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Аннотация научной статьи по социологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Dávideková Mária

Recent increase of various crisis situations leads to population aging, so the social services as one of the social assistance tools, has been gaining its importance with emphases onthe quality of provided services. The issue of social services and the quality of their efficient providing forthe socially deprived persons has its significant and is to highlight the importance of social services in dealing with the adverse social situations in human life.

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9. Czech National Archive, Czechoslovak Communist 10. Czech National Archive, Czechoslovak Communist Party, Central Committee, 1945-1989, vol. 101, 167/k info Party, Central Committee, Gustav Husak 1945-1989, box 2 384, GH10961


Мария Давидекова


Университет Св Кирилла и Мефодия в Факультетсоциальныхнаук Трнава


SOCIAL SERVICES AS A TOOL FOR CLIENTSHELP WITH SOLVING THEIR UNFAVOURABLE SOCIAL SITUATION Doc. PhDr. Maria Davidekova, PhD., Associate Professor, University of Ss Cyril and Methodius Faculty of Social Sciences Trnava, Slovak Republic


В связи с увеличением количесва различных кризисных ситуациях,

с продолжающейся тенденциуй старения населения, социальные услуги как инструмент социальной помощи набирают силу и акцентируют нужду повышения качества в их обеспечивании. Вопрос социальных услуг, а также качество и эффективность их предоставления социально незащищенным имеет значительное и важное место в политиках модерных современных стран. Целью нашей работы является подчеркнуть важность и значительность социальных услуг в решении неблагоприятных социальных ситуаций в жизни человека.


Recent increase of various crisis situations leads to population aging, so the social services as one of the social assistance tools, has been gaining its importance with emphases onthe quality of provided services. The issue of social services and the quality of their efficient providing forthe socially deprived persons has its significant and is to highlight the importance of social services in dealing with the adverse social situations in human life.

Ключевые слова: Социальные услуги. Уход. Клиент. Социальный кризис.

Keywords: Social services. Care. Client. Social crisis.

Social services with their complexly codified form create a part of social assistance system, and belong to the fundamental pillars of social protection system for all citizens.

During recent "speed-up time", traditional human values have been gradually ceasing, and in the casesof serious problems, the mutual closeness and understanding from thefamily members starts declining. During the life, a person meets numerouscrises with different intensities and circumstances, but connected with subjective perceptionof the load rate during the crisis period, the individuals are often found with the feelings rooted in their expectations, such as fear, disappointment and frustration, and further in the personality structure can come to reorders, changes, and moves of the life goals, needs and values.

Social services play important role in the lives of people, they represent one of the ways how to help those who find themselves in unfavourable social situations, because every individual has its own value, thusin the case of disadvantage, social services try to protect him via salutary activities [6]. Important is that help must come out of the individual client's needs and must be aimed at support and development of client's independence, as well as on his social inclusion and strengthening.

In Slovakia, in the field of social services demand

prevailsover the supply, because various facilities providing such services has only limited or insufficient capacities. From demographic point of view, among the objective reasons can be included increase of elderly citizens, permanent increase of people with impaired health, mainly with seniors but also the increasing amount of combined severe disabilities among young people.

1 Diversity of crisis and unfavourable social situations during human life

Life of a person and all his human activities represent creation and protection of values, or the efforts for their maintaining and further development. The values are the results of relations between our needs and what enables their satisfaction.

Matel [5] states that meeting the needs is commonly affected by the following circumstances: disease, disability of a person, human relations.

The importance of interest in human needs comes out from the fact that adverse social situation can be affected by recently unmet needs. Human needs vary and develop throughout the life. What one person considered an essential, for the otherit might have no relevance. There exist several generally accepted theories of human needs one of the most famous is Abraham Maslow's psychological theory of motivation. (See picture 1)

Picture No 1: Maslow's hierarchy of needs Source. Maslow 2014

The crisis becomes a common part of every human being's life, especially when bound with an individual perception and response to a situation. It represents a complex process in which individuals are experiencing a lot of emotions: such as anxiety, helplessness and fear, but the crisis may also become theinitiationof changes. Each crisis has certain phases that a person has to go through, and the individualsubjectively perceived them as threatening situationswith certain dynamic charge or a potential of change. Any intense stressful or traumatic situationcan becomeacause ofcrisis, when an individual does have enough strength and ability to cope with ongoing problems. [5]

1.1 Adverse social situation

According to the Act No. 448/2008 Col. on Social Services, unfavourable social situation is a threat to each individual by the social exclusion or limited ability for social and individual integration, and inability to solve their problems independently, mainly due to:

— failure to ensure necessary conditions for satisfyingbasic life/ living needs

— life-style habbits or the way of life,

— severe disability or unfavourable health condition,

— reaching the retirement age required for pension entitlement,

— care for a person with severe disability,

— threatening by other people behaviour,

— being a victim of human trafficking.

Crisis social situation is understood a threat of life or health of an individual or a family that requires immediate solution through social services. The social service is mainly performed by social work, via procedures corresponding to knowledge of social sciences and the knowledge of situation and development of social services.

1.2 Social services - types and forms

Social service as a professional, service or other activityor the set of activities provided to socially disadvantaged people with the aim to improve their quality of life, or in certain way integrate them in the society or protect the society against risks of the individuals as the carriers. Social services therefore take into account the interests of both: the user, his family, groups to which he belongs, or the wider community.

Distinguished can be different types of social servicesprovided in various forms and various scope. The type, form and scope of provided social services are

determined based on a proper case, according to the unfavourable social situation, as well as based on the degree of relianceon people or on the help of other person.

Social services are focused on the adverse social situations that the Slovak legislationdivides into several areas, and among themare provided following types of social services to specific target groups:

- satisfaction of fundamental needs - focused on people who have problems with ensuring the necessary conditions needed for satisfaction of their basic needs in the facilities as follows: Hostel, Shelter, Half-way house, Low-threshold daily center, Emergency housing facilities [Act No. 448/2008 Col.]

- support to families and children - includes interventions that complement and cover usually transient emergencies in families. In this area are social services provided in the following facilities:

- Assistance with personal care for a child and help in reconciling the work and family life,

- facilities for temporary child care,

- low-threshold daily center for children and family.

- solving the adverse social situation due to severe disability, bad health or reaching the retirement age - most often significant area of social services.

There are provided social services to people dependent on the others for a long period of time and during common daily activities, care for their household or in different social activities due to the severe disability or bad health associated with higher age, where in the scope of long-term care are provided following types of social services: Nursing services, Nursing care facilities, Facilities of supported housing, Facilities for seniors, Rehabilitation center, Social services home, Specialized facility, Daily care, transport service.

- utilization of telecommunication technologiesmodern information and communication technologies to ensure non-stop uninterrupted contact of the dependent persons with impaired health and the service provider aimed at preventing the crisis situation or its solutions. Here are included : monitoring, signalling in the case of help need / bracelet, pager/.

- support services - often associated with social services from the other areas. They are mostly providedthrough the outpatient care and some of them are aimed at support of informal care towards fostering the families or people dependent on intensive assistance of

another person. This area comprises following services: Relieve service, Assistance with performance of custody rights and obligations, Day-care centers, Integration Center, Dining room, Laundry room, Personal hygiene centre.

At present, according to Law No. 448/2008 Col. on Social Services, the forms of social services include the outpatientform, which is provided to individuals to which they come, are transported or accompanied to the place of social services provision, which can be in a facility itself. Residence form is used in the case when accommodation is a part of annual or weekly provided social services. Another form is a terrain social service that can be provided to an individual in its natural social environment. It can be realized through the terrain programs aimed at prevention of social exclusion mainlyof the individuals, families and communities inunfavourable social situations. Currently, the most widely used social activity is a nursing service.

2 Current situation in providing social services in Slovakia

The Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family is the central body with the competence to exercise its authority in the field of social services. The systemic reform changesstartedin 2002. The Ministry supervises provision of social services in compliance with laws and generally binding regulations as well as the the way of its provision mainly in the terms of meeting the fundamental human rights and freedoms.

Since 1January 2009, social services became a separate part of social assistance with three basic pillars

I. Field II. Field

Respect for human Procedural rights and freedoms conditions

as provided by Act No. 448/2008 on Social Services and on amendments and supplements to the Act No. 455/1991 Col.on Trade Licencing (Trade Act) as amended.

2.1 Quality of social service

The objectives and content of the national quality policy in social services according to the Act No. 448/2008 Col. on Social Services is the responsibility of social service providers, to meet the conditions of the quality of provided social services. The Act further sets the criteria, standards and indicators of quality forprovided social services, which are divided into four areas. Implementation, execution and evaluation of the quality conditions for providedsocial services increase the quality of life of social services recipients, their social inclusion, as well as specialized provision of social services focused on the recipient' s needs.

Quality of social services also enable the recipients to live a good life and be satisfied. Quality conditions are evaluated in the following four areas:

— 1st area-Observation of fundamental human rights and freedoms -here are described fundamental values and principles of social service.

— 2nd area-Procedural conditions-aimed at the client, they state how the provided service looks like.

— 3rd area-Personal conditions-aimed at employee, set personal and specialized provision of the social service.

— 4th area-Performance conditions of a facility-determine the operating conditions for the social service provision

III. Field IV. Field

Personnel Operating

conditions conditions

Picture No 3: New structure of quality conditions

Source :Act No. 448/2008 Col. on Social Services

Individual areas represent the important framework for social services provision and are divided into several criteria that specify the frames in detail. For each criterion is determined a standard which describes the quality features in the given criterion as well as in the provision of social services.

Social Sphere Reform - the issue of social services promotes decentralization thus certain competencies are transferred to local governments, resulting in the development of community work, thus the client'shome is becoming an important placefor the performance of social workers.

Next part is devoted to selected social problems as well as the tools of assistance when coping and looking for appropriate solutions.

The need for diversified social services in the terms of their types and forms comes out from the diversity of unfavourable social situations that the social services

cover together with target groups whom are the social services provided. The individualization principle of social services can be implementedthrough varied types and forms, which represent and characterize the whole pillar of social assistance, where is thesystematic part of social services included. At present are particularly becoming important the forms of assistance and social services which are targeted to unemployment, further topoverty related to homelessness, and the last but not least the social services for the elderly provided because of their dependence on other individual or based on their health condition or retirement age.

Homelessness belongs to extreme forms of poverty, which manifests social exclusion. All services for homeless people were in the past organized by volunteers or Christian organizations,later began emerging civic associations. Increased number of homeless people, especially in the larger cities of Slovakia noted the need to definethe

facilityby the law on social services. This regulation changed the system of help to homeless people.

Population growthis another major global problem of mankind associated with aging population. The changing ratio of productive and post-productive aged people affects the quality of life of all ages, because of the fact that with increasing number of elderly grow demands on their health care and social care. At local levels have recentlybeen required social services-namely nursing services and facilities for the elderly. From total number of applications for further assessment on care dependency were just up to 85% related to these two forms of social services. In social facilities are the clients served with complex care that is focused on the quality of life of seniors.Seniors want to be active,theunwilling loneliness negatively influences their quality of life, where loneliness itself is not an illness but often the reason of many mental disorders and diseases [4, p.234].

Duringthe older age occurs interconnection of elderly health and social situation, where with deteriorated health increases their dependence on the care of others as well as dependence on social services. The society makes efforts to ensure the highest quality of life in the continuity of active and healthy aging [1, p.19]. Older and disabled people permanently represent larger groups, and therefore it is necessary that the society is more intensively interested in them. It is important when we want to approach the clear objectives, which aredetermined in the Convention, Europe 2020, Law on Social Services and mainly the National Action Plan of Deinstitutionalisation, so it will be necessary to develop terrain services, social services in the communities that enable full participation of citizens with disabilities and unfavourable social situations in all areas of life.


Solving the problems of individuals, families or groups of citizens influence the climate of the whole society, and therefore social services have their importance and inseparable place in the social policies of the state, local government and non-governmental subjects. The

importance of social services is not only important based on the number of clients who need them, but mostly because the fact, that without them the clients would not have the opportunity to participate in social life, it would not be possible to exercise their human and civil rights and it would result in their social exclusion. [2, p.57]

With the increased wide range of adverse social situations that people face today, the social services come into the front, and as one of the forms or tools they contribute to resolution.


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