STREET WORK AS A PRACTICAL HELP TO PEOPLE LIVING ON THE MARGINS OF SOCIETY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Психологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по психологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Machyniaková Lenka, Mačkinová Monika

This paper discusses the issue of the terrain social work as a practical help to people who find themselves on the margins of society.We can notice that homelessness currently represent an enormous and alarming problem that requires urgent solution.The issue of homelessness can be addressed through forms and methods of social work, which are becoming an essential part of it.street work as one of the methods of social work is an important aspect of helping homeless people as it consists in search of individuals in their natural environment, struggling with the serious social problems.

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В данном выступлении обсуждается о проблематике полевой социальной работы в качестве практической помощи людям, оказавшимся на обочине общества. Мы отметили, что бездомность в настоящее время представляет собой огромную и тревожную проблему, требующую срочного решения. Проблематику бездомных можно решать с помощью форм и методов социальной работы, которые становятся неотъемлемой ей частью. Полевая социальная работа как один из методов социальной работы является важным аспектом помощи людям без крова, как это заключается в поиске лиц в их естественной среде, воюющих с серьезными социальными проблемами.



dohovor-ano-ci-nie.html28.08 .2015.20: 30

[9] http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc. do?CRE type = & reference = 20131008

& sec = ondRef ITEM-015 & language = EN 28/08/2015


[10] http://www.fenestra.sk/fenestra/vyskyt-nasilia-pachaneho-na-zenach-v-parovych-vztahoch 30.08.2015,16:07


Ленка Махыниакова

Моника Мачкинова

профессор, Д-р философии Университет имени Санкт. Кирилл и Мефодий в Трнаве

Факультет социальных наук Кафедра социальных услуг и консалтинга STREET WORKAS A PRACTICAL HELP TO PEOPLE LIVING ON THE MARGINS OF SOCIETY University of SS. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava Faculty of Social Sciences Department of Social Services and advice PhDr. Lenka Machyniakova, prof.PhDr. Monika Mackinova, PhD.


В данном выступлении обсуждается о проблематике полевой социальной работы в качестве практической помощи людям, оказавшимся на обочине общества. Мы отметили, что бездомность в настоящее время представляет собой огромную и тревожную проблему, требующую срочного решения. Проблематику бездомных можно решать с помощью форм и методов социальной работы, которые становятся неотъемлемой ей частью. Полевая социальная работа как один из методов социальной работы является важным аспектом помощи людям без крова, как это заключается в поиске лиц в их естественной среде, воюющих с серьезными социальными проблемами.


This paper discusses the issue of the terrain social work as a practical help to people who find themselves on the margins of society.We can notice that homelessness currently represent an enormous and alarming problem that requires urgent solution.The issue of homelessness can be addressed through forms and methods of social work, which are becoming an essential part of it.street work as one of the methods of social work is an important aspect of helping homeless people as it consists in search of individuals in their natural environment, struggling with the serious social problems.

Ключевые слова: бездомность, бездомный, подевая социальная работа, фазы подевой социальной работы, социальная помощь.

Keywords: homelessness, homeless, terrain social work, phases of social work, social assistance.

Generaly the homelessness can be typed to extreme forms of poverty and is a manifestation of social exclusion. In the narrowest meaning it is understood as a complete absence of the abode, and in a wider context as the absence of adequate and decent housing abode.In general we can say that terms such as homeless,or homeless woman are used for appointing of individuals who do not own a home. [6] Home can not be considered only in the material - technical meaning.Home to mostly perceived as the complete picture of a circle of relatives and closest people associated with the material environment that is filled with a sense of companionship, safety, backgrounds and security.To have a home means having an adequate abode, where an individual may apply exclusive property, where the privacy is ensured and a place, where he can maintain his relationships. On the other hand, to be homeless means to not have any place to go and to have no one to help the individual to come out of the vicious circle of existential problems. [7] In the context, the significant role has the street work carried out by workers in the natural

environment of the client, literally on the street.

Street work with homeless people

A precondition of civilization development of society, without exclusion, is particularly satisfying basic needs of all members of our country and therefore the most vulnerable as well, homeless people.People who found themselves at the bottom of society, whether their own or foreign guilt, survive day by day. A crucial role to resolve the issue is a complex approach.This means to address the problem at all levels, from material side through social and law side to health side.In our society, there are various forms of assistance that indicate certain spectrum of social care for the homeless.Through forms of assistance are retained a range of people who seek help themselves, but also the range of those who can not find their own way to social assistance.One effective form of work with the homeless is certain terrain social work - street work, which focuses on finding, contacting and motivating people on the margins of society.Through the street work, it is possible to reach out and affect people who do not seek help themselves but

they need it.The primary role of street workers is mainly monitoring the situation on the streets, find out where the people who need help live and provide them adequate primary social and health counseling. [7] Homeless people are creating their own subculture in a society characterized by the value of their own expressions and forms of behavior that are different from those who lead the majority population [2]

The aim of the street work is not explicitly correcting behavior or lifestyle of the target group.The aim is to be close to man in his natural environment and provide him a material, health or information form of help, if he needs it.The secondary aim is a protection of the majority population against the negative consequences of their risky way of life. (eg., aggressive behavior, the spreading an infectious diseases of homeless, etc. [6]

According to the author Cechlovsky [3],street work is an active search and contacting activity focused on the individual and social group.It is a social work with low threshold offer, at which the street worker searches for members of the group with the primary purpose to make a contact.From the definition above can be the basic goals of working with homeless people categorized:

- searching for individuals and groups in their natural environment

- make and maintain contact with them

- guide them in their difficult situations [3]

Bednarova and Peloche [1] says "that street work is literally work on the street, and it doesn't mean a ground communication, but any open non institutionalized environment, both roofed and unroofed (street, rock clubs, etc.). . "

Typical operations carried out within thestreet work with homeless

The key service that is provided to homeless people on the terrain are terrain programs.Regards activities consisting in active search for homeless people in the places, where these people reside most often.As we already mentioned above, the aim of street work services is thus minimizing the risk of way of life of users, and supporting the activities which enable them to reintegrate into society as well.Street work can be divided into the following phases: [8]

1. Phase: searching for potential prospects for service

In searching for potential prospects for the service, a street worker cooperates mainly with participating organizations and with police who keep records of the appearance possibility of the homeless.Street worker focused his attention mainly on railway stations, city parks, abandoned buildings, garages, sewers, bridges, etc. In this phase it is extremely important that the worker would not focus only on the negatives of a homeless (illness, addiction, psychological problems), but mainly on the client's positive, strong side (eg motivation of the homeless to solve their unfavorable social situation), which allow more effective cooperation. [3]

2. Phase: first contact with homeless people

As first we have to mention, that the homeless people are strongly distrustful against various institutions and charities.{1In regard of this, the assistance of street worker must be linked to the obtaining trust of user and to establishing acceptable relations.Respect for the

individual is manifested already at the first contact with the client.Street worker must always bear in mind that his coming to this target group is like a visit, which has not been announced. [8]

The ways how to contact the homeless people are several, each one is specific.Determining depends mostly on experience and intuition of a social worker.In the professional sources we encounter the following ways of first contact: direct, indirect and mediated. [3]

Direct contact with homeless people is realized with the way of introduction itself of street worker, or through activity.In this case, it is extremely important that the social worker would keep the prescribed standard of expelled information toward the homeless community.Generally he introduces to the contacted clients with his first name or institution for which he works. Through suitably chosen activity, the street worker relieves the tension that is often associated feature, because people do not know each other.Properly chosen activity may break the possible distrust to a stranger, and often creates an environment for start-up and open up the communication. (bringing hot drinks, cakes) [5]

Indirect contact with homeless people.Author Kuber [5] thinks that it is in place that the street worker would be in the role of "normal" guest, so that he can participate on the interaction of the target group.This way he tries to become familiar with the social structure of the group, creates the conditions so that it can be accosted with the client himself, whereby clients set the pace and obligatoriness of the contact.In this method, for example, a street worker sits on a bench in a park or at a station close to potential clients and observe what is happening around.In this case, it can be assumed that the target group members themselves will accoste the street worker and he explain them his mission and reason for his stay in terrain, in their natural environment.Author Kubert [5] reported that frequent feature in homeless man is his spontaneous intercede either as a free discussion, or says a particular requirement for cigarettes or money.

Mediated contact with homeless people. This way of first contact we consider to be the easiest and most natural.A client who already knows a social worker, acquaintes him with his friends. Ultimately, it should be a person that the members of selected groups consider as plausible.In conclusion, we would like to note that the way of arranging of the first contact with the homeless should be selected on the basis of skills and abilities of street worker, and accordingly, in which ways will he feels best, secure and confident. [8]

3. Phase: endeavor to motivate the user to deal with the accrued situation

This phase involves detecting the actual needs of the user and search for the optimal solution to his situation.In the initial stage the attention of street worker heading to satisfying the primary needs of homeless people, such as housing, sanitation, and clothing.Street worker at this stage provides information about social services, eventually about all the institutions that participate in the provision of services for homeless people s.Appropriate facilities for the clients are e.g. low-threshold daily center where can be fulfilled the needs of potential prospect client.In the aforesaid facility is the ability to take a shower, to refresh, replace clothing, sit in a warm and dry place and to consult

with a specialist.Regarding to the aforesaid, it is effective that the street worker would have e.g.. flyer with address, orientation map and basic information about providing the services of that facility.A worker must not forget that he provides street social work with low-threshold service, and that's why at this phase it is not necessary to establish the personal data of the client. [4]

4. Phase mediation of social assistance

In the aforegoing phases the street worker didn't know personal information about the client.We have to note that initially it was about gaining the trust of the client, who must not feel that he is somehow forced to use social services. However, with growing confidence the users are supported in personal activities and gradually further services are offered to them.After the worker finds personal information with consent to use, there must be formulate also a written order of social service and, if necessary, a short-term individual plan. The effectivity of the street worker's work depends on a complex approach.It is therefore necessary that the worker provides to users e.g.

- Provide the necessary legal and social counseling,

- Provide assistance with accessorising various documents (birth certificate, I.D. card, etc.).

- Arrange accommodation in an asylum facility,

- Mediate material help (clothing)

- Mediated medical clothing and so on.

From the aforesaid it can be concluded that the street worker co- operate with the user on:

- Solving the current situation - worker, if necessary,provides the client crisis intervention, which aims to stabilize his condition and reduce the risk that his crisis will deepen.A client's health condition usually requires a crisis intervention, when the worker call the emergency medical assistance.

- Ensuring of basic needs- the needs can be provided in daily centers or in a dormitories.They provides to clients meals, lodging, basic hygiene, clothing, health care and basic and expert advice.

- Ensuring the housing - asylum, halfway homes, shelters, support in the search for their own housing.

- Supporting the gaining of work skills - worker helps the client to mediate contact on the institutions that provide consulting services in the areas of employment,

for example, the offices of labor, social affairs and family, where the client may be involved in activation programs. [8]

In the conclusion of our paper we have to mention that the street worker plays an important role in preventing homelessness as well.In this case it is a measure aiming to support and help the citizens at risk of losing housing. This concerns the following target groups for social work: lonely elderly people without social background, families from socially excluded localities, families of people addicted to alcohol, drugs and gambling, indebted households and so on. [8]


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