Перспективы Науки и Образования
Международный электронный научный журнал ISSN 2307-2334 (Онлайн)
Адрес выпуска: pnojournal.wordpress.com/archive21/21-02/ Дата публикации: 30.04.2021 УДК 372.881.111.1
О. Н. Брега, Г. В. Кругляковд
Технология видеоподкастов в дистанционном обучении английскому языку для специальных целей в команде
Введение. Современная ситуация в системе высшего образования характеризуется переосмыслением применяемых технологий обучения и форм взаимодействия ее участников. Цель данного исследования -теоретическое обоснование и экспериментальная проверка эффективности технологии видеоподкастов в дистанционном обучении, центральной идеей которой является создание студентами тематических видеоподкастов, во время командной работы преподавателя и студентов в системе управления обучением Moodle, Н5Р.
Материалы и методы. В педагогическом эксперименте приняли участие 100 студентов Тольяттинского государственного университета обучающихся по специальности «Наземные транспортно-технологические средства». Основные методы исследования: теоретического анализа и моделирования, графического представления данных. Оценка достоверности эффективности разработанной технологии проводилась с применением Т-критерия Вилкоксона.
Результаты исследования. Технология видеоподкастов в дистанционном обучении английскому языку для специальных целей в команде включает комплекс психолого-педагогических условий и общедидактических принципов обучения; банк интерактивных заданий и методических рекомендаций для студентов по созданию видеоподкаста; технического оснащения, обеспечивающего обратную связь и онлайн взаимодействие преподавателя и студентов. На основании Общеевропейских компетенций владения иностранным языком нами разработана Шкала оценки коммуникативных умений студентов (лингвистический, прагматический и социолингвистический аспект), развиваемых с помощью технологии видеоподкастов, и обозначены их дескрипторы.
Педагогический эксперимент проводился в течение семестра и показал, что лингвистические умения студентов выросли на 38%, рост прагматических умений составил 58%, социолингвистические умения увеличились на 42% (Техр = 2,5; р < 0,05).
Заключение. Разработанная технология позволяет применять ее на любом этапе обучения иностранному языку и оптимизирует процесс организации и управления учебной деятельностью студентов в дистанционном формате.
Ключевые слова: дистанционное обучение, английский язык для специальных целей, технология видеоподкастов, система управления обучением, интерактивное обучающее видео на площадке Н5Р, Общеевропейские компетенции владения иностранным языком (CEFR)
Ссылка для цитирования:
Брега О. Н., Круглякова Г. В. Технология видеоподкастов в дистанционном обучении английскому языку для специальных целей в команде // Перспективы науки и образования. 2021. № 2 (50). С. 459-471. doi: 10.32744^.2021.2.32
Perspectives of Science & Education
International Scientific Electronic Journal ISSN 2307-2334 (Online)
Available: psejournal.wordpress.com/archive21/21-02/ Accepted: 25 January 2021 Published: 30 April 2021
Video podcast technology for distant ESP teaching in team work
Introduction. The current situation in the higher education system is characterized by a rethinking of the applied learning technologies and forms of interaction of its participants. The purpose of this study is the theoretical validation and empirical evaluation of the video podcast technology reliability in distance Learning, the central idea of which is the thematic video podcasts creation by students in team work with the teacher's tuition in the LMS Moodle, H5P.
Materials and methods. The study involved 100 students of Togliatti State University majoring 23.05.01 "Land transport technological complexes" (level of specialist). Main research methods: the method of theoretical analysis and modeling, experimental training, the method of mathematical statistics and graphical representation of data. Evaluation of the reliability and the effectiveness of the developed technology were carried out using the Wilcoxon T-test.
Results of the study. This technology includes a set of psychological and pedagogical principles; a bank of interactive tasks and methodological recommendations for students to create a video podcast; technical equipment for feedback and online teacher-students interactive team work. Referring to the CEFR, we have developed the Scale of controlled skills: linguistic aspect (Range, Accuracy, Coherence), pragmatic aspect (Interaction, Technical skill, Timemanagmen skill), sociolinguistic aspect (Fluency, Mediation) mastered with the Video podcast technology in distance ESP teaching, and designated their descriptors.
The semester experimental training showed: linguistic skills of students increased by 38 %; pragmatic skills by 58%, sociolinguistic skills by 42%. The application of the Wilcoxon T-test under the condition p < 0,05 and T < T (in our case T = 2,5, T = 3, i.e. T < T ) proves the obtained results reliability and indicates
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the technology effectiveness.
Conclusion. The developed technology is applicable at any stage of ESP teaching and enhances the organization process of the students' activities in a distance education.
Keywords: distance teaching, English for specific purposes, video podcast technology, learning management system, HP5 interactive videos, self- and peer-assessment, Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR)
For Reference:
Brega, O. N., & Kruglyakova, G. V. (2021). Video podcast technology for distant ESP teaching in team work. Perspektivy nauki i obrazovania - Perspectives of Science and Education, 50 (2), 459-471. doi: 10.32744/pse.2021.2.32
he trend of learning and working online remotely is seen coming from the lockdown under which the world has been for the whole year. Staying at home, learning, and working from home during the pandemic for taking safety precautions many have realized this convenience not only provides some unique challenges but also wide opportunities to learn better, faster, and easier as remotely from home as with new digital techniques, e.g. video podcasting in distance ESP training.
In general, the digital teaching problem can be tackled in two different ways. However, a heated discussion takes place in scientific groups about the application of remote learning and the overall positive impact of such forms is reported, as it can enhance the quality level of teaching [1]. Meanwhile others, though recognizing the benefits, draw attention to some risks of a full e-learning implication: the negative influence on the verbal behavior and, consequently, the knowledge acquisition engagement decrease; the decline of social interaction skills [2].
There are also certain psychological barriers to the use of distance learning on the part of teachers and a low level of motivation and involvement of students in the educational process [3]; lack of online learning skills, with poor self-organization and discipline; difficulty in knowledge-to-autonomous action shifts [4].
Among the challenges faced by the Russian higher education in the evolution to distance education are "the need to adapt students and teachers to work online; the decline in the quality of education; changing the role of the teacher in the educational process, where a teacher is seen as a tutor; the low level of digital literacy of teachers, the digital gap in the digital culture of the young and older generations of teachers; fear of future employment of students and fear of teachers' future professional involvement" [5, p. 54]. A number of scientists believe that at the stage it is important not only to adapt the education system to the digital education, but also to develop actively own content for teaching students in these circumstances [6].
Taking into account written above, we understand that the teachers have responded positively to the changes and challenges in higher education, and the educating community is ready to find a reasonable balance between the use of digital opportunities and offline teacher-student communication. In this context, it appears urgent to develop distance educational methodologies, to identify psychological and methodological foundations that allow designing a logical, effective and transparent teaching process.
Video podcast as a teaching tool is viewed from different perspectives. First of all, we need to discuss the meaning meant by the notion "videopodcast". A conducted for the purpose literature research shows that podcasts are widely used as a pedagogically designed tool in teaching English. Some implement it as video-recorded lectures in the flipped classroom, therefore, collaborative and interactive activities are completed during the formal class time [7]. Another approach sees adding videos from web resources to Human-computer interaction courses [8].
Furthermore, videos training different language skills (pronunciation, writing, listening, etc.) are understood as a means of cooperation and development of professional competences [9]. All the multifaceted scope of the podcasting is a clue to other hidden possibilities in teaching ESP. The educational podcasts instead of lectures and as an
individual assignment intensify the knowledge acquisition by students, presents the topic in an interesting viewpoint, significantly increases the level of independent mental work of the technical university students and encourages them to choose the correct educational path [10]. Podcasting educational technology opens up free access to learning a language in its cultural context, introduces authentic communication, motivates the student to participate in the educational process and contributes to the development of the skills: training of independent academic skills, research and creative approach to learning [10].
In our approach, a video podcast is understood not only as a teaching tool, but as a product of a student's educational activity, since in the course of working with ready-made video podcasts, analyzing and synthesizing authentic English-language video podcast material, students create their own professional video podcasts, available for discussion and assessment in the university MLS.
In this regard, the basis for this study was the contradiction between the actual need to introduce distance learning forms into the practice of teaching ESP and the relative undeveloped theoretical and methodological apparatus and methodological foundations of this issue.
Materials and methods
This technology design is proceeded from: the strategies needed for four modes of communication mentioned in the new CFR companion volume (reception, production, interaction and mediation) [11] and educational requirements declared in the Federal State Education Standard of Higher Professional Education for specialty 23.05.01 "Land transport technological complexes" (level of specialist) [12]; the concept of video podcast and its linguodidactic potential
In accordance with the purpose of this work that is to present the developed video podcast technology in distance ESP teaching, outlining the main methodological basis for its application in practice, and showing the results of its implementation, we have achieved the following objectives:
• identification of the requirements for the design of the distance learning forms;
• acquiring of the methodological and psychological-pedagogical foundations of the video podcasts technology in ESP teaching aimed at combining language and specific-subject instruction;
• determination of student-teacher, student-student interaction, the graded bank of students' activities in on-line team work;
• the training tasks development for mastering of the thematic podcasts creation skills;
• the criteria establishing for evaluation of skills mastered to assess the communicative skills improvement dynamics while thematic video podcasts creation by students;
• the experimental training to approve the methodological correctness of the developed technology.
The methodology of the present study includes analysis of sociological, methodological and psychological sources related to the subject-matter of the present paper; modeling and implementation of the video podcast technology in distance ESP teaching. In order to determine the methodological appropriateness of the developed Video podcast technology in ESP teaching the experimental work was carried out at the Togliatti State University with 100 students of the third year in specialty 23.05.01 (level of specialist) during a semester.
The conducted experimental training and analysis of the data obtained with the Wilcoxon T-test determined effectiveness of the video podcast technology in distance ESP teaching and reliability of the results obtained. Empirical research methods (questionnaires and observations) were used after the experimental training, which allowed us to get feedback from students and get their opinion about new forms of work.
In the context of the present research, we have worked out the video podcast teaching technology as a multimedia interactive distant learning technique for creation and delivery of any multimedia authentic professional information by means of on-line communicative team works. While modeling video podcast technology in distance ESP teaching, the results of distance courses and MOOC study by N.V. Nikulicheva were taken as a basis. The author proposes assessing the quality of distance courses: the relationship between the components of the training system; structure of the course; content technical examination of the course [13; 14]. From this point of view, the proposed technology answers the following criteria:
• the interconnection of the components of the training system is represented by stages: psychological-pedagogical, content and activity-based and effective-reflexive components;
• the course includes the created bank of methodological recommendations for the development of educational material, the set of multi-level educational and controlling tasks for the online application;
• each stage of the technology, the team interaction of the participants in the educational process on the course was based on the LMS Moodle and HTML5.
1. The technology grounds on the following methodological fundamentals:
First, psychological-pedagogical, content and activity-based, and effective-reflexive components act as ultimate and determine the vector of video podcast technology in ESP teaching.
Secondly, the essential didactic principles: use of L1 as a tool materials resource promoting; communication outcomes focusing; a student-centered approach, needs analysis based define the core of the technology.
Thirdly, an emphasized set of psychological and pedagogical principals is necessary and sufficient for the implementation of this technology in the practice of distance ESP teaching, namely:
• the teacher is seen as a moderator and developer of the educational process (a clear goal setting, stages definition and modeling of the students' activities result);
• availability of methodological support for pedagogical technology (a bank of methodological recommendations for the development of educational material, which is addressed to the teacher and the student as partners; a simulated graded bank of students' activities designed to achieve a specific result; the complex of multi-level tasks provided for use in online mode);
• implementation of software ((LMS) Moodle, HTML5) in the educational process and monitoring of the results of training activities at each stage allow the participants of the educational process to interact online and to conduct reflective assessment by students and the teacher [15].
2. The graded bank of students' activities (with the action-oriented approach in the core) for the video podcasts creation was developed.
Using this graded bank of activities, students worked with almost any video content and created their own video products, focusing on their desires and interests. Video podcast creation was a sequential process taking place on the Internet with the use of a variety of technical innovations: webinar, chat, H5P interactive form with the ability to perform built-in tasks for filling in the gaps, correlation, drag and drop tasks.
The first stage - Psychological-pedagogical.
Firstly, the teacher introduced students to the concept of a video podcast, explains the activities objectives in LMS MOODL and provided students with instructions on work in a webinar mode. Secondly, the teacher informed about work in the online learning space, gave the link to the page where the work in the group took place. Introduction of the students to video genres on the Internet was followed by a video discussion in the chat:
Task. Look at the video types: Vlog, "How to do" Video, Tour Video, Tutorials, Challenges, Skits and Sketches, One Day of my Life Videos etc. Write in the comments which types of the video you like watching most? Why?
Students were offered the following assignments:
Task. Watch the short videos. Do the test matching each video to one of the video types (Vlog, "How to do" Video, Tour Video, etc.).
Task. Watch the videos again and put a tick in a box next to the things in the list which can be a part of a short video: music narration (you can't see the person); face-to-camera (a person speaks into the camera); captions (words on the screen); photos credits (names of the people who made the video).
The next step was to present, analyze, and structure real-life video podcast samples. This stage was important because learners do not have the ability to interact with each other and the teacher during online classes that can help overcome lack of face-to-face communication. Moreover, the amount of the Internet resources is large, that causes attention defocusing during online learning. To design and conduct autonomously organized students' work the authors of the technology applied H5P site for HTML5-based interactive video content creation [15] allowing students go through the video podcast creation process independently. Further was a sample task aimed at training skills and abilities to structure the parts of the video content.
Task. Watch the video and do the interactive test build into the video.
1. Identify the Introduction, Main Body and Conclusion of the speech. Choose the correct option.
2. Match the given bellow phrases (a-g) with the functions (1-7).
a) The purpose of today's video is to discuss how we can... b) There is a number of points c) I'm going to tell about ... d) That's all I have to talk about... e) Moving on now to ... f) As an illustration, ... g) Please feel free to ask questions; h) To put it more simply.
1. Introducing the topic 2. Overview 3. Finishing an idea 4. Starting a new idea 5. Giving examples 6. Paraphrasing and clarifying 7. Invitation to discuss / ask questions in the comment box
1. Choose from the list the signposts heard in the video.
2. Match the signposts with their meaning choosing from the column.
3. What signposts expressions can signal the various parts of the speech. Refer each to the right group (Introduction, Main Body, Conclusion): first, after that, so, that's all about, finally, third, as a conclusion, at the beginning, first of all.
4. Read the gapped sentences from the video. Put the proper signposts in the gaps.
1. The_of today's video is to discuss my findings.
A purpose B reason C cause D points
2. Now,_begin by introducing myself.
A allow me B let me CID presentation
Students discussed other criteria and instructions with the teacher considering the compositional and lexical requirements for a video podcast. Students evaluated the video they watched according to the Scale of the Overall Qualitative aspects for Self- and Peer assessment of a Video Podcast suggested by the authors of the research. The same list of criteria was applied during students' videos podcasts final assessment (see the Scale of controlled skills mastered with the Video podcast technology in distance ESP teaching for Self- and Peer assessment of a video podcast).
Task. Which video clip did you like most? Why? Write your opinion in the comment box under the video using the expressions: I love/like ... (the music/ the narration). It's really ... (funny/ useful). I'd like to... (do that/ try that/go there...). It looks (great/fantastic/fun....).
The second stage - Content and activity-based.
At the stage of analysis and synthesis, students chose a video podcast topic, generated ideas with the choice of a video topic, assigned roles, and determined the target audience and the interests of potential subscribers of the video podcast, accumulated their professional thesaurus, designing the video podcast text.
Task. Define your audience, their interests and consequently the video content, style, dynamics, etc.
Task. Look at the list of people you need to make a video. Write the descriptions of each person's job: 1 scriptwriter 2 director 3 actor and/or narrator 4 camera person 5 video editor 6 researcher. In your team decide who will do each of the jobs.
Task. To make your video you need the things in the list below: a camera, an editing app or software, a memory stick, photos and music, the Internet, photos.
Task. Think off the details of the video: location, the plan of the narration, core message, the way to convey the information, structure of the speech (Introduction, structure of the main part, conclusion, the coherence of the narration).
Task. Look through the scene components (a-e) and write about each scene of the example video podcast: a. Topic of scene. b. What happens in the scene? c. Extra things for the scene. d. Key words. e. Time.
Task. Then using the same table write what happens in each scene of your video. Discuss what will happen in each scene of your video.
Task. Read two intros of the video, which do you like most? Why?
Task. Make your podcast video, share your results on the forums.
The third stage - Effective-reflexive.
At this stage there was a discussion of the process for the reflexive assessment of the own video podcast and evaluation comments to the video and questions to authors of the other students' video podcast in the forum chat in Moodle.
Task. Read the descriptions of the two videos. What type of videos are they? Which would you like to watch? Why? Work in your groups and write the title and video description to your video clip. Follow the Video Description Templet to wright the video description.
Video description Templet
Strong Intro: 2-3 sentences. Include your target keywords once in the first 1-2 sentences. Describe the subjects of the podcast with the similar keywords that are used in the heading.
Make the title and video description sound interesting so people will want to watch your video.
Detailed outline: 150 words. Keep your podcast balanced with usage of key words, whereas remaining natural.
Links to the video. Include a related URL to your website, so your viewers can reveal the corresponding information from your video. Your video's metadata a beneficial aspect of your YouTube strategy. Add Tags to Your Videos relevant to the content of the video (e.g. #how to#what to produce, etc.).
Task. Watch your group's videos. How do you think you did on this task? Use Scale of controlled communicative skills for Self- and Peer assessment of a Video Podcast.
Task. Watch each other's videos and comment on: the topic, the type of video, your favourite thing about the video, something you didn't understand. Which video did you like most? Why? Write a short comment for the makers of the video.
3. The criteria for evaluation of skills mastered with application of the Video podcast technology in distance ESP teaching.
The scale given in the Table 1 was created on the basis of CEFR evaluation criteria [13] that were updated and more refined considering the objectives of our research. We regarded the linguistic skills (Range, Accuracy, Coherence), and pragmatic skills which is now complemented with the Interaction and, in particular by cultural competence, communication strategies (for the interlocutor understanding, targeted collaboration, exchanging information, running video podcasts creation team work), Technical skills (the digital literacy in telecommunication while the online discussion) and Time managment skills. The third one is sociolinguistic skills that regards Fluency and now accompanied with Mediation between the students who have to monitor individual and group work in a non-intrusive manner for the creation and presentation of thematic professional video podcasts. The descriptors of the skills are presented in table 1.
Table 1
Scale of controlled communicative skills mastered with the Video podcast technology
in distance ESP teaching
Qualitative aspect Low Level Basic Level High Level
Linguistic skills
Range Uses basic sentence with learned phrases, groups of a few words and formulae in order to communicate in professional situations. Uses lexical units that convey the authors' message on professional topics, but expresses with some hesitation. Has a sufficient range of the Lexis fully referring to the video's topic, can give clear descriptions, express viewpoints on professional topics, using some complex forms.
Accuracy Uses some simple structures correctly, but still systematically makes basic mistakes. Uses reasonably, accurately a repertoire of regularly used professional phrases. Shows a relatively high degree of grammatical control complying with the video communication goal.
Coherence Able to join the words with connectors like "and, "but" and "because". Can group a series of short, simple utterances into a connected, linear sequence of points. Presents on camera structured prepared speech The message of the video logically structured with connectors, signposts signaling the parts: Introduction, Main Body, Conclusion.
Pragmatic skills
Interaction Can respond to simple statements. Able to initiate, maintain a discussion on professional topic. Can start discussion, take his/ her turn when suitable and end discussion when he / she needs to.
Technical skills Can search multimedia resources Can write an online feedback on the video podcasts. Able to search and select needed multimedia resources Can write an online comment in order to convey the point of view effectively. Able to select and analyses multimedia resources for professional video podcast creation. Can write a good convincing review on the video podcasts.
Time management skills Comply with the agreed schedule. Meets the deadlines and arranges the team to fulfill on time. Can collaborate through joint activities within the agreed timelines and conditions.
Sociolinguistic skills
Fluency Can make him/her understood in very short statements, with pauses. Can present confidently and clearly, even though stopping for grammatical and lexical planning and corrections. The speaker voice is of appropriate tone, pace, intonation, matches the dynamics of the footage.
Mediation Can express clearly on professional thoughts in socially and culturally suitable ways; can self-assess and peer-review groupmates' video podcasts. Can articulate one's professional thoughts with the regards to the recipient's culture. The job volume and the roles in the team are divided equally. Can adapt information for others, or explain something, paying attention to cultural background of the video viewers. Can function effectively as part of a team and in an interdisciplinary environment.
I pre-test results I main test results
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Figure 1 Comparison of the results of the conducted experimental training
The results are stated in three parts: pre-test, main test and feedback (questionnaire). Thematically, the training task covered 4 topics ("Introduction to the car", "The exterior of the car", "The interior of the car", "Under the bonnet"). At the end of studying the first topic according to the traditional method the students were asked to shoot a pre-test professional Video, to leave comments and ask questions in the chats. After that the results were evaluated on criteria shown in the table 1 «Scale of controlled skills mastered with the Video podcast technology in distance ESP teaching».
Further, students were trained according to the developed methodology, following the worked out graded bank of students' activities and fulfilling the proposed set of tasks described in detail above. At the end of the experimental training, a main test was also conducted, which allows to interpret the final results of the experimental training.
As seen from the diagram, there was a significant increase in communicative skills of students in all indicators. The most challenging was: to create own logically built fluent messages (coherence, fluency), to responsibly meet the team project deadlines (time management), to have self-control and reflection skills. Specially organized work on creating podcasts with the teacher-students interaction allowed illustrating positive dynamics: coherence increased by 38%, time management skills - by 67%, fluency - by 62%. In addition, the accuracy rate decreased slightly after the experimental training: from 75% to 72%, which indicates some difficulties in mastering the technique of creating thematic video podcasts.
Linguistic skills have increased by 38%, this result once again indicates the fact that linguistic skills is the most difficult to develop, since it is based on other culture-specific language differences knowledge and skills, and requires close attention and particularly organized, controlled process. The greatest growth is observed in the development of pragmatic skills 58%, the thematic video podcasts tasks proposed to students allowed them to concentrate on the results of their educational activities and contributed to the correct time management. The dynamics of the development of sociolinguistic skills turned out to be in the range of 42%, which is a good result, since the fluency and mediation skills formed in during the training experiment require students to be able to interact and reflect in a foreign language, which is not an easy task. To conclude the analysis of statistical data, it should be stated that the percentage of learning dynamics on the developed technology is approximately 46%, which indicates that the proposed approaches and principles of using distance learning are quite effective.
To verify the reliability of the obtained results, the T-Wilcoxon criterion was applied, which allows us to compare and evaluate qualitative and quantitative changes in the same group of student under two different conditions (evaluation of results before and after the experimental training) and the condition of limiting its applicability was fulfilled: the sample size is of 5 or more indicators, in our case is of 7 criteria [16, p. 50].
The null hypothesis (H0) was: the intense shifts in the typical direction do not exceed the intense shifts in the atypical direction, i.e. there is no significant difference in the results of trained group before and after the experimental training. The experimental hypothesis or the hypothesis one (H1) was: the intense shifts in the typical direction significantly exceed the intense shifts in the atypical direction, i.e. there is a significant qualitative and quantitative increase in learning outcomes after the experiment. The modules of "qualitative shifts" obtained as the difference between the values of the indicator after and before the technology application were ranked (excluding zero shifts) and the direction of the "typical shift" was identified for each of the measured criteria and the Texp indicator was determined. According to the method of applying the T-Wilcoxon criterion, for p < 0,05 and Texp < Tcr, H0 is invalid, and H1 is considered confirmed. In our case: Texp = 2,5, Tcr = 3, i.e. Texp < Tcr, therefore, the experimental hypothesis (H1) is reliable.
After the implementation of the developed technology, a survey on student satisfaction with the teamwork on creation of the students' video podcasts in online form was conducted. The results showed that 90% of respondents agree that the
podcast is a reasonable, project relevant and inspiring teaching tool, thus, it can be used in the e-learning. Moreover, most of the students noted that the interaction between the teacher and the student was effective, despite the fact that they were physically separated by distance.
Therefore, the pedagogical approaches applied in remote language teaching seem to the majority of respondents acceptable and effective, as well as the developed teaching materials and methods of their delivery with guidelines describing the training system is considered to be efficient. 75% of the respondents evaluate the podcast technology in distance ESP teaching appropriate as independent extracurricular work for language learning. Thus, the developed technology makes it possible to provide the educational process with detailed didactic tools available for teachers and students that optimize the e-learning.
A change in the approach to understanding a video podcast into a special knowhow that involves the creation of students' own videos on educational topics and their further broadcast online have also changed the teacher-students interaction.
The encyclopedic knowledge delivery to students has evolved to the interaction and the team work on video creation. Podcasts own a sum of didactic characteristics: video creation is a student centered (the student's personal choice, self-directed), technologically enhanced, and a flexible process.
The teacher organizes and moderates the development of a graded bank for students' activities to create video podcasts, and students independently write its scenario, select and combine the necessary material, design it and record videos, while the teacher only regulates or corrects the educational process on the Internet. Students' awareness of the purpose of their work and independent planning of the search, analysis and synthesis of professional information, the creation of a script and recording of the video podcasts themselves, a general discussion of the results of the work, contributed to an increase in students' motivation for self-education and self-development. It turned out to be important for the students themselves that the evaluation of the work results takes place in the form of students' reflection and exchange of opinions and comments in an online format in Moodle with the HTML5 tasks.
In this case, each student is able to set a goal for himself, clearly understands the sequence of his actions and realizes the result that he must achieve at each stage of his activity. The student has the opportunity to follow his own learning path and achieve his own success, independently of other students. The role of the teacher is shifting from educator towards the moderator of the educational process.
An important component of the proposed technology is an opportunity to share the created video podcast and exchange comments and feedback. This makes the process of the video podcasting interactive, it broadens the boundaries of the learning space and puts students into a real communication in a foreign language. Media with interactive multiple choices and fill in the blank questions, pop-up text and other types of interactions has significantly increased the richness and scalability of the video. It has made material more engaging with the H5P interactive video plugged in to LMS Moodle.
The proposed technology of video podcasts in distance ESP teaching allows shifting traditional forms of learning into the effective distance format through clearly highlighted student-centered mutually chosen educational goals and instructions with the determined tools for their achievement, the well-built set of interactive task bank, organized feedback from students and reflection making the educational process transparent and results-oriented.
The issue of evolution of the education system mainly to the online is diverse and multidimensional; its solution requires a comprehensive approach in the development and methodological validation, and improvement of the applied pedagogical technologies.
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Информация об авторах Брега Ольга Николаевна
(Россия, Тольятти) Доцент, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент
кафедры теории и практики перевода Тольяттинский государственный университет E-mail: onmatveeva@tltsu.ru ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4620-5242 Researcher ID: AAB-1351-2020
Information about the authors Olga N. Brega
(Russia, Togliatti) PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Practice of Translation Togliatti State University E-mail: onmatveeva@tltsu.ru ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4620-5242 Researcher ID: AAB-1351-2020
Круглякова Галина Владимировна
(Россия, Тольятти) Доцент, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент
кафедры теории и практики перевода Тольяттинский государственный университет E-mail: gvk.tlt@mail.ru ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2318-6111
Galina V. Kruglyakova
(Russia, Togliatti) PhD in Pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Practice of Translation Togliatti State University E-mail: gvk.tlt@mail.ru ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2318-6111