UNIVERSITY OMNICANAL: NEW STRATEGIES TO IMPROVE THE TECHNICAL SUPPORT INSTITUTIONAL Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Russian Law Journal
Ключевые слова
Omnicanal / technical Support / institutional Support / COVID-19

Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Dometila Mamani-Jilaja, Gino Frank Laque-Córdova, Nelly Edith Mamani-Quispe, Manuela Daishy Casa-Coila, Pedro Carlos Huayanca-Medina

The TWENTY-first century has given rise to considerable technological advances within educational levels, political and economic, however, with the arrival of the pandemic COVID-19, these features have shown a facet of compulsory developthe human. One of the relevant aspects found in the condition of omnicanalidad that has emerged as an instrument of great importance in these times. Therefore, the research has been proposed as the aim of clarifying the influence that has tenidor new strategies in the support institutional in their work with students and teachers in the midst of the pandemic COVID-19 through a model omnicanal The work was addressed from the qualitative approach, we used the method etnometodológico, and the tool of the in-depth interview, which prompted respondents to reflect on events that occurred due to the pandemic COVID-19. The findings showed the development of the category University omnicanal: New strategies to improve the technical support institutional. The document shows us that these strategies are accurate.

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1Universidad Nacional del Altiplano de Puno, Perú https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2357-8684 domamani@unap.edu.pe 2Universidad Nacional del Altiplano de Puno, Perú https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2572-2432 glaque@unap.edu.pe 3Universidad Nacional del Altiplano de Puno, Perú https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7503-7858 nemamani@unap.edu.pe 4Universidad Nacional del Altiplano de Puno, Perú https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6335-7697 mcasa@unap.edu.pe 5Universidad Nacional del Altiplano de Puno, Perú https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7873-8510 phuayanca@unap.edu.pe


The TWENTY-first century has given rise to considerable technological advances within educational levels, political and economic, however, with the arrival of the pandemic COVID-19, these features have shown a facet of compulsory developthe human. One of the relevant aspects found in the condition of omnicanalidad that has emerged as an instrument of great importance in these times. Therefore, the research has been proposed as the aim of clarifying the influence that has tenidor new strategies in the support institutional in their work with students and teachers in the midst of the pandemic COVID-19 through a model omnicanal The work was addressed from the qualitative approach, we used the method etnometodológico, and the tool of the in-depth interview, which prompted respondents to reflect on events that occurred due to the pandemic COVID-19. The findings showed the development of the category University omnicanal: New strategies to improve the technical support institutional. The document shows us that these strategies are accurate

Keywords: Omnicanal, technical Support, institutional Support, COVID-19.

Table of Contents


1. Review of literature

2. Materials and methods

2.1 Sources and strategies for the collection of information

2.2 Instruments

2.3 Procedure

3. Presentation of findings

3.1 A proposal to improve the technical support of institutions: University Omnicanal

3.2 The advantages obtained in the process of implementation

3.3 The limitations facing these new strategies

4. Epilogue


The constant advancement of technology has led begins to constant reforms within the main instances from the life of the human being, with the mission of making more viable and satisfactory processes, which are more significant for the man. Within which toman the role the educational structures,

policies and economic, as the main benefit from this technological progress, which have channelled these benefits through the deployment of various channels of communication to the masificación of their distribution and employment strategies (Vargas Morillo, 2019). Corresponding to the education sector, you manage to see that the main features have been materialized in the implementation of dynamic education for the development of academic activities and administrative, through channels.

One of the tools that has been of vital importance for the implementation of these capabilities novel into the TWENTY-first century, is the implementation of the model Omnicanal, which deals sobre for the purpose of obtaining a greater availability of channels of information dissemination of the tools that are implemented. This feature according to Delloite (2016) were employed by companies which have used multiple channels comunicativos simultaneously with users and potential customers. Also, it is stated that this tool needs to be progressively improved in function of the heterogeneity of experiences that users develop from their initial purpose as an actowers rational. In the same way, Molder (2016), says that this feature is the result of a process of evolution, which is characterized by maximizing the effectiveness of the different channels that companies use in their work.

A point important in the evolution of this process is the distinction found in the multi-channelling and the omnicanalidad, the first expresses that the customers have the ability to select the channel you wish to participate whether they are physical or digital. In contrast, the model omnicanal mentioned that seeks to recreate the reality of the clients where clients navigate through the considerable range of channels to make a single purchase (Biting,2016), this is achieved assert, given that, in the secondor approach, the channels do not have a spirit of competition, on the contrary, these are outlined with a collaborative spirit

However, this process has been characteristic of private institutions in charge of strengthening its communications links with potenciales clients who achieve persuade through the implementation of these

strategies. Due to the great benefits that it possesses, the correct application of this approach, we have expanded the set of institutions that can employ this technique asnicativa, with a view to strengthen their platforms of communication, especially for those organizations that assign a key role in the organisation of contemporary society. This is due, that it is precisely these institutions must be equipped with the tools of considerable force to cope with the limitations that it has the everyday human.

One of the institutions that managed to implement efficiently these technological processes through their different channels of communication, was the educational institution, in particular the one corresponding to the top-level (Universia 2018). Similarly, one of the most striking strategies that have been implemented resides in the execution of projects which meet the models runcorresponding to the "strategic Management, Integral Formation of the student and the Institutional Support that they plan to universities to train professionals" (Romero-Geese, 2021, p. 8) When reference is made to support institutional, is elucidated how the cluster of programs, and dynamics responsible for the proper functioning of an institution, which must be in strict compliance with the planning formulated in the beginning of the work (García, 2004).

Also, Carbajal, Valls, Lemoine, &Alcívar (2017) the process of support to the university, is responsible for creating an organization responsible for assigning resources and bring about conditions, with the task of promoting key processes, basic and fundamental. Adding to this, is encw the proposal prepared by Maldonado (2018), which mentions that the acquisition of these resources, responds to the acquisition of tools, materials, and staff training. In the case of the universities, this feature responds to the training of professionals, the execution of research and social responsibility. Would have to add to the one proposed by the Ministry of Education, the institution that mentions that the Institutional Support is made up of 6 components:

Table 1

Characterisedbyfeatures of the Support Institutions




organizational Development and continuous improvement

System of management of education

Development and capacitybuilding

the Ethics of the Public service and transparency

social media and citizen participation

Manage educational policies in a coordinated way through the interdisciplinary work of the 3 levels of government by means of different mechanisms of joint intergovernmental to Strengthen the organizations and the full functioning of the instances of management which must be oriented to getting results. to Implement systems planning budget displaying the embedded information, the monitoreo and evaluation, with the task of directing the support and the achievement of a result in the educational quality to Strengthen the capabilities of human resources within the 3 levels of government and the management of results, to Consolidate a transparent management of ethics, this achieved through the implementation of a mechanism internal to avoid cases of corruption in the levels of government

to Implement and enhance space cohratios in the 3 levels of government, with the task of improving the learning outcomes

Source: Ministry of Education

Due to the affinity that has the themes that will be addressed in the present study, we chose to specify the final aspect pointed out by the Ministry of Education of Peru, so it will work with the social media and citizen participation., because of the role that owns the omnicanalidad in the implementation of regulations that guide your process. Therefore, you must take into consideration that, with the advance of human temporality, develop new challenges to be placed at the forefront of these new movements communicative This becomes even more prominence when it comes to educational institutions, given that, thiss organizations have a substantial importance in the modes of organization of the society

Similarly, the outbreak of the pandemic COVID-19 has prompted the proliferation of these virtual instances, which emerged as an alternatvat of emergency due to the impossibility of practice face-to-face. Also, as has knowledge, this health emergency prevented the development of educational activities, face-to-face, which has reformulated enormously the whole structure of education, which not only takes into consideration the major actors in this dynamic and relevant education. Given that, the bureaucratization of education, has been in a scenario of challenges, this is due to the inability to make su planning prepared in advance. All of this, it has emerged as a favourable scenario for the implementation of a model omnicanalidad, given that, now the dynamics education is conducted from the residence, so it is employed with a greater amountd of virtual platforms to run its function, as a student or a teacher (Diaz Alayo and Otiniano Sandoval, 2021)

Due to what has previously been stated, the present article has proposed as a target, specify the influence that has had the new estrategias in the technical support institutional in their work with students and teachers in the midst of the pandemic COVID-19 through a model omnicanal

1. Review of literature

Within the main background that we can find about the subject studied, is the research developed by Loli et al (2018), where mention is made that the institutional support in Peru, which is considered as an instrumento crucial for the conception of the quality of working life within the public universities. This study concludes with the recommendation to the state in the implementation of an organizational policy that is in charge of implementing programs of inter -and within educational institutions.

It is also the work produced by, where it is said that the institutional support corresponding to the universities of the state, must be found within a planning according to the programmefor the welfare of the university, which responds to the interaction of socio-economic factors, academics, and psycholinguistics. These characteristics should be taken into consideration at the time of forging spaces of integration between teacher and students.

It is worth mentioning an experience developed by Apízar Santana Ramos Castillo (2016), where it was mentioned that, within the institutional support of a university of the cuban nation, you want to pay great attention to the funding that she recibe, like the way they used the budget within the hierarchical scheme of education. It should be mentioned in the same way, the presence of the research run by Moreno Fernández Gutiérrez (2019), where mention is made of the inven- tion of a technological tool called Social-Univ 2.0, which is the result of the work of scientists of the university and the funding of the educational institution, the work carried out by this instrument is to facilitate the interactions sociales and behavior of students within a classroom

Therefore, in addition to the background presented, is accomplished by asserting that the present investigation is

2. Materials and methods

The research was developed under the perspective qualitativetativa, using the method etnometodológico (Garfinkel, 1967), whose ultimate aim is to understand the dynamics of human beings, that is to analyse the phenomenon through the daily life by means of a scientific study.

To achieve the goals that raises this method, the researcher attempts to reveal what lies beyond the facts, of human action. This will be achieved through the understanding of the language, which came a link between experience and explanation, so that the investigador assumed as "aphonic" the gesture or action that develops the actor (Urban, 2007).

To achieve the previously described using the inductive approach, because the information is categorized based on the findings, in search of the most extensive panoramicloves of the phenomena studied exercise without external manipulation of the scenario where dwell the subject. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the motivations of their own emotional of the actors involved in the process, because, we employed a design interpretativo, pop-up and comprehensive.

2.1 Sources and strategies for the collection of information

The present investigation was developed at the National University of the Atiplano of the city of Puno - Perú. The social Actors are the sources of access to the information needed for the research, we used the sampling criteria (Patton, 1988), where we used the following selection criteria: (a) Teachers appointed in the faculty of Social Sciences of the National University of the Atiplano, b) Who have been teaching during the public health emergency, COVID-19

Table 2

Characteristics of the Social Actors

Actor Social








56 years sociologicalTheory

50-year Seminaron the History

45 years research Workshop

40 years Urban Sociology

61 years Epistemology of the social


Male Female


Source: own Elaboration

2.2 Instruments

For this research will be applied to the in-depth interview as the instrument of data collection, this instrument is defined as an interpersonal communication that is established between the researcher and the subject of study, isto get verbal responses to the questions asked that began to research (Channels, 2006). The ultimate purpose of this tool is to obtain detailed data on the subjective perceptions, points of view and personal logic of comportamiento of the actors, this mode is achieved deepen the results of the research (Hernández, Fernández & Baptista, 2014). In addition, the use of this instrument is considered suitable due to the variability of scenarios where the participation ofbefore you operate work functions. So this tool is characterized by its versatility and ability to adapt to different scenarios is considered the most suitable for the job, because using it will seek to collect information transcendental for the purposes of the research.

On the other hand, made use of the observation and non-participant because this tool allows you to capture the perceptions of reality that is intended to analyze (Rodríguez, Gil, & Garcia, 1996). For what is realhoisted frequent visits to the facilities of the university, with the task of visualizing how to develop the internal dynamics responsible for executing the technical support institutional. These activities were implemented with a view to generating dilucidaciones more solid to enhance the veracity of the study.

2.3 Procedure

For the development of the research we employed the moments that proposes Valleys (1997) for the development of relevant work etnometodológicos, as it will explain to continuacion:

This point relates to the initial phase of the research, at this stage, the activities of planning, strategies for addressing the participants of the work, the design of the method, the selection of techniques investigación and the estimated time of development of the field work (Bisquerra, 2004).

The next moment makes mention of the development of the field work. All interviews were carried out over a period of time I realizeddo between may and July of 2020. In the same way, these sessions are developed in a margin of 60 to 90 minutes each. In this phase of field work remained the ethical standards of confidentiality and informed the confidentiality of the participatingnten. In addition, the analysis of the results was carried out in parallel to conducting the interviews. Once you have reached the point of saturation is culminated the collection of information.

First time

Second time

RUSSIAN LAW JOURNAL Volume XI (2023) Issue 2s Third time

In the instant that it reaches the point of saturation, it begins the third time that is characterized by the interpretation of the data collected by the social actors. In the same way, are put to the test criteria of scientific rigor and ethical considerations of the study (Bisquerra, 2004), all these actions must take into account the intentionality, the focus of the research and the specificity of the information that was collected thanks to the record of the dialogues and evidence of the social actors.

Subsequently to the recolección of information is carried out the analysis of the findings and the results of the units of sense. This was achieved thanks to a craft technique: the use of the platformhttp://www.estilector.com/index.pl, which gave rise to translate the categories emerging, abstraction, and the posthumous reflection of the landscape established by the social actors.

3. Presentation of findings

On the basis of the affinity generated by the units of meaning emerged categories of study that weaves together the speech of the participants during the interview, which are enclosed in a reasoning psicológico pragmatic from the testimonies, and the mode of action of social actors in their respective space. To give meaning and validity to the historic reflection made, we will showcase the verbalizations of the responses of the actorssocials, accompanied by a paraphrase of the researcher and will be based on the theoretical knowledge of other authors to support adequately the findings.

3.1 A proposal to improve the technical support of institutions: University Omnicanal

This tool of the university facing any problems, because the people do not participate as often in this mode, and has not yet been a study, but the districts of where you come from, I can assure you that they have money available. (ACE!)

The university has awarded chips and modem, to the students of the university, with the task, however, this process has demanded a great task to bring about the organization and distribution of these artifacts, now with the theme of the pandemic is much more complicate manage this type of activities. (AS4)

We have participated in several trainings that the university has made, about how to use virtual platforms, to continue with the work in a virtual way. This has helped us to know how to develop these tasks, it has served as a gran extent. (AS5)

The channels before they were used, have been in constant changes, it is only used in reference to the kinds of face-to-face can now employ both methods, because the government has already allowed the opening of a few courses face-to-face. That way, you can have the benefits of both educational models and not to marginalize the people who do not possess the necessary conditions to participate in the classes. (ACE3)

The fragments exposed in advance, we demonstrate the intencionalidad of the institution of the university to enhance the support of the institutional home of the studies, which was achieved to mention as one of the strategies consisted on the implementation of virtual trainings to the main actors that perform the dynamic educational. This with the task, to mitigate the deficit of knowledge of the communicative skills through this type of virtual platforms, in the first measures of the same way, our interviewee mentioned that outrace of the actions taken by the institution focused on free delivery of virtual device to the population. According to Espinoza, Granda and Villarces (2021) these strategies are implemented unexpectedly, as the direct solutions to the university community, in order to not weaken the internal dynamics of the institution of the university

This trigger responds accurately to the capacity of the institutional support of the university, given that one of the slogans that guide their actions, is to provide comfort conditions for users belonging to

the educational institution (Díaz Herrera & Vasquez, 2016). Also, it should be noted that the government regulations have given rise to a process of re-opening of the institutions educational, in order to mitigate the attrition rate university, a process that has given rise, to the gesta development omnicanal, where it is used both educational models, the face-to-face and remote

3.2 The advantages obtained in the process of implementation

One of the advantages that it has this new mode is the ability to work from a remote connectivity, which has made that some people find it more comfortable to work from your home. At the same time, that the service they ado involved a virtual mode to the students, has been used (AS3)

As with the reactivation of the activities face-to-face, it has employed a mixed-mode, the torque of the traditional, which is exercised in the university, strengthened the virtual instances of the support(AS5)

Within these strategies employed at the university of the state is achieved, to indicate, that a large part of it is located in a state, exploratory, this is due to the implementation of this measure in a manner required by the context created by the emergence of the Pandemic Covid-19. This is exhibited in the dialogues mentioned previously where, is achieved to clarify the concerns you had in the early days of implementation of these new channels

Despite this, it manages to assert, that the virtualization bound by the pandemic, has led to a process of virtualization and overcrowding of the channels of communication, in particular of the state institutions. So Huaman Ramos et al (2021) affirm this event, it is an edge of the great efforts that are being implemented within the institutional framework of state within the college, since one of the instances that have not had a termination of outreach activities, as prolongeddas is the case of education. This resides in their vital importance to the progressive development of societies, which, according to Ordoñez, Mountains, and Garzón (2018) represents a dynamic inescapable to improve the living conditions of human beings

With the passing of the months was applied to a hampered process of reopening of educational facilities, despite this, it continued to employ the modalities remote, given that these were awarded, with the results expected in a startup. This is complemented by the exposed by Mendoza-Zamrora et al (2018), who elucidated that the communication that is brewing within the university responds to a line of action, set in the epic model of message one way, however, they are in a procthat transition due to a progressive increase of messages. This has given rise to the feat of innovative management models, characterized by greater transparency

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3.3 The limitations facing these new strategies

To be a university of the estate, is limited to the state standards, because it depends on its direct funding, the problem is state structure, is in a process delayed modernization, which has been proposed as a major problem to the horto promote measures of support (AS4)

Similarly, another problem that has arisen in the midst of the implementation of these strategies, is the limited knowledge they possess large percentage of the target population, therefore, it demands ere large changes in its execution. It is a problem that a large number of teachers and students to not participate in the classes (AS5)

As has been achieved to appreciate in the snippet above, one of the constant constraints that have characterized this process, is in the amount of people that can access efficiently to this mode of communication. Therefore, the age group corresponding to the younger age groups do not present any difficulty by using these new modalidades communication, while an older adult, who is not familiar with the achievements of the technology today, the use of the service will represent a challenge to

participate within these dynamic communicative. (Pinto-Fernández, S., Muñoz-Sepulveda, M. E., & Leiva-Expensive,2018)

On the other hand, other deleterious aspects that have developed in the application of this model lies in the dynamism and constant self of the offer significant channels of communication, this requires a constant update in the light of new trends which are erected at the forefront of technology. This faculty, is contrasted with the offer corresponding to the infrastructure that owns the state institutions of education, it generates a contrariedad that limits the full potential that it holds the tool. (Ruiz Conejo et al ,2021). This is due to the intrinsic feature of the structure of the state in Peru, lies in its precarious organizational, and its slow process of adaptation to the new paradigms relevant to public management.

Would have to add, that one of the problems that reside in the proliferation of the model of the omnicanalidad is located in the avenues of communication that have taken a greater role are found in the cyberspace. So, one of the determining factors for the proper implementation of this approach lies in the full disposal of electronic devices and an internet connection efficient, however, this is associated with a problematic own of Peru, the great lack of internet connectivity in the families of the peruvian. This has generated, which reduce the number of people who do not have digital skills (Vargas-Murillo, 2019), do not become partakers dand the evolution of education in function of the new paradigm is necessarily very overcrowded.

4. Epilogue

The outbreak of the pandemic COVID-19 has been an annoyance that has limited the implementation of the dynamic educational and all its conglomerate of management that lies behind this. Without a doubt, this process proves to be a continuous challenge of implementation of measures, programmes and projects, without a validation proven in a large number of events. By which, on repeated occasions, its purpose was not able to meet expectations, proposals, meeting them in a formative process inf.

However, this process has led to the modernisation of the institutions of education, within this conception, is the technical support that institutional, which has seen this scenario as an optimal opportunity to develop novel strategies to deal with this annoyance. With the passing of the months, it opened again to the activities face-to-face within the education centres, which prompted the educational institution to promote a new model of teachingeducation. The result of this is the proliferation of the omnicanalidad of the university, which responds to the implementation of new methodologies connection using the benefits afforded by the virtual tools and the great host that has the presence in the education, because this model does not require the need of possessing electronic devices

However, at the time of collecting the expressions of the participants of the research was achieved specify that a great contrarietyis facing this process lies in the very inefficiency of the organization of the state, which generates difficulties in the implementation of this type of projects. In the same way, an important point, which is located in the links ambivalent that is brewing between the strategies used in the formulation of the technical support institutional and the target population, it faces difficulties of its own which are external to the institutions of higher education in the state. These reside in the conditions of connectivity and availability of electronic resources themselves of the potential users of these educational services, therefore, it is assumed that this process has generated a segregation in the target audience.

So, it is the job of the instances corresponding to the support institutions to the university, to provide a solution to these problems that are worked out in the application and development of these strategies, because, education is in a transitional phase, which must be harnessed as an incitement modernist of the same. Of course, this entire process must be run in full synergy with the abilities and

conditions that hold the main actors involved, this is due to that, the education responds to a human right universal, therefore, should be a cause of integration between human collectivities.

In the middle of the task of giving an answer to our question has arisen new questions, which are located around our categories of analysis studieds. Also, they have the full ability to launch future research, with the task of feeding even more knowledge you have, about this theoretical component. Inside of the questions most important to be found, found

Howhow is the technical support institutional and private universities in Peru? What other external factors influence the drawbacks analyzed?, What other Latin American countries to raise events as set forth in the research,development?


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