Научная статья на тему 'Ndependent work of medical students in context of using information and communication technologies'

Ndependent work of medical students in context of using information and communication technologies Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
Independent work / higher medical education / information and communication technologies / propedeutics of internal medicine. / самостійна робота / вища медична освіта / інформаційно-комунікаційні технології / пропедевтика внутрішньої медицини.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Glubochenko O. V., Dudko O. G., Glubochenko V. G.

The article deals with a discussion about the place of students’ independent work in educational process and role of information and communication technologies in it. The article reveals methodological principles, forms, roles and impotence of students self-work in the study of propedeutics of internal medicine. It is accentuated that teachers play the key role in assisting students to become independent learners by ensuring that students were actively involved in learning process and learning environment takes into account learners’ needs.

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У статті розглядається місце самостійної роботи студентів у навчальному процесі та роль інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій у ньому. Обговорюються методичні засади, форми, роль та важливість самостійної роботи студентів при вивченні пропедевтики внутрішньої медицини. Підкреслюється, що викладачі відіграють ключову роль в становленні самостійності у студентів у навчанні, забезпечуючи, як активну їхню участь у навчальному процесі, так і потреби в інформаційно-навчальному середовищі.

Текст научной работы на тему «Ndependent work of medical students in context of using information and communication technologies»



УДК: 378.147.091.31-059.1: 004.77

Glubochenko O. V.

MD, PhD, Associate professor Dudko O.G.

MD, PhD, Associate professor Glubochenko V.G.

MD, PhD, Associate professor Bukovinian State Medical University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine DOI: 10.24411/2520-6990-2020-11652 INDEPENDENT WORK OF MEDICAL STUDENTS IN CONTEXT OF USING INFORMATION AND


Глубоченко О.В., Глубоченко В.Г., Дудко О.Г.

Буковинський державний медичний унгверситет, м. Чермвщ Укра'та




The article deals with a discussion about the place of students ' independent work in educational process and role of information and communication technologies in it. The article reveals methodological principles, forms, roles and impotence of students self-work in the study ofpropedeutics of internal medicine. It is accentuated that teachers play the key role in assisting students to become independent learners by ensuring that students were actively involved in learning process and learning environment takes into account learners ' needs.


У cmammi розглядаеться мгсце самостшног роботи студентгв у навчальному процесi та роль тфор-мацшно-комунжацтних технологт у ньому. Обговорюються методичн засади, форми, роль та важли-вкть самосттно'1 роботи студентiв при вивченн пропедевтики внутрiшньоïмедицини. Шдкреслюеться, що викладачi вiдiграють ключову роль в становленнi самостiйностi у студентiв у навчант, забезпечуючи, як активну 1'хню участь у навчальному процеd, так i потреби в тформацшно-навчальному середовищi.

Key words: Independent work, higher medical education, information and communication technologies, propedeutics of internal medicine.

Ключов1 слова: самостшна робота, вища медична освта, iнформацiйно-комунiкацiйнi технологи, пропедевтика внутрiшньоï медицини.

The technical evolution of recent years has spread globally across all industries of society and implementation of computer technologies in all fields of activity contributed to the emergence of new approaches to teaching and modernization of higher education.

In the modern terms it becomes obvious, that society needs highly qualified specialists with an active professional and vital position, capable not only to adapt in the global world but also occupy leading position in it. Therefore the special tasks, related to forming future specialists having both professional and cultural competences and the desire to self-development and self-perfection stands before higher education [1].

Independent work is an integral part of the modern pedagogical process and is based on pedagogical and psychological regularities, which determines content, methods of training organization, individual and typological differences of students. This type of work includes the various types of individual and collective activities of students, undergoing by leadership, but without the direct involvement of a teacher in specifically designated for this purpose classroom or non-teaching time. Information and communication technologies (ICT) play an important and effective role in students'

independent work. So, teachers have to guide their students to meaningful, ethical and healthy digital literacy.

A number of investigations suggested that ICT had played a useful role in independent learning because [2, 3]:

• provide educational activities in large geographical areas;

• encourage the individual study;

• provide instruction according to student needs;

• increasing learning accuracy;

• offered opportunities for the easy assessment and measurement of self-directed learning;

• increasing speed of access to information, so accelerate learning and teaching;

• provided a medium for interaction between learners and between learners and their teachers.

ICT provides the learner with various options in terms of choosing content, time of study and learning, choosing complementary source and interaction with classmates. Hence, the learner needs to have the power to decide independently and to have continuous choices. In the ICT setting, students can strengthen

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their own aesthetics senses via participating in producing and representing multimedia, evaluating them and manipulating and simulation [3].

ICT plays an effective role via creating motives, deepening and expanding learning and sustaining learning, as well as removing pervasive boredom and creating subjective skills for accounting [4].

ICT give explanation and information not only in form of text, audio and video, but also provide an active learning through simulation and using problem based learning. Besides, all ICT tools are unlimited and board less from space and time. Using of cloud-based technology also gives a real time collaborative method in teaching and learning.

The effectiveness of the students' independent work is based on three main factors: organization, provision, and control. At the same time, the effectiveness of independent work depends on the motivation of students; their understanding and ability to learn independently, to supplement their knowledge [1]

The organization of the independent work of students should represent the unity of three interrelated forms:

1. out-of-class (during extracurricular time) independent work;

2. in-class independent work, which is carried out under the direct supervision of the teacher;

3. creative, including research work.

The out-of-class independent work of students is a form of training that:

1) solves specific problems in a specific educational situation;

2) produces a psychological setting for students to independently replenish their knowledge and skills in process of solving the tasks set;

3) promotes the formation of the necessary amount of knowledge, skills and abilities in students, which become an impetus for the promotion of higher levels of mental activity;

4) acts as an important condition for self-organization, self-discipline of students.

The teachers have the key role in assisting students to become independent learners by ensuring that students were actively involved in learning process. The research found a number of strategies that supported students' independent learning including [5]:

• scaffolding: this refers to the supportive structure provided by skilled others, in this case teachers aids students in their learning. The objective is the gradual step by step transfer of responsibility from the teacher to the student. The teacher responding flexibly to students' responses rather than following a predetermined teaching path;

• providing students with opportunities of self-monitoring: the review suggested self-monitoring depends on the two processes of establishing goals and receiving feedback from others and from oneself. Teachers encouraged students to self-monitor by helping them to use internal and external feedback to see whether the strategies they were using were effective for achieving learning goals;

• offering models of behaviour: independent learning was promoted by encouraging students to

model the behaviour of their teachers, including, for example, teachers showing students how categorizing information made it easier to remember;

• developing communication that included language focused on learning: this helped students become more aware of the steps involved in learning, understand their own learning styles and helping students and teachers share their thinking;

• providing feedback on homework: this was found to improve students' confidence in working independently and to help them to develop the reflective aspect of independent learning.

Propedeutics of Internal Medicine is the first therapeutic and clinical course for medical students. It is one of the basic disciplines which necessary for the formation of clinical thinking for the future professional activity. Great attention in Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine is paid to student's out-of-class independent work. It is aimed to master the full amount of academic program and includes the following forms:

• learning the theoretical material and preparing for the lessons;

• mastering the questions provided for independent study;

• in-depth study of literature, search for additional information on set topics, report and short scientific work preparation;

• systematization of the educational material before the final modular control.

The teacher's role is to assist student and oversee the progress, along with developing these important independent learning traits. During organizing students' independent work, it is especially important to correctly determine the volume and structure of the educational material content, as well as the methodological support for independent work is necessary.

In Bukovinian State Medical University for effective students' independent work implemented using of system MOODL (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment), which was realized as server of distance learning [6].

For a discipline on server electronic distance learning course was created. This course includes:

- organizational and methodological units;

- training and reference blocks;

- the means of self-control and testing students.

Organizational and methodical blocks of e-learn-

ing courses provide conditions for methodological organization of students' independent work of both in the discipline as a whole, and in preparation for specific training sessions. In context of the discipline the information is available about the structure, objectives and contents of course "Propedeutics of Internal Medicine", the principles of evaluation of knowledge, calendar and thematic plans of lessons and lectures, list of practical skills, schedules of consultations, questions of intermediate and final module control.

During preparation for each lesson students have the opportunity to study information about relevance of the theme, goal of learning, methodical recommendations for conducting the practical classes, questions for self-control, list of recommended literature, glossary.



Teaching unit consists of structured e-learning materials. These materials give students theoretical information on the lesson's topic (summary, presentations of lectures, "notes", etc.). The multimedia capabilities of the "MOODLE" system allow to visualize educational material in the form of training tables, presentation, algorithms, video and audio materials, links to useful websites, program, and so on.

Self-control is an important step of self-learning. For this, in e-learning courses at the end of each thematic section of subject "Propedeutics of Internal Medicine" was created item "Tests for self-control." It enables students to pass online testing with limited time (controlling mode) or without (training mode). In the training mode, the student can check his answer to questions, and get a hint. Training mode allows students to self-identify problems of the structure of their knowledge and take steps to eliminate them.

The teacher can check the test results of students, also see the number of attempts, control time that was spent for tests and determine the most "easy" and "problem" students tests. It allows the teacher to adapt plan of lessons, correctly arranged accents and individualize the learning process on the eve of seminars or practical lessons.

Separate questions of the modules are presented only for independent study. This teaching material for independent work is submitted for current control with the material learned during the classroom training. Therefore, the final module tests blocks must obligatory contain additional test tasks, which are devoted to topics for self-study.

It should be admitted that it is impossible to imagine modern education without online format. Web based learning offers huge opportunities for learning and access to a big amount of professional knowledge, information and possibilities. Using ICT, as an integrated component of methodological support of the discipline, activates independent work of students, promotes and enriches the learning process, provides opportunities for creation of new forms of independent

cognitive activities, and has great didactic stimulus and potential.


1. Boitsaniuk SI, Zaliznyak MS, Manashchuk NV, Chornyy NV. Organization of independent work of the medical student. Problems of uninterrupted medical training and science. 2019; 34(2):14-17 Available from: https://doi.org/ 10.31071/prome-dosvity2019.02.014

2. Abilkhamitkyzy R, Aimukhambet ZhA, Sareke-nova KK. Organization of independent work of students on credit technology. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2014; 143:274-278. Available from: https ://www.researchgate. net/ publica-tion/275544123_Organization_of_Independ-ent_Work_of_Students_on_Credit_Technology

3. Jamalahdin Mostafa, Sayed Ahmad Hashemi, Pari Sosahabi, Maryam Berahman The role of ICT in learning - teaching process. World Scientific News. 2017; 72:680-691. Available from: http://www.worldscientificnews.com/wp-content/up-loads/2017/01/WSN-72-2017-680-691 .pdf

4. Shariatmadari MA Pathological study of barriers to using ICT in universities. Journal of Information and Communication Technologies in Education. 2012;2(48):113-128.

5. Meyer B, Haywood N, Sachdev D, Faraday S. What is independent learning and what are the benefits for students? Publisher: London, 2008. Available from: http:// www.curee.co.uk/files/publication/%5Bsite-timestamp%5D/ Whatis independentlearningandwha-tarethebenefits.pdf

6. Bojchuk TM, Gerush IV, Hodorovskij VM. Server distancijnogo navchannya BDMU - efektivnij instrument organizacii ta kontrolyu samostijnoi' roboti studentiv. Materiali X yuvilejnoi' Vseukrai'nskoi navchalno-naukovoi' konferencii z mizhnarodnoyu uchastyu Kreditno-modulna sistema organizacii navchalnogo procesu u vishhih medichnih (farma-cevtichnomu) navchalnih zakladah Ukraini na novomu etapi. Medichna osvita, 2013;2:73-76.

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