STUDENTS' ATTITUDE TO PHYSICAL ACTIVITY UNDER BLENDED LEARNING Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Theory and Practice of Physical Culture
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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Glazkova G.B., Lubyshev E.A., Mamonova O.V., Pukhovskaya M.N.

Objective of the study was to determine the attitude of students to physical activity during the period of COVID-19 (2019-2022).Methods and structure of the study. The empirical study (Internet survey), which took place during three years of study (1-3 courses), was attended by students of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (n=1272).Results and conclusions. The survey showed a decrease in the physical activity of students, a slight increase in the number of young people who do not go in for physical exercises. Among the students involved in motor activities, there was a more rational distribution of time with devices: 2-3 hours - (8.6-14.7-13.9%), 4-6 hours - (36.4-41.9-41.9%), positive changes in the frequency of classes per week (every day (32.85-22.7-29.1%); 2-3 times a week (40.6-49.8-44.7%); increasing the use of individual complexes for the prevention of posture disorders (8.1-11.2-13.6%) The findings of the study allowed us to develop an experimental method of physical education in a mixed learning format.

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Students' attitude to physical activity under blended learning

UDC 796.011.1

PhD, Associate Professor G.B. Glazkova1 PhD, Associate Professor E.A. Lubyshev1 2 O.V. Mamonova1 M.N. Pukhovskaya1

1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow 2Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow

Corresponding author: Glazkova.GB@rea.ru


Objective of the study was to determine the attitude of students to physical activity during the period of COVID-19 (2019-2022).

Methods and structure of the study. The empirical study (Internet survey), which took place during three years of study (1-3 courses), was attended by students of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (n=1272).

Results and conclusions. The survey showed a decrease in the physical activity of students, a slight increase in the number of young people who do not go in for physical exercises. Among the students involved in motor activities, there was a more rational distribution of time with devices: 2-3 hours - (8.6-14.7-13.9%), 4-6 hours - (36.4-41.9-41.9%), positive changes in the frequency of classes per week (every day (32.85-22.7-29.1%); 2-3 times a week (40.6-49.8-44.7%); increasing the use of individual complexes for the prevention of posture disorders (8.1-11.2-13.6%) The findings of the study allowed us to develop an experimental method of physical education in a mixed learning format.

Keywords: physical activity, students, physical education, mixed format of education, health systems.

Introduction. The introduction of anti-pandemic measures (COVID-19) in universities, the impact of stress factors led to a decrease in the level of students' health, a change in priorities in communication (online relationships), recreation (gadgets), and physical activity (individual classes) [2, 3].

Today, 95% of young people are active Internet users: virtual life (digitalization of individual and social relations, immersive learning, phubbing) leads to the loss of the "corporeality" of the individual, to the gradual leveling of the value of physical health, harmonious physique, and physical education [1; four].

In this situation, an empirical study will allow us to study the attitude of students to physical activity, identify priorities in the daily routine and changes in the choice of areas of motor activity, formulate the

conclusions of the study for their further use in the physical education of students.

Objective of the study was to determine the attitude of students to physical activity in a blended learning format.

Methods and structure of the study. The work includes the collection of empirical data, statistical processing, comparative analysis and generalization of the results, formulation of conclusions. The empirical database was the results of the author's online survey on the topic "Physical activity in the daily routine of a modern student" (Google Form). Students of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (n=1272), 78.2% of girls and 21.8% of boys filled out the questionnaire for three years: April 2020 (1st year) - full-time distance learning format in conditions of restrictions and self-isolation (COVID-19);

April 2021-2022 (years 2 and 3) - full-time and blended learning formats. The developed form of testing was built in the form of a link into the methodological and practical tasks of students in the academic discipline "Physical Culture" and practical tasks for the modules "Elective disciplines of physical culture and sports" (in the Moodle system).

Results of the study and their discussion. A comparative analysis of the results of the survey showed that during the three years of study in an unstable epidemiological situation, there was a decrease in the physical activity of students and an increase in the number of young people who do not exercise in the daily routine, which is due to the shift in the time of physical activity to the virtual world of the life of the respondents (Figure 1).

hours - (8.6-14.7-13.9%), 4-6 hours - (36.4-41.941.9%). The decrease in the virtual activity of students spending time at a computer and gadgets for more than 7 hours in the second year of study (from 55.0% to 43.4%) indicates their adaptation to mixed forms of education, a more rational distribution of time. However, in the third year of study, there is an increase in the number of students using devices for more than 7 hours, which is due to an increase in the number of students who do not engage in physical activity at all during the day (Figure 2).

The survey showed a decrease in all studied types of physical activity of students by the end of 2022 (morning exercises, training on simulators, performing an individual set of physical exercises, physical activity using digital technologies), which is explained by their social disadaptation in unusual learning conditions and social restrictions, positive results were recorded only in the students' activities of walking (running) in the fresh air (from 19.3% to 23.2%) (Figure 3).

Figure 1. Physical activity students during the pandemic



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Figure 2. Dynamics of student use of devices during the day

A gradual increase in the number of students using devices during the day for learning, communication, games, etc. was revealed. (2020, 2021, 2022): 2-3

Figure 3. Dynamics of physical activity of students

At the same time, the revealed changes in the frequency of classes by students per week (every day (32.85-22.7-29.1%); 2-3 times a week (40.649.8-44.7%); according to mood (26.6-27.626.2%) state an improvement in the organization of independent physical education classes (Figure 4).

Of all the proposed areas of additional online classes, a gradual increase in the areas chosen by students "Dance Fitness" and "Healthy Back" was noted, which is due to discomfort in the musculoskeletal system, the desire to improve not only physical health, but also mood (psychological state). Other areas had an undulating up and down trend, but fell short of their original first year target.

The study revealed the dynamics of changes in the directions of individual complexes of physical exercises (ICPE) of students. There was a gradual



■ everyday |2 3 times a week ■according to mood GO,00*

50,00* 40,00% 30,00* 20,00* 10,00* 000%

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1 course

2 course

i course

Figure 4. Changes in the frequency of study by respondents per week



15,00% №,00% 5,0096 0,0056

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2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022

Figure 5. Students' attitudes towards online training

decrease in the focus of ICPE on general physical development (61.0-61.7-55.2%), the development of strength abilities (18.6-16.7-14.5%) and flexibility (11.1-9, 9-9%). The largest increase was recorded in the use of ICPE for the prevention of postural disorders and flat feet (8.1-11.2-13.6%), which is due to the constant spending of time by students with devices and disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

It is worth noting the trend of students' negative attitude towards compulsory and additional online classes and sports training: during the three years of study, 6.9-15.0-21.5% of students opposed online physical education classes, which indicates the desire of students to engage in full-time format, including communication with the teacher and fellow students (Figure 5).

A comparative analysis of the attitude of students of a non-physical education university to physical activity in a mixed learning format made it possible to formulate proposals for the organization and content of students' physical education.

Conclusions. In the context of a mixed learning format, a slight increase in the number of students who do not engage in physical activity during the day was recorded. Among the students using physical exercises, the following were noted: rational distribution of time for physical and virtual activities (adaptation to mixed forms of education); preference for outdoor activities (walking and running); the focus of individual complexes and additional classes on the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system (improvement of the organization of self-study).

The study revealed an increase in the desire of students to study in full-time format, including communication with the teacher and fellow students.

The results of the survey made it possible to develop a methodology for the physical education of students in a mixed learning format with the inclusion of recreational walking and running in the content of classes; exercises from various health systems aimed at preventing and preventing disorders of the musculoskeletal system; organization of additional classes "Nordic walking", "Healthy back", "Dance fitness".


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3. Mamonova O.V., Glazkova G.B., Lubyshev E.A., Bakulina E.D. Fizicheskoye vospitaniye studen-tov SMG v usloviyakh sovremennykh vyzovov [Physical education of SMG students in the conditions of modern challenges]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury. 2022. No. 5. pp. 71-73.

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