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Ключевые слова
активні методи навчання / пасивні методи навчання / інтерактивні методи навчання / активізація навчаль-но-пізнавальної діяльності. / active learning methods / passive learning methods / interactive learning methods / activation of educational and cognitive.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Yasynska E.Ts.

The article examines the peculiarities of using active and interactive teaching methods in the training of future specialists in higher educational institutions. In the submitted work, the analysis, advantages and features of the activation of cognitive activity, as well as the conditions for effective assimilation of educational material by students, the formation of their own opinion, the search for ways to solve practical tasks, professional skills and professional competence are carried out. The importance of active learning methods in improving the qualifications of teachers of higher educational institutions is considered.

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У статті розглянуто особливості використання активних й інтерактивних методів навчання при підготовці майбутніх фахівців у вищих навчальних закладах. В поданій праці проведено аналіз, переваги й особливості активізації пізнавальної діяльності, а також умови ефективного засвоєння студентами навчального матеріалу, формування у них власної думки, пошуку шляхів вирішення практичних завдань, професійних навичок та професійної компетентності. Розглянуто значущість активних методів навчан-ня у підвищенні кваліфікації викладачів вищих навчальних закладів.


«етуушшим-шишаи» summa, жш / pedagogical sciences


material, but on the ability to gain knowledge independently and to apply it in practice;

3) students develop their own point of view, they learn to explain it, to prove their opinion;

4) students learn to communicate with each other, with the teacher, they master communicative skills.

Conclusions. All the above-mentioned forms of foreign language teaching by means of CL technologies at universities make it possible to realize the student-centered approach allowing him/her to develop the system of a foreign language in students' mind, to master the educational material better, as well as to express himself/herself. Thus, CL technologies have the following advantages: they increase students' motivation to learn, teach them to evaluate themselves and others objectively, help students to comprehend the material with greater efficiency and address deficiencies in their knowledge. In addition, learning in interaction, which has many means of implementation, is able to diversify foreign language classes, create a relaxed, friendly atmosphere in the classroom, helping to overcome and correct communication and language barriers and unlock the potential of students.


1. Adams, D., Carlson, H., & Hamm, M. (1990). Cooperative Learning & Educational Media. Eng-lewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technology Publications.

2. Stevens, R.J., & Slavin, R.E. (1995). The cooperative Elementary school: Effects on students achievement, Attitudes and Social relations. American Educational Research Journal, 32, 2, 321-351.

3. Van der Linden, J.L., Erkens, G., & Nieuwen-huysen, T. (1995). Gemeiasames Problemlösen in Gru-pen. Unterrichtswissenschaft, Zeitschrift fur Lernfors-hung, 23, 4, 301-315.


1. Adams, D., Carlson, H., & Hamm, M. (1990). Cooperative Learning & Educational Media. Eng-lewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technology Publications.

2. Stevens, R.J., & Slavin, R.E. (1995). The cooperative Elementary school: Effects on students achievement, Attitudes and Social relations. American Educational Research Journal, 32, 2, 321-351.

3. Van der Linden, J.L., Erkens, G., & Nieuwen-huysen, T. (1995). Gemeiasames Problemlösen in Gru-pen. Unterrichtswissenschaft, Zeitschrift fur Lernfors-hung, 23, 4, 301-315.

УДК: 378.147.091.31

Ясинська Е.Ц.

Кандидат медичних наук, доцент, Кафедра Cоцiальноi медицини та орган1заци охорони здоров 'я Буковинський державний медичний ^верситет РР1: 10.24412/2520-6990-2022-21144-17-19 ДИДАКТИЧН1 ЗАСАДИ ЗАСТОСУВАННЯ 1НТЕРАКТИВНИХ МЕТОД1В НАВЧАННЯ В


Yasynska E. Ts.

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Social Medicine and Health Organization Bukovinian State Medical University




The article examines the peculiarities of using active and interactive teaching methods in the training of future specialists in higher educational institutions. In the submitted work, the analysis, advantages and features of the activation of cognitive activity, as well as the conditions for effective assimilation of educational material by students, the formation of their own opinion, the search for ways to solve practical tasks, professional skills and professional competence are carried out. The importance of active learning methods in improving the qualifications of teachers of higher educational institutions is considered.


У cmammi розглянуто особливостi використання активних й ттерактивних Memodie навчання при пiдгomoвцi майбуmнiх ф^вщв у вищих навчальних закладах. В поданш працi проведено анализ, переваги й oсoбливoсmi акmивiзацiï п1знавально'1 дiяльнoсmi, а також умови ефективного засвоення студентами на-вчального маmeрiалу, формування у них власно'1 думки, пошуку шляхiв виршення практичних завдань, про-фесшних навичок та професшно1 кoмпemeнmнoсmi. Розглянуто значущкть активних мemoдiв навчання у пiдвищeннi квалiфiкацiï викладачiв вищих навчальних закладiв.

Ключовi слова: активт методи навчання, пасивт методи навчання, ттерактивт методи навчання, активiзацiя навчально-тзнавально'1 дiяльностi.

Keywords: active learning methods, passive learning methods, interactive learning methods, activation of educational and cognitive.



Modern changes in the socio-economic life of society require reforming the professional training of teaching staff and future specialists of higher educational institutions. The learning process does not require automatic insertion of educational material, but intense mental activity of the individual and his active participation in the learning process. Effective and high-quality education can be achieved only with the help of an active (interactive) educational process. Active teaching methods are based on practical orientation, playful action and creative nature of learning, interactivity, various communications, dialogue and polylogue, use of students' knowledge and experience, group form of organization of their interaction, activity approach to learning" [5]. Considering the fact that most literature sources do not sufficiently analyze the most effective interactive methods, forms and technologies of professional training, it is advisable to consider the use of interactive forms and methods of teaching in higher educational institutions. Thus, "interactive" is capable of interaction, dialogue. Interactivity is the principle of building communication and pedagogical, psychological, computer functioning in dialogue mode. In addition, the use of interactive methods helps to implement the idea of cooperation and constructive interaction between the teacher and the student, creates a friendly atmosphere, and helps to establish a psychological climate in the class. Modern highly qualified specialists must use new educational technological processes and be able to integrate theoretical knowledge and practical skills into a coherent system. In modern conditions, an important requirement of society for an individual is not encyclopedic knowledge, but the acquisition of certain abilities and skills that contribute to the development and self-realization of an individual. This task, to a large extent, is solved through the introduction of innovative technologies, among which interactive learning methods play an important role [1].

Interactive learning is a special form of organization of the learning process that creates comfortable learning conditions under which each student feels his intellectual capacity and success.Researchers define interactive learning as "a special form of organizing cognitive activity that has a specific, foreseeable goal - to create comfortable learning conditions under which each student feels successful, intellectual ability" [7]. This form of education is carried out under the condition of active, constant interaction of all subjects of the cognitive process. The purpose of our article is to clarify and analyze interactive learning, the prospects of its application in higher educational institutions. The successful realization of a student's creative potential as a subject of learning depends on the creation of the following conditions: mobility, critical thinking, skills, the ability to make non-standard decisions and generate new ideas, communication skills, the ability to model non-standard educational situations, etc.

The formation of the personality takes place in the process of learning in compliance with certain conditions:

- creating a positive mood for learning;

- ensuring a positive atmosphere in the team;

- personal awareness of collective values;

- the opportunity to freely express one's opinion and listen to the interlocutor.

For the effective use of interactive technologies, the teacher must: draw up a plan of his work, give tasks to students and monitor their preparation, prepare interactive exercises for students. During interactive learning, the teacher is the organizer and consultant of the learning process. The student is the leading link of the educational process, their interaction and cooperation, in which students are responsible for their mastery of their knowledge. The implementation of interactive learning methods contributes to the intensification and optimization of the educational process.

The methodological basis of interactive learning is based on the following approaches:

• The active approach consists in the fact that a person in the process of various types of activity discovers the properties and connections of the elements of the real world. This approach involves students performing appropriate actions with the educational material and transforming the learned material into solving educational problems.

• A personally oriented approach. The basis of personally oriented education is humanization. The main idea of this approach is respect and trust for students, understanding of their interests, requests and appropriate influence on the process of their personality formation.

• Systematic approach - knowledge is built on the basis of integration and systematization according to the scheme: basic scientific theoretical concepts -basic provisions of the theory - practical application of the acquired knowledge.

Interactive learning methods help students solve many issues of the educational process:

• learn to formulate one's own opinion and prove one's point of view;

• argue and discuss;

• learn to respect an alternative opinion;

• learn to simulate different situations;

• express your attitude to the topic chosen for discussion.

Among the learning models, the following are distinguished: traditional or classical, active and interactive. With the traditional model of education, students learn the material with the help of a teacher (traditional lecture) or from the text of a textbook. Students do not take part in the discussion of the topic, and practical classes are built on the basis of surveying students according to the lesson plan and demonstrate the acquired knowledge.

Active form - stimulates independence and cognitive activity of students, while there is creative interaction between the teacher and students. active teaching methods allow students to develop their thinking, contribute to their involvement in solving problems that are as close as possible to real industrial situations, expand and deepen professional knowledge, develop practical skills and abilities; contribute to the

«етуушшим-шишаи» #2да<и жш / pedagogical sciences


activation of the educational process, encourage students to creatively participate in it and ensure the development and self-development of the student's personality on the basis of identification [3]. This method includes: conversations, implementation of individual creative projects, information search, open microphone, solving crosswords, protection of creative work, etc. The interactive form involves active interaction between students, students and teachers, simulates various practical life situations, uses role-playing games and search methods. The teacher in interactive learning is the carrier of the necessary information, constantly encourages the student to work independently and creatively, performs the role of a consultant and designer. In addition, interactive learning leads to mutual understanding, interaction and joint adoption of common decisions and significant tasks for each subject of the educational process.

The most effective methods of interactive learning: discussions, case method, project method, role-playing and business games, training sessions, team intellectual competitions. Class reflection is a form of educational process in which the teacher selects questions in advance to help students.

With passive learningthe student acts as an "object", he learns and reproduces the material provided by the teacher. Such teaching methods include: lecture - monologue, reading, explanation, demonstration, survey of students.

In the educational process, it is advisable to use the following methods:

• interactive cooperative learning technologies: (work in pairs, rotating threes, work in small groups, etc.);

• interactive technologies of collective and group learning (brainstorming;

• situational modeling technologies (role-playing games);

• technologies for processing debatable issues (discussion, debate).

Interactive learning technologies, depending on the involvement of students, can be grouped as follows:

• individual (the student's independent work is organized or educational work is conducted with each individual student);

• frontal (the teacher teaches at the same time teaches the entire team or group of students under the guidance of the teacher);

• group: cooperative, differentiated-group, paired.

Conclusion. Interactive learning is a socially motivated partnership, which is based on the organization of equal and creative cooperation between the teacher and the student, the principles of democratization, humanization and individualization.

For high-quality training of future specialists, higher educational institutions should introduce new interactive learning technologies aimed at developing and improving practical skills, abilities and creative motivation of subjects of study.


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