USING MOBILE GAMES IN VOLLEYBALL LESSONS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Клиническая медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по клинической медицине, автор научной работы — Mavlonova O.D.

This article discusses “Exactly Leading”, “Ball in the Air”, “Candle” “Oncoming Volleyball Pasovka Over the Net”, “Volleyball Players Lapta”, “Volleyball without innings”, “Rolling a stuffed ball”, “Shootout”, “Get into the square ”and other outdoor volleyball game.

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Mavlonova O.D.

Master's degree in Namangan State University USING MOBILE GAMES IN VOLLEYBALL LESSONS

Annotation: This article discusses "Exactly Leading", "Ball in the Air", "Candle" "Oncoming Volleyball Pasovka Over the Net", "Volleyball Players Lapta", "Volleyball without innings", "Rolling a stuffed ball", "Shootout", "Get into the square "and other outdoor volleyball game.

Keywords: volleyball, outdoor games, "Exactly for the driver", "Ball in the air", "Candle", "Oncoming volleyball pasovka above the net", "Volleyball players' foot ", " Volleyball without innings ", " Rolling a stuffed ball ", " Shootout " , "Hit the square "

Health is an invaluable asset not only of every person, but of the whole society. Health helps us to fulfill our plans, successfully solve basic life tasks, overcome difficulties, and if necessary, significant overloads. A healthy lifestyle for the younger generation is the key to the health of the nation as a whole. To be healthy means to develop in harmony your physical and spiritual strengths, to have endurance and balance, to be able to withstand the action of both adverse environmental factors and your inner world. The relevance of the topic in modern education. In the educational work on volleyball, outdoor games and relay races are used both to consolidate the methods of the game in defense and attack, and to teach tactical actions. They activate the activities of students in the classroom, improve individual skills acquired in the classroom. Outdoor games as a means of physical education and a game method contribute to the upbringing and improvement of physical qualities, create the most favorable conditions for the disclosure and development of not only physical abilities, but also spiritual, moral qualities. They contribute to the formation of external and internal motivation of students, create a favorable psychological climate, a situation of success and emotional relaxation. They serve as a transitional stage to mastering sports games. Volleyball is one of the most common games in world. The massive, truly national character of volleyball is explained by its high emotionality and accessibility, based on the simplicity of the rules of the game and the simplicity of equipment. A special advantage of volleyball as a means of physical education is its specific quality - the ability to self-dose the load, i.e. the correspondence between the preparedness of the player and the load that he receives. This makes volleyball a game, compared to other sports, emotional accessible to people of all ages. Volleyball, as a sports game, is characterized by a very high, and intellectual richness. The psychological characteristics of the activity of volleyball players are determined by the rules of the game, the nature of the game, the objective features of the competition.

Volleyball fosters a sense of collectivism in students; perseverance, determination, determination; attention and speed of thinking; ability to manage your emotions; improving basic physical qualities. In the process of playing

volleyball, students are characterized by a variety of alternating movements, a quick change of situations, a change in the intensity and duration of each player's activity. The conditions of gaming activity teach those involved: to subordinate their actions to the interests of the collective in achieving a common goal; to act with the maximum exertion of one's strengths and capabilities, to overcome difficulties in the course of wrestling; constantly monitor the progress of the game, instantly evaluate the changed situation and make the right decisions. During training, game receptions are better perceived when fixation during the training process uses outdoor games with volleyball elements and exercises that simulate game actions. When students cannot quickly master the basic techniques, then their interest in classes decreases. Outdoor games aimed at developing physical qualities and improving elements of technology activate students and increase interest in classes. In this regard, games and relay races are effective when conducting "uninteresting" exercises without a ball. The use of a game method with elements of competitiveness helps to increase the emotional state and better assimilation of the material studied. When learning the technique of racks and movements, game exercises and outdoor games that develop special qualities that facilitate the assimilation of tasks with a volleyball are effective. Along with a comprehensive impact on the development of the necessary qualities, they contribute to a significant increase in the interest and motivation of students.

The use of outdoor games contributes to the successful teaching of technical techniques, and also teaches students to use them most economically and purposefully, depending on the situation.

Effective game "Volleyball without innings": two teams, 4-6 people each, stand on the court on both sides of the net; the teacher and his assistants 2-3 collect all the balls to the place where the judge is; the ball is thrown on one side of the court, where it is received, played and sent to the other side of the court, whose players do the same; after the loss of the ball by one of the teams, another ball is thrown on their side; the team that had fewer ball losses wins.

When studying innings, errors are often encountered related to the incorrect throwing of the ball and the incorrect impact movement on it. To eliminate errors, use outdoor games with throwing balls at the target: "Rolling a stuffed ball", "Crossing under fire", etc. The content of the game "Rolling a stuffed ball" is as follows. The players are built in two lines on the front lines of the volleyball court facing each other. Each line has 5-6 goals. On the middle line in the center of the site - a stuffed ball weighing 4-5 kilograms. At the signal, both teams of the players trying to hit the volleyball in the printed ball so that it rolls over the line of attack of the opposing team. For each successful roll, the team receives a point. After each roll over the line, the stuffed ball is again set in the center of the court, and in both teams the number of balls is equalized. The ball is thrown in a "shock motion." The team with the most points in 5-7 minutes of the game wins. The game "Crossing under fire" is as follows. 2 teams take part in the game: the first -the striker - is built in a line behind the front line of the court (each player has a volleyball), the second - crossed - 7-8 meters from it behind the side line and built

in one column in front of the "bridge" ( two gymnastic benches installed in one row across the site). At the signal, the players of the second team start in turn "crossing the bridge", and the players of the first "shell" the crossing, trying to hit the player with the ball. For each hit, the team receives one point. 2-3 players of the striking team and are 4-5 meters behind the "bridge" to return the balls to their team. When all the players of the second team finish the crossing, the teams change roles. The team with the most points wins. The ball is thrown with a shock movement. Of interest is the game "Shootout" - two teams of 6-10 people are located on the site; each team has one - two goals. Task: using any method, throw it over the net to the opponent team. The team wins on the court of which there will not be a single ball. Useful when teaching innings are preparatory 3x3 games using innings, receiving and beating the ball through the net. "Manage to pass and serve" The players line up in 2 columns 3 meters from the wall and compete in passing the ball into the wall and serving for accuracy. At the signal, the first numbers perform 10 transmissions with two hands from above and from below into the wall, after which they run to their half of the court and produce 3 innings. As soon as the first number has finished serving, the second number immediately begins to transmit. Players waiting in line collect the balls and deliver them to the serving location. For the correct execution of the transfer the player is credited with 1 point, serve - 3 points. The team with the most points wins.

"Get into the square" Players of each team line up on the front lines of the volleyball court, which is divided into squares on both sides. In each square - a figure indicating the number of points accrued for falling into this square. The first player calls the number and makes the top (bottom) direct feed. If the ball landed exactly in the indicated square, the player is awarded the corresponding number of points; if the ball hits another square, two points are deducted from the number indicated by the player. I

When studying an attacking strike and its individual parts, you can use outdoor games with jumping, throwing balls at the target, etc. Here the recommended games are: "On the ground target" - two teams participate in the game: the first is placed on one part of the volleyball court, with each player holding a ball; the second is behind the platform on the bench. On the opposite side of the site, they draw two circles with a diameter of 1-2 meters or put 2 gymnastic mats behind the line of attack. The players of the first team alternately take a run, jump up and throw the ball into any circle (mat) with a shock movement. For a successful hit, the team receives a point. When all players of this team finish the throws, points are scored and another team enters the game. The team with the most points wins. The game "Cauldron" is used when learning the technique of an attack hit.


1. А. В. Беляев, Ю. Д. Железняк, Ю. Н. Клещев, В. В. Костюков, В. Г. Кувшинников, А. В. Родионов, М. В. Савин, О. П. Топышев. Волейбол в школе. — М.: Физкультура, образование и наука, 2000. — 357 с.

2. Е. В. Фомин. Волейбол. Начальное обучение. — М.: Спорт, 2015. — 80 с.

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