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Strategic leadership / organizational climate / work performance

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Carlos Santiago De La Fuente Barreda, Rubens Houson Pérez-Mamani, Mitzi Lourdes Del Carmen Linares-Vizcarra, Ascención Américo Flores Flores, Augusto Cahuapaza Morales

The main objective of this study is to determine how strategic leadership and organizational climate are related to work performance in the hospital of Quillabamba – Cusco, where the type of research is basic, non-experimental design, correlational level, sample of 226 workers, survey technique, questionnaire instrument and quantitative approach. It was found that 67.7% of the workers perceive the leadership that characterizes the managers of the entity as regular. The most important dimension is“Organizational”, and the one focused on improving “Environmental hygiene”; 66.8% consider the organizational climate is regular, the most important dimension is“Respect” and the one focused on improving was “Competitiveness”; 67.3% consider their level of work performance is regular, the most important dimension is“Self-motivation” and the one focused on improving “Competencies”. It was concluded that strategic leadership is directly and highly related to job performance (Rho = 0.763 and p = 0.000), and that organizational climate is directly and moderately related to job performance (Rho = 0.599 and p = 0.000).

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RUSSIAN LAW JOURNAL Volume XI (2023) Issue 2s




1Universidad Andina del Cusco cdelafuente@uandina.edu.pe https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8526-5141 2Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos rperezma@unmsm.edu.pe https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9279-2057 3Universidad Privada de Tacna Universidad Nacional Jorge Basadre Grohmann mitlinaresv@upt.pe mlinaresv@unjbg.edu.pe https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0471-8856 4Universidad Privada de Tacna ameflores@upt.pe https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9426-5357 5Universidad Nacional Jorge Basadre Grohmann acahuapazam@unjbg.edu.pe https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5283-9081 6Universidad Nacional Jorge Basadre Grohmann mirearosado@hotmail.com https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0344-6927


The main objective of this study is to determine how strategic leadership and organizational climate are related to work performance in the hospital of Quillabamba - Cusco, where the type of research is basic, non-experimental design, correlational level, sample of 226 workers, survey technique, questionnaire instrument and quantitative approach. It was found that 67.7% of the workers perceive the leadership that characterizes the managers of the entity as regular. The most important dimension is"Organizational", and the one focused on improving "Environmental hygiene"; 66.8% consider the organizational climate is regular, the most important dimension is "Respect" and the one focused on improving was "Competitiveness"; 67.3% consider their level of work performance is regular, the most important dimension is"Self-motivation" and the one focused on improving "Competencies". It was concluded that strategic leadership is directly and highly related to job performance (Rho = 0.763 and p = 0.000), and that organizational climate is directly and moderately related to job performance (Rho = 0.599 and p = 0.000).

Keywords: Strategic leadership, organizational climate, work performance.

Table of Contents







Pita (2018) argues that organizations must adapt to frequent changes in the environment, mainly due

to aspects related to new technologies and market growth, therefore, it is essential to have a staff

with the ability to innovate and adapt, where the key is to have a strategic direction with leaders who promote this way of working, and that the importance of having a competitive human resource that is happy to be part of the institution is valued.Complementing this, it is highlighted what is described by Santamaría and Pico (2015) who assert the relevance of leadership in managers in achieving that organizational activities are given as planned, becoming a competitive advantage for the organization. Saavedra et al. (2018) point out that leadership has its characteristics but is complemented by managemer, who is specifically responsible for planning, organizing, guiding and controlling the work and functions in the entity, being the guiding or leading the one that should make the difference since it aims to motivate or guide the staff, where the existence of a harmonious and thematic work atmosphere is required so that it can achieve the goals set and thus comply with adequate job performance.

In the Peruvian public sector, what is described in the previous paragraphs is difficult to occur, mainly due to the frequent changes of officials responsible for ministries, directorates, management, etc., which makes it difficult to have leaders who can influence the staff in charge so that they can achieve the proposed goals, but if there are operational plans where the activities to be developed are reflected. However, due to the lack of continuous leaders, they apply internal strategies to comply with the plan, and many times they do not achieve 100% efficiency, because the responsible officers do not have the necessary leadership to control and know how to guide the progress. In addition, there tend to be work scenarios where the work environment is not collaborative, but rather each area tries to comply with what is requested, but teamwork and a predisposition to promote empathetic behavior are not disseminated, thus affecting the existence of an efficient budget execution of the assigned resources.

In the health sector, good management in organizations requires a series of knowledge, qualities and competencies in the people who are responsible for leading their organization; but based on experience in this sector and the review of management reports, there is a lack of professionalism and deterioration of administrative, operational, medical and general services procedures, which influences the quality of service and puts the health of the population that uses these services at risk. State health facilities normally do not have the resources to cover their operational needs, or if they do have them, in many cases they are obsolete or not used adequately. In addition, directors and managers do not have the necessary management training.

What was described in the previous paragraph happens in the Hospital de Quillabamba - Cusco, since there is evidence of certain problems related to the management of human talent since the Director of the entity and its officials do not implement participatory management, where all staff is involved in knowing the progress of management and give the possibility to contribute to the solution of the existing management problems, which shows the lack of leadership of the management team to guide the destinies of the hospital.In parallel, there are problems related to the organizational climate, since it has been evidenced that there is no adequate interaction and communication between the work areas that contribute to analyzing the existing problems with patients and with the timely supply of materials and equipment required, in addition to the existence of friction and conflict situations among the staff, related to the incentives that they should receive, both the care and administrative staff. Finally, there have been problems related to work performance, since the schedule of activities approved in the institution's operating plan is not being complied with, which affects the quality of service provided to patients, in addition to complying with tasks on time and delivering the information requested by other areas.

Based on this, the general objective of this research is to determine the relationship between strategic leadership and organizational climate with work performance in the hospital of Quillabamba -Cusco.The specific objectives are to analyze descriptively the behavior of the variables and the relationship between their dimensions. Finally, the general hypothesis is that there is a direct and significant relationship between strategic leadership and organizational climate for work performance in the hospital of Quillabamba - Cusco.

Regarding the theoretical bases of the variable "Strategic leadership", the following definitions are highlighted: Sánchez et al. (2016) define leadership as that capacity that characterizes the person responsible for some area or entity, to lead a group of people, motivate them, to achieve the

expected achievements, for which it is based on promoting teamwork; also Briones et al. (2018), who describe that leaders have certain traits that distinguish them from others, but the most outstanding aspect being that they manage to foresee change as an opportunity for improvement, for which they guide teams towards the achievement of goals. Martínez (2019) points out that being a leader implies having certain leadership or management skills, which are key to achieving influence on people; and Velázquez et al. (2018) specify that leadership has a significant impact on the impact and achievement of objectives of the business activity, mainly focused on the following components or dimensions: The organization, the members or members and their environment; where the implementation of motivational strategies to achieve the planned goals is key.

Considering the work of Koontz et al. (2008), the following theories are highlighted and their main characteristics are described:

a) Trait theories: Developed mainly by Stodgill (1948), who researched the identification of psychological and personality traits possessed by leaders, which he suggests should be considered by organizations in the process of recruiting managers, such as Intelligence, sharpness, intuition, responsibility, persistence, self-confidence, sociability, others.

b) Behavioral theories: They are based on the analysis of the leader's behaviors in their organizations, focused on decision making, among which the following stand out:

c) Contingency theories: They argue that to identify successful leaders, it is not enough to analyze their traits, attitudes, behaviors, behaviors, etc., but the situation or situational aspects surrounding the manager must also be analyzed; since they were able to identify successful management, but the leadership style had different characteristics, in a specific way it stands out:

- Fiedler (1978) elaborated a proposal to analyze leadership that considers different situations that the organization goes through, pointing out that leadership in different situations affects the performance of the personnel, either biased to work or to interpersonal relationships, whose criteria such as Leader-Member highlight that the leader inspires trust and confidence, Task Structure refers to the organization of tasks, and Formal Power that the leader has to decide on the main activities of the entity.

- Hersey and Blanchard (1969) propose that to analyze whether a leader is effective, it should be considered how his style develops in certain situations related to the activities prioritized by the entity, generating scenarios from a leader who is characterized by giving instructions to one who prioritizes the use of motivational strategies to achieve goals.

d) Integral theories: These mainly cover what was developed by Bass and Avolio (2004) on the existence of transactional leaders, who are characterized by seeking to motivate personnel by offering that if they achieve the proposed goals, they will receive in exchange commissions and/or retribution in addition to their remuneration, and transformational leaders who are characterized by prioritizing the achievement of group interests, for which they seek to inspire them based on the relevance of the action they are developing, that is, why their work is key to achieving the company's objectives and satisfying the expectations of the clients.

For the analysis of the level of strategic leadership, the study considered what has been exposed by Asnai (2019), given that the institution that is under study is state-owned and from the health sector, these qualities have been grouped into these three dimensions, which allow to better analyze the perception of the strategic leadership of officials:

a) Psycho-labor: It mainly encompasses the existence of an adequate interaction with the personnel, its genuine concern for the well-being and the state of mind of the workers; specifically, it would include: Promoting direct communication with the personnel, actively listening to the personnel, and leading by example.

b) Environmental and hygienic: It has to do with the leader prioritizing the existence of basic conditions in the institution to comply with what has been requested, in terms of equipment, technology, remuneration and incentives, and a clear structure where everyone knows their functions; specifically it would include: Establishing the goals to be achieved and what is expected of each one.

c) Organizational: It implies that the leader prioritizes a management style that prepares the entity to be flexible to changes, in addition to implementing evaluations to identify areas for improvement and provide the respective feedback; specifically, it would include: Strengthening the capabilities of personnel, identifying the talent of the personnel and enhancing it, and the spirit of constant improvement.

On the theoretical basis of the variable "Organizational climate", the following definitions stand out: García (2018) points out that it encompasses the ways of behaving that characterize the workers of an organization, which are influenced by the institutional environment, therefore to achieve the proposed results, not only must there be personnel trained in their functions, but there must also be a work atmosphere, which contributes in the reduction of rotations. Chiavenato (2007) conceptualizes it as the prevailing environment within an organization, which impacts the daily behavior of workers, therefore an adequate climate is characterized by the existence of motivated staff and satisfaction with the working conditions.

Uriarte (2020) identifies some aspects or characteristics that the managers of an organization should consider if they seek to improve the level of organizational climate: Physical environment, given that there is a physical space that happens to be common to the members of an area or entity; social environment, is directly generated by the people who make up an area or work space; structure, implies that the staff is already organized, there is a hierarchy and everyone knows what they have to do; organizational behavior covers various strategies aimed at achieving the proposed goals; communication covers the interaction, which is expected to be based on aspects of trust, diplomacy and cordial dialogue, among members of the organization; motivation, where it is key to have knowledge of the expectations of the workers, which allows the implementation of recognition, retribution, etc., that enhance the progress and achievement of goals; leadership considers that the leader must promote the existence of an adequate work atmosphere, where his way of working is characterized by encouraging participation, giving feedback, etc; belonging, which implies the feeling of being part of something, of being part of work teams that seek to achieve goals in favor of the entity; training, where the entity seeks to prioritize the strengthening of its personnel's capabilities, to improve their work performance; and evaluation, with the purpose of identifying aspects for improvement, to provide frequent feedback.

For the identification of the dimensions for the analysis of the organizational climate, the dimensions proposed by Chiavenato (2007) were considered; they have been adapted to be used in a public entity:

a) Participation: Implies that the management team encourages the participation of personnel in decisions, soliciting their opinion and constructive criticism.

b) Recognition: This implies that the entity prioritizes giving recognition to personnel for their outstanding work, and for efficiently fulfilling the tasks entrusted to them.

c) Communication: This implies that there is frequent interaction among staff, and between staff and the management team, to foster the generation of trust.

d) Respect: Implies that there is friendly treatment among coworkers, respecting different opinions.

e) Competitiveness: Implies that the existence of an environment that prioritizes the provision of quality service to users is promoted.

f) Job security: Priority is given to providing continuity to personnel, based on the results they achieve, giving them all the benefits and incentives previously coordinated.

g) Physical space: Implies that the facilities are available and provide all the necessary facilities to carry out the functions.

Regarding the theoretical bases of the variable "Job performance", the following definitions are highlighted: Ramirez (2016) argues that it is a process that focuses on evaluating or comparing the performance of a worker in relation to the competencies of the job and the expected results, which allows identifying whether what is being requested is being achieved; Huaraca and Ore (2016) argue that it encompasses the skills, abilities and skills of the worker, which generate behaviors and results to what was previously agreed; and Robbins (2009) argues that it is the degree to which the person

working for an entity achieves its functions, within the expected time and considering the assigned resources.

The work carried out by Klingner and Nabaldian (2002), who describe theories that explain the causal aspects of the performance of people in their workplaces, stands out:

a) Goals: It maintains that the employee is motivated when the employer specifies the incentives he/she will receive if he/she achieves his/her goals on time and follows the agreed conditions; the goals must be characterized by being challenging, allowing the employee to demonstrate his/her capabilities when he/she complies with them.

b) Fairness: It maintains that according to the treatment received, the working conditions granted, the facilities provided, etc., the level of efficient fulfillment of the assigned functions will be associated; this is complemented with the perception that the managers are impartial, encourage participation and critical contributions; therefore, the effective retribution is related to the effort that the employee considers he/she makes in the entity.

c) Expectations: He argues that there are expectations about the tasks to be performed, the image of the entity, and others, before being a member of the organization, but when he is already part of the company, he compares it with what happens inside, therefore the performance is more efficient when the previously generated expectations are satisfied.

Koontz and Weihrich (2007) highlight a set of factors that the managers of an organization should consider for the improvement of labor performance, of which the following stand out: The organization must make clear the conditions of remuneration, incentives, and retribution for the efforts of the personnel, which will allow the contractual conditions to be respected by both parties, and the worker to work motivated in that his effort will be adequately recognized, as agreed; to have knowledge of the skills gap in the organization, which allows the implementation of training focused on the areas of work, allowing to develop the processes with greater efficiency and provide better service; frequent interaction among all members of the organization, allowing constructive criticism to improve management, in addition to prioritizing feedback on the work performed by those responsible for the work areas; providing all logistical facilities, equipment, technology, etc., to the staff, so that they can meet the work requirements requested.

For the precision of the dimensions considered for the analysis of job performance, the proposal developed by Koontz and Weihrich (2007) has been considered, but they have been grouped in the following way, which is more appropriate for a public entity:

a) Self-motivation: It mainly encompasses the commitment that the employee expresses to the organization, feeling proud to be part of the entity.

b) Competencies: Refers to the full knowledge of the functions entrusted that allows efficiency in the development of the tasks.

c) Effectiveness: It implies complying with the organization's mandate, minimizing resources and maximizing the impact of its actions.


The type of research is basic, the level is correlational, the design is non-experimental, field data were collected by cross-section, and the approach is quantitative (Hernández et al., 2014); the following table details the dimensions and their indicators, considered for each variable:

Table 1

Operationalization of variables






Variable 1 :

Strategic leadership

Variable 2:

Organizational climate

Variable 3:



The ability that characterizes the - Psycho-labor. person responsible for an area or entity, to lead a group of people, motivate them, to achieve the expected achievements, for which it is based on promoting teamwork (Sanchez; Cervantes and Peralta, 2016). Ways of behaving that characterize the workers of an organization, which are influenced by the institutional environment, therefore to achieve the proposed results, not only must there be personnel trained in their functions, but there must also be a work atmosphere accordingly (Garda, 2018).

- Hygienic environments.

- Organizational.

- Participation.

- Recognition.

- Communication.

Degree to which the person working for an entity achieves his or her functions, within the expected time frame and considering the resources assigned (Robbins, 2009).

Respect. Competitiveness

Occupational safety.

Physical space. Self-motivation.

Competencies. Effectiveness.

Availability, work environment, work incentives, good treatment. Good mood, remuneration, generation of working conditions.

Evaluates work, flexibility to changes.

Initiatives, protagonist of decisions, labor support, satisfied with the work area, relies on others. Opportunity to stand out, consider ideas, fairness in awards, contribution. Interaction, feedback, attention to

communications. Honesty, I do not lie. Innovation. Reasonable benefits. Cleanliness.

Smiling at work, commitment, I am interested in management. Information to decide, know the functions.

It does things well, fulfills the functions, without errors.







Source: Own

For the study population, the study considered what was established in the Personnel Assignment Table (PAT) of the Hospital de Quillabamba - Cusco - Peru, where there are 543 positions for administrative and assistance personnel. The following assumptions were considered for use in the sample size formula for finite populations: Reliability = 95% (Z = 1.96), error = +- 5.00% (e), probability

= 50% (P), population = 543 (N).

Replacing the formula, the value obtained was 226 workers to be surveyed; their selection was random, applying simple random sampling.

Regarding the technique applied to collect field data, it is specified that it was the survey, and concerning the instrument, the questionnaire was used, which has been validated through the criterion of Expert Judgment, specifically, are Questionnaire to analyze the factors of strategic leadership, questionnaire on organizational climate and questionnaire to analyze work performance; regarding

reliability, a Pilot Test was applied to 25 people, which gave Cronbach's Alpha values above 0.80. which implies that they can be used in the development of fieldwork (George and Mallery, 2003).

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The analysis of the questions was based on the Likert Scale with 04 response options: Never (value 1 ), sometimes (value 2), frequently (value 3), and always (value 4). Based on this, for the analysis of the dimensions and variables, three levels were considered, since the variables are qualitative (given that the answers are based on the perception of the workers), whose Scale was proposed considering intervals of equal amplitude, where the mean values obtained must be understood, we have: Inadequate (1.00 - 2.00), regular (2.01 - 3.00) and adequate (3.01 - 4.00).


Table 2 shows the results of the variable "Strategic Leadership", where it can be seen that 67.7% of the workers consider the leadership characteristics of the managers to be fair, 23.5% consider them to be adequate, and 8.8% consider them to be inadequate; therefore, most of the personnel consider that it is necessary to strengthen the managerial competencies and skills of the organization's managers.

Table 2

Variable - Strategic leadership








20 153 53 226

8.8 67.7 23.5 100.0

Table 3 shows the results by dimension, showing that the most important dimension for the personnel is "Organizational", followed by "Psycho-labor" and the one focused on improving is "Hygienic environment".

Table 3

Variable - Strategic leadership (by dimension)

Dimension Worker Percentage

Psicolaborales Inadequate 30 13.3

Regular 150 66.4

Suitable 46 20.4

Environmental hygiene Inadequate 41 18.1

Regular 147 65.0

Suitable 38 16.8

Organizational Inadequate 37 16.4

Regular 136 60.2

Suitable 53 23.5

Table 4 shows the results of the variable "Organizational climate", where it can be seen that 66.8% of the workers consider the organizational climate that characterizes the entity to be fair, 31.9% consider it to be adequate, and 1.3% consider it to be inadequate; therefore, the personnel emphasizes that there is an adequate working atmosphere.

Table 4

Variable - Organizational climate Level Worker Percentage

"3 13

151 66.8

72 31.9







Table 5 shows a comparison of the descriptive behavior of the dimensions, showing that the most outstanding was "Respect", followed by "Communication" and the one focused on improving was "Competitiveness".

Table 5

Variable - Organizational climate (by dimension)

Dimension Worker Percentage

Participation Inadequate 20 8.8

Regular 145 64.2

Suitable 61 27.0

Recognition Inadequate 30 13.3

Regular 142 62.8

Suitable 54 23.9

Communication Inadequate 17 7.5

Regular 127 56.2

Suitable 82 36.3

Respect Inadequate 3 1.3

Regular 76 33.6

Suitable 147 65.0

Competitiveness Inadequate 88 38.9

Regular 112 49.6

Suitable 26 11.5

Occupational safety Inadequate 42 18.6

Regular 123 54.4

Suitable 61 27.0

Physical space Inadequate 71 31.4

Regular 99 43.8

Suitable 56 24.8

Table 6 shows the results of the variable "Work performance", where it can be seen that 67.3% of the workers consider their effectiveness within the organization to be fair, and 32.7% consider it to be adequate; therefore, the personnel highlight that their performance within the organization is acceptable, but there are aspects to be improved.

Table 6

Variable - Job performance

Level Worker Percentage

Regular 152 67.3

Suitable 74 32.7

Total 226 100.0

Table 7 shows the results by dimensions, where the most outstanding aspect was "Self-motivation", followed by "Effectiveness", and the aspect to be improved was "Competencies".

Table 7

Variable - Job performance (by dimension) Dimension Worker Percentage

Self-motivation Inadequate 11 4.9

Regular 140 61.9

Suitable 75 33.2

Competencies Inadequate 18 8.0

Regular 146 64.6

Suitable 62 27.4

Effectiveness Inadequate 8 3.5

Regular 159 70.4

Suitable 59 26.1

Source: Questionnaire "Job performance".

It was analyzed whether the dimensions of strategic leadership and organizational climate are directly and significantly related to the dimensions of labor performance in the Quillabamba - Cusco hospital.Table 8 shows the respective correlations:

- Each of the dimensions of the variable "Strategic leadership factors" (psycholabor, hygienic environmental and organizational) are directly and moderately related to the dimensions of the variable "Job performance" (self-motivation, competencies and effectiveness).

- Each of the dimensions of the "Organizational climate" variable (participation, recognition, communication, respect, competitiveness, job security, physical space) are directly and moderately related to the dimensions of the "Job performance" variable (self-motivation, competencies and effectiveness), except for the "Competitiveness" and "Physical space" dimensions, which are positively but poorly related to the "Self-motivation" dimension, and there is no relationship between the "Respect" dimension and the "Competencies" dimension.

Table 8

Matrix of correlations of dimensions

Self-motivation Competencies Effectiveness Spearma Psicolaborales Rho 0.449 0.444 0.425

n's Rho "p" 0.000 0.000 0.000


Environmental Rho 0.289 0.369 0.439

higiene "p" 0.000 0.000 0.000


Organizational Rho 0.382 0.453 0.493

"p" 0.000 0.000 0.000


Participation Rho 0.427 0.244 0.274

"p" 0.000 0.000 0.000

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Recognition Rho 0.371 0.267 0.434

"p" 0.000 0.000 0.000

n 226 226 226

Communication Rho 0.408 0.225 0.325

"p" 0.000 0.001 0.000


Respect Rho 0.199 0.053 0.220

"p" 0.003 0.430 0.001


Competitivenes Rho 0.180 0.248 0.204

s "p" 0.007 0.000 0.002


Occupational Rho 0.356 0.283 0.343

safety "p" 0.000 0.000 0.000


Physical space Rho 0.134 0.232 0.309

"p" 0.045 0.000 0.000

n 226 226 226

The general hypothesis states that strategic leadership and organizational climate are directly and significantly related to work performance in the hospital of Quillabamba - Cusco:

H0: There is no relationship between the variables. H1: There is a relationship between the variables.

Table 9 shows the correlation values, from which it can be seen that there is a direct and high relationship between "Strategic leadership" and "Work performance" (Rho = 0.763 and p = 0.000), and there is also a direct and moderate relationship between "Organizational climate" and "Work performance" (Rho = 0.599 and p = 0.000).

Table 9

Relationship between variables

Strategic Organizational Job

leadership climate performance

Spearman's Strategic leadership Rho 1.000 0.763** 0.641**

Rho "p" . 0.000 0.000


Organizational Rho 0.763** 1,000 0.599**

climate "p" 0.000 . 0.000


Job performance Rho 0.641** .599** 1,000

"p" 0.000 .000 .

n 226 226 226 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (bilateral).


The results show that managerial leadership factors are highly and positively related to work performance since a value of Rho = 0.763 (p = 0.000) was obtained.Similarly, the organizational climate that characterizes the organization is moderately and positively related to work performance, since a Rho = 0.599 (p = 0.000) was obtained. This implies that if capacity-building activities are prioritized on aspects related to the leadership of the managers, this would generate that the staff perceives that the employees have better competencies and skills to manage the administrative and financial activities of the entity, which would be reflected in the improvement of their work performance; and also if the managers of the entity prioritize activities to improve the work atmosphere, this would allow a greater interaction among coworkers that promotes teamwork, and thus the improvement of work performance.

These results are related to those found by Chiang and San Martin (2015), who conclude that there is a positive and significant relationship between job satisfaction and the level of performance of the employees of a public entity in Chile; since the present research, it was found that the existence of an adequate work climate generates the existence of acceptable work performance.

There is also a coincidence with the work of Salvador and Sanchez (2018), who conclude that managerial leadership is positively and moderately related to organizational commitment (Rho = 0.676 and p = 0.000); given that in this work it was also found that there is a direct relationship between the factors of managerial leadership and the level of performance of care and administrative staff.

Similarly to the work of Charry (2018) who concludes that there is a high and positive relationship between communication and organizational climate (r = 0.959 and p =0.000); since in the research conducted it was found that communication is one of the key aspects in the existence of an adequate organizational climate in the hospital, and this manages to relate to the fact that the performance of the staff is adequate.

There is also agreement with the work of Torres and Zegarra (2015), who conclude that there is a positive and high relationship (r = 0.828 and p = 0.000) between organizational climate and the level of work performance; since in the present work it was found that there is an acceptable work climate, which is positively related to the existence of adequate staff performance.

Also, the work of Vega and Delgado (2019) conclude that 65.2% of the workers consider the organizational climate in the university to be of a regular level; and in the present work,66.8% of the workers of the Hospital de Quillabamba consider the organizational climate that characterizes the entity to be of a regular level.

Finally, there is also agreement with the work of Apaza (2018), who concludes that 48.8% of workers perceive their work performance in the municipal entity as regular; while in work carried out 67.3% of the workers of the Hospital de Quillabamba consider their performance in the entity as regular level; and also with Valenzuela (2018), who concludes that there is a positive relationship between managerial leadership and the level of the quality of educational services (r = 0.697) since in the present work, it was found that managerial leadership is positively related to staff performance.


The factors of organizational leadership are directly and highly related to working performance (Rho = 0.763 and p = 0.000), and also the organizational climate is directly and moderately related to work performance (Rho = 0.599 and p = 0.000); which implies that an improvement in the way managers lead or also in the characteristics of the work climate in the Hospital de Quillabamba - Cusco - Peru, would generate an improvement in the development and achievement of workers' goals.

67.7% of the workers perceive the leadership that characterizes the managers of the entity as regular; the dimension most highlighted by the personnel is "Organizational", followed by "Psycholaboral" and the one focused on improving is "Hygienic Environment".

66.8% of the workers consider the organizational climate that characterizes the entity to be fair, with "Respect" being the most important dimension, followed by "Communication", and the dimension that needs to be improved is "Competitiveness".

67.3% of the workers consider their level of job performance to be fair, with the most important dimension being "Self-motivation", followed by "Effectiveness" and "Competencies".

There is a direct and moderate relationship between the dimensions of the variable "Strategic leadership factors" (psycholabor, hygienic and organizational environmental factors) and the dimensions of the variable "Work performance" (self-motivation, competencies and effectiveness); Similarly, the dimensions of the "Organizational climate" variable (participation, recognition, communication, respect, competitiveness, job security, physical space) are also directly and moderately related to the dimensions of the "Job performance" variable (self-motivation, competencies and effectiveness), except for the "Competitiveness"and "Physical space" dimensions,

which are positively but poorly related to the "Self-motivation" dimension, and there is no relationship between the "Respect" dimension and the "Competencies" dimension.


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