Научная статья на тему 'SPORTS IN GREAT BRITAIN'

SPORTS IN GREAT BRITAIN Текст научной статьи по специальности «История и археология»

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Аннотация научной статьи по истории и археологии, автор научной работы — Ivanov V.D.

The author examines the features of the history and development of physical culture and sports in the UK. The legal aspects of sports competitions are considered. The culture of England has a number of features that distinguish it from other countries and states. Relevance. Sport plays an important role in the life of every Briton. They take a very responsible approach to the popularization and integration of sports in people’s lives. To do this, various programs are created, each of which has its own peculiarity. In the development of the sports sphere, the British are in no hurry to stop, the legal aspect of sports life is constantly regulated, and informal sports are also invented. Awareness of the sports life of the UK allows you to get to know their culture better. Goal, tasks. The purpose of the work is to review scientific publications on this topic. Get acquainted with the history of sports in the UK. To study the system of popularization of sports events. Get acquainted with the legal aspects of sports life. Get acquainted with informal sports. Materials and methods of research. The research materials were scientific sources published in the scientific electronic library elibrary (website https://elibrary.ru). Research methods: study of scientific literary sources, review of scientific publications. Results and their discussion. Sport in the UK has come a long way from the beginning of its formation to the present day. Over time, it has undergone a large number of changes, most of which are directed for the better. As a result, this has led to the fact that sport is very responsibly regulated by law and is an integral part of people’s lives, who, in turn, having the desire to play sports, come up with new informal types of it. Conclusion. Sport in the UK, as in many other countries, has generally accepted norms. However, it also has its own peculiarities, starting from the history of the formation of sports, ending with legal aspects. The physical culture of the state is quite well developed, but this does not prevent it from growing and developing, new informal sports will constantly be invented, legal regulation will be clarified and the range of programs aimed at popularizing the sports lifestyle will expand, but most importantly, it will always be exclusively beneficial for the physical and cultural development of a person.

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Текст научной работы на тему «SPORTS IN GREAT BRITAIN»

yflK 796 55K 75

DOI 10.47475/2500-0365-2023-8-3-21-26


V. D. Ivanov

Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia

The author examines the features of the history and development of physical culture and sports in the UK. The legal aspects of sports competitions are considered. The culture of England has a number of features that distinguish it from other countries and states.

Relevance. Sport plays an important role in the life of every Briton. They take a very responsible approach to the popularization and integration of sports in people's lives. To do this, various programs are created, each of which has its own peculiarity. In the development of the sports sphere, the British are in no hurry to stop, the legal aspect of sports life is constantly regulated, and informal sports are also invented. Awareness of the sports life of the UK allows you to get to know their culture better.

Goal, tasks. The purpose of the work is to review scientific publications on this topic. Get acquainted with the history of sports in the UK. To study the system of popularization of sports events. Get acquainted with the legal aspects of sports life. Get acquainted with informal sports.

Materials and methods of research. The research materials were scientific sources published in the scientific electronic library elibrary (website https://elibrary.ru). Research methods: study of scientific literary sources, review of scientific publications.

Results and their discussion. Sport in the UK has come a long way from the beginning of its formation to the present day. Over time, it has undergone a large number of changes, most of which are directed for the better. As a result, this has led to the fact that sport is very responsibly regulated by law and is an integral part of people's lives, who, in turn, having the desire to play sports, come up with new informal types of it.

Conclusion. Sport in the UK, as in many other countries, has generally accepted norms. However, it also has its own peculiarities, starting from the history of the formation of sports, ending with legal aspects. The physical culture of the state is quite well developed, but this does not prevent it from growing and developing, new informal sports will constantly be invented, legal regulation will be clarified and the range of programs aimed at popularizing the sports lifestyle will expand, but most importantly, it will always be exclusively beneficial for the physical and cultural development of a person.

Keywords: sport in the UK, history of sports, legal aspects, popularization of sports, informal sports.

Relevance. Great Britain is a country in the northwest of Europe, which is famous for its traditions, quality of education and famous scientists. But apart from that, the UK is also famous for its contribution to the sporting life of a person. Sport plays an important role in the life of every Briton. It was here that such sports as tennis, curling, football, badminton, billiards, squash, boxing, snooker and many others appeared.

The sporting life of England begins from the XVII-XIX centuries. Then the British were engaged in horse racing, football and cricket. Later, football became the most popular sport, and then it was more like rugby. The royal family is also very sporty to this day, every member of the family has always been fond of at least one kind of sport. For example, the wife of Elizabeth II's youngest son, Countess Sophie of Wessex, loved to run, she even participated in the charity London Marathon [6]. But still, the most popular royal sport was horse riding. Even Queen Anna, who ruled in 1702-1714, did a lot for the development

of a thoroughbred horse breed. Since then and to this day, equestrian competitions have been held annually in England, which has become the calling card of the state [16].

Currently, physical education is one of the three required subjects for a student in the UK. Almost all schools provide opportunities to engage in a wide variety of sports, from swimming to cricket. The British also support non-traditional sports in schools, such as skateboarding. And in some schools there are even stables [3].

An example of the competent integration of sports into the lives of students is the University of Worcester. Such an approach, as at this university, includes certain programs consisting of physical education, sports science for coaches and an extensive community. The university gives students the opportunity to study with professional coaches and specialists. Such cooperation allows both sides to gain the necessary skills. This approach helps students decide what to do after graduation, gaining experience already during their studies [12].

England, generally, takes a very responsible approach to popularizing physical activity and mass sports among its population. Funds are constantly allocated from the state budget to create special programs that have their own target audience and orientation. Over 250 million pounds were allocated for the period from 2016 to 2020 [10]. And the Ministry of Health, in turn, actively promotes a healthy lifestyle, constantly distributing various information on a variety of media for all segments of the population. All this ensures the consistency and effectiveness of the implementation of the UK state policy on the popularization of physical culture [20].

England as a whole takes a very responsible approach to popularizing physical activity and mass sports among its population. Funds are constantly allocated from the state budget to create special programs that have their own target audience and orientation. Over 250 million pounds were allocated for the period from 2016 to 2020 [10]. And the Ministry of Health, in turn, actively promotes a healthy lifestyle, constantly distributing various information on a variety of media for all segments of the population. All this ensures the consistency and effectiveness of the implementation of the UK state policy on the popularization of physical culture [20].

As in every system, the system of promoting sports in the UK has its strengths and weaknesses. Previously, some advantages have already been highlighted, such as high-quality training of athletes, the ability to choose from various sports. They also include the fact that the sports education system provides an opportunity for a competent combination of academic disciplines and physical activity, so that it does not go to the detriment of any of the parties [19]. And of course, the obvious advantage is the physical form of students, which, thanks to such a system, is always normal. However, even here there are disadvantages. These include the fact that the variability of physical disciplines in public schools is a level lower than in private ones. And in private schools, in turn, you will have to pay a considerable sum of money to be able to study [13].

Despite the large number of sports programs, there is no general law on sports in the UK. The regulation of sports is handled by National Regulatory Authorities (NGBs). The state intervenes only when the discussion becomes important at the national level [2]. The responsibility of local authorities is primarily related to the active recreation of residents, which includes both sports events and leisure activities [4]. They not only directly organize these events, but also provide

support to private, voluntary, commercial organizations, if their activities are aimed at the benefit of the population. This support can be both financial and including the creation of a sports facility on a paid or free basis [5].

Of course, the national federations of Great Britain are interested in their athletes receiving as many awards as possible and improving as professionals. In addition to the fact that a considerable sum is constantly allocated for the development of sports and many sports programs are being created, they also approach the rights of their athletes with full responsibility [8]. In 2017, the Department of Culture submitted to the government a report on the duty of care in sports, which proposed changes to the legislation on the protection of athletes so that the latter could fully engage in their favorite business and reasonably be responsible for it [7].

In order for sport to remain an integral part of a person's cultural development, it is necessary to control the legal aspects of sport that relate directly to the athletes themselves. They strictly monitor and do not allow the athlete to prevent the possibility of using his physical superiority to the detriment of people [9]. However, there are sports that involve physical violence, and in order to avoid injustice or lack of due justice, clear rules and conceptual apparatus are prescribed in the statutes of various sports [14]. In the history of Great Britain, there have been cases when athletes were tried for harming an opponent in a sports competition, however, if it turned out to be a sport that involves physical violence, for example, rugby or boxing, then no serious and long-term problems were created for athletes, the court often made decisions in favor of the accused, just-again, because of the specifics of the sport [15]. Moreover, in the legislation of England, they explained such an issue as gender verification in sports. This allows transsexuals to fully participate in sports competitions, being in the correct gender group, and if anything, not to have problems with the legislation after that [11].

Great Britain does not stop at regulated official competitions in all known sports. They invented a variety of sports that are informal, and in which you can achieve great success quite quickly. This can include throwing mobile phones in length, various sports games with chicken eggs or competitions in which you need to break the fruit of an opponent's horse chestnut [1]. Interestingly, thanks to sports, sports journalism has firmly established itself as a genre of sports commentary. Sports in England are commented

on by such talented people that it was simply impossible to leave this phenomenon unnoticed [18]. And another influence of the culture of sports on the lives of people who are far from it is a sports metaphor. It is so firmly entrenched in the English business discourse that people who have nothing to do with sports use words or phrases from the world of sports games every day in their lives [17].

Conclusions. Sport in the UK, as in many other countries, has generally accepted norms. However, it also has its own peculiarities, starting from the history of the formation of sports, ending with legal aspects. The physical culture of the state is quite well developed, but this does not prevent it from growing and developing, new informal sports will constantly be invented, legal regulation will be clarified and the range of programs aimed at popularizing the sports lifestyle will expand, but most importantly, it will always be exclusively beneficial for the physical and cultural development of a person.


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Финансирование. Исследование не имело спонсорской поддержки.

Конфликт интересов. Автор заявляет об отсутствии конфликта интересов.

Для цитирования: Ivanov, V. D. Sports in Great Britain / V. D. Ivanov // Физическая культура. Спорт. Туризм. Двигательная рекреация. — 2023. — Т. 8, № 3. — С. 21-26.

Information about the author

Ivanov Valentin Dmitrievich — Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Education and Sports, Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia. ORCID: 00000002-2952-3222. AuthorlD: 229821. E-mail: vdy-55@mail.ru.

Спорт в Великобритании В. Д. Иванов

Челябинский государственный университет, Челябинск, Россия

Автор рассматривает особенности истории и развития физической культуры и спорта в Великобритании. Исследуются правовые аспекты спортивных соревнований. Культура Великобритании имеет ряд особенностей, отличающих её от остальных стран и государств. Спорт играет важную роль в жизни каждого британца. Они очень ответственно подходят к популяризации и интеграции спорта в жизни людей. Для этого создаются различные программы, каждая из которых имеет свою особенность. В развитии спортивной сферы британцы не спешат останавливаться, постоянно регулируется правовой аспект спортивной жизни, а также появляются неформальные виды спорта. Информированность о спортивной жизни Великобритании позволяет лучше узнать их культуру.

Ключевые слова: спорт в Великобритании, история спорта, правовые аспекты, популяризация спорта, неформальные виды спорта.

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Сведения об авторе

Иванов Валентин Дмитриевич — кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры физического воспитания и спорта, Челябинский государственный университет, Челябинск, Россия. ORCID: 0000-00022952-3222. AuthorID: 229821. E-mail: vdy-55@mail.ru

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