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Ключевые слова
methods of formation of motivation / educational activity / motives of self-development / educational disciplines / intellectual potential. / методи формування мотивації / навчальна діяльність / мотиви саморозвитку / навчальні дисципліни / інте-лектуальний потенціал.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Yasynska E.Ts.

The article examines the methods of motivating students to master academic disciplines in higher educational institutions, and analyzes researches that contribute to improving the quality of student education in the conditions of modern society. The techniques used for constant updating of the content of education and the formation of students' need for independent acquisition of knowledge are considered.

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В статті розглянуті методи мотивації студентів щодо опанування навчальних дисциплін в вищих навчальних закладах, проведено аналіз досліджень, що сприяють підвищенню якості навчання студентів в умовах сучасного суспільства. Розглянуті прийоми, які застосовуються для постійного оновлення зміс-ту навчання та формування у студентів потреби самостійного отримання знань.




УДК: 378.015.3:005.32-057.875

Yasynska E. Ts.

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Social Medicine and Health Organization Bukovinian State Medical University DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2022-23146-8-10 INNOVATIVE METHODS OF FORMING THE MOTIVATION OF EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES IN STUDENTS OF HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS

Ясинська Е.Ц.

Кандидат медичних наук, доцент, Кафедра Cоцiальноï медицини та органiзацiï охорони здоров 'я Буковинський державний медичний ymiверситет



The article examines the methods of motivating students to master academic disciplines in higher educational institutions, and analyzes researches that contribute to improving the quality of student education in the conditions of modern society. The techniques used for constant updating of the content of education and the formation of students' need for independent acquisition of knowledge are considered.


В статтi розглянутi методи мотивацИ' студентiв щодо опанування навчальних дисциплiн в вищих навчальних закладах, проведено аналiз дослiджень, що сприяють тдвищенню якостi навчання студентiв в умовах сучасного сустльства. Розглянутi прийоми, ят застосовуються для посттного оновлення змi-сту навчання та формування у студентiв потреби самостшного отримання знань.

Keywords: methods of formation of motivation, educational activity, motives of self-development, educational disciplines, intellectual potential.

Ключовi слова: методи формування мотивацИ', навчальна дiяльнiсть, мотиви саморозвитку, навча-льт дисциплти, ттелектуальний потенцiал.

Introduction. Higher education is aimed at providing practical training of specialists who will determine the level and pace of economic, scientific, technical and social progress. One of the priority problems of students' educational activities in higher educational institutions is motivation, which regulates the active behavior of an individual and arouses interest for all people. This requires new approaches to the organization of training of students of higher educational institutions. When teaching students, it is necessary to understand the motives of educational activities in order to correct the methods of the educational process, to form positive educational motivation [2]. Educational activity is a systematic process of a person's assimilation of a large number of practical skills and abilities, and not only the process of mastering general practical skills.

Education should become the primary intellectual potential of the nation and ensure comprehensive development of the individual. The most urgent problem of modern higher education is the construction of students' educational activities, which forms the basis of the formation of students' motivation. Educational motivation is determined by a combination of many factors: the education system, the institution in which the educational process takes place and the peculiarities of the organization of this process; individual characteristics of the learner (age, gender, abilities, level of intelligence, self-esteem) and characteristics of those who teach [7].

The formation of a full-fledged personality of a student in higher educational institutions is laid on the basis of the most important qualities: initiative and responsibility, the desire for innovative actions, constant updating of knowledge, etc. Modern students of higher educational institutions must quickly adapt to the new educational situation, master all forms and methods of organizing the educational process. Indirect and direct interest in learning are interconnected, it is impossible to contrast them [6]. In the development of a specialist's personality, positive goals and motives of behavior are important, as the most important determinants of a student's activity. The motivational potential of the lesson decreases if students feel a lack of control from the teacher, as well as their detachment, isolation from the learning process [5].

The purpose of the article: to analyze and substantiate the pedagogical features of the motivation of students of higher educational institutions.

Basic text. For the effective implementation of the educational process, it is very important to solve all the problems of motivation of educational activities, which are necessary for the effective implementation of the educational process. A negative attitude to learning is the reason for the low success rate of students. Teachers need to find such methods of pedagogical influence that would not only motivate students to study, but also contribute to their intellectual and professional development.

«coyyomum-jmtmal» #23®m)), mm / pedagogical sciences


Learning motivation is an activity that is consciously carried out by a person and is the result of processing those influences that he receives from the social environment. Motivation is related to the peculiarities of aspirations, life attitudes and interests of a person. Research and analysis of motivational processes prompts further updating of the content of education, improvement of the quality of students' education in the conditions of modern society, formation of students' need for independent acquisition of professional knowledge and development of active creative potential. The success of students in distance education depends, first of all, on their motivation, as well as on the ability to self-organize, which is inherent in each of [3].

Motivation is formed by a set of factors, which include: situational and behavioral factors, motives, incentives, needs, etc. These factors will form the foundation of professional activity in the future.

Motives of self-development and achievement make students work hard, solve difficult tasks, engage in self-education and strive to achieve the highest academic results. There is a mandatory need for a clear time planning of training, the need for students to participate in adjusting the structure, content and effectiveness of the course [1]. A teacher of a higher educational institution needs not only to interest students in the subject, but also to teach and direct them to the practical application of practical skills. During the educational process, the student needs to see the teacher as his mentor, to whom he can turn for help and discuss complex issues. The teacher's communication with the student should not be manipulative, formal and superficial. The process of forming motivation should be based on a deep interest in the personality of the student and his learning abilities. A student's motivation depends on his adaptation and ability to quickly and successfully overcome difficulties during his studies.

A student of a higher educational institution must show independence, be able to take into account and allocate his time, optimally organize his work. The effectiveness of the educational process is directly proportional to the motivation and stimulation to master the future profession.

In our opinion, the following types of motivation are most effective:

1) to study successfully and pass exams positively;

2) to become a highly qualified specialist;

3) get a diploma;

4) receive a scholarship;

6) to gain deep knowledge;

7) not have unsatisfactory grades in academic subjects;

8) successfully apply the acquired knowledge in practice;

9) faithfully fulfill pedagogical requirements;

10) to enjoy the respect of teachers;

11) be an example for other students;

12) get intellectual satisfaction from learning.

During the survey of medical students, we

separated 5 main motivations for educational activity: to become a highly qualified specialist - 70%, to receive

a diploma - 80%, to acquire deep knowledge - 60%, to get intellectual satisfaction from learning - 44.5%, to successfully apply the acquired knowledge to practice - 40%.

The method of assimilation of educational material helps to increase the motivation of educational activities. The subject must be learned as a sequence of individual phenomena. Each individual phenomenon is explained sequentially by the teacher and makes an algorithm of actions. The student needs to remember the algorithm of actions and start performing them. With such an approach to the study of an academic discipline, its essence is revealed to the student and arouses his interest in the subject. The arrangement of students in study groups is of great motivational importance. To increase students' motivation for the subject, it is advisable to combine highly motivated students with those who do not show interest in this subject. As a result of joint work, students with low motivation significantly increase their interest in this subject.

In higher educational institutions, the following methods of motivating students are the most effective:

Methods of stimulation— methods aimed at forming positive motives of students and stimulating cognitive activity by enriching educational information.

Such methods include: methods of forming cognitive interests and methods of stimulating responsibility in learning.

Methods of forming cognitive interests:

• Method of educational discussionis a discussion of any issue of the educational material. This method is based on the exchange of opinions between the teacher and students, promotes the development of independent thinking, prompts students to practical analysis and respect for the opinion of opponents. Educational discussion is used during joint problem solving by a group of students. The educational discussion method contributes to the in-depth study of the educational subject, creates an emotionally rich educational environment and forms positive emotions. During the discussion, students mutually enrich themselves with educational information.

• A method of ensuring success in education— a method that involves the teacher stimulating the development of interest in the subject in a lagging student. This method is most effective in working with students who have learning problems. The teacher must carefully observe the educational activities of each student and provide timely advisory assistance to those who need it. Ensuring academic success is most effective when students build self-confidence.

• The method of cognitive games— a specially created game activity that has an emotional and educational impact on students' assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities. The educational game significantly facilitates the assimilation of educational material, creates a favorable mood for assimilation of knowledge, provides simulation of situations, encourages students to study, relieves overload.

• The method of creating a situation of interestin the process of teaching the educational material — the



use of interesting situational materials, etc., which can easily attract the attention of students. Interesting cases and surprises from the life and research activities of scientists make a special impression on students.

• The method of creating a situation of novelty of educational material— assumes that in the process of teaching the material, the teacher tries to outline new tasks that students must master in each lesson, creates such an educational and psychological environment in which they get moral and intellectual satisfaction.

• The method of relying on students' life experience— consists in the fact that in practical classes, students observe a wide variety of facts, phenomena, processes, and events every day, which are based on certain regularities, which they become familiar with during the study of various subjects in higher educational institutions.

• Methods of stimulating duty and responsibility in education - providesexplaining to students the personal significance of learning; making certain demands and fulfilling their duty; operational control over the fulfillment of requirements, taking into account indications of shortcomings, remarks.

• Methods of control and self-control in education.

• Control methods — the integration of methods that make it possible to check the level of assimilation of acquired knowledge and practical skills by students. During its use, students learn to argue, express their personal opinions, gain experience in logical thinking, etc. It is advisable to conduct an oral survey of students in a certain sequence: formulation of questions by the teacher taking into account the specifics of the subject and the requirements of the program; preparing students for the answer; correction and self-control of the presented knowledge in the process of answering; analysis and evaluation of the answer.

• The questions should be purposeful, logical, clear, clear, consistent and help activate students' thinking.

Having considered the issue of the formation of educational motivation, theoretical and empirical experience about the peculiarities of the formation and functioning of the educational motivation of students, it is possible to note the classification of educational motives, methods of diagnosing the structure of educational motivation, to form a position regarding the conditions and ways of its formation in the educational process.

Conclusion. The importance of the correct choice of teaching strategies and tactics by teachers helps to increase the motivation of learning, satisfies the full harmonious development of the personality of the future specialist.

In the choice of teaching methods and the organization of educational work is especially important for the study of theoretical and practical disciplines, increasing the effectiveness of pedagogical and psychological regularities of the learning process.


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