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Ключевые слова
independent work of students / forms and methods of independent work of students / information technologies of education. / самостійна робота студентів / форми та методи самостійної роботи студентів / інформаційні техно-логії навчання.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Yasynska E.Ts.

In the article deals with the problems of organizing independent work of students of higher educational institutions, the analysis of their forms and methods is carried out. In the submitted work, attention is focused on the specifics of the organization of independent work of students using information technology in education. Particular attention is paid to the methods of forming the organization of independent work in the preparation of future specialists in the study of theoretical disciplines, the main conditions and methods for the effective organization of individual work of students are determined.

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У статті розглядаються проблеми організації самостійної роботи студентів вищих навчальних закладів, проведено аналіз їх форм та методів. У праці акцентовано увагу на специфіку організації са-мостійної роботи студентів з використанням інформаційних технологій навчання. Особливу увагу при-ділено методам формування організації самостійної роботи у підготовці майбутніх фахівців під час вивчення теоретичних дисциплін, визначено основні умови та методи ефективної організації індивіду-альної роботи студентів.


«етуушшум-шушаи» mm а pedagogical sciences


УДК: 378.147.091.31-059.1

Yasynska E. Ts.

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Social Medicine and Health Organization Bukovinian State Medical University DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2022-20143-15-17 CURRENT ISSUES OF ORGANIZING STUDENTS' INDEPENDENT WORK IN HIGHER


Ясинська Е.Ц.

Кандидат медичних наук, доцент, Кафедра Cоцiальноï медицини та оргатзацШ охорони здоров 'я Буковинський державний медичний ymiверситет




In the article deals with the problems of organizing independent work of students of higher educational institutions, the analysis of their forms and methods is carried out. In the submitted work, attention is focused on the specifics of the organization of independent work of students using information technology in education. Particular attention is paid to the methods offorming the organization of independent work in the preparation of future specialists in the study of theoretical disciplines, the main conditions and methods for the effective organization of individual work of students are determined.


У статтi розглядаються проблеми оргатзаци самостiйноïроботи студентiв вищих навчальних за-кладiв, проведено анализ ïx форм та методiв. У працi акцентовано увагу на специфк оргашзацИ' само-сттно'1' роботи студентiв з використанням тформацшних технологш навчання. Особливу увагу при-дшено методам формування оргатзацШ самостшно '1'роботи у пiдготовцi майбуттх фаxiвцiв пiд час вив-чення теоретичних дисциплiн, визначено основнi умови та методи ефективно'1' оргатзацШ iндивiдуальноï роботи студентiв.

Keywords: independent work of students, forms and methods of independent work of students, information technologies of education.

Ключовг слова: самосттна робота студентiв, форми та методи самосттно'1' роботи студентiв, iнформацiйнi технологИ' навчання.

Introduction. The process of introducing the system of modern education in higher educational institutions is partially focused on the independent study of educational materials by students. An integral component and an important prerequisite for the quality of professional training of students in a higher educational institution is the independent work of students as corresponding to modern trends in education, focused on supporting the aspirations of the individual to explore, discover, modify the world [7]. The system of education in higher educational institutions is gradually moving towards the management of the educational and cognitive activities of students, the formation of their independent creative thinking. At the present stage, independent work should become the basis for students to assimilate the educational material and the totality of knowledge, skills,

A fundamentally new approach to the organization of independent work of students is the use of various types and means of information and communication technologies [2]. The main task of a teacher of a higher educational institution is aimed at improving the independent work of students using information and telecommunication computer technologies, the

formation of students' skills of self-education and self-organization.

Self-education of modern students is able to ensure self-improvement of the professional qualifications of a future specialist. In the process of independent work, the use of interactive methods of teaching a student under the guidance of a teacher increases. For the effectiveness of independent work of students in various systems of education, conditions are necessary, the observance of which ensures its effectiveness, including: the availability of an appropriate educational and methodological base; clear organization, diagnostics and introspection of the collective, group and individual educational and professional activities of students [6].

Changing the conceptual model of teaching students in higher educational institutions significantly expands the relationship between the teacher and the student, regulates and directs all organizational and methodological means of ensuring students' independent work. With such approaches to learning, the control and assistance of the teacher are aimed at the independent organization, planning and control of the student's learning activities. It is the opportunity to regularly and fully receive advisory assistance from teachers in the assimilation of educational material that



significantly activates the cognitive activity of students and contributes to increasing the effectiveness of students' self-learning [5].

Basic text. It is necessary to organize the independent work of students in such a way that it not only makes it possible to accumulate knowledge, skills and abilities, but also develops the creative abilities of students of higher educational institutions. Students should be able to form their position, creatively rethink, analyze and assimilate the knowledge gained in practice. Modern requirements for a specialist with a higher education consist in the correct organization of independent work, the use of its forms and methods using telecommunication technologies.

The purpose of our study is to determine the main problems of organizing students' independent work, the choice of optimal methods and forms of students' independent work, which direct students to continuous self-education with the formation of cognitive abilities.

Independent work of students takes place under the guidance of a teacher and without his participation, which can be carried out during classroom and extracurricular classes. In addition, in the curricula of specialties, there is a tendency to increase the number of hours for independent work of a student (approximately 50-60% of study time). During independent work, the student must study the literature on the topic of the lesson, take notes on lectures, and write essays. The cognitive activity of students is characterized by a high level of activity and independence, involves a phased assimilation and consolidation of the material worked out, its application in future practical activities. Inability to work with special literature and other sources of information, generalize, systematize the knowledge gained,

The means of organizing independent work include:

1) provision with the necessary educational materials (textbooks, manuals, guidelines for independent work);

2) the use of educational audio, video and computer training programs in educational activities;

3) application of a system of communicative tasks and communicative skills.

Independent work of students is carried out in the following forms:

• individual (abstract reports, term papers, theses, own projects, independent research work, participation in olympiads);

• group (problem learning, collective learning in cooperation, game learning, group consultations and extracurricular activities);

• mass (project-based learning, programmed learning).

The most effective methods of independent work of students include methods that help to increase the intensification of the educational process:

• project-based learning methods;

• problem-search methods;

• method of applying the latest information and communication technologies

• methods of collective mental activity.

Predictable results of independent work can be obtained using the project-based learning method. This method requires preliminary preparation and is aimed at solving didactic tasks that students implement in their educational activities for various types of projects.

Basic requirements for using the project method:

• individual and collective activities of students;

• posing a problem that requires integrated knowledge of students in planning the actions necessary to solve them;

• use of research methods;

• drawing up a project work plan;

• project work;

• recording and analysis of intermediate results;

• fixation, analysis and practical significance of the final results.

Problem-search methods are aimed at enhancing the cognitive activity of students. The use of these methods increases motivation, logical thinking, increased creativity and encourages students to conduct independent research.

For students to solve problems of increased complexity, it is advisable to apply the methods of collective mental activity. The use of these methods contributes to the development of creative thinking, increasing the level of intellectual development, the formation of teamwork skills, identifying the creative abilities of students and increasing their independence. Methods of collective mental activity differ from other methods in novelty, an integrated approach to solving a problem, much greater mobility in choosing directions for solving a problem, and active creativity of all participants.

Methods and forms of computer technology increase the efficiency of students' assimilation of educational material, contribute to the development of creative and mental abilities of students, increase their activity and interest in mastering knowledge. The use of information technologies in the organization of independent work of students has the following methodological approaches: structural-functional, differential and systemic.

A differential approach to learning can significantly expand the availability and quality of education, the assimilation of the latest technologies, which contributes to strengthening the role of students' independent work in the educational process. A systematic approach to the organization of independent work of students provides consistency and structural-functional connection of educational material. Of particular importance are information technologies, which provide students with access to non-traditional sources of information, allow the implementation of new forms and methods of teaching, expand the opportunities for acquiring and consolidating practical skills.

It should be noted that the use of information technology helps participants in the educational process to better adapt to the modern world space, which requires a wider introduction of computer technology methods in education. The methods of using computer technologies in teaching contribute to the deepening of the acquired knowledge, their differentiation and

«етушшшм-шишау» mm / pedagogical sciences


individualization. In addition, these methods contribute to the expansion of the use of students' creative possibilities.

Conclusion. Independent work as an individual or collective activity of students allows students to fully show initiative, purposefulness, and form independent thinking.

Modernized forms of independent work stimulate students' desire for a more thorough mastery of academic disciplines and encourage students to develop creative ideas.


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