in all studied indicators, statistically significant intergroup changes have happened in all indicators.


1. Voleybol / ed. A.V. Belyaev, M. V. Savin [Volleyball]. Ed. A.V. Belyaev, M.V. Savin]. Moscow, 2006. 360 p. (In Russ.).

2. Homutinskiy V.S. Voleybol: programma dlya sektsiy kollektivov fizicheskoy kultury [Volleyball: program sections, collectives of physical culture]. Moscow, 1971. 212 p. (In Russ.).

3. Lukashevich V.V., Volchkova V.I., Dani-lova G.R. Efficiency of influence of outdoor games on the development of physical training of young volleyball players. Sovremennyyeproblemyi iperspektivyi razvitiya sistemyi podgotovki sportivnogo rezerva v preddverii XXXI Olimpiyskikh igr v Rio-de-Zhaneyro: materialyi Vserossiyskoy (s mezhdunarodnyim uchas-tiem) nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii (26-27 noy-abrya 2015 g.) [Modern problems and prospects of development of system of preparation of sports reserve in anticipation of the XXXI Olympic games in Rio de Janeiro: materials of all-Russian (with international participation) scientific-practical conference (26-27 Nov 2015)]. Kazan, 2015. Pp. 344-346.

4. Lazunina I.V. Metodika sovershenstvovaniya takticheskoy podgotovki voleybolistok 15-16 let v uchebno-trenirovochnom protsesse [Methods of improvement of tactical training of volleyball players 15-16 years in the training process]. Mir nauki, kultury, obrazovaniya [World of science, culture, education], 2017, no. 5 (66), pp. 164-165. (In Russ.).

Для цитирования: Markov, V.A. Improvement of Group Tactical Actions in Protection at Volleyball Players of 15-16 Years / V.A. Markov, E.V. Nevmerzickaya // Физическая культура. Спорт. Туризм. Двигательная рекреация. — 2018. — Т. 3, № 4. — С. 71-74.

Совершенствование групповых тактических действий в защите у волейболистов 15—16 лет

В. А. Марков, Е. В. Невмержицкая

Рассказывается о процессе обучения тактическим групповым приёмам игры у волейболистов, в котором очень важное значение имеет групповая тактическая подготовка в играх и достижении высокого спортив-

Physlcal Culture. Sport. Tourism. Motor Recreation. 2018. Vol. 3, no. 4


ного результата в соревнованиях по волейболу. Тактическая часть занимает в подготовке волейболиста большое место. Для того чтобы тактическая подготовка имела хороший результат в соревновательной деятельности, необходимо уметь анализировать разные ситуации на площадке, иметь представление об игре в защите и уметь применять различные технические приёмы в игре. Организация защитных действий — очень сложный процесс, требующий слаженных действий игроков, принимающих участие в блокировании, и игроков, принимающих мяч от атакующих ударов и на страховке. Хорошая игра в защите может переломить ход игры и принести победу команде.

Ключевые слова: атака, блок, волейболисты, игровая зона, современный волейбол, тактическое обучение, учебный процесс.

Список литературы

1. Волейбол / под общ. ред. проф. А. В. Беляева, доц. М. В. Савина. — М. : Физ. культура и спорт, 2006. — 360 с.

2. Хомутинский, В. С. Волейбол: программа для секций коллективов физической культуры / В. С. Хомутинский. — М. : Образование, 1971. — 212 с.

3. Lukashevich, V. V. Efficiency of influence of outdoor games on the development of physical training of young volleyball players / V. V. Lukashevich, V. I. Volchkova, G. R. Danilova // Современные про-

блемы и перспективы развития системы подготовки спортивного резерва в преддверии XXXI Олимпийских игр в Рио-де-Жанейро : материалы Всерос. (с междунар. участием) науч.-практ. конф. (2627 ноября 2015 г.). — Казань : Поволжская ГАФКСиТ, 2015. — С. 344-346.

4. Лазунина, И. В. Методика совершенствования тактической подготовки волейболисток 15-16 лет в учебно-тренировочном процессе / И. В. Лазунина // Мир науки, культуры, образования. — 2017. — №2 5 (66). — С. 164-165.

Сведения об авторах

Марков Виктор Андреевич — магистрант, Поволжская академия физической культуры, спорта и туризма. Казань, Россия. viktor240996@mail.ru

Невмержицкая Екатерина Васильевна — старший преподаватель, Поволжская академия физической культуры, спорта и туризма. Казань, Россия. viktor240996@mail.ru

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