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Ключевые слова
професійно-орієнтована іноземна мова / навчання у співпраці / спільне навчання / технології навчання / мо-дульне навчання / групова робота / взаємодія. / professional-oriented foreign language / cooperative learning / collaborative learning / training technologies / module education / group work / cooperation.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Zelenin H.

The article deals with the problem of the cooperative foreign language teaching in the context of the uni-versity education. It is noted that the goal of the cooperative (collaborative) learning (CL) technology is the development of intellectual, moral and physical abilities, the forming of the students’ scientificmaterialistic worldviews. Many recent studies have focused on the problem of students’ communicative skills and habits formation within the framework of the learner-centered approach in a higher school. Only few attempts have been made to investigate the formation of practical skills, higher level of thinking skills and habits with the help of the latest technologies in the course of foreign language learning. This study seeks to understand the essence of the “collaborative (cooperative) learning” technology, its consistency with the objectives of the language ed-ucational process. The central issue is in the observing and explaining the basic variants of the analyzed method implementation. The various means of cooperative foreign language learning organizing («student team learning», «stu-dent's survey», «jigsaw» and «learning together") and some versions of effective implementation of CL tech-nology (individual and group work, team and play work, autonomous work and team work ) were examined in the article. The article highlights the advantage of combining the module education with cooperative learning tech-nology and multi-level training of a foreign language in a higher school. It is noted that the combining the module approaches with cooperative learning technologies provides the educational standards acquisition and subsequent promotion to the higher training level to the students. CL technology is capable of dealing the various training tasks, but the combination of the learner-centered methods and techniques (multi-level ap-proach to the learning process, module education, and collaborative training tools) with clear definition of didactic roles of everybody makes it possible to achieve better results. The study reached the following conclusions: CL technology in English class enhances the students’ moti-vation increasing, contributes to a better understanding of the training material and fill knowledge gaps. Fur-thermore, cooperative foreign language teaching creates the positive and comfortable environment, which contributes to the overcoming the communicative-linguistic barriers and achieving the students’ potential.

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У статті автор намагається розглянути питання навчання іноземній мові у співпраці у вищій про-фесійний освіті.. Наголошується, що мета технології collaborative learning (CL) розвиток інтелектуа-льних, духовних та фізичних здібностей, мотивів, інтересів; формування науково-матеріалістичного світогляду студентів. Змістом заняття у процесі такого навчання перш за все є опанування засобів пі-знання, суспільно та особисто значущих перетворень у навколишній дійсності, а не тільки програмні знання та матеріалу підручника. Методами роботи є спільна діяльність, пошук, діяльність викладача та студентів у співпраці. Виділяються засоби організації навчання у співпраці у процесі вивчення іноземної мови (методи «student team learning», «student's survey», «jigsaw» та «learning together») та варіанти ефективного застосування технології CL (індивідуально-групова, командно-ігрова робота, індивідуальна робота у команді). У статті висвітлюються переваги поєднання модульного навчання з технологією співпраці і різно-рівневим навчанням іноземній мові у віщій школі. Наголошується, що поєднання модульного підходу з ме-тодами навчання у співпраці гарантує кожному студенту засвоєння стандарту освіти та просування на вищий рівень навчання. Технологія навчання у співробітництві здатна вирішувати різні завдання навчан-ня, але сукупність особистісно орієнтованих методик і технологій (різнорівневий підхід до навчання, модульне навчання, колективні засоби навчання) з чітким визначенням дидактичної ролі кожної дозволяє домагатися вищих результатів. Зроблено висновки, що технології CL на заняттях з іноземної мови у вищій школі сприяють підви-щенню мотивації студентів до навчання, вчать об'єктивно оцінювати себе та інших, допомагає студен-там з більшою ефективністю усвідомити матеріал та усунути недоліки в знаннях. Крім того, навчання у взаємодії, яке має безліч засобів реалізації, здатне урізноманітнити заняття з іноземної мови, створити невимушену, доброзичливу обстановку, що допомагає подолати комунікативно-мовні бар'єри й розкри-ти потенціал студентів.






Зеленш Х.

ORCID: 0000-0003-1274-2311; доктор педагоггчних наук, професор кафедри iноземних мов, Свропейська ттегращя та мiжнародне спiвробiтництво, Укра'тська iнженерно-педагогiчна академiя, 61003, Укра'та, м. Хартв, вул. Унiверситетська, 16

DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2022-21144-14-17 НАВЧАННЯ ШОЗЕМНШ МОВ1 В УМОВАХ СПГОПРАЦ1 У КОНТЕКСТ1 ВИЩО1


Zelenin H.

ORCID: 0000-0003-1274-2311;

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Foreign Language Training,

European Integration and International Cooperation, Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy, 16 Universitetska st., Kharkiv, 61003, Ukraine




У статтi автор намагаеться розглянути питання навчання тоземнт мовi у спiвпрацi у вищш про-фесшний освiтi.. Наголошуеться, що мета технологи collaborative learning (CL) - розвиток ттелектуа-льних, духовних та фiзичних здiбносmей, мотивiв, ттере^в; формування науково-матерiалiстичного свi-тогляду студентiв. Змктом заняття у процес такого навчання перш за все е опанування засобiв ni-знання, сустльно та особисто значущих перетворень у навколишнш дiйсностi, а не тшьки програмт знання та матерiалу тдручника. Методами роботи е спшьна дiяльнiсть, пошук, дiяльнiсть викладача та студентiв у сniвnрацi.

Видшяються засоби оргатзаци навчання у сniвnрацi у процеа вивчення тоземно1 мови (методи «student team learning», «student's survey», «jigsaw» та «learning together») та варiанти ефективного за-стосування технологи CL (iндивiдуально-груnова, командно-^рова робота, iндивiдуальна робота у ко-мандi).

У статтi висвтлюються переваги поеднання модульного навчання з технологiею сniвnрацi i рiзнорi-вневим навчанням тоземнт мовi у вiщiй школi. Наголошуеться, що поеднання модульного тдходу з методами навчання у сniвnрацi гарантуе кожному студенту засвоення стандарту освiти та просування на вищий рiвень навчання. Технологiя навчання у сniвробimницmвi здатна вирiшувати рiзнi завдання навчання, але сукуптсть особисmiсно - орiенmованих методик i технологш (рiзнорiвневий niдхiд до навчання, модульне навчання, колективш засоби навчання) з чimким визначенням дидактичноiролi кожноi дозволяе домагатися вищих резульmаmiв.

Зроблено висновки, що технологи CL на заняттях з iноземноi мови у вищш школi сприяють niдви-щенню мотиваци сmуденmiв до навчання, вчать об'ективно оцiнюваmи себе та тших, допомагае студентам з бшьшою ефекmивнiсmю усвiдомиmи маmерiал та усунути недолжи в знаннях. Крiм того, навчання у взаемодИ, яке мае безлiч засобiвреал1заци, здатнеургзномантнити заняття з iноземноiмови, створити невимушену, доброзичливу обстановку, що допомагае подолати комуткативно-мовш бар'ери й розкрити nоmенцiал сmуденmiв.


The article deals with the problem of the cooperative foreign language teaching in the context of the university education. It is noted that the goal of the cooperative (collaborative) learning (CL) technology is the development of intellectual, moral and physical abilities, the forming of the students' scientific- materialistic worldviews.

Many recent studies have focused on the problem of students' communicative skills and habits formation within the framework of the learner-centered approach in a higher school. Only few attempts have been made to investigate the formation of practical skills, higher level of thinking skills and habits with the help of the latest technologies in the course of foreign language learning. This study seeks to understand the essence of the "collaborative (cooperative) learning" technology, its consistency with the objectives of the language educational process. The central issue is in the observing and explaining the basic variants of the analyzed method implementation.

The various means of cooperative foreign language learning organizing («student team learning», «student's survey», «jigsaw» and «learning together") and some versions of effective implementation of CL technology (individual and group work, team and play work, autonomous work and team work) were examined in the article.

The article highlights the advantage of combining the module education with cooperative learning technology and multi-level training of a foreign language in a higher school. It is noted that the combining the module approaches with cooperative learning technologies provides the educational standards acquisition and subsequent promotion to the higher training level to the students. CL technology is capable of dealing the various training tasks, but the combination of the learner-centered methods and techniques (multi-level approach to the learning process, module education, and collaborative training tools) with clear definition of didactic roles of everybody makes it possible to achieve better results.

The study reached the following conclusions: CL technology in English class enhances the students' motivation increasing, contributes to a better understanding of the training material and fill knowledge gaps. Furthermore, cooperative foreign language teaching creates the positive and comfortable environment, which contributes to the overcoming the communicative-linguistic barriers and achieving the students' potential.

Ключовi слова: професшно-opieHmoeaHa тоземна мова, навчання у cnienpaщ, спшьне навчання, технологи навчання, модульне навчання, групова робота, взаeмодiя.

Keywords: professional-oriented foreign language, cooperative learning, collaborative learning, training technologies, module education, group work, cooperation.

Introduction. Widening of business and cultural contacts of Ukraine with countries of the world community cause the need for qualified specialists with a sufficient level of foreign language proficiency in the sphere of future professional activity. A foreign language is an important resource for social and professional growth of future specialists and is a compulsory condition for the involvement of our country in the Bologna process. Nowadays, as international contacts intensify, higher educational institutions should provide students with the opportunity to develop such communicative skills in a foreign language that would help them to carry out professional interaction and experience exchange at the international level. Therefore, the future specialists' professional preparedness to carry out international professional communication should be considered as an important criterion for evaluating their professionalism, and the development of the necessary knowledge and skills and personal qualities should be regarded as indicators of their professional competence. The most important structural component of future professional competence is a communicative competence, which in turn is a qualitative characteristic of a specialist's personality. It consists of a complex of scientific-theoretical knowledge, practical skills in the sphere of professional communication, as well as the experience gained in the process of professional interaction and sustainable motivation for professional communication.

The interaction between a teacher and a student is considered as one of the most important aspects in the process of communicative competence development. Pedagogical interaction within the system «a teacher-a student" is a system of mutual influences of subjects involved in cooperative activities on the basis of key goals of higher professional education.

The aim of the article is to analyze the issues of teaching a foreign language in cooperation in the context of higher professional education, to highlight the tools to organize learning in cooperation and options for their implementation, to emphasize the advantages of combining modular learning with the technology of cooperation and multilevel foreign language teaching at a higher educational institution.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Cooperative learning or collaborative learning is one of

the variants of the student-oriented approach to foreign language teaching. The key principle of cooperative learning is to create favorable conditions at practical foreign language classes to intensify cooperative activity in the process of learning in various training situations.

Collaborative learning focuses on creating a supportive and comfortable environment in which students are positively connected, feel motivated, and are free to express themselves in a foreign language (Jacobs and Goh; Mackefetrie, Kagan 1994); it is considered that CL technologies can be used for a wide variety of language programs and learning goals (learning foreign language structure, practicing specific speech skills, finding solutions to actual problems (Richards and Rogers, 2001)).

However, the analysis of scientific and methodological literature has found that the issues concerning the specifics of collaborative foreign language learning in the context of higher professional education have not been sufficiently studied so far.

The statement of the main material. The specifics of a foreign language is that students develop skills and abilities rather than the fundamentals of science, and this requires sufficient speech practice. The goal of foreign language training is not just to familiarize students with the system they are learning, but, primarily, to teach them how to use the language as a means of communication. Consequently, the complete structure of the classes and the methods used must correspond to a real communicative situation, and learning must take place in the context of students' interaction.

CL technology is based on the special methods and means to intensify cognitive activity and speech interaction of students during pair, group and team activities. Scientists dealing with the development of this problem highlight a number of positive aspects. At university foreign language classes teachers often face the problem that students' motivation to learn the foreign language is almost completely absent, productivity and activity in the classes are low, groups are heterogeneous (some students have a sufficient level of foreign language and the classes are often uninteresting for them; others have an intermediate level, but quickly master new content; but there are students who require



much more time for understanding the material, additional examples of explanation). Under these conditions, joint work of students (learning activities in large and small groups) can solve a number of problems, namely increase students' motivation for language learning and activity in the class, improve the progress of learning a foreign language, provide an opportunity for individualization and differentiation of training process according to the students' abilities [2,238].

The following types of interaction organization of the teacher and students are distinguished:

1. The general topic is divided into fragments or parts, and each student performs an individual part of the common group process simultaneously with all or alternately. The most common example of this activity is a jigsaw activity in the form of jigsaw-reading and jigsaw-speaking.

2. Situations are created in the class in which the status relationships of the group activity members are simulated. In doing so, students treat each other as representatives of different professions, heroes, people with in-group status. Foreign language learning becomes practical and close to the natural communication conditions.

3. For collective solution of verbal tasks several roles are defined: leader-coordinator, generator of ideas, critic, and performer. A student, having a certain role, performs a special function in the collective process of solving. An example of this type of interaction is the brainstorming technique.

The above-mentioned forms of student interaction have the following ways of implementation:

Student team learning is based on group goals and the progress of the whole group, which are achieved through the independent work of each student, who is part of the group, but has to constantly interact with the other students of the group in the context of particular topic to be studied [3,310].

The main advantage of group work is that students actively participate in learning activities and they have opportunities for communication. The effectiveness of this method depends on the implementation of the following aspects: students learn to work in groups, are constantly included in the educational process, there is a distribution of roles, control of the joint performance of tasks. Discussion in the group of some questions on a specific topic, exchange of opinions, the ability to ask questions and prove agreement/disagreement, the ability to listen and understand are examples of the successful application of group work.

The principle of the Jigsaw approach is that students are organized into teams to process fragments of educational content. Each team member searches for material related to his or her subtopic. In the next step, students working on the same questions, but in different teams, share information about the topic ("expert meeting"). At the end of the work, students have to answer the teacher's questions on the topic.

Writearound. The teacher divides the students into some groups and offers students a story or example to begin one sentence, to which each student in every group can add one sentence. Each group presents their stories at the end of the class.

Learning together. A team of students is given an assignment (a fragment of a topic that all students work through). The full comprehension of the foreign language material is carried out because of the activities of the separate teams working together. During the activity, teams must communicate with each other, participate in a collective discussion, clarifying details and offer their views on the problem.

Tea Party. Students form two concentric circles or two lines that face each other. The teacher asks questions and the students discuss the answer with the student in front of them. After one minute, the outer circle or one line moves to the right so that the students get new partners. Next, the instructor offers a second question for discussion (about five questions).

Student's survey method implies an independent activity of students. A group of students chooses a sub-topic of a common topic studied by all students. In small groups, the subtopic is broken down into independent student tasks. Students then attempt to present a paper, which is presented in a practical foreign language class.

One of the most effective and perspective technologies to organize the process of foreign language learning in universities is considered to be modular learning. The main principle of modular learning consists in the fact that the student independently or with the help (paired, group work) tries to achieve specific learning objectives in the processing of a module. The module combines learning content and technology, how to master it. Modules make it possible to transfer training process on a subject-subject basis, individualize work with concrete student, dosage one-to-one assistance, and change the form of communication between a teacher and a student. The modular approach allows presenting the material in large blocks with the use of active forms of learning: lectures - conversations, workshops, tests; it allows more individualization of the learning process, allowing students to move forward according to their individual capabilities and pace, it provides the greatest independence of students in the process of a foreign language learning.

The combination of the module approach and cooperative learning methods ensures that every student assimilates the standard of education and progresses to a higher level of learning. This approach also has great potential for the development of such personal qualities as independence and teamwork. Collaborative learning technology is capable of solving various learning tasks, but a set of student-centered methods and technologies (multilevel approach to learning, module learning, and collaborative learning tools) allows achieving better educational results.

The advantages of combining module learning with the technology of cooperation and multilevel teaching are as follows:

1) not all students are ready to ask the teacher questions if they do not understand the material. Working in a group with joint activity students have the opportunity to find out from each other the points they do not understand, if necessary, they ask the teacher;

2) everybody understands that the success of the group depends not only on memorizing the textbook

material, but on the ability to gain knowledge independently and to apply it in practice;

3) students develop their own point of view, they learn to explain it, to prove their opinion;

4) students learn to communicate with each other, with the teacher, they master communicative skills.

Conclusions. All the above-mentioned forms of foreign language teaching by means of CL technologies at universities make it possible to realize the student-centered approach allowing him/her to develop the system of a foreign language in students' mind, to master the educational material better, as well as to express himself/herself. Thus, CL technologies have the following advantages: they increase students' motivation to learn, teach them to evaluate themselves and others objectively, help students to comprehend the material with greater efficiency and address deficiencies in their knowledge. In addition, learning in interaction, which has many means of implementation, is able to diversify foreign language classes, create a relaxed, friendly atmosphere in the classroom, helping to overcome and correct communication and language barriers and unlock the potential of students.


1. Adams, D., Carlson, H., & Hamm, M. (1990). Cooperative Learning & Educational Media. Eng-lewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technology Publications.

2. Stevens, R.J., & Slavin, R.E. (1995). The cooperative Elementary school: Effects on students achievement, Attitudes and Social relations. American Educational Research Journal, 32, 2, 321-351.

3. Van der Linden, J.L., Erkens, G., & Nieuwen-huysen, T. (1995). Gemeiasames Problemlosen in Gru-pen. Unterrichtswissenschaft, Zeitschrift fur Lernfors-hung, 23, 4, 301-315.


1. Adams, D., Carlson, H., & Hamm, M. (1990). Cooperative Learning & Educational Media. Eng-lewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technology Publications.

2. Stevens, R.J., & Slavin, R.E. (1995). The cooperative Elementary school: Effects on students achievement, Attitudes and Social relations. American Educational Research Journal, 32, 2, 321-351.

3. Van der Linden, J.L., Erkens, G., & Nieuwen-huysen, T. (1995). Gemeiasames Problemlosen in Gru-pen. Unterrichtswissenschaft, Zeitschrift fur Lernfors-hung, 23, 4, 301-315.

УДК: 378.147.091.31

Ясинська Е.Ц.

Кандидат медичних наук, доцент, Кафедра Cоцiальноi медицини та орган1заци охорони здоров 'я Буковинський державний медичний ^верситет РР1: 10.24412/2520-6990-2022-21144-17-19 ДИДАКТИЧН1 ЗАСАДИ ЗАСТОСУВАННЯ 1НТЕРАКТИВНИХ МЕТОД1В НАВЧАННЯ В


Yasynska E. Ts.

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Social Medicine and Health Organization Bukovinian State Medical University




The article examines the peculiarities of using active and interactive teaching methods in the training of future specialists in higher educational institutions. In the submitted work, the analysis, advantages and features of the activation of cognitive activity, as well as the conditions for effective assimilation of educational material by students, the formation of their own opinion, the search for ways to solve practical tasks, professional skills and professional competence are carried out. The importance of active learning methods in improving the qualifications of teachers of higher educational institutions is considered.


У cmammi розглянуто особливостi використання активних й ттерактивних Memodie навчання при пiдгomoвцi майбуmнiх ф^вщв у вищих навчальних закладах. В поданш працi проведено анализ, переваги й oсoбливoсmi акmивiзацiï п1знавально'1 дiяльнoсmi, а також умови ефективного засвоення студентами на-вчального маmeрiалу, формування у них власно'1 думки, пошуку шляхiв виршення практичних завдань, про-фесшних навичок та професшно1 кoмпemeнmнoсmi. Розглянуто значущкть активних мemoдiв навчання у пiдвищeннi квалiфiкацiï викладачiв вищих навчальних закладiв.

Ключовi слова: активн методи навчання, пасивн методи навчання, ттерактивн методи навчання, акmивiзацiя навчально-тзнавально'1' дiяльносmi.

Keywords: active learning methods, passive learning methods, interactive learning methods, activation of educational and cognitive.

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