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Theory and Practice of Physical Culture
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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Zaitseva I.P.

Objective of the study was to consider the problematic aspects and ways to solve them in the organization of the educational process in the discipline "Applied Physical Education" (elective disciplines), the implementation of which is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the current federal state educational standards of higher education.Methods and structure of the study. In the course of the study, an analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature on the research problem was carried out; generalization of pedagogical experience; the data of a sociological survey of students on self-study in applied physical culture of students of the 1st-3rd courses of all faculties and different specialties of P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University.Results and conclusions. The author notes that the right of educational organizations to make an independent decision on the implementation of physical culture and sports programs was the reason for the distribution of hours not for compulsory classes, but for independent work of the student. This leads to the fact that students do not study, and only a small percentage of them continue to regularly attend sports sections during their studies. As other problematic aspects, the author cites an inconvenient schedule of classes, the lack of logistical capabilities to create the required number of sections for sports. As conclusions, the author suggests ways to solve the problem of systematic physical activity by university students.

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Modern specificity of the organization of the educational process for applied physical

culture in the university

UDC 796.011.3

Dr. Biol., Professor I.P. Zaitseva1

1P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University, Yaroslavl

Corresponding author: irisha-zip@yandex.ru


Objective of the study was to consider the problematic aspects and ways to solve them in the organization of the educational process in the discipline "Applied Physical Education" (elective disciplines), the implementation of which is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the current federal state educational standards of higher educa-

Methods and structure of the study. In the course of the study, an analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature on the research problem was car-ried out; generalization of pedagogical experience; the data of a sociological survey of students on self-study in applied physical culture of students of the 1st-3rd courses of all faculties and different specialties of P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University.

Results and conclusions. The author notes that the right of educational organiza-tions to make an independent decision on the implementation of physical culture and sports programs was the reason for the distribution of hours not for compulsory classes, but for independent work of the student. This leads to the fact that students do not study, and only a small percentage of them continue to regularly attend sports sections during their studies. As other problematic aspects, the author cites an inconvenient schedule of classes, the lack of logistical capabilities to create the required number of sections for sports. As conclusions, the author suggests ways to solve the problem of systematic physical activity by university students.

Keywords: federal state standard of higher education, applied physical culture (elective disciplines), curricula, practical classes, students' health.

Introduction. Reforms of higher education are associated to a large extent with the modernization of the system of physical culture, in general, undergoing changes in content, goals and objectives, in terms of volume and form of implementation, in terms of its place in the educational process.

The main goal of the discipline "Physical culture" is the formation of competencies in physical culture, aimed at developing the personality of student youth and the ability to use the means and methods of physical culture, sports and tourism to maintain and improve health, psychophysical training and self-preparation for the future life and professional activity.

Achieving this goal provides for a significant intensification of the educational process and the creation

of the necessary conditions for the effective work of students. However, everyday intense mental work, even with its good organization, requires stu-dents to be in good health and normal physical development.

When compiling curricula and class schedules, in the discipline of an elective block of practical orientation, 328 academic hours are provided, which are mandatory for mastering, are not converted into credit units and are not included in the scope of the program [2].

Objective of the study was to consider the problematic aspects and ways to solve them in the organization of the educational process in the discipline "Applied Physical Education" (elective disciplines), the implementation of which is carried out in accordance

Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I teoriya.ru I February I № 2 2023

with the re-quirements of the current federal state educational standards of higher education.

Methods and structure of the study. In the course of the study, an analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature on the research problem was car-ried out; generalization of pedagogical experience; the data of a sociological survey of students on independent classes in applied physical culture of students of the 1st-3rd courses of all faculties and different specialties of P.G. Demi-dov Yaroslavl State Univer-sity; the number of students involved in the sports sections of the sports educational de-partment and the number of students who passed excellent control standards in the study groups, based on the work journals of the groups, in the discipline of physical culture (elective disciplines) at the Faculty of Biology and Ecology in the fall semester of 2022.

Results of the study and their discussion. Applied physical culture (elective disciplines) consists of two sections: practical and control.

The practical section consists of two subsections: methodological and practical, providing mastery of the methods and ways of physical culture and sports activities to achieve educational, professional and life goals of the individual; educational and training, contributing to the achievement of physical improvement, increasing functional and motor abilities, directed formation of qualities and personality traits.

The control section defines a differentiated and objective accounting of the process and results of the learning activities of students [6].

In recent years, educational organizations have been given the right to make an in-dependent decision on the implementation of physical culture and sports programs, which was the reason for the distribution of hours not so much for compulsory classes, but for independent work of the student, which is unacceptable, but formally permissible [2].

The specialists who have no relation and idea about the goals, tasks and content of disciplines in physical culture and do not take into account the opinion of physical education teachers and students decide and enter into the curricula of the distribution of hours. And some members of the administration in higher education institutions propose to remove control standards altogether, which adversely affects the attitude towards physical culture and physical fitness of students, especially in the current conditions of the country.

At present, at many faculties of the university, out of 328 obligatory academic hours under the program, 224 practical classes are obligatory within the schedule and 104 are independent work. Of the 224 hours of compulsory academic hours, in the 2nd and 3rd year in each semester, 32 hours are mandatory and 38 hours are independent, which negatively affected the preparation of the level of physical and functional development and the health of students.

The physical readiness of students, adjusted in the conditions of training with an increased academic load, is an important component of the quality of assimilation of the educational program, which helps to maintain the working capacity of the young organism, its proper level of health, mental well-being and the improvement of psychophysical abilities, qualities and personality traits.

Independent physical education classes are considered an obligatory component of the scientific organization of labor, which compensate for the lack of motor activity, con-tribute to the most effective recovery of the body after fatigue, increase physical and intel-lectual performance, and should be carried out under the guidance of a teacher or trainer of appropriate qualifications.

It would seem that the introduction of self-study as one of the forms of motor activity of physical culture among students will solve the problems of motor mode using an individual approach in solving the problems of physical education.

But long-term observations of the dynamics of physical fitness of students during the entire period of study at the university shows that self-study, the majority of students consider optional. Only a small percentage of students (3-5%) continue to regularly attend sports sections during their studies [6].

Expansion of the network of sections of health-improving, sports nature in the conditions of the university will not give the desired result in increasing the motor regimen for most of the students. As a rule, up to 15-20 students can attend one sports section, and classes are held only during extracurricular time [4]. In many universities it is not possible to create the required number of sections and invite specialists due to insufficient material and technical capabilities.

From a physiological point of view, holding practical classes once a week (insuffi-cient physical activity) and the adoption of control standards adversely affect the health of students (cardiovascular, nervous, im-

mune systems, musculoskeletal system, etc.) and is detrimental to the whole organism.

One of the important principles of physical education is the principle of systematic and regularity, i.e. building such a schedule of physical activity, which ensures their grad-ual accumulation, and for this, classes should be held at least 2 times a week for 2 hours. Since the control system is one of the most important factors stimulating students to regu-lar classes. [6].

The schedule of studies at the university, in terms of blended learning, is set up until late, and students do not have the opportunity to attend sports sections.

Analysis of the conducted sociological survey of students of 1-3 courses (988 stu-dents) of all faculties and different specialties of Yaroslavl State University showed:

- 86% of students have the desire and opportunity to study independently; students understand the importance of physical education. However, only 59% of them go in for sports on their own, 25% of them go to sports clubs.

The following classes are in priority: in fitness centers - 50.4%, in the sports section - 26.5%, in the park - 14.9%, nowhere - 8.2% [3].

Analysis of the results at the Faculty of Biology and Ecology revealed:

- 15.5% of students are engaged in sections;

- they pass the control standards with excellent marks - 2.5%, and in the previous semester - 3.5%;

- looking for any opportunity not to go to class (for example, a medical certificate - 0.02%, in the previous semester - 0.02%;

- 70% want to study within the schedule 2 times a week;

- 11.98% undecided.

Changes in the educational process affected the special medical group "B" and adaptive physical culture (letter dated May 30, 2012 N MD-583/19 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation "On methodological recommendations" Medical and pedagogical control over the organization of physical education classes -cultural culture of students with health problems") [5], namely, conducting classes for students of the special group "B" directly in educational institutions. And now there is a distribution in training groups of 30 or more people, without taking into account deviations from students due to health reasons, and teachers without special education conduct physical education classes.


• For the qualitative implementation of the discipline "Applied physical culture (elec-tive disciplines), it is necessary to evenly distribute the study load over the semesters, i^. Two times per week. The result of the classes is the assessment of the formed given competencies by means of the students' fulfillment of the standards developed by the Department of Physical Culture and Sports.

• Students with sports categories and a high level of sports training (students, university teams or sports sections) are assigned to the sports department. Classes should be conducted under the guidance of a teacher of the department or a certified full-time coach-teacher of a sports club in sports, taking into account the developed programs.

• Students are assigned to special groups taking into account deviations due to their health status. Classes should be conducted by teachers - graduates of the faculty of adaptive physical culture, since their professional training involves conducting clas-ses with people with disabilities and people with health problems.

• In the staff list of the Department of Physical Education of each educational institu-tion, provide for rates in the specialty "Adaptive Physical Culture". If necessary, give a referral for primary education from among the employees of the Department of Physical Education.


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Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I teoriya.ru I February I № 2 2023

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