SPORT IN THE USA AS A SOCIAL PHENOMENON Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Ivanov V.D.

The author considers the development of sports in the United States and its impact on the lives of citizens. The history of the development of sports in the United States is presented. A comparative characteristic of the attitude to health promotion in the USA and Russia is given. The paper deals with topical issues of the formation of useful practices for doing sports business in the United States.

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Текст научной работы на тему «SPORT IN THE USA AS A SOCIAL PHENOMENON»

yflK 796 55K 75

DOI 10.47475/2500-0365-2023-8-3-27-32


V. D. Ivanov

Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia

The author considers the development of sports in the United States and its impact on the lives of citizens. The history of the development of sports in the United States is presented. A comparative characteristic of the attitude to health promotion in the USA and Russia is given. The paper deals with topical issues of the formation of useful practices for doing sports business in the United States.

Keywords: sports in the USA, sports in Russia, sports as a social phenomenon, sports, students.

Relevance. The modern world is developing very rapidly and rapidly. Many people, living in an era of new technologies and changes, experience stress. However, not everyone knows how to competently maintain their physical and psychological condition. Many people abuse bad habits in order to feel better and calmer, forgetting about positive ways to maintain their health. Sport is one of the ways that provides the necessary activity of a person in the conditions of the modern world. Physical education and sports give a charge of vivacity and optimism, strengthen the immune system and thereby protect a person from various diseases. By training the body with physical exercises, we strengthen the heart, normalize blood circulation and pressure. There are complexes that improve metabolism, relieve tension and pain in the muscles, and calm the nerves. Good mood and positive attitude to life. Sports are energizing [2; 3; 4].

Now the sports industry in many countries is very popular. However, the United States had a great influence on the development of sports and physical culture.

E. A. Knyazev, comparing the development of sports in Russia and the United States, speaks of the merits of the formation of a sports culture in the United States: "Sports in the United States, as in Russia, are highly valued. People believe that physical education lessons are not just classes, but a whole system. Each school has its own field and mini playgrounds: for football, volleyball, basketball, baseball, etc. Many schools have their own swimming pools. Also in the US there is a local television, which talks about a healthy lifestyle, it is very popular in the country. And in the USA there are competitions between schools, they are also shown on television" [12].

However, the attitude towards sports in the USA has not always been like this. A. S. Adelfinsky writes that sports in the United States have not always been as developed as they are now: "The development of sports was not a serious issue that was actively discussed

until the 50s of the twentieth century. But the physical condition of American citizens at that time was in decline, as shown by studies conducted among the youth of Europe and the United States" [1; 11]. Sports culture has undergone a lot of changes, but has led to successful results, thanks to which many countries now look up to the US experience. It has undergone many changes and led to successful results, thanks to which many countries now look up to their experience.

D. D. Osina notes that the United States occupies a leading position in the world: "The United States is a world power that promotes its sporting achievements on a global scale: US athletes have won the largest number of medals in the history of the Olympic Games. It should also be noted that it is the United States that holds the record for the number of Olympic Games held: they have hosted them more often than other countries, in total 8 times — 4 times the summer and 4 times the winter Olympic Games" [14; 18].

V. V. Zakharova writes that the attitude towards sports is undoubtedly reflected not only in the number of places taken in competitions and world status, but also in the ordinary life of citizens: "The amount of study time allocated for physical education in different states approximately looks like this: 9361320 hours per year — 12,2 %; 360 780 hours per year — 26,8 %; 120270 hours per year 43.9 %; not defined — 17,1 %" [7; 9].

Thus, at the moment, the topic of sports in the United States as a social phenomenon is relevant. Let's review publications in the scientific electronic library elibrary (website https://elibrary.ru) on this topic.

History of the development of sports in the USA. In order to objectively consider sport as a social phenomenon in the United States, it is necessary to delve into its history and analyze it.

In the 50s of the 20th century, the development of sports in the United States was not particularly widespread, since it was not a particular problem. However,

the physical condition of many Americans at that time was in decline, as shown by studies conducted among the youth of Europe and the United States [10; 18; 19]. Thanks to the results obtained, the active development of sports and its promotion to the masses began.

The first government body in the United States for physical health and sports was established on July 16, 1956, which exists to this day, and is called the President's Council on Fitness. This body was created to accelerate effective action to improve the physical health of Americans and engage citizens in daily sports.

However, under President Eisenhower, the development of this body did not last long. The initial concept, encouraging people to voluntarily engage in sports and physical activity, has grown into an idea, evolved into the idea of "total fitness". This concept included all-round fitness, that is, both physical and intellectual, spiritual, emotional, and was contrary to the original ideas [5; 6].

The US sports industry flourished in the 1960s. At the head of the country is John F. Kennedy, who, a month after the inauguration, reorganizes the fitness council, and then becomes its head. Now the council will discuss topics not only about the importance of sports, but also conduct research, conferences, projects, etc.

The main idea promoted by Kennedy was that every citizen of America needed sports: the country needed not a champion, but a middle class of athletes, one should not watch competitions, but play sports [1].

In order to popularize the sport and attract the attention of the masses, the US government tried to create various opportunities for the people. Thus, laws were passed prohibiting the oppression of citizens with physical or mental disabilities [16]. The 1964 amendment to the "Civil Rights Act" stated that women were completely equal to men, which gave the right to practice those sports that were previously considered male [17; 20].

Development of modern mass sports in the USA. The expanded program of John F. Kennedy gave impetus to the development of modern mass sports in the United States. The subculture of sports has changed in a number of physical practices, where the average athlete is not an elite, but already an ordinary athlete.

A huge number of sports areas have developed, such as aerobics, jogging, triathlon, etc.

It was possible to popularize sports due to a large number of sports and fitness books. In the book of Dr. Kenneth Cooper "Aerobics", the expediency of physical activity for people of various ages was explained.

An important condition for the introduction of sports into the masses was the division of people into competitions by age categories.

In the same period, various types of sports directions arose. Triathlon originated in San Diego, and mountain biking also appeared in California in 1974 [1].

We cannot say that the entire sports culture originated in the USA and was borrowed by other countries. However, it can be assumed that John F. Kennedy's sports policy within the state gave confidence in the further development of sports not only for professional athletes, but also the spread of physical culture to the masses. Kennedy was the driving force behind the introduction of grassroots sports and the running boom of the 1970s.

Strengths and weaknesses of the USA sports industry. Sports in the USA are an important part of the national culture. And it certainly has positive aspects.

For the globalization of sports in the country, first of all, the state focuses on youth. Participation in the sports life of universities provides great benefits in the future: from high scholarships, employment, etc. Young people can develop qualities that will be useful in the future. Student athletes are versatile and able to improvise, they can be the best communicators and team players [13]. This is undoubtedly a great advantage, both for the students themselves and for employers. Which in the future favorably affects labor activity, economic development, as well as the possible desire for an international dispute. This, of course, can be attributed to the positive impact of the idea of mass sports.

Television and the media are actively presenting the propaganda of sports to the masses, demonstrating the achievements of outstanding athletes and the modern life of people. This is both a plus and a minus.

On the one hand, we see a "picture" that everyone wants to strive for, but on the other hand, it can develop into a certain political and economic instrument that interprets certain views and beliefs [14]. The modern sports industry has really turned into a full-scale commercialized show, which is already difficult to imagine without all sorts of "warming up" interest from the target audience, i. e. fans and viewers. Such permanent processes of attracting and involving the audience are most clearly reflected today in the organization and holding of the most massive global sporting event — the Olympic Games [8].

It is also worth noting the way sports are financially supported in the United States. The state does not financially support the sports industry, does not

provide direct support from the budget [15]. Hdoes not contribute to the construction of new sports facilities, does not appoint professional specialists. [19]. But the sport continues to develop thanks to the sincere interest of people. This helps sports activities grow, allowing the United States to remain on the world sports stage among other countries [14].

Conclusion. Thus, sport in the US is indeed a social phenomenon. Despite the personal interests of the state, the media, the lack of large funding, sports and physical culture remain relevant. A certain strategy of the government contributed to the engine for the emergence of interest in sports among people, thanks to which the sphere began to develop rapidly. This is a social phenomenon.


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Поступила в редакцию 12 марта 2023 г.

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Финансирование. Исследование не имело спонсорской поддержки.

Конфликт интересов. Автор заявляет об отсутствии конфликта интересов.

Для цитирования: Ivanov, V. D. Sport in the USA as a social phenomenon / V. D. Ivanov // Физическая культура. Спорт. Туризм. Двигательная рекреация. — 2023. — Т. 8, № 3. — С. 27-32.

Information about the author

Ivanov Valentin Dmitrievich — Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Education and Sports, Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia. ORCID: 00000002-2952-3222. AuthorID: 229821. E-mail: vdy-55@mail.ru

Спорт в США как социальный феномен В. Д. Иванов

Челябинский государственный университет, Челябинск, Россия

Автор рассматривает развитие спорта в США и его влияние на жизнь граждан. Представлена история развития спорта в США. Дана сравнительная характеристика отношения к укреплению здоровья в США, России. В работе рассмотрены актуальные вопросы формирования полезных практик ведения спортивного бизнеса в США. Актуальность. Спорт является неотъемлемой частью жизни любого человека, так как он способствует укреплению здоровья и увеличению продолжительности жизни. Большое влияние на развитие спорта во многих странах оказали США. На основе их опыта многие страны мира формируют свои системы физической культуры. Спорт в США популяризирован, а это способствует не только укреплению физического здоровья граждан, но и оказывает положительное влияние на состояние людей, их настроение, рабочую продуктивность и удовлетворённость жизнью в целом.

Цель, задачи. Цель работы — провести обзор научных публикаций по данной теме. Рассмотреть историю развития спорта в США. Обозначить сильные и слабые стороны спорта как социального феномена в США, опира-

ясь на его историю. Ознакомиться с имеющимися проектами по данному вопросу. Провести анализ полученной информации и сформировать выводы о значении спорта в США.

Материалы и методы исследования. Материалами исследования являлись научные источники, размещённые в научной электронной библиотеке еНЬгагу (сайт https://elibrary.ru). Методы исследования: изучение научных литературных источников, обзор публикаций.

Заключение. Спортивная индустрия в США прошла нелёгкий путь развития, однако добилась значительных результатов. Спорт является неотъемлемой частью жизни людей США, что приносит свои плоды не только в соревнованиях на международной арене, но и в повседневной жизни граждан.

Ключевые слова: спорт в США, спорт в России, спорт как социальный феномен, занятия спортом, студенты.

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Сведения об авторе

Иванов Валентин Дмитриевич — кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры физического воспитания и спорта, Челябинский государственный университет, Челябинск, Россия. ORCID: 0000-00022952-3222. AuthorID: 229821. E-mail: vdy-55@mail.ru

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