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Russian Law Journal
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Strategic Educational Management / Educational Service / Quality of Education

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Lolo Avellaneda Callirgos María, Aurelia Lazo Pérez Meyder, Vera Gonzalez, Norma Tatiana Milian Liza De Escobar, Jorge Max Mundaca Monja

The objective of this article was to analyze strategic educational management and the quality of the educational service in primary-level educational institutions in the District of José Leonardo Ortiz and to propose an action plan for measuring the quality of the educational service in this institution. It constitutes a documentary review of the theory that frames Strategic Educational Management, as well as a brief description of the main characteristics in the scientific production referring to the study of the Quality of Educational Service and Strategic Educational Management registered in the Scopus database during the period 2017-2021. The methodology implemented corresponds to a descriptive correlational propositional technique; since a proposal for the management of students’ potentialities to optimize educational administration and educational service in the Doctoral Program in Educational Sciences will be presented. As the main contribution of the research, a chronogram of the execution of the proposal is given, as well as the description of the main needs within education in the institutions indicated so that the implementation of the proposal given in this article is mainly sought.

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1 loloavellanedacallirgos@gmail.com

ORCID: 0000-0001-5133-5546 Universidad Particular de Chiclayo 2marialazoperez1965@gmail.com

ORCID: 0000-0002-8291-6949 Universidad Particular de Chiclayo 3meyder.vg@gmail.com ORCID: 0000-0003-0512-6860 Universidad Particular de Chiclayo 4nmilian@udch.edu.pe ORCID: 0000-0003-2395-2461 Universidad Particular de Chiclayo 5maxmundaca@udch.edu.pe ORCID: 0000-0002-2451-1310 Universidad Particular de Chiclayo 6eduarrbe@gmail.com ORCID: 0000-0003-3304-386X Universidad Particular de Chiclayo 7ncarpio@udch.edu.pe wnjca rpiov@g mail.com ORCID: 0000-0003-2604-7280 Universidad Particular de Chiclayo

Abstract: The objective of this article was to analyze strategic educational management and the quality of the educational service in primary-level educational institutions in the District of José Leonardo Ortiz and to propose an action plan for measuring the quality of the educational service in this institution. It constitutes a documentary review of the theory that frames Strategic Educational Management, as well as a brief description of the main characteristics in the scientific production referring to the study of the Quality of Educational Service and Strategic Educational Management registered in the Scopus database during the period 2017-2021. The methodology implemented corresponds to a descriptive correlational propositional technique; since a proposal for the management of students' potentialities to optimize educational administration and educational service in the Doctoral Program in Educational Sciences will be presented. As the main contribution of the research, a chronogram of the execution of the proposal is given, as well as the description of the main needs within education in the institutions indicated so that the implementation of the proposal given in this article is mainly sought.

Keywords: Strategic Educational Management, Educational Service, Quality of Education.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. General Objective

3. Theoretical framework

3.1 Documentary review

4. Methodology

4.1 Type and Design of Research

4.2 Population, sample and sampling

4.3 Data Collection Techniques and Instruments

4.4 Data analysis method

4.5 Ethical Aspects

4.6 Administrative aspects 5. Final considerations

1. Introduction

The principal, as a pedagogical leader, is the one who directs the school administration in the Educational Institution, summoning the integration of the other members for the execution of the management agreements.

The World Bank (2018) mentions that education should balance learners with the competencies required to achieve healthy, productive and meaningful lives. All countries delineate the competencies in different ways. However, some important pretensions are distributed, reflected in their curricular plans. For example, it should be considered that, regardless of where they live, students must learn to interpret different types of written texts. Likewise, they must reflect, think critically and be creative by developing their essential capacities and social-emotional competencies.

Likewise, Tutiven (2018) points out that the educational institutions in the province of Guayas-Ecuador, evidence unevenness in the organization of teachers because it only has ten appointed teachers and 25 on contract, originating insecurity at work; since in any circumstance, teachers are removed, harming the normal development of teaching-learning, given that new teachers could implement different ways of teaching. Likewise, teachers state that when planning school activities, they take into account the traditions and customs of the students; it has also been observed that the social position of the students repeatedly determines their academic performance. In Peru, Cuchillo (2018) states that the quality of education has not yet reached the expected levels. This is evidenced by the assessments of the international organization PISA 2015, which places this country in the last places worldwide; the same happens in the ECE 2016 evaluations carried out by the Ministry of Education in Peru, which determined that most students do not understand what they read and have difficulties in problem-solving. Therefore, the Ministry of Education has established guidelines for developing education, considering the educational infrastructure, revaluing the teaching career, and improving school management and learning.

Similarly, Hurtado (2021) states that educational institutions in Lima-Peru still show educational management as their main problem. This is due to certain components, among which are the insufficient participation in the management team's work and the scarce identity of the managers themselves, who are attracted by authoritarianism. Likewise, it is noted that there is no timely coordination with the people in charge in various situations related to the administration and leadership of the principal. In the same way, it has been proven that the organization lacks a consensual and updated Institutional Educational Project, hindering the achievement of the institutional objectives. On the other hand, the reiterative replacements of the director have prevented the strengthening of teamwork.

Peralta & Silva (2018) points out that in the educational institution Inmaculada de Chiclayo, problems are observed the tutoring area should address that; since it is affecting school performance, as well as insufficient knowledge on the part of students about sexual education, causing some facts of premature pregnancy, hindering the future of students. On the other hand, behavioral problems are observed due to the deficient practice of values evidenced in inadequate behavior. Therefore, it is assumed that the cause of this situation is the non-existence of a sustained tutoring plan, which will allow the improvement of school activities in the various areas for the satisfaction of the educational service in the institution.

Valdivia (2020) mentions that in the educational institution"Un Nuevo Pátapo" district of Pátapo, there was evidence of the deficient performance of teachers, reflected in inappropriate actions of students for learning, inconveniences to articulate school management with the family and the community, and insufficient progress of their professionalism and commitment to the institution. This is due to the lack of an organizational management plan that incorporates the teacher's performance according to what

is established in the Framework for Good Teaching Performance, aimed at improving teachers' pedagogical practice in accordance with international standards.

The question was posed: What is the relationship between strategic educational management and the quality of the educational service in the primary educational institutions of José Leonardo Ortiz? The present study is justified because, at present, there is concern and interest in improving the quality of the educational service, which is provided in the educational institutions of regular basic education. For this purpose, a set of events that delineate the international standards must be considered to offer quality management in the educational service. Likewise, the treatment will be carried out using the socio-critical approach based on the development of competencies and the pillars of education, according to the technological and epistemological progress of the variables and their association. Finally, the UGEL Chiclayo is a pole of development of educational entrepreneurship, so it is relevant to deserve adequate and relevant treatment in the different modalities. For this reason, the general objective was to determine the relationship between strategic educational management and the quality of the educational service in the primary-level educational institutions of José Leonardo Ortiz. Therefore, the specific objectives proposed were to identify the relationship between strategic educational management for the improvement of the quality of educational service and the unit of measurement in the UGEL Chiclayo. Furthermore, to identify the relationship between strategic educational management for curricular diversification and learning standards in the UGEL Chiclayo, to establish the relationship between the level of achievement reached in strategic educational management and the quality of educational service in the UGEL Chiclayo.

2. General Objective

To analyze the strategic educational management and the quality of the educational service in the educational institutions of the primary level of the District of José Leonardo Ortiz.

3. Theoretical framework

Concerning previous works, the analysis included those related to the variables subject to research: strategic educational management and educational service.

Chávez (2019) in "History of the Basic Education Management Model in Mexico", had the purpose of making known a program for the improvement of education in Mexico, concluding that this is based on three levels of organizational, educational and pedagogical execution. Currently, the results allow knowing that the educational service assists 25,780,693 students in EBR and 1,217,191 teachers, without taking into account the personnel who perform administrative work in each federal state or the members of the community who require some service. The volume of people to be served hinders, to a certain extent, the efficient organization of the normal development of education, especially in the areas farthest from the capital of each federal state.

Saullo (2018), in "Training in managerial competencies, a challenge that improves and strengthens management" aimed to make known that educational institutions in Buenos Aires-Argentina immediately need people with training and the ability to work as a team and solve the problems in their context; developing strategies, for the improvement of the actions of the institutions. The institutions are oriented to an exhausted and inefficient system. Therefore, a new management approach is needed to face external discomforts, promoting lifelong learning and the development of relevant competencies to achieve the challenge. Depending on the professional capacity to achieve it, as well as committing the participation of all the institution members, starting from a consensual project.

Valencia (2017), in "Educational Management and its relationship with the leadership of principals in the initial educational institutions of the Network N° 09 Ate Vitarte", concludes that a very significant positive association is observed between Educational Management and the leadership of the principal of the Initial Educational Institutions of the Network N°09 Ate Vitarte; since Pearson's r is r = 0.993, likewise planning with the consultative style of the principal's leadership r = 0.765; an organization with the participatory leadership of the principal is moderately significant r = 0.700; the same happens with quality learning with the leadership considered by the principal r = 0.680.

Aliaga (2017), in "Strategic educational management and engagement Organizational commitment in teachers of RED 19, UGEL 01-Lima" concludes that 100 teachers were selected for the study, taking into account the intentional sampling. In collecting information, the survey was conducted to assess educational management and organizational commitments. When performing the descriptive and correlational observation found, using the RHO Spearman, Rho=0.448 was obtained as a result, being significantly moderate, rejecting the null hypothesis; that is, the result states that there is a direct and significant association between strategic educational management and organizational commitment in teachers of the Network 19 UGEL 01, Lima 2017.

Chávez & Olivos (2019), in their thesis "Educational management and teaching performance in the educational institution model, Trujillo", conclude that descriptive-correlational research was conducted, taking 52 teachers who were subject to the application of a survey through two questionnaires with 30 questions for the independent variable and 28 questions for the dependent variable strictly checked. For both questionnaires, the Likert scale was used, and the following results were obtained: The association was significant with r=0.877, with a significance level of p=0.00 < 0.05 between the variables, in the Educational Institution "Modelo" of Trujillo-2018, that is, considerable positive levels were reached founded on the calculated statistics, using the Rho Spearman correlation coefficient.

About theories related to strategic educational management, Taylor Frederick Taylor's scientific management theory (1875), considers the classic management approach, whose purpose is to increase the institution's efficiency, considering a pertinent structure in its organization to increase the productivity of the people in the operative levels. This is the beginning of the research on the work arrangement since the actions of the position and those who perform it are under the responsibility of the main area of the institution. It establishes five specific guidelines for the management that will facilitate powers and obligations to the person who directs the institution. The following guidelines are specified: Planning, preparation, execution and control. Taylor confirms these guidelines to achieve the economization of materials and increase people's performance, considering the evaluation of periods, movements, choice of personnel, stimuli, work models, training and implementation (Chávez & Olivos 2019).

Dimensions related to the strategic educational management variable.

For Mezher et al. (2016), the Administrative dimension is related to the tasks that should achieve to provide on time the usable means, such as human, material and economic, in order to achieve the purposes of the institution; likewise, with all daily requests and negotiations, in order to agree on the commitments of the institution (Chipana, 2015).

The community dimension refers to different activities that promote the participation of the educational community in the tasks and activities, inquiry for decision-making in the institution, and associating the community and institutions (Asto, 2018).

Institutional dimension is thow of the organization, the institutional and labor climate, and the adequate relationship with the institutions of its jurisdiction (Álvarez, 2017).

The pedagogical dimension refers to the activities inherent to teachers in the institution; since they are the ones who elaborate the knowledge for the development of teaching-learning and didactic strategies, and teaching-learning theories (Chipana, 2017).

Theories related to educational service quality

Frederick Herzberg's theory of motivation-hygiene maintains that the aspects that cause dissatisfaction differ in character from those that produce complacency. In this sense, one can distinguish the hygienic aspects, which avoid dissatisfaction but do not cause complacency. On the other hand, the motivational aspects do cause satisfaction, as long as the hygienic components function adequately; if the hygienic components act individually, the personnel will not be satisfied, dissatisfied, or motivated; that is to say, they will be indifferent. The personnel will be dissatisfied if the motivational components act, but not the hygienic ones. Motivation will only be experienced when both aspects interact.

Vroom's theory of expectations states that this theory takes into account the components that influence motivation and the variables that have an impact on the actions of personnel, that is, the

performance expected of people is the result of the interaction of motivation, which is a function of the retribution and the possibility of achieving it if appropriate actions are taken, this opportunity can be divided into two: the possibility that the work performed will lead to the expectations and the opportunity that once the result is obtained, the incentive will be achieved. In this way, motivation is the work that the person is in a position to achieve its institutional purposes. Therefore, motivation will depend on the effort the person gives to the incentives offered. On the other hand, capacity is another element that is related to the incentives for the satisfaction of their dominant needs and a third element is the appreciation of the role, which, when interacting with the other elements, will produce the expected performance, the reduction of these values will originate the decrease of the efficient performance of the personnel.

Dimensions related to the quality of educational service variable

The following concepts are considered: The reputation of the institution, user involvement, service outcome, and student satisfaction.

Reputation dimension of the institution is a factor observed in relationships between people who offer a product or service and consumers; however, the various media and the influence of technology on consumers generate the need for further scientific studies (Basauri, 2020).

User involvement dimension is the links of the staff with the institution, reducing the possibility of absenteeism. In this sense, commitments are people's feelings about their institution that subordinates it to a specific attitude (Ramirez, 2018).

Dimension result of the service refers to what is achieved as satisfaction; the needs need to be satisfied through the performance of quality services such as Compliance, executed costs, and adequate development of people (Marcelo, 2018).

The student satisfaction dimension is the feeling of well-being that originate when physical and psychological needs are satisfied, which appear according to people's preferences and are presented consciously or unconsciously through mental processes (Mini & Lequernaque, 2020).

3.1 Documentary review

In order to know the current status of the bibliography published through high-impact journals indexed in the Scopus database, a bibliometric review is carried out in the same database on research papers concerning the study of Strategic Educational Management and the Quality of Educational Service published during the period between 2017 and 2021. It is achieved through the identification of 81 documents, which indicate certain characteristics regarding the production volume. This article explains the Co-occurrence of Keywords used in these documents, the Country of Origin of the publication and the Area of Knowledge on which the published research was based.

3.1.1 Keyword Co-occurrence

The following figure shows the correlation between variables used in the research taken as reference.

Figure 1. Keyword Co-occurrence Source: Prepared by Propis (2022); based on data provided by Scopus.

As shown in Figure 1, there are two main groups on which the research focuses, the first, represented by the color red, focus on the quality of life of people, with variables such as Human, Health and Quality of Life, Health Service, Attitude of Health Personnel, it can be inferred that this approach to the medical area is due to the measurement by researchers, The impact on strategic educational management, mainly on students and teachers in the health area, who recently faced the unprecedented challenge of academic training in this area through virtual means due to the confinement measures imposed to mitigate the effects of Covid-19. For its part, educational management was evaluated through articles based on the study of variables such as Education, Total Quality Management, and Quality Control, which allows inferring that education has been subjected in recent years to a whole process of evaluation to measure the quality of educational processes in order to ensure the training of qualified professionals for the exercise of their functions in the labor sector.

3.1.2 Distribution of scientific production by country of origin

Figure 2. Distribution of scientific production by country of origin Source: Prepared by Propis (2022); based on data provided by Scopus. According to Scopus, Russia had the highest number of records during 2017-2021, with 17 publications carried out in high-impact journals indexed in that platform, followed by the United States with 9. Latin American countries such as Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil and Chile register 1 published research work in which reference is made to Educational Management and Educational Service Quality study. It is expected that, by identifying the current state of scientific production on the same topic, researchers will be more interested in developing new and better strategies for evaluating educational

quality through implementing measures based on educational management to create added value and competitiveness.

3.1.3 Distribution of scientific production by area of knowledge

Distribution of scientific production by area of knowledge

Social Sciences Computer Science Business, Management and Accounting Decision Sciences Nursing Environmental Science Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology Physics and Astronomy Agricultural and Biological Sciences Materials Science Chemistry










Figure 3. Distribution of scientific production by area of knowledge. Source: Prepared by Propis (2022); based on data provided by Scopus.

The area of Social Sciences turned out to be the theoretical basis on which most publications based their methodologies because of the nature of the variables, which greatly influence the development of social actors. Strategic educational management is responsible for designing a whole set of activities aimed at managing educational processes in support of academic training, decision making and the execution of action plans that give a clear direction to academic objectives in response to the needs of the main actors and interest groups related to the teaching-learning process.

4. Methodology

4.1 Type and Design of Research

The work is propositional descriptive correlational; we will present a proposal for managing students' potential to optimize educational administration and educational service in the Doctoral Program in Educational Sciences, analyzing their needs and interests and planning solutions according to the proposal (Hernández et al., 2010).

The research design is non-experimental since it will not be subject to any demonstration model because the facts will be analyzed as they are observed in their contextualized environment so that they can then be explained and their corresponding interpretation (Hernández et al., 2010).

Figure 1: Methodological Design Scheme.


M: Study sample

O1 : Observation of the variable (Strategic educational management) O2: Observation of the variable (Educational Service) r: Correlation coefficient

4.2 Population, sample and sampling 4.2.1 Population

The Population is the universe and is constituted by the entire unit of analysis (Guillén & Valderrama 2015) p. 64.

According to Hernández et al. (2014), it is a conglomerate of individuals or objects that have qualities or properties in common; in such sense, the universe is constituted by five hundred fifty-two (552) primary education teachers of the district of José Leonardo Ortiz, as specified in the following table:


01 10010 11 2

02 10011 39 7

03 10008 35 6

04 11010 28 5

05 10826 32 6

06 11057 29 5

06 10836 45 8

08 10834 40 7

07 11011 50 9

08 10797 22 4

09 10924 22 4

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10 10923 24 4

11 11584 15 3

12 11009 36 7

13 10823 30 5

14 Cristo Rey 32 6

15 11587 17 3

16 10945 27 5

17 10878 18 4

18 TOTAL 552 100

Tab e 1: Population of primary school teachers

Source: Escale - Educational Statistics Unit.

4.2.2 Sampling and sampling

It is constituted by intentionally chosen items and was determined, using non-probabilistic procedures by convenience, because all students do not have the same opportunities to be chosen for the study (Hernández et al., 2018)

Non-probabilistic sampling by convenience and intentional will be used due to the time and cost of conducting the research; in addition, there is the acceptance of teachers to be included; they also have email, cell phone, internet, chat, and WhatsApp, among others. Therefore, the inclusion criteria was to take as a predetermined sample the teachers of I.E., N°10011 Francisco Bolognesi Cervantes.


01 10011 39

02 TOTAL 39

Table 2: Sample of primary school teachers Source: Table 1.

4.3 Data Collection Techniques and Instruments 4.3.1 Techniques

The virtual survey will be used as a technique; for Hernandez et al. (2014), the questionnaire is elaborated with several items, the same that are related to the subject that will be addressed. The items will be posed as multiple choice, dichotomous, or at the researcher's discretion (Rojas, 2021).

4.3.2 Instruments

The questionnaire will be used, structured with several items, whose purpose is to measure the variables related to the subject under investigation. Likewise, the Likert scale will be used, both for the independent variable strategic educational management and the quality of the educational service, with a total of 30 items, the processing of the information is anonymous, considering 20 minutes to answer the questionnaire and thus obtain the data of the sample on the strategic educational management; thus, the variable quality of the educational service will be evaluated, establishing the following alternatives (Rojas, 2021)

(5) Always (4) Almost always (3) Sometimes (2) Almost never (1 ) Never

4.3.3 Validity

The efficiency of the contents will be taken into account to observe the incidence exposed to the respective measurements, resorting to the opinion for validation by expert judgments.

4.3.4 Reliability

The measurement of reliability will be considered, using the same instruments for the measurement of a sample of teachers with two repetitions, in certain periods, using Cronbach's alpha, which will consist of recording the levels: always (5); almost always (4); sometimes (3); almost never (2); never (1), taking as a pilot sample the 36 teachers of I. E. N°11009.E.N°11009, then the averages, individual and total variances will be determined. Subsequently, these results will be used in the mathematical model of Cronbach's alpha (Gonzales & Pazmillo 2015).

= r = 0.83

^ ' U

U n S2 - 50 35.08 - 6.52



ru = Reliability coefficient N = number of items S2= Total test variance

Sum of variances of individual items.


Mu» baja f Baja ' Regular ^Aceptable ' Elevada

t-"i"---HO 0.2 I 0 4 I 0.6 I I 0 8

Kin?« Nbptfjd

ojtii Ut Mu\ Ali

0.61 a (UD All

0,41 a (1.60 Uodemfa

0.21 tO. tO Hip

001 jOS Mur tap

López, M. W. (2014). Estadística práctica : Aplicación y análisis para la toma de decisiones en las empresas. San Juan: Universidad de Puerto Rico.

Conclusion: Given that ru = 0.83, then it could be affirmed that the instrument It has a high degree of reliability.

4.4 Data analysis method

Once the instrument is applied, the statistical treatment will be carried out by building a database for its organization and analysis, using Excel software, calculating the measures of central tendency and dispersion, then it will be determined whether the strategic educational management proposal is effective, evidencing the established conclusions.

4.5 Ethical Aspects

I will have the corresponding authorization as the person in charge of the research; since I am aware of the rights and obligations such as: Evidencing truthfulness and diaphanousness; perceiving the needs and interests of the teachers; establishing options concretely and impartially, showing willing to dialogue with the teachers.

For the manipulation of the information, the teachers who will participate in the research will be identified, taking into account the following considerations: To show discretion about the qualities that the information should have, these should be easily understood by the teachers. Regarding the confidentiality of the information, guidelines will be established for the conduct of the research, taking into account the democratic action of the teachers when making decisions.

4.6 Administrative aspects 4.6.1 Resources and budget

Activity Goods and Unit of Quantity Unit cost Total cost

services measure (S/.) (S/.)

Validation of Paper bon Millar 5 12.00 60.00

instruments Photocopies Millar 1/2 50.00 50.00

Prints Page 50 0.50 25.00

Feeding Pension 4 10.00 40.00

Mobility Passage 8 20.00 160.00

Services Others 50.00 150.00

Survey Mobility 10 100 1000

Refreshments 10 2000

Contingencies 100 1000

Total: S/. 4365

Table 3. Resources and budget

Financing: The project will be financed by the researcher himself. 4.6.2 Execution schedule


2021 - 2023




1. Coordinate the development of the PIP project.


2. Elaboration of the PIP project.

3. Approval of the PIP.

4. Socialization of the PIP with the students of the Doctorate in Education.

5. Choice of topics by PhD student and definition of activities.

6. Elaboration of instruments and materials for research in each IE.

7. Initial assessment of the study variable in the EI.

Execution of the implementation of

educational trends,

responsible for each IE.

9. Final evaluation of the study variable in the EI.

10. Analysis of results and preparation of report.

Table 4. Execution schedule

















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5. Final considerations

Through the proposal delivered in this document, it is expected to know the results after applying the tools designed for the measurement of helpful information for the creation of strategies capable of improving the quality of the service provided in the educational area, taking as a reference the primary level institution of the District of José Leonardo Ortiz. Therefore, all important material is shown for the delimitation of the population and sample necessary to carry out the study, as well as a chronogram to execute the proposal. On the other hand, this study concludes by highlighting the need to encourage research on strategic educational management and the quality of educational service in Latin American institutions since, through the bibliometric analysis carried out, little participation of authors affiliated with institutions of this community was determined, so it is expected that the levels of educational quality improvement through the processes of feedback and reengineering in the teaching and learning processes, taking into account the needs of teachers, students, administrative staff and other stakeholders around the educational institutions at the different academic levels.


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