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Theory and Practice of Physical Culture
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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Kostov F.F., Ugryumov A.S., Yakovlev G.A.

Objective of the study was to evaluate the possibilities of a distance form of practical training in physical culture to maintain the level of physical activity of students. Methods and structure of the study. The scientific work was carried out on the basis of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics" St. Petersburg in the period from February 2020 to the present and was aimed at studying the physical activity of students, as well as assessing their opinion about their level of physical fitness and the possibility of maintaining online physical education. culture and sports. The survey involved 210 students at the Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg. Of these, 76 students (36.2%) - the 1st year, 66 students (31.4%) - the 2nd year, 60 students (28.6%) - the 3rd year and eight students (3.8 %) - 4th course. Physical education classes at the university were organized as follows. Starting from February 2020, practical classes in physical education were not held in full-time mode, but were replaced by theoretical ones in a remote format. As a result, the physical activity of students has dropped sharply. In the 2020-2021 academic year, students have the opportunity to choose between theoretical classes, participating in a practical online physical activity class with HSE teachers, and providing a subscription to a sports club. In the 2021-2022 academic year, this organization of classes has been preserved. Results and conclusions. Practical physical education classes in a remote format allow maintaining the level of physical activity of students, however, face-to-face classes, due to the availability of sports equipment, group forms of communication and direct contact with the teacher, remain the undisputed leaders and have the best healing effect.

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Distance lessons of physical education at the higher education institution in comparison with the traditional form of training

UDC 796.01:159:9

PhD F.F. Kostov1 3

Postgraduate student A.S. Ugryumov3 PhD, Associate Professor G.A. Yakovlev2, 3

1 The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg 2Russian State Hydrometeorological University, St. Petersburg 3Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg

Corresponding author: g-ponomarev@inbox.ru


Objective of the study was to evaluate the possibilities of a distance form of practical training in physical culture to maintain the level of physical activity of students.

Methods and structure of the study. The scientific work was carried out on the basis of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics" St. Petersburg in the period from February 2020 to the present and was aimed at studying the physical activity of students, as well as assessing their opinion about their level of physical fitness and the possibility of maintaining online physical education. culture and sports. The survey involved 210 students at the Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg. Of these, 76 students (36.2%) - the 1st year, 66 students (31.4%) - the 2nd year, 60 students (28.6%) - the 3rd year and eight students (3.8 %) - 4th course. Physical education classes at the university were organized as follows. Starting from February 2020, practical classes in physical education were not held in full-time mode, but were replaced by theoretical ones in a remote format. As a result, the physical activity of students has dropped sharply. In the 2020-2021 academic year, students have the opportunity to choose between theoretical classes, participating in a practical online physical activity class with HSE teachers, and providing a subscription to a sports club. In the 2021-2022 academic year, this organization of classes has been preserved.

Results and conclusions. Practical physical education classes in a remote format allow maintaining the level of physical activity of students, however, face-to-face classes, due to the availability of sports equipment, group forms of communication and direct contact with the teacher, remain the undisputed leaders and have the best healing effect.

Keywords: Physical activity, distance learning, pandemic.

Introduction. Currently, many universities in the country are using a blended learning format, the possibilities of which were expanded during the period of restriction of the usual living conditions due to the spread of the coronavirus covid-2019. As educational practice shows, the theoretical part of the curriculum can be mastered by students remotely. However, the organization of practical classes, in particular, in physical culture and sports, still updates the face-to-face format of their conduct. Nevertheless, in some universities, distance learning is maintained in all academic disciplines, including such practice-oriented ones as physical culture and sports.

In this regard, the problem of organizing physical education at a university in the form of online practi-

cal classes for students of non-sporting specialties is of particular relevance, despite the fact that physical activity is not a professional value for these groups of students [1, 5].

Objective of the study was to evaluate the possibilities of a distance form of practical training in physical culture to maintain the level of physical activity of students.

Methods and structure of the study. The scientific work was carried out on the basis of the National Research University Higher School of Economics St. Petersburg from February 2020 to the present and was aimed at studying the physical activity of students, as well as assessing their opinion about their level of physical fitness and the possibility of maintain-

Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I teoriya.ru I september I № 9 2022

ing online education in physical culture and sports. The survey involved 210 students at the Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg. Of these, 76 students (36.2%) - the 1st year, 66 students (31.4%) - the 2nd year, 60 students (28.6%) - the 3rd year and eight students (3.8 %) - 4th course.

Physical education classes at the university were organized as follows. Starting from February 2020, practical classes in physical culture were not held in full-time mode, but were replaced by theoretical ones in a remote format. As a result, the physical activity of students has dropped sharply [2]. In the 20202021 academic year, students have the opportunity to choose between theoretical classes, participating in online physical activity classes with HSE teachers, and providing a subscription to a sports club. In the 20212022 academic year, this organization of classes has been preserved.

Results of the study and their discussion. The results of a survey of students on the issue of self-assessment of the level of their physical fitness showed that 23 students (11%) consider their level of physical fitness to be high, 118 students (56.2%) assess it as average and 69 students (32.9%) define it as low.

A survey on self-assessment of their level of physical activity showed that 20 students (9.5%) consider it high, 102 (48.6%) - average and 88 (41.9%) consider their level of physical activity low.

To the question "How do you assess your current physical condition", only 19 students (9%) chose the answer "excellent". The answer "good" was given by 61 students (29%), the answer "average" was chosen by 72 students (34.3%), the answer "satisfactory" was used in 47 cases (22.4%), and their current physical condition was "poor" 11 students (5.2%).

The answer to the question "How do you assess your current mental state" also represented a 5-point rating scale. The response frequency was as follows: "excellent" - 21 times (10%), "good" - 63 times (30%), average - 41 times (19.5%), "satisfactory" and "poor"

- 53 (25 .2%) and 32 times (15.2%), respectively.

Approximately 40% of the students surveyed are in good health (38% - the physical component and 40%

- the mental component). At the same time, 27.6% of students feel below average in the physical component and 40.4% of students in the mental component.

According to WHO recommendations, one should be physically active at least two to three times a week [3]. The study of the frequency and regularity of physical exercises revealed that the majority of students

(41.9%) - 88 people were engaged less than once a week. 52 students (24.8%) studied at least once a week. Thus, physical exercises for 140 students (66.7%) cannot be called regular and give a lasting positive effect. And only 70 students (33.3%) studied really regularly, of which 54 people (25.7%) studied two or three times a week, and 16 (7.6%) more than three times a week.

The introduction of remote practical classes in physical culture somewhat improved the picture of students' physical activity, but this indicator is still far from the level of face-to-face classes. The biggest difference was found among those studying less than once a week: 19% before the pandemic and 41.9% in the 2020-2021 academic year.

In addition, the result of 33.3% of those who regularly exercise from two to three times a week is at odds with the students' self-assessment of their level of physical activity, when 58.1% of the respondents speak of an average or high level of activity. This may be due both to students' misunderstanding of the importance of regularity and continuity of physical exercises, and to classifying their daily activities as voluntary physical activity. Therefore, this issue requires further clarification.

The study of the dominant type of physical activity among students in distance learning clarified some details of the regularity of classes. 32 students (15.2%) did not exercise at all. These can be students with disabilities and students who prefer certification in the form of an online test on the educational platform of the university. The majority of students most often studied on their own 110 (52.4%), which does not negate the possibility of attending classes with a teacher or trainer, albeit in a smaller number. If we compare the total number of the above preferences (142 answers 67.6%) with the indicators of low regularity of classes among students (140 answers 66.7%) and their self-assessment of the level of physical activity, it becomes clear that the majority of those surveyed not only do not know about the norms of physical activity, but they are not aware of their ignorance.

The same students who studied regularly, most often conducted classes either with teachers of the Department of Physical Education of the National Research University Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg (39 students - 18.6%), or with a trainer (29 students - 13.8%). It is worth mentioning that before the pandemic, 60.2% of students preferred classes with teachers from the Higher School of Eco-



nomics in St. Petersburg, and 51% of them studied regularly [2].

Since, starting from the fall of 2020, all HSE St. Petersburg physical education classes are held remotely, it was important to evaluate the opinion of students about the importance of face-to-face classes. To the question "Do you think face-to-face classes would increase your interest in physical education classes at the HSE?" 68 students (32.4%) answered in the affirmative and 46 (21.9%) admitted this possibility. For 10 students (4.8%), the form of organization of the lesson does not matter, since their interest is already high, and 39 students (18.6%) are indifferent to the format of education due to low interest in physical activity, another 47 (22.4%) would prefer to continue doing it on their own. Thus, the majority of students (59.1%) spoke in favor of conducting classes in fulltime format.

Conclusions. The introduction of practical physical education classes in a remote format made it possible to increase the level of physical activity of students at the Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg, but it was not possible to return to pre-pandemic levels.

Face-to-face classes, due to the availability of sports equipment, group forms of communication and direct contact with the teacher as a controlling person, remain the undisputed leaders and have the best healing effect.

Students lack self-discipline and understanding of the basics of physical culture, in particular the importance of the regularity and continuity of physical activity. And the pandemic has only exacerbated the problem.

From the point of view of preserving and increasing health, as well as promoting a healthy lifestyle and educating students in this matter, returning to full-time form is the best condition for a number of the reasons described above.


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2. Kostov F.F., Volkova N.L., Rodichkin P.V. Fiziches-kaya aktivnost i psikhologo-pedagogicheskaya nagruzka studentov v usloviyakh distantsion-nogo obucheniya [Physical activity and psychological and pedagogical load of students in conditions of distance learning]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury. 2021. No. 9. pp. 70-71.

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Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I teoriya.ru I september I № 9 2022

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