SUN’IY INTELLEKT VA BO‘LAJAK BOSHLANG‘ICH TA’LIM O‘QITUVCHILARIDA KREATIVLIK Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
sun’iy intellekt (AI) / kreativlik / ta’lim / texnologiyani integratsiya qilish / o‘qitish usullari / o‘quv muhiti / talabalar faolligi / tanqidiy fikrlash / hamkorlikda o‘rganish / o‘quv dasturlarini rivojlantirish / raqamli savodxonlik. / искусственный интеллект (ИИ) / креативность / образование / интеграция технологий / методы обучения / среда обучения / вовлечение учащихся / критическое мышление / совместное обучение / разработка учебных программ / цифровая грамотность.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Sh.M. Kalandarova

sun’iy intellekt (SI) turli sohalarni chuqur o‘zgartirdi, ta’lim esa bundan mustasno emas. Tez texnologik taraqqiyotlar davriga kirayotganimizda, ta’limda SI ning roli o‘zgarib bormoqda, xususan, kelajakdagi boshlang‘ich maktab o‘qituvchilarining qobiliyatlari va mas'uliyatlarini shakllantirishda. Ushbu maqola SI va ijodkorlikning kesishish nuqtasini o‘rganadi, ta’lim beruvchilar qanday qilib SI vositalarini o‘z o‘qitish metodologiyalarini takomillashtirish, talabalar ijodkorligini rag‘batlantirish va yosh o‘quvchilarni ijodiy muammolarni hal qilishda zarur bo‘lgan kelajakga tayyorlashlarini ta’kidlaydi. Biz chuqurroq kirishganimizda, SIning ta’lim amaliyotlariga ta’siri, talabalar o‘qishiga ta’siri, va ushbu dinamik manzaraning kelajakdagi qiyinchiliklari va imkoniyatlarini muhokama qilamiz.

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искусственный интеллект (ИИ) глубоко изменил различные отрасли, и образование не является исключением. По мере того, как мы вступаем в эпоху быстрого технического прогресса, роль СИ в образовании меняется, особенно в формировании навыков и обязанностей будущих учителей начальной школы. В этой статье исследуется пересечение СИ и творчества, подчеркивая, как преподаватели могут использовать инструменты СИ для улучшения своих методик преподавания, стимулирования творческих способностей учащихся и подготовки молодых учащихся к будущему, требующему творческого решения проблем. Углубляясь, мы обсудим влияние SI на образовательную практику, влияние на обучение студентов, а также будущие проблемы и возможности этого динамичного ландшафта.



Original paper

© Sh.M. Kalandarova1H_

1Buxoro davlat universiteti, Buxoro, O'zbekiston


KIRISH: sun'iy intellekt (SI) turli sohalarni chuqur o'zgartirdi, ta'lim esa bundan mustasno emas. Tez texnologik taraqqiyotlar davriga kirayotganimizda, ta'limda SI ning roli o'zgarib bormoqda, xususan, kelajakdagi boshlang'ich maktab o'qituvchilarining qobiliyatlari va mas'uliyatlarini shakllantirishda. Ushbu maqola SI va ijodkorlikning kesishish nuqtasini o'rganadi, ta'lim beruvchilar qanday qilib SI vositalarini o'z o'qitish metodologiyalarini takomillashtirish, talabalar ijodkorligini rag'batlantirish va yosh o'quvchilarni ijodiy muammolarni hal qilishda zarur bo'lgan kelajakga tayyorlashlarini ta'kidlaydi. Biz chuqurroq kirishganimizda, SIning ta'lim amaliyotlariga ta'siri, talabalar o'qishiga ta'siri, va ushbu dinamik manzaraning kelajakdagi qiyinchiliklari va imkoniyatlarini muhokama qilamiz.

MAQSAD: sun'iy intellekt (SI) va bo'lajak o'zgartirish'ich ta'lim o'qituvchilarida kreativlikning maqsadi - zamonaviy ta'lim jarayonida innovatsion kasblar orqali o'qitish sifatini yaxshilash, shaxsiy vaiy mahsulotni qo'llab-quvvatlashdir. Kreativlik va sun'iy intellektni ta'limga integratsiya qilish orqali davolash usullarini amalga oshirish mumkin: 1. Ta'lim jarayonini individualizatsiyalash: Sun'iy intellekt yordamida har bir o'quvchining yordamlariga mos o'quv dasturlarini ishlab chiqarish. chiqish uchun mavjud. Bu o'qituvchilarga o'quvchilarni individual ravishda o'qitishda yordam beradi.

MATERIALLAR VA METODLAR: sun'iy intellekt va bo'lajak o'zgarishlar'ich ta'lim o'qituvchilarida kreativlikni rivojlantirish uchun turli materiallar va metodlar mavjud. Bu materiallar va ta'lim jarayonida kreativlikni qo'llash, o'quvchilarning o'quv jarayoniga yordam beradi. Sun'iy intellekt bilan bog'liq platformalar va dasturlar: platforma o'qituvchilariga o'quv jarayonini interaktiv qilish va sun'iy intellekt orqali o' talabalarni yordamda yordam beradi. Gamifikatsiya asosidagi platforma bo'lib, o'qituvchilar sinovlarini o'yin tarzida tashkil etish orqali o'quvchilarni faol ishtirok etishga undaydi. Matn kiritish, tahlil qilish, va didaktik materiallarni ishlab chiqarishda sun'iy intellektdan olib o'tish orqali o'qituvchilar darslarini diversifikatsiya qilishlari mumkin.

MUHOKAMA VA NATIJALAR: bugungi kundagi transformatsiya keyingi sun'iy intellekt (SI) ta'lim sohasiga jiddiy ta'sir ko'rsatadi. SI'ni qo'llashni boshqarish jarayonida, balki xavfsizlikni qo'llab-quvvatlashni rivojlantirishda ham muhim korxona ega bo'lishi mumkin. Shu nuqtai nazardan, ushbu maqolada SI'ning o'qituvchilarida kreativlikni

Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal


rivojlantirish va rivojlantirishga qanday yordam berishi haqida suhbat olib boriladi. Boshlang'ich ta'limda o'qituvchilar turli xil o'quvchilar bilan ishlashadi. Har bir o'quvchining mashg'ulotlari, o'qish sur'ati va usullari turlicha bo'lganligi sababli, SI individual yordam vositalariga o'qituvchilarga yanada kengaytirilgan materiallarni yaratish imkonini beradi. Masalan, SI yordamida o'quvchilarni o'rganish jarayonidagi muammolarni tezlashtirish va o'qituvchilarni shu jarayonga moslashtirish orqali kreativlarni ishlab chiqish mumkin. Bu o'qituvchilarga o'quvchilarga mos ijodiy darslarni ishlab chiqarish ishlab chiqarishni beradi.

XULOSA: sun'iy intellekt 'ich ta'lim o'qituvchilarida kreativlikni rivojlantirishda kuchli vosita. U ta'lim jarayonini innovatsion yaratishlar bilan boyitish, o'quvchilarga individual yondashish va darslarni yanada qiziqarli qilish imkonini beradi. SItirib yordam o'qituvchilar o'rnatish metodlarini doimiy ravishda, kreativomi tezkorlik bilan hal qilishlarini tuzatishi mumkin. To'liq, ta'lim jarayoni yanada samarali, va ijodiy tus oladi. Shu, SI boshqa o'qituvchilarni yangi g'oyalar va yangi g'oyalar bilan quvvatlab, ularni ijodkor pedagoglar sifatida ta'minlashga yordam beradi.

Kalit so'zlar: sun'iy intellekt (AI), kreativlik, ta'lim, texnologiyani integratsiya qilish, o'qitish usullari, o'quv muhiti, talabalar faolligi, tanqidiy fikrlash, hamkorlikda o'rganish, o'quv dasturlarini rivojlantirish, raqamli savodxonlik.

Iqtibos uchun: Kalandarova M.Sh. Sun'iy intellekt va bo'lajak boshlang'ich ta'lim o'qituvchilarida kreativlik. // Inter education & global study. 2024. №8. B.259-267.



© ШМ Каландарова1И

1 Бухарский государственный университет, Бухара, Узбекистан_


ВВЕДЕНИЕ: искусственный интеллект (ИИ) глубоко изменил различные отрасли, и образование не является исключением. По мере того, как мы вступаем в эпоху быстрого технического прогресса, роль СИ в образовании меняется, особенно в формировании навыков и обязанностей будущих учителей начальной школы. В этой статье исследуется пересечение СИ и творчества, подчеркивая, как преподаватели могут использовать инструменты СИ для улучшения своих методик преподавания, стимулирования творческих способностей учащихся и подготовки молодых учащихся к будущему, требующему творческого решения проблем.

Углубляясь, мы обсудим влияние SI на образовательную практику, влияние на обучение студентов, а также будущие проблемы и возможности этого динамичного ландшафта.

ЦЕЛЬ: целью искусственного интеллекта (ИИ) и творчества будущих учителей преобразовательного образования является повышение качества преподавания посредством инновационных профессий в современном образовательном процессе, поддержка личностного и профессионального развития. Путем интеграции

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Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal


творчества и искусственного интеллекта в образование можно реализовать следующие средства: 1. Индивидуализация процесса обучения: использование искусственного интеллекта для создания образовательных программ, соответствующих потребностям каждого учащегося. доступны для вывода. Это помогает учителям обучать учеников индивидуально.

МАТЕРИАЛЫ И МЕТОДЫ: доступны разнообразные материалы и методы для развития творческих способностей учителей искусственного интеллекта и будущих преобразований. Использование творческого подхода в этих материалах и процессе обучения поможет учащимся в процессе обучения. Платформы и приложения, связанные с искусственным интеллектом: платформа помогает учителям сделать процесс обучения интерактивным и поддерживать учащихся с помощью искусственного интеллекта. Это платформа, основанная на геймификации, которая побуждает учащихся к активному участию посредством геймификации тестов для учителей. Используя искусственный интеллект при вводе текста, анализе и создании дидактических материалов, учителя могут разнообразить свои уроки.

ОБСУЖДЕНИЕ И ВЫВОДЫ: сегодняшняя трансформация имеет значительные последствия для следующей области образования в области искусственного интеллекта (ИИ). Предприятие может иметь поддержку в процессе управления применением SI, а также в разработке поддержки безопасности. В этом контексте в этой статье обсуждается, как СИ может помочь учителям развивать и способствовать творчеству. В начальной школе учителя работают с разными учениками. Поскольку деятельность, темп обучения и методы каждого ученика различны, индивидуальные пособия SI позволяют учителям создавать более сложные материалы. Например, SI можно использовать для ускорения задач обучения учащихся и развития творческих способностей, согласовав учителей с этим процессом. Это дает учителям возможность проводить творческие уроки, подходящие для учащихся.

ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ: искусственный интеллект является мощным инструментом развития творческих способностей учителей внутреннего образования. Это позволяет обогатить учебный процесс инновационными разработками, индивидуальным подходом к ученикам и сделать уроки более интересными. Помощь SItyrib может помочь учителям постоянно, творчески или быстро решать методы установки. Полноценный, образовательный процесс становится более эффективным и творческим. При этом SI дает другим учителям новые идеи и свежие идеи, помогая им стать творческими педагогами.

Ключевые слова: искусственный интеллект (ИИ), креативность, образование, интеграция технологий, методы обучения, среда обучения, вовлечение учащихся, критическое мышление, совместное обучение, разработка учебных программ, цифровая грамотность.

© intereduglobalstudy.com

2024, ISSUE 8


Для цитирования: Каландарова ШМ Искусственный интеллект и будущее начинающий образование в учителях креативность // Inter education & global study. 2024. №8. С. 259-267.


© Sharofat M. Kalandarova1®

1Bukhara State University, Bukhara, Uzbekistan_


INTRODUCTION: artificial intelligence (AI) has profoundly transformed various industries, and education is no exception. As we enter an era of rapid technological advances, the role of SI in education is changing, particularly in shaping the skills and responsibilities of future elementary school teachers. This article explores the intersection of SI and creativity, highlighting how educators can use SI tools to improve their teaching methodologies, stimulate student creativity, and prepare young learners for the future that requires creative problem solving. .

As we delve deeper, we'll discuss the impact of SI on educational practices, the impact on student learning, and the future challenges and opportunities of this dynamic landscape.

AIM: the purpose of artificial intelligence (AI) and creativity in future transformative education teachers is to improve the quality of teaching through innovative professions in the modern educational process, to support personal and professional development. By integrating creativity and artificial intelligence into education, the following remedies can be realized: 1. Individualization of the learning process: Using artificial intelligence to produce educational programs suitable for the needs of each student. available for output. It helps teachers to teach students individually.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: a variety of materials and methods are available to foster creativity in teachers of artificial intelligence and future transformations. The use of creativity in these materials and the learning process will help the students' learning process. Platforms and applications related to artificial intelligence: the platform helps teachers to make the learning process interactive and support students through artificial intelligence. It is a gamification-based platform that encourages students to actively participate by gamifying teacher tests. By using artificial intelligence in text input, analysis, and production of didactic materials, teachers can diversify their lessons.

DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: today's transformation has significant implications for the next field of artificial intelligence (AI) education. In the process of managing the application of SI, but also in the development of security support, the enterprise can have. In this context, this article discusses how SI can help teachers develop and foster creativity. In elementary education, teachers work with a variety of students. Because each student's activities, learning pace, and methods are different, SI individualized aids allow teachers to create more advanced materials. For example, SI can

Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal


be used to accelerate student learning challenges and develop creatives by aligning teachers with this process. It gives teachers the ability to produce creative lessons suitable for students.

CONCLUSION: artificial intelligence is a powerful tool in the development of creativity in teachers of internal education. It allows enriching the educational process with innovative creations, individual approach to students and making lessons more interesting. SItyrib help can fix teachers to solve installation methods continuously, creatively or quickly. Complete, educational process becomes more effective and creative. In doing so, SI empowers other teachers with new ideas and fresh ideas, helping to empower them as creative educators.

Keywords: artificial Intelligence (AI), creativity, education, technology integration, teaching methods, learning environment, student engagement, critical thinking, collaborative learning, curriculum development, digital literacy.

For citation: Kalandarova M. Sharofat. (2024) 'Ai and creativity in future primary school teachers', Inter education & global study, (8), pp. 259-267. (In Uzbek).

AI technologies are being integrated into educational settings through various applications, from personalized learning systems to administrative tools that streamline classroom management. These advancements can be categorized into two main areas:

AI can analyze individual student performance and learning styles, allowing teachers to tailor their instruction to meet diverse student needs. For instance, AI-powered platforms can assess a student's strengths and weaknesses and recommend resources and activities that enhance their learning experience. This personalized approach can lead to improved engagement and motivation, ultimately fostering a creative mindset among students.

Adaptive learning systems utilize AI algorithms to create personalized learning experiences. By continuously assessing a student's progress and adapting the curriculum accordingly, these systems ensure that students receive instruction that meets their unique needs. This not only helps in retaining students' interest but also empowers them to take control of their learning journey. For example, platforms like DreamBox Learning and Smart Sparrow adjust the difficulty of math problems based on real-time performance data, enabling students to progress at their own pace while enhancing their problem-solving skills.

AI can automate administrative tasks such as grading assignments, scheduling, and managing classroom resources. By reducing the burden of these repetitive tasks, teachers can dedicate more time to planning innovative lessons, engaging with students, and fostering a creative classroom environment.

Tools like Turnitin and Gradescope use AI to streamline the grading process, allowing educators to provide timely feedback. This efficiency not only saves time but also enhances the quality of feedback, as teachers can focus more on providing constructive

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Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal


criticism rather than merely assigning grades. Moreover, AI can assist in identifying trends in student performance, helping teachers to identify areas where intervention is needed and adjust their teaching strategies accordingly.

Creativity is a vital skill that enables students to think critically, solve problems, and express themselves. As we transition into a more complex and interconnected world, the need for creative thinkers is paramount. Primary school teachers play a crucial role in nurturing this creativity in young learners by providing opportunities for exploration, experimentation, and innovation.

Creative thinking fosters critical thinking skills, allowing students to analyze situations and make informed decisions. In an era where information is abundant, the ability to discern credible sources and evaluate arguments is crucial.

Students equipped with creative problem-solving skills can navigate challenges and devise innovative solutions. Encouraging students to approach problems from multiple angles fosters resilience and adaptability.

Encouraging creativity allows students to express their thoughts, feelings, and ideas, fostering emotional intelligence and self-confidence. Creative outlets such as art, music, and writing provide students with the tools to articulate their experiences and perspectives.

Creativity often flourishes in collaborative environments. Teaching students to work together on creative projects encourages teamwork, communication, and respect for diverse viewpoints.

As automation and AI continue to reshape the job market, creativity will be one of the most valuable skills in the workforce. Students who learn to think creatively will be better equipped to thrive in future careers that may not yet exist.

The integration of AI in education does not diminish the role of creativity; rather, it enhances it. Here's how future primary school teachers can leverage AI to foster creativity in their classrooms:

AI tools can serve as collaborative partners in the creative process. For example, AI-driven platforms can assist students in generating ideas, brainstorming solutions, or even co-creating projects. Teachers can encourage students to work alongside AI tools, promoting a culture of collaboration where technology enhances rather than replaces human creativity.

Tools like ChatGPT can help students brainstorm ideas for writing assignments, providing prompts and suggestions based on user input. This interaction not only sparks creativity but also teaches students to refine their ideas through dialogue.

AI-based tools like Canva and DeepArt allow students to create stunning visuals with ease. These platforms provide templates and design suggestions, enabling students to focus on their creative concepts rather than technical skills.

AI can provide students with access to vast resources and knowledge, inspiring creative projects. Teachers can use AI to design project-based learning experiences that encourage students to explore topics of interest. By integrating AI into creative tasks, educators can help students engage with complex concepts in innovative ways.

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Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal


Imagine a classroom where students use AI to create documentaries on environmental issues. With access to data analysis tools, they can collect and interpret data, while AI-driven editing software assists them in producing high-quality videos. This approach not only deepens their understanding of the subject matter but also develops their research and storytelling skills.

AI can provide immediate feedback on student work, allowing for a more iterative creative process. For instance, AI tools can analyze student writing and suggest improvements, enabling students to refine their ideas and enhance their creative output. This immediate feedback loop encourages experimentation and resilience, essential components of the creative process.

Feedback is critical in the creative process. When students receive timely and specific feedback from AI tools, they can make adjustments and explore new avenues for their work. For example, a writing app like Grammarly not only corrects grammar but also suggests style improvements, encouraging students to enhance their writing creatively.

To effectively integrate AI and foster creativity in the classroom, future primary school teachers must be adequately prepared. Teacher education programs should focus on the following areas:

Teachers need a foundational understanding of AI technologies and their applications in education. Professional development programs should include training on how to effectively use AI tools, from personalized learning platforms to creative software that assists in project development.

Teacher training programs should integrate AI literacy into their curricula, enabling educators to stay abreast of emerging technologies. Workshops, seminars, and collaborative projects with technology experts can enhance teachers' understanding of Al's role in education.

Educator training should emphasize the importance of creative pedagogy. Future teachers must learn how to design lessons that incorporate creative thinking and problemsolving skills. This includes fostering an environment where students feel safe to take risks, experiment, and learn from failure.

Educators should be trained to incorporate creativity into various subjects. For instance, a science lesson on ecosystems could include a project where students design their own ecosystem models, using AI tools for research and presentation. By blending creativity with core subjects, teachers can make learning more engaging and relevant.

Teacher preparation programs should equip future educators with the skills to integrate technology into their teaching practices. This includes understanding how to balance traditional teaching methods with innovative AI tools, ensuring that technology complements rather than distracts from the learning experience.

Educators should learn how to select and evaluate technology tools that align with their teaching goals. Training on pedagogical strategies for technology integration, such as the SAMR (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, Redefinition) model, can guide teachers in effectively using AI tools to enhance learning outcomes.

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Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal


While the integration of AI in education offers numerous benefits, it also presents challenges that educators must navigate:

Not all students have equal access to technology. Teachers must advocate for equitable access to AI tools and resources, ensuring that every student has the opportunity to benefit from personalized learning experiences.

Educators should work with school administrations and community organizations to ensure that all students have access to the necessary technology. This might involve seeking grants for devices, collaborating with local businesses to provide resources, or creating community programs that offer technology training.

As AI becomes more prevalent, it's crucial to maintain the human connection in the classroom. Teachers must find ways to blend AI tools with meaningful interpersonal interactions, fostering a supportive and nurturing learning environment.

Teachers should strive to create a classroom culture that values collaboration and communication. Using AI tools as a supplement to, rather than a replacement for, human interaction can help maintain the essential teacher-student relationship that is vital for effective learning.

The use of AI raises ethical considerations, including data privacy and security. Educators must be aware of these issues and ensure that students' information is protected while using AI tools.

Schools should establish clear guidelines on the ethical use of AI in education. This includes training teachers and students on data privacy, consent, and responsible use of technology. Additionally, educators should advocate for policies that protect student data and promote transparency in AI applications.

The future of education will increasingly hinge on the ability of teachers to adapt to technological advancements while fostering creativity. As AI continues to evolve, so too will the strategies educators employ to engage and inspire their students.

Future primary school teachers must stay informed about emerging technologies that can further enhance teaching and learning. This includes developments in virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and machine learning. These technologies can provide immersive learning experiences that stimulate creativity and critical thinking.

AI can facilitate global collaboration among students and teachers. Platforms that connect classrooms across the world can promote cultural exchange and collaborative projects, allowing students to learn from diverse perspectives. This global outlook can enhance creativity and foster a sense of community among learners.

The rapid pace of technological change necessitates ongoing professional development for teachers. Educational institutions should prioritize training and resources that enable teachers to adapt their practices in response to new technologies. This commitment to lifelong learning will ensure that educators remain effective and relevant in a fast-evolving landscape.

The future of primary school teachers lies at the intersection of AI and creativity. By embracing AI technologies, educators can enhance their teaching methods, foster student

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creativity, and prepare young learners for a dynamic and complex world. It is imperative that teacher preparation programs evolve to equip future educators with the skills and knowledge necessary to navigate this new landscape.

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As we move forward, the goal should be to create a harmonious relationship between AI and creativity, where technology serves as a catalyst for innovative teaching and learning. In this way, future primary school teachers will not only educate but also inspire the next generation of creative thinkers and problem solvers, empowering them to thrive in an ever-changing world.

In a future where AI plays a pivotal role in education, the challenge for teachers will be to harness its potential while nurturing the human qualities that underpin creativity. As educators embrace new technologies, they must also remain steadfast in their commitment to fostering an inclusive, supportive, and inspiring learning environment. The journey ahead is filled with opportunities for growth, innovation, and transformation in education, and the role of primary school teachers will be central to shaping the creative minds of tomorrow.


1. Bennett, S., & Maton, K. (2010). Beyond the 'Digital Natives' Debate: Towards a More Nuanced Understanding of Students' Technology Experiences. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 26(5), 321-331. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2729.2010.00360.x

2. Kukulska-Hulme, A. (2009). Will mobile learning change language learning? ReCALL, 21(2), 157-165. doi:10.1017/S0958344009000128

3. Luckin, R., et al. (2016). Artificial Intelligence in Education: Promises and Implications for Teaching and Learning. UCL Institute of Education. Retrieved from UCL Institute of Education

4. Miller, A. I. (2016). The Role of AI in the Future of Education: A Guide for Educational Leaders. International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation, 11(1), 1-20.

5. O'Neill, M. (2016). Teaching with Technology: The Changing Landscape of Education. Cambridge University Press.


и Kalandarova Sharofat Matkarimovna, Buxoro davlat universiteti tayanch doktoranti, Manzil: 100114, O'zbekiston, Toshkent, [Каландарова Шарофат Маткаримовна, базовый докторант Бухарского государственного университета. Адрес: 100114, Узбекистан, Ташкент], [Kalandarova Sharofat Matkarimovna, PhD student of Bukhara State University, Address: 100114, Uzbekistan, Tashkent].

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