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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Donskova Lyudmila I., Solodukha Petr V., Kryukova Elena M., Khetagurova Valeriya Sh.

An increase of social significance of socio-cultural service system as well as the ongoing changes in Russia, reflected in social practices, stipulate the relevance of necessity to study it from social point of view. Not only individual needs but also the processes of managing social actions are of particular importance in social practices of meeting human demands. The work is aimed at analyzing the socio-cultural services to the population in quantitative and qualitative indicators, identifying connections and relationships with indicators of accessibility and opportunities of Russians in social practices. The research is based on general scientific methods, statistical methods (based on official statistics), and sociological methods (expert assessments, questionnaires). The results of the analysis of the volume and structure of services consumption characterize a low share of socio-cultural services and tourism, which affects a person. Causal relationships show a deep differentiation in the area of residence and a discrepancy in the ratio of the level of accessibility and the possibility of consuming socio-cultural services. Forming a management system using the principles and methods of servicing a person in its various aspects and considering Russian specifics increases the conditions and standard of living of the citizens of our country.

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UDC 338.48

DOI: 10.24412/1995-042X-2021-4-184-191

Lyudmila I. DONSKOVA

Russian State Social University (Russia, Moscow) PhD in Economics, Associate Professor; e-mail: donskovaL@yandex.ru


Russian State Social University (Russia, Moscow) PhD (Dr.Sc.) in Economics, Professor; e-mail: soloduhapv@rgsu.net


Russian State Social University (Russia, Moscow) PhD in Economics, Associate Professor; e-mail: lena-krukova@yandex.ru


Russian State Social University (Russia, Moscow) PhD in Geography, Associate Professor; e-mail: vhetag@yandex.ru


Abstract. An increase of social significance of socio-cultural service system as well as the ongoing changes in Russia, reflected in social practices, stipulate the relevance of necessity to study it from social point of view. Not only individual needs but also the processes of managing social actions are of particular importance in social practices of meeting human demands. The work is aimed at analyzing the socio-cultural services to the population in quantitative and qualitative indicators, identifying connections and relationships with indicators of accessibility and opportunities of Russians in social practices. The research is based on general scientific methods, statistical methods (based on official statistics), and sociological methods (expert assessments, questionnaires). The results of the analysis of the volume and structure of services consumption characterize a low share of socio-cultural services and tourism, which affects a person. Causal relationships show a deep differentiation in the area of residence and a discrepancy in the ratio of the level of accessibility and the possibility of consuming socio-cultural services. Forming a management system using the principles and methods of servicing a person in its various aspects and considering Russian specifics increases the conditions and standard of living of the citizens of our country.

Keywords: Sociocultural service, social processes, consumption volumes, service consumption structure, Russian experience.

Citation: Donskova, L. I., Solodukha, P. V., Kryukova, E. M., & Khetagurova, V. Sh. (2021). Analysis of sociocultural service for the population: quantitative and qualitative characteristics. Servis v Rossii i za rubezhom [Services in Russia and Abroad], 15(4), 184-191. doi: 10.24412/1995-042X-2021-4-184-191.

Article History

Received 12 June 2021 Accepted 13 October 2021

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

© 2021 the Author(s)

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/

Donskova L. I., Solodukha P. V., Kryukova E. M., Khetagurova V. Sh. r~\ZT\ZYD(~\0\

Analysis of sociocultural service for the population: LJAX/IILJI ll/l

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УДК 338.48

DOI: 10.24412/1995-042X-2021-4-184-191

ДОНСКОВА Людмила Ивановна

Российский государственный социальный университет (Москва. РФ) кандидат экономических наук, доцент; e-mail: donskovaL@yandex.ru

СОЛОДУХА Петр Викторович

Российский государственный социальный университет (Москва. РФ) доктор экономических наук, профессор; e-mail: soloduhapv@rgsu.net

КРЮКОВА Елена Михайловна

Российский государственный социальный университет (Москва. РФ) кандидат экономических наук, доцент; e-mail: lena-krukova@yandex.ru

ХЕТАГУРОВА Валерия Шотаевна

Российский государственный социальный университет (Москва. РФ) кандидат географических наук, доцент; e-mail: vhetag@yandex.ru


Исследование системы «социокультурное обслуживание» населения с социальных позиций обусловлено, с одной стороны повышением ее социальной значимости, с другой -происходящими изменениями в России, отражающимися в социальных практиках. Особую значимость в социальных практиках в процессе удовлетворения потребностей человека приобретают не только индивидуальные запросы, но и процессы управления его социальными действиями. Цель работы: провести анализ социокультурного обслуживания населения в количественных и качественных показателях, выявить связи и отношения с показателями доступности и возможностями россиян в социальных практиках. Методы исследования использовались общенаучные, статистические (на основе официальной статистики) и социологические методы (экспертные оценки, анкетирование). Результаты анализа объемов и структуры потребления услуг характеризует невысокую долю социально-культурных услуг и туризма, что отражается на человеке. Причинно-следственных связи показывают глубокую дифференциацию по территории проживания и расхождение в соотношении уровня доступности и возможности потребления социокультурных услуг. Формируя систему управления с использованием принципов и методов обслуживания человека в разных его аспектах и учетом российской специфики, повышает условия и уровень жизни граждан нашей страны.

Ключевые слова: социокультурное обслуживание, общественные процессы, объемы потребления, структура потребления услуг, российский опыт.

Для цитирования: Донскова Л.И., Солодуха П.В., Крюкова Е.М., Хетагурова В.Ш. Анализ социокультурного обслуживания населения: количественные и качественные характеристики // Сервис в России и за рубежом. 2021. Т.15. №4. С. 184-191. 001: 10.24412/1995-042Х-2021-4-184-191.

Дата поступления в редакцию: 12 июня 2021 г. Дата утверждения в печать: 13 октября 2021 г.


Sociocultural service is associated with the provision of services aimed at meeting the social and spiritual needs of any person. Sociocultural services include medical, education, culture, sports, tourism, and other services. The common thing that unites them is a special social significance since they are directly related to a person and the person's needs. By satisfying cultural, spiritual, and social requirements, the level of education rises, the development of the intellectual and physical capabilities of a person is ensured, which contributes to the improvement of the person.

"The major task of the state is creating favorable conditions for the development of the abilities of each person, improving living conditions and the quality of the social environment, increasing the availability of quality education and medical care, services in tourism, physical culture, and sports"1. It is the ratio of the standard of living, the availability, and structure of consumption of services, including educational, sports and health, tourism, and other services that characterize the level of well-being of a person and society as a whole.

Research methodology

Conceptual sophistication of services, maintenance, service quality issues in scientific research of Russian authors (G. A. Avanesova, S. Kh. Agirova [1], V. V. Kulibanov, S. L. Kalachev, P. D. Pavlenok, Zh. A. Romanovich, Yu. P. Sviridenko, L. G. Sudas, V. V. Khmelev, M. V. Udaltsova, etc.) describes research approaches concerning meeting needs and their structure. The study defines specific types of services and areas of their application in practice (social services, information services) [3], as well as empirical studies of social practices and the structure of services (G. I. Osadchaya [10], O. E. Tokareva, M. I. Belyaev, V. N. Bobkov [3], O. G. Prokhorova, L. M. Klikich, P. A. Mikheev).

Service as a social category indicates the

interaction of people and relationships that arise in the process of joint activities, therefore it is identified as a kind of social system [5]. The backbone factor of such a system is the actors' cooperation in the service process. Institutional and socio-cultural approaches are now widely used in Russian sociology to study social processes connected with the surrounding space and a man.

In the institutional method, which has been quite deeply worked out by Russian scientists (V. Radaev, Z. I. Kalugina, O. E. Bessonova, D. S. Brazevich, I. V. Gorokhova, D. F. Tyurin, E. V. Bin-dichenko, I. V. Makovskaya, V. V. Khmelev, etc.) it is stated that social institutions serve to streamline activities and social relations between people based on norms, social control, and sanctions in various areas of social reality [4].

The sociocultural approach in its most general form characterizes the integrity of society and culture. The representatives of this approach (A. S. Akhiezer, N. I. Lapin, T. I. Zaslavskaya, Yu. L. Belyakova [2], V. N. Kuznetsova, F. I. Minyushev, G. V. Osipova) consider society as a culture and sociality unity, which is formed by human activity [2].

In our opinion, the integration of socio-cultural and institutional approaches makes it possible to comprehensively distinguish relations and processes in socio-cultural services considering social positions. At the same time, processes of a stable, positive nature are of the greatest interest, due to which the service system preservation and integrity are provided [6].

Adhering to this position, we can assert that the interconnection of the service system with all spheres of human life forms social processes. Numerous social institutions operating in society are closely related to the economic, social, political, and spiritual spheres of people's life [8].

Analyzing socio-cultural services as an object of research and part of the service system as a whole, which evolves under the influence of such factors like economic, social, political, cultural [6]. The main purpose of socio-cultural

1 Ob utverzhdenii Strategii razvitiya turizma v Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2035 goda [On the approval of the Strategy for tourism development in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2035]: Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 20, 2019 No. 2129-p. URL: http://www.consultant.ru/ (Accessed on 09.10.2020).

services is to create the necessary conditions to meet various social and spiritual needs of a person (groups, communities), which leads to an improvement in the quality of life, an increase in the level of education, the spiritual development of a person in the unity of social, cultural, economic, scientific, technical and political space.

Research objectives: to analyze the social and cultural services for the population in quantitative and qualitative terms, to identify connections and relationships with the availability and opportunities of the people in Russian practice.

Research methods: statistical based on official statistics and sociological which is the method of expert assessments, questionnaires.

For the analysis of socio-cultural services, the following indicators were taken: the ratio of the standard of living with the availability and structure of services consumption, i.e. quantitative and qualitative characteristics. The indicator "availability" of socio-cultural services is associated with the social policy of the state and the level of the development of the society.

In Russian practice, such services as educational, medical, cultural are usually referred to the social sphere, united by a common goal, which is achieved through social policy. The main focus of the social policy is to ensure and implement the constitutional rights of citizens to work, housing, education, the use of cultural achievements, medical care, freedom of thought and speech, creativity, etc. A certain and acceptable level of consumption of these services should be available to the general population, and for the population with low incomes to be covered by state or other sources (state budget, off-budget).

The main actor in each area is a person (group, community), whose activities determine the characteristics of all processes in service [7].

Statistical analysis results

World experience

In world practice, there is an increase in the role and importance of the service sector. For

example, the share of services in the structure of GDP is: USA - 75.5%, Great Britain - 72.6%, France - 72.8%2. The number of people employed in the service sector is also increasing, the share of which is: USA - 77.6%, UK - 76.3%, France -71.4%2. In the structure of consumption, educational, health-improving, informational, socio-cultural, and recreational services are increasing. For example, education services in the structure of actual household consumption are USA - 8.5%, France - 7.2%, Canada - 7.9%. Recreation and cultural services in the structure of actual household consumption are: UK - 10.7%, France - 8.9%, Canada - 9.1%, USA - 8.6%2.

Russian experience

In Russia, under the influence of the ongoing changes in the economic, political, and social spheres, employment in this area is increasing, new types of services appear, opportunities for their consumption are expanding, and the requirements for quality and level of service are increasing. For example, the share of services in GDP was 61.9%, and employment was 63%2. However, this can be explained by some development of service activities, since it is associated with a decrease in industrial production and an increase in the volume and share of paid services in education, health care, culture, physical culture, and sports. In addition, the outrunning growth of tariffs for housing and communal services, electricity, heating leads to an increase in the number of groups in need of state benefits and subsidies.

A distinctive feature in the development of the service system is to be attached to a certain territory. For example, the volume of consumption of services per capita only in the Central, Northwestern, and Far Eastern districts exceeded the national average [9]. At the same time, the consumption of services by residents of rural areas compared to the urban population is significantly lower (the share of services amounted to 15.4%, compared to urban - 25.8%). This can be explained by the lower incomes of the villagers,

2 Social'noe polozhenie i uroven' zhizni naseleniya Rossii [Social status and standard of living of the population of Russia. 2018]. Rossiya i strany mira. 2018 [Russia and the countries of the world. 2018]. Rosstat. Moscow, 398 p. (In Russ.).

the practical lack of infrastructure, which enhances the importance of self-service and self-sufficiency.

While in large cities (Moscow, St. Petersburg) the level is approaching Western standards, in many regions it is characterized by an informal organization of activities to serve the population, widespread use of low-skilled labor, and a lack of knowledge-intensive services.

The structure has a high share of housing and communal services (22.9%), passenger transport (21.1%); communication services (19.8%), and educational (7.0%), but at the same time the share of consumer services, tourist excursion, sanatorium, and health-improving services is decreasing [9, 10].

Indicators of volumes and the structure of services consumption are characterized by diverse trends. For example, social reforms are not in favor of the population, namely, in the housing and utilities sector, the transition to full payment for services in this area leads to a decrease in the ability of the majority of the population to pay. There is a similar trend in the medical and educational spheres, the reason for which is the reduction in educational and medical assistance from the state. The population is forced to deny themselves many other things. It is necessary to single out the system of higher education where, on the one hand, the reduction in funding from the state led to the spread of paid education in state universities, as well as to the intensive emergence of private educational institutions; on the other hand, under the influence of the socio-cultural transformations of Russian society, new motives for obtaining higher education appear as one of the options for choosing lifestyles and access to them.

A positive trend, in our opinion, is the active introduction of computer technology, software, which allows for distant education, remote medical consultation at any distance, which is especially important for remote settlements and makes it possible to effectively compensate for the natural and geographical features of our country. We especially emphasize that the share

of cultural services (1.7%), physical culture and sports (0.6%), sanatorium and health services (1.4%) remain low. There is a decrease in the share of scientific and technical services, which is associated with the crisis in science, caused by the reduction of state allocations for its development, the outflow of workers from this area. As a result, there is a decline in scientific capital, as noted by V. A. Yadov [12].

The level and structure of consumption of services depending on age (using the example of three generations) show that the majority of the older generation are not in demand by society, are characterized by a low material situation, therefore, the consumption of goods and services of low quality and price ensures the minimum standard of their life. In a fairly wide range, paid services are available only to the upper-middle class, while for the rest, the usual forms of savings are: recreation, leisure, and travel [10].

Social tourism, which is one of the types of tourism within the country, has practically disappeared from the sphere of recreation, health improvement, and travel. Consumers of social tourism include social groups of the population (large families, orphans, pupils of boarding schools and orphanages, disabled people, pensioners, and low-income citizens) with low incomes that do not allow them to independently receive tourist services during rest and travel [6]. The peculiarity of social tourism is that it involves the provision of state (or other) assistance to the population during recreation and travel.

This can be attributed to the mechanism of providing social groups of the population with social vouchers from the state through the Social Insurance Fund (FSS). According to official statistics, let us designate the groups of persons who received social vouchers, namely: disabled veterans, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, disabled people, and disabled children. However, there is an uneven distribution of vouchers across the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and the problem of targeting assistance is also identified since the misuse of funds is allowed [9].

According to the results of the author's

research of the population to identify rest on social vouchers (350 people), more than half (61.3%) had the opportunity to go on holiday on social vouchers. Among the rest of the respondents, the following reasons were indicated: the lack of paid leave, supply, money, needs. The respondents indicated the organizations that provided social vouchers: "employer" (21.9%), social protection bodies (16.9%), FSS (Social Insurance Fund) (11.9%), and FOMS (Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund) (5.6%). Providing social rest at the expense of the employer is, of course, a positive factor, but in general social tourism is not available for financial reasons, due to the lack of paid vacations, and information.


It can be assumed that the current organizational system of serving the population is focused mainly on the satisfaction of vital needs and is almost not focused on the spiritual and creative needs of a person. First of all, the transfer of socio-cultural services to a commercial basis, but not provided with the corresponding income of the population, characterizes the inaccessibility for people with low incomes and the older generation. A significant mass of the population, especially among the younger generation, has an attitude towards today's opportunities in social and cultural services. Modern centers of culture, sports, health, leisure are not available for mass visits, and traditional facilities (clubs, libraries) do not always meet the expectations and perceptions of the population, especially the younger generation.

The level and structure of consumption of services are influenced by social conditions arising from regional specifics (differentiation by property status, variety of lifestyles, and consumption). This contributes to the strengthening of regional imbalances, especially the decentralization of social functions, which is not accompanied by the redistribution of the corresponding resources between the center and the regions. One can agree with the opinion that through the consumption of services, society is more differentiated.

Here are the results of a study of socio-

cultural services, general trends based on the method of expert assessments (structured survey, 125 people). The experts were from various fields: educational, trade, medical, tourism, hotel, sanatorium, and resort, etc. The most important changes in society have taken place in recent years: increasing customer requirements, striving for a healthy lifestyle, the development of the population's insurance culture, the growth of well-being, economic instability, overcoming the crisis, increasing competition. Most experts point to the main negative characteristics of the service that do not allow reaching the international level: insufficient resources, quality of service that does not meet the requirements of the level, low professionalism of the staff, and imperfect regulatory framework. In the forecast of the development of the service system, according to experts: "service will reach the western level in 2-3 years" (16%), "perhaps in three years or more" (30.4%), "this will never happen" (the rest).

Regarding the reasons hindering the development of services in Russia, we would like to highlight the following:

• to improve the level of service: insufficient resources, low professional training, and poorly developed legal and regulatory framework;

• to increase availability: lack of needs, lack of qualified personnel, high prices. It is worth highlighting the unifying factor - the lack of qualified personnel and their professional training.

In the organization of socio-cultural services, the participation of the state is most relevant, in our opinion, for the following reasons: first, based on natural, social, structural, and demographic characteristics; secondly, for many years the state has been a provider of social services; thirdly, the current presence of problem cities and entire regions in the country.

When pursuing a unified social policy, attention should be paid to such social groups of the population as children, adolescents, disabled people, representatives of the older generation, large families, etc. At the same time, the main principle is to ensure the elementary human rights to a dignified life. It is necessary to build social policy in

such a way that private interest in the service system is transferred to the rank of state policy. For this, the state must create a social mechanism, designate the rights and obligations, powers, and functions of the parties. At the same time, the state is freed from the function of direct provision of social services to the citizen, assigning itself the role of legislator and mediator.

This approach should underlie the development of socially-oriented management of the system of socio-cultural services in a market economy, in which the main task is to create conditions for real access of the population to education, medical care, assistance in health improvement, etc. monuments, architectural heritage, temples, monasteries, cultural centers) should be accessible to as many people as possible.


The analysis showed that the current system of public services in the country is focused mainly on meeting vital needs, and the indicators of the volume and structure of service consumption differ significantly by region and territory of residence. For the majority of the population, especially representatives of the older generation, a low level of consumption of social and cultural services leads to a decrease in the level of social, spiritual, physical development of a person and the quality of life in general. Namely, the organization of socio-cultural services as part of the social system should turn into a system of measures to protect the elementary human rights to a decent standard of living, the development of spiritual values of various social strata.


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