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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Morozov Mikhail M.

The article examines the issues of sustainable development of the service sector in the context of the so-called new reality. The issues of sustainable development and maintenance of economic stability are becoming especially relevant in connection with the consequences of the pandemic, which had an extremely negative impact on many areas of socio-economic activity, including the service sector. In the context of global digitalization, technologies for the provision of many services are radically changing, which are acquiring an online format. The change of consumer generations leads to the emergence of a fundamentally new category of so-called digital consumers, for whom any service is associated primarily with its information and communication support. The article proposes to modify the concept of sustainable development of the service sector by introducing, along with the economic, social and environmental components, one more component - the information and communication component.

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UDC 338.48

DOI: 10.24412/1995-042X-2021-2-75-82

Mikhail M. MOROZOV

Russian New University (Moscow, Russia) PhD in Economics, Associate Professor; e-mail: m.morozov@bk.ru



Abstract. The article examines the issues of sustainable development of the service sector in the context of the so-called new reality. The issues of sustainable development and maintenance of economic stability are becoming especially relevant in connection with the consequences of the pandemic, which had an extremely negative impact on many areas of socio-economic activity, including the service sector. In the context of global digitalization, technologies for the provision of many services are radically changing, which are acquiring an online format. The change of consumer generations leads to the emergence of a fundamentally new category of so-called digital consumers, for whom any service is associated primarily with its information and communication support. The article proposes to modify the concept of sustainable development of the service sector by introducing, along with the economic, social and environmental components, one more component - the information and communication component.

Keywords: service sector, service, service economy, tourism, global digitalization, sustainable development, information and communication support

Citation: Morozov, M. M. (2021). Managing the sustainable development of the service sector in a modern conditions. Servis v Rossii i za rubezhom [Services in Russia and Abroad], 15(2), 75-82. doi: 10.24412/1995-042X-2021-2-75-82.

Article History

Received 28 May 2021 Accepted 23 June 2021

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

© 2021 the Author(s)

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/


Т. 15, N0. 2 (94)




УДК 338.48

ЭО!: 10.24412/1995-042Х-2021-2-75-82

МОРОЗОВ Михаил Михайлович

Российский новый университет (Москва, РФ) кандидат экономических наук, доцент; m.morozov@bk.ru


В статье рассматриваются вопросы устойчивого развития сферы услуг в условиях так называемой новой реальности. Вопросы устойчивого развития и поддержания экономической стабильности становятся особенно актуальными в связи с последствиями пандемии, которая оказала крайне негативное влияние на многие сферы социально-экономической деятельности, включая сферу сервиса. В условиях глобальной цифровизации кардинально меняются технологии оказания многих услуг, которые приобретают онлайн формат. Смена поколений потребителей приводит к появлению принципиально новой категории так называемых цифровых потребителей, для которых любая услуга ассоциируется прежде всего с ее информационно-коммуникационным сопровождением. В статье предлагается модифицировать концепцию устойчивого развития сферы услуг, введя в нее наряду с экономической, социальной и экологической составляющей еще один компонент - информационно-коммуникационную составляющую.

Ключевые слова: сфера услуг, сервис, сервисная экономика, туризм, глобальная цифро-визация, устойчивое развитие, информационно-коммуникационное обеспечение.

Для цитирования: Морозов М.М. Управление устойчивым развитием сферы услуг в современных условиях // Сервис в России и за рубежом. 2021. Т.15. №2. С. 75-82. ЭО!: 10.24412/1995-042Х-2021-2-75-82.

Дата поступления в редакцию: 28 мая 2021 г. Дата утверждения в печать: 23 июня 2021 г.


The service sector is one of the important sectors of the world economy. In accordance with the classification of the World Trade Organization, the service sector includes more than 150 different types of services: transport, financial, educational, tourism services, communication services, services for organizing leisure, cultural and sports events, and others.

The General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) defines the following groups of services1:

- business services,

- distribution services,

- educational services,

- construction and engineering services,

- transport services (water, air, rail, road and other transportation),

- tourism and travel related services,

- health care and social services,

- services in the field of communication,

- services for the organization of leisure, cultural and sports events,

- services related to environmental protection,

- financial services, etc.

The totality of economic relations arising in the process of providing the above services forms a service economy. Until 2020, it was included in the list of the fastest growing sectors of the world economy and developed quite steadily. However, the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic have had the greatest negative impact on the service economy. Many types of services had to be quickly brought online, but this was not possible for all types of services. In particular, such types of services as the organization of sports events and tourism, under conditions of restrictions, were practically impossible to provide in the previous format. The proof is the precipitous drop in the number of inbound tourist trips of foreign citizens to the Russian Federation: in 2019 there were 24,419 thousand trips, and in 2020 only 6359 thousand, and almost all of them occurred

in the first quarter of the year. Restrictions on movement of the population during the pandemic led to almost stagnation in the development of international tourism and the cancellation of most international sporting events, including the Olympic Games in Tokyo.

The world community is making tremendous efforts to rebuild the service sector. The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), promoting sustainable tourism development, has stepped up its efforts to restore and further develop tourism.

In the context of a pandemic, it is necessary to develop tools for recovery and further sustainable development of the service sector, which has led to the relevance of the research topic.

Analysis of publications on research issues

The problems of sustainable development of economic entities were considered in the works of M.P. Didenko. [3], Zeldner A.G. [5], Lvova M.I., Bakunova T.V., Koltsova T.A. [7], Savchik E.N., Ponamarenko A.A., Korepanova K.A. [15] and others. Kuziboev B. [20] in the framework of sustainable development studied the environmental development of the service sector. The articles of Zhukovskaya I.F., Mityakov D.A., Ovchin-nikov A.Yu. are devoted to the issues of the impact of the pandemic on the service sector [4], Buevich A.P. [1].

The study of the impact of the pandemic on the tourism sector is highlighted in the works [11, 16, 17, 18].

According to V.V. Glazunova the most stable growth is possessed by economic systems that have accumulated potential for sustainable development, capable of withstanding external influences, therefore, the formation of the potential for sustainability to maintain growth rates is one of the key tasks of managing the state's economy [2].

An important aspect of studying the sustain-ability of systems development is the analysis of the impact of digitalization, which are devoted to the works of E. Karpunina [6] and others [10, 13, 19].

^General Agreement on Trade in Services [Electronic resource] https://base.garant.ru/2541542/




Purpose of the study

The aim of the study is to consider the theory of sustainable development of the service sector, taking into account global trends related to digitalization and pandemic.

Research results

The development of the service sector is one of the indicators of the quality of life of the country's population. Figure 1 shows the dynamics of changes in the volume of paid services to the population of the Russian Federation, which increased 17 times from 2000 to 2019.

Figure 2 shows the structure of the main

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The largest share of paid services, 27.8%, falls on the housing and utilities sector, 20.1% -on transport services. The hotel business and tourism account for 2.4% and 1.8%, respectively.

Sustainable development is viewed as a complex concept that includes economic, social and environmental aspects. The study of issues related to the sustainable development of economic systems began in the last century, but the relevance of this issue sounded with renewed vigor in 2020 during the pandemic. In 2000, due to the pandemic, one of the most affected areas

types of paid services to the population.

12000000 -

10000000 -

8000000 -


was the tourism and hotel business.








2000 2005 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

housing and communal transport household medical

facilities education system hotels and similar accommodation tourist culture

physical culture and sports

0,0 5,0 10,0 15,0 20,0

Fig. 2 - The structure of paid services to the population (%)

Source: Rosstat data https://rosstat.gov.ru/folder/23457


Fig. 1 - The volume of paid services to the population (million rubles)2

The term sustainable development is understood as such a civilizational development of society, in which the living conditions of a person are improved while maintaining a rational impact on the environment. Particular attention is paid to the preservation of the natural basis for the functioning of mankind and not causing damage to future generations.

Sustainable development of the service sector means maintaining balance and stability in the following main areas:

- balance of interests of present and future generations,

- balance of interests of the population, business, government and all stakeholders interested in the development of the service sector,

- balance between economic growth, social development and environmental preservation (environmental sustainability).

As defined by the UNWTO, sustainable tourism development takes into account its current and future economic, social and environmental impacts, meeting the needs of tourists, tourism businesses, the environment and local communities.

A specific feature of tourism and hotel services is that in order to provide a service, a tourist must arrive at a certain destination, therefore, the interpretation of sustainable tourism development is associated with the destination territory [21]. Sustainable development of tourism is proposed to be considered as a given trajectory of maintaining the effectiveness of the use of available tourist resources in order to develop a tourist destination as a structural unit of the tourist system. The social development of a tourist destination is carried out through the intensification of tourist activities and the participation of the local population in it. It is imperative to observe the ecological balance within the framework of the destination, as well as the ability to return the destination to a state of balance in the event of various risks and global threats.

The social sustainability of a tourist destination is to ensure employment of the local population through the creation of new jobs in the

tourism sector, an increase in the quality of life and an increase in the income of residents of the destination due to an increase in tourist activity, an improvement in the general social situation and the formation of tolerance of the local population towards tourists. In addition, the social component is manifested in the development of some types of social tourism, including children [8, 9].

The ecological sustainability of a tourist destination means compliance with the recreational norms of use and ensuring the integrity of the natural systems of the destination, their viability, which determine the stability of the natural habitat created in the destination.

The following criteria for the sustainable development of tourist destinations can be formulated:

- the constant economic growth of this destination, which can be quantitatively expressed as an increase in gross value added per one of its inhabitants,

- compliance with the tourist and recreational capacity of the destination, optimization of the load on the environment, ensuring the restoration of natural resources located within the destination,

- improving the socio-economic well-being of local residents and improving the social climate in the destination.

In the context of global digitalization, the technology of providing many services is fundamentally changing. This process was especially pronounced during the pandemic, when many services were provided online, including banking, insurance, educational and others. Taking into account the emergence of a new generation of digital users, information and communication support of services is of particular importance [12, 22]. In this regard, it is advisable to supplement the concept of sustainable development with one more component: information and communication support. In modern conditions, when the digitalization of the entire socio-economic life is taking place, new principles and methods of conducting sustainable service, including tourism, are

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Т. 15, No. 2 (94) 2021

being formed. The need for the introduction of digital technologies was especially vividly manifested during the COVID-19 pandemic, when, due to socio-epidemiological restrictions, the number of organized tourist trips sharply decreased.

The tourism industry has begun to apply big data processing technologies that allow generating fundamentally new data about travelers, their habits, preferences, interests, etc. The combined use of big data technology and artificial intelligence methods provides a new toolkit for studying the behavior of potential tourists, their intentions and travel directions.

In accordance with the general theory of sustainable development of socio-economic systems, the concept of sustainable development of a tourist destination should provide:

- sustainable economic development of a tourist destination by attracting a flow of tourists, bringing an increase in tourism income,

- social sustainability of a tourist destination, which is realized through more active involvement of the local population in tourist activities, the creation of new jobs, etc. The intensification of tourism activities will also have a beneficial effect on improving local infrastructure and increase the comfortable living of local residents in the destination territory,

- environmental sustainability of the development of a tourist destination, taking into account the assessment of the throughput of tourist and recreational capacity of this destination.

In addition, the activation of their information and advertising promotion will contribute to ensuring the sustainable development of tourist destinations. In connection with the pandemic in 2020, the volume of the online advertising market grew by 4% and reached 253 billion rubles; in the first quarter of 2021, the growth of online advertising was 14%, which indicates an increase in the volume of promotion through this communication channel3. The relevance of the use of social networks as an information and communication

tool is also increasing [14].

Social networks are one of the modern information and communication solutions for promoting tourism products and destinations. The inclusion and immersion in the virtual space of potential travelers influences many aspects of life, including the formation of tourist needs. The main principles and attractive features of communication through social networks for a modern person are virtuality, interactivity, globality, creativity, anonymity. The significant role of social networks in the processes of information and communication, as well as changes in the nature of human perception of information, open up new opportunities for promoting a tourist product. This is especially true for the so-called digital generation of tourists, which in the coming years will become the main segment of travelers. Social media creates a technical and emotional opportunity to create communication with potential tourists, while maintaining a sufficient level of trust between them.


As a result of the study, it can be concluded that in modern conditions the theory of sustainable development is undergoing a number of changes. First of all, this concerns the sustainable development of the service sector. Global digital-ization is fundamentally changing the technology of providing many types of services, translating them into an online format. Therefore, to ensure sustainable development of the service sector, including tourism services, it is necessary to pay special attention to the information and communication component. Thus, along with the economic, social and environmental component, it is necessary to include an information and communication component in the concept of sustainable development. Currently, social networks are a powerful tool in the formation of tourist demand. In connection with the emergence of a new category of so-called digital travelers, it is necessary to form a modern digital information and communication support for tourist and hotel activities.

3 The volume of the advertising market. URL: https://www.akarussia.ru/knowledge/market_size

80 H-


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