Научная статья на тему 'Dynamics of physical fitness level in the boys at North-Eastern State University during the period of COVID-19 pandemic'

Dynamics of physical fitness level in the boys at North-Eastern State University during the period of COVID-19 pandemic Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
boys / COVID-19 pandemic / self-isolation regime / high alert regime / dynamics of physical fitness / lack of motion / physical culture

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Nina V. Zaytseva, Ekaterina E. Kudlova, Stanislav T. Shevchenko, Marina P. Deseneva, Aleksey V. Nikitin

The article presents the results of a yearly monitoring over students’ physical fitness at North-Eastern State University. They entered the University in 2019 during COVID-19 pandemic. Materials. Studying the dynamics of physical fitness in male students. They entered the University in 2019 (n=43) during the period of pandemic. The research was held on the basis of North-Eastern State University, Magadan. Research methods. Information sources analysis and summarizing, methods of mathematical statistics. For the level of physical fitness analysis we used the results of normatives, provided by the fund of working program evaluating means of “Physical culture and sport elective courses” discipline. Results. The received results show the level of physical fitness decrease during the period of distant technologies and the mixed model of teaching use in the considered discipline. Negative dynamics was registered according to all six normatives, which in our opinion, is the result of lack of motion because of transfer to distance learning. Conclusion. The results were evident, taking into account the peculiarities of the studied period: lack of motion, motor activity restriction, distance learning and others. In our opinion, in order to solve this problem it is necessary to organize “Physical culture and sport elective courses” discipline (328 hours) only in a form of instructor led practical lessons: the 1st2nd course4 hours a week, the 3rd-4th course – 2 hours a week.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Dynamics of physical fitness level in the boys at North-Eastern State University during the period of COVID-19 pandemic»

DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2021-16-2-84-89

Dynamics of physical fitness level in the boys at North-Eastern State University during the period of COVID-19 pandemic

Nina V. Zaytseva*, Ekaterina E. Kudlova, Stanislav T. Shevchenko, Marina P. Deseneva,

Aleksey V. Nikitin

North-Eastern State University Magadan, Russia ORCID: 0000-0002-8012-5027, nin angel@mail.ru* ORCID: 0000-0002-8012-5027, eelubimtseva@gmail.com ORCID0000-0003-3629-5587, shevo86@mail.ru ORCID: 0000-0001-9362-2658, magbah@mail.ru ORCID: 0000-0002-0146-0100, nikitin.mag@mail.ru

Abstract: The article presents the results of a yearly monitoring over students' physical fitness at North-Eastern State University. They entered the University in 2019 during COVID-19 pandemic. Materials. Studying the dynamics of physical fitness in male students. They entered the University in 2019 (n=43) during the period of pandemic. The research was held on the basis of North-Eastern State University, Magadan. Research methods. Information sources analysis and summarizing, methods of mathematical statistics. For the level of physical fitness analysis we used the results of normatives, provided by the fund of working program evaluating means of "Physical culture and sport elective courses" discipline. Results. The received results show the level of physical fitness decrease during the period of distant technologies and the mixed model of teaching use in the considered discipline. Negative dynamics was registered according to all six normatives, which in our opinion, is the result of lack of motion because of transfer to distance learning. Conclusion. The results were evident, taking into account the peculiarities of the studied period: lack of motion, motor activity restriction, distance learning and others. In our opinion, in order to solve this problem it is necessary to organize "Physical culture and sport elective courses" discipline (328 hours) only in a form of instructor led practical lessons: the 1st-2nd course- 4 hours a week, the 3rd-4th course - 2 hours a week.

Keywords: boys, COVID-19 pandemic, self-isolation regime, high alert regime, dynamics of physical fitness, lack of motion, physical culture.

For citation: Nina V. Zaytseva*, EkaterinaE. Kudlova, Stanislav T. Shevchenko, Marina P. Deseneva,

Aleksey V. Nikitin. Dynamics of physical fitness level in the boys at North-Eastern State University during

the period of COVID-19 pandemic. Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2021; 16(2): 70-74.

DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2021-16-2-84-89


The level of physical fitness influences everyday life of a person and his professional activity. It is seen in the fact that a person with good physical fitness usually has high health and working capacity level. These qualities are valuable from the point of view of an employer. [6]

The situation with pandemic during the first part of 2020 had influence on all spheres of each person life. It led motor activity decrease in terms of the restricted space. Lack of motion led to hypodynamia development and health problems [3].

Educational process 2020 can be divided into two periods: since March, 30 till June, 9 - self-isolation regime, September-December - high alert

regime. The period of self-isolation is characterized by the fact that all educational establishments had to change full-time education for distance learning using digital technologies. At the beginning of an academic year the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation gave higher educational establishments the right to choose the form of education depending on epidemiological situation in the region. Thus, at North-Eastern State University "hybrid", mixed model of education was chosen. Such model of education is characterized by the following: in case of the infected person revelation all people, who were in contact transferred to distance learning for 2 weeks. In our opinion, it helped to provide the continuity of educational process during theoretical disciplines study.

However, during physical culture practical lessons realization in "domestic conditions" the participants of an educational process faced some difficulties.

On the one hand, a teacher, who didn't have the opportunity to observe how correct the exercises were fulfilled from all positions, as "video instrument" (telephone, webcam and others) gave only one camera angle. During the complex of exercises selection a teacher has to take into consideration housing conditions of students. It also creates some difficulties. It should be also mentioned that physical culture lessons became independent activity.

On the other hand, students of higher

educational establishments, who, according to

the results of research works by L.A. Kuchkova,

A.A. Ksenofontova (held in higher educational

establishments), face a range of difficulties during

independent lessons. These difficulties are caused

by lack of space for physical exercises fulfillment,

lack or complete absence of basic knowledge and

Table 1. - Control normatives for physical fitness eva discipline

skills of physical improvement methodology [8].

During high alert regime students mentioned that because of sports-mass events absence, closed sports sections they had apathy toward motor activity, independent physical culture and sport lessons, as one of the sport mastering aims is taking part in competitions.

In terms of all mentioned above the aim of the present research work was the dynamics of physical fitness study in boys-students. They entered the University in 2019 during the pandemic.

MATERIALS AND METHODS The research was held on the basis of NorthEastern State University in Magadan. 43 boys, who entered the University in 2019 took part in the research. In order to analyze the level of physical fitness we used the results of normatives provided by the fund of working program evaluating means of "Physical culture and sport elective courses" discipline (table 1), fulfilled by the students in February, 2020 and January, 2021. ation in "Physical culture and sport elective courses"

№ Exercises (normatives) Points


5 4 3 2 1

1. Standing long-jump (cm) 250 240 230 220 210

2 Skipping within one minute (quantity) 140 130 120 110 100

3 Shuttle run 4x15m (sec) 13.2 13.8 14.2 14.5 14.8

4 Prelum. In a form of lifting legs hanging till touching the bar (quantity) 10 8 6 4 2

5 Pull-up (quantity) 15 12 9 7 5

6 Pushup (quantity) 40 35 30 25 20


The received results went through statistical handling using «Statistica 7.0» program.

Checking the adequacy of the measured parameters distribution was realized on the basis of Shapiro-Wilk test. The received results are presented in a form of a mean value (M), standard deviation (a) and arithmetic mean error (m) [4].

Table 2 presents the results of physical fitness indices in boys at North-Eastern State University (NESU) since 2020 till 2021 academic year.

Standing long-jump shows the peculiarities of legs and body muscles (abdomen, chest and

spine muscles), the upper shoulder girdle muscles development and their coordinated work [5]. Standing long-jumps develop vestibular sensory system, sense of balance, distance judging, muscular-ligamentous apparatus, special flexibility [9,10,11,12,13].

The received results in "standing long-jump" exercise prove that there is a negative dynamics during the studied period, the average result in boys became worse by 3,5%. At the same time it should be noted that the results in February in 2021 were lower than the index, which is necessary for the mark "perfect" by 12,4%.

The results of "pushup" index are also

characterized by a negative dynamics, in 2021 the average index of the normative decreased by 10,7%, than in 2020, related to the index of "perfect" mark by 21,9%. Scientists in Harvard J. Yang, CA. Christophi, A. Farioli carried out the research with fire-fighters at the age of 39-40 in Indiana. At the beginning of the experiment the respondents fulfilled pushups, then during 10 years scientists observed their medical history. The received results in their research prove that the ability to fulfill greater amount of pushups decreases the risk of cardiovascular diseases development [1].

There was the following normatives indices decrease: "prelum" within the studied period -8,7%, till "perfect" mark 37,1% are not enough. It is known that in terms of insufficient physical activity, long time spent in a sitting position muscle tissues tonus of abdominal wall decreases. In order to avoid this, to avoid hernia, abdomen organs prolapse, excretory system functions disorder (defecation and urination acts) and poor uterine contraction strength, abdomen muscles should be strengthened. Abdomen muscles development means the diseases prevention and physical improvement. It gives power and confidence [10].

Pull-up forms the basis gymnastic exercise. Different variations mainly load spine and hands, but almost all variations build pectoral muscle sling, increase power indices and strengthen joints. Motion is useful for the spine, as it helps to prevent compressive load from the work with weight.

Indices dynamics analysis in "pull-up at a high bar" test during COVID-19 pandemic showed that the mean index in 2021 was lower for 17,4%, than in previous years. In order to fulfill "perfect" mark it is necessary to increase the result by 24,6%.

The results of "Skipping" test are also characterized by mean index decrease during the examined period by 4,1%, the result is lower than "perfect" mark index by 7,2%.

Owing to skipping bone tissues of the lower extremities formation increases through the zones of epiphysis. Regular, gradual load on the feet in terms of correct soft landing is a perfect way of platypodia prevention and the whole locomotor apparatus strengthening. Open shoulders and arms extended sidewards help to create correct bearing and guarantee maximal air flow into lungs, developing respiratory function of an organism. Load makes heart and vessels more functional [7].

The received results of shuttle run in 2021 are characterized by negative dynamics and time increase necessary for the normative fulfillment by 2,3% and lower than "perfect" mark by 5,9%. Running makes the work of lungs better, increasing the effectiveness of gas exchange and strengthens cardiovascular system. Owing to this all tissues of an organism get oxygen and slags are extracted from an organism. Running also changes oxygen and biochemical composition of blood. They leads to the risk of anoxemia and cancer decrease [2].

Table 2 - Dynamics of physical fitness inboys during the period of pandemic

Studied indices Periods of research Significance level of differences between the periods Indices dynamics (%)

2019 2020

Standing long-jump (cm) 227,3±1,16 219,5±1,28 4,52 3,5%

Pushup (quantity) 34,97±0,32 31,23±0,54 5,96 10,7%

Prelum. In a form of lifting legs hanging till touching the bar (quantity) 6,89±0,15 6,29±0,18 2,83 8,7%

Pull-up at a high bar (quantity) 10,96±0,22 9,05±0,24 5,87 17,4%

Skipping within one minute (quantity) 135,42±0,99 129,83±0,99 3,95 4,1%

Shuttle run 4x15m (sec) 13,71±0,04 14,03±0,06 (4,44) 2,3%


The results of current research work showed that the period of pandemic had a negative influence on the level of physical fitness inboys at NESU.

The results in "standing long-jump" exercise prove the level of spring ability decrease, the state of movements general coordination and legs muscle development inmale students within the studied period. This normative fulfillment is characterized by a negative dynamics by 3,5%.

Negative dynamics (10,7%) during "push-up" normative fulfillment proves weak chest, forearms muscles and in accordance with research works by Harvard scientists, the risk of cardiovascular diseases increase among boys-students.

Negative dynamics was during "prelum" normative fulfillment, the results decreased by 8,7%. In our opinion, the results of this normative prove insufficient physical activity, a long-term sitting position keeping, which then led to muscle tissues tonus of abdominal wall decrease.

The results of pull-up are characterized by negative dynamics -17,4% lower, than in 2020. It can be connected with insufficient moor activity, as this exercise demands constant training.

Negative dynamics was in "skipping" normative fulfillment by 4,1%, which apparently, is connected with distance learning and a sitting position. It led to weight increase and the indices of endurance quality decrease.

"Shuttle run" normative fulfillment is characterized by insignificant index decrease in 2021 - 2,3%. It is probably connected with "restrictive peculiarities" of COVID-19 pandemic period.

It should be noted that the results of normatives before the period of pandemic has low indices, as the average mark is 3 points. It in our opinion, is connected with the amount of classroom work hours decrease. They are given for "Physical culture and sport elective courses" discipline (till 2 academic hours a week, but before federal state educational standards FSES 3++ the amount of auditorium hours was 4 academic hours a week).

The held research works prove that the level of physical fitness inmale students of NESU

has a negative dynamics during 2020-2021. The results were expected, taking into consideration the peculiarities of the studied period: lack of motion, motor activity restriction, distance learning and others. In our opinion, in order to solve this problem it is necessary to organize "Physical culture and sport elective courses" discipline (328 hours) only in a form of instructor led practical lessons: the 1st-2nd course- 4 hours a week, the 3rd-4th course - 2 hours a week.


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Submitted: 20.05.2021 Author's information:

Nina V. Zaytseva - Senior Lecturer, North-Eastern State University, 685000, Russia, Magadan, Portovaya str., House 13, e-mail: nin angel@mail.ru

Evgeniya E. Kudlova - Senior Lecturer, North-Eastern State University, 685000, Russia, Magadan, Portovaya str., House 13, e-mail: eelubimtseva@gmail.com

Stanislav T. Shevchenko - Senior Lecturer, North-Eastern State University, 685000, Russia, Magadan, Portovaya str., House 13, e-mail: shevo86@mail.ru

Marina P. Deseneva - Senior Lecturer, North-Eastern State University, 685000, Russia, Magadan, Portovaya str., House 13, e-mail: magbah@mail.ru

Aleksey V. Nikitin - Senior Lecturer, North-Eastern State University, 685000, Russia, Magadan, Portovaya str., House 13, e-mail: nikitin.mag@mail.ru

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