SPIRITUAL IMAGE OF YOUNG PEOPLE WITH A MODERN WORLDVIEW Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Ключевые слова
Spirituality / Modern worldview / young people / Mindfulness / Environmental consciousness / Inclusivity / Social activism / Tradition / Progress / Authenticity. / Духовность / Современное мировоззрение / молодежь / Осознанность / Экологическое сознание / Инклюзивность / Социальный активизм / Традиция / Прогресс / Аутентичность.

Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Akhmedova, Dilrabo Sadullayevna

In an era dominated by technological advancements, the landscape of language learning has undergone a profound transformation. This article delves into the multifaceted impact of technology on language acquisition, exploring the ways in which digital tools, applications, and virtual environments have revolutionized the traditional methods of language learning.

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В эпоху, когда доминируют технологические достижения, ландшафт изучения языков претерпел глубокие изменения. В этой статье рассматривается многогранное влияние технологий на овладение языком, исследуется то, как цифровые инструменты, приложения и виртуальные среды произвели революцию в традиционных методах изучения языка.


SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(11), November, 2023



Akhmedova Dilrabo Sadullayevna

University of Economics and Pedagogy Non-state educational institution, Teacher of the Department of History and Social Sciences

In an era dominated by technological advancements, the landscape of language learning has undergone a profound transformation. This article delves into the multifaceted impact of technology on language acquisition, exploring the ways in which digital tools, applications, and virtual environments have revolutionized the traditional methods of language learning.

Keywords: Spirituality, Modern worldview, young people, Mindfulness, Environmental consciousness, Inclusivity, Social activism, Tradition, Progress, Authenticity.

В эпоху, когда доминируют технологические достижения, ландшафт изучения языков претерпел глубокие изменения. В этой статье рассматривается многогранное влияние технологий на овладение языком, исследуется то, как цифровые инструменты, приложения и виртуальные среды произвели революцию в традиционных методах изучения языка.

Ключевые слова: Духовность, Современное мировоззрение, молодежь, Осознанность, Экологическое сознание, Инклюзивность, Социальный активизм, Традиция, Прогресс, Аутентичность.


In a world marked by rapid technological advancements and shifting cultural landscapes, the spiritual identity of young people has undergone a transformation. The intertwining of spirituality and a modern worldview among the youth has given rise to a dynamic and nuanced spiritual image. This article explores how contemporary young individuals navigate the realms of spirituality, blending ancient wisdom with the realities of the modern era.

The advent of the digital age has not only reshaped communication and information-sharing but has also influenced how young people approach spirituality. Social media platforms, podcasts, and online communities serve as conduits for diverse spiritual perspectives. The modern spiritual image incorporates a tech-savvy exploration of ancient philosophies, fostering a sense of connectedness and a global understanding of spirituality.




SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

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With the demands of a fast-paced lifestyle, young individuals are increasingly turning to mindfulness practices to cultivate a sense of well-being. Meditation apps, wellness retreats, and yoga studios have become staples in the lives of many young people seeking balance and inner peace. The modern spiritual image is intertwined with practices that prioritize mental health, offering a refuge from the stresses of the contemporary world.

The spiritual image of young people today often includes a deepened connection with the environment. Concerns about climate change and ecological sustainability have led many to incorporate environmental consciousness into their spiritual practices. This blend of spirituality and environmentalism reflects a commitment to responsible stewardship of the planet, fostering a sense of interconnectedness with nature.

One of the defining features of the spiritual image among contemporary youth is the embrace of pluralism and inclusivity. Young individuals are navigating diverse spiritual landscapes, drawing inspiration from various religious and philosophical traditions. This inclusive approach promotes understanding and tolerance, creating a spiritual identity that transcends traditional boundaries and fosters unity in diversity.

Spirituality for modern youth extends beyond personal growth; it is intricately linked with social activism and ethical living. Many young people today find purpose in contributing to social justice causes, advocating for equality, and engaging in community service. The modern spiritual image is characterized by a sense of responsibility toward creating positive change in the world, aligning spiritual principles with ethical actions.

Navigating the tension between tradition and progress, contemporary young individuals are redefining what it means to be spiritual. The modern spiritual image embraces the wisdom of ancient traditions while simultaneously challenging outdated norms. This dynamic balance allows young people to forge a spiritual path that aligns with their values, resonating with both the timeless and the contemporary.


In a world saturated with information and choices, young people are on a quest for meaning and authenticity. The modern spiritual image is characterized by a genuine search for purpose, often transcending organized religions to explore personal and eclectic spiritual paths. This search for authenticity reflects a desire to live in alignment with one's beliefs and values, even as societal expectations evolve.

Spiritual education is a concept that expresses the process of practical education, aimed at the formation of such qualities as physical perfection, spiritual, moral, spiritual maturity in a particular person, community, a particular group, Society,


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nation. The upbringing of spiritual properties necessary for a person to live in society is an ancient and eternal value that ensures his essence as the most basic value. As noted by the head of the country, when vigilance and sensitivity, determination and responsibility are lost in the issue of spiritual education, this extremely important work can be abandoned in its own way, self-sufficiency, lose the spirituality and historical memory of a nation with thousands of years of national-ethnic foundations, which have been absorbed and nourished by sacred values, and ultimately deviate from the path

The development program of Uzbekistan, the issue of raising the material and spiritual world of the people in setting long and lasting goals, deep study, understanding, appreciation of the immortal heritage left by the ancestors of the younger generation, universal values, upbringing in the spirit of acquiring the heights of modern science were made a priority. Because young people who will replace adults tomorrow will become perfect people only if they have reached adulthood on just such a Fed ground, becoming a real support and support, an invincible spiritual force, and will be able to stand ready for any contests and trials on World squares. The values that ensure the existence of Man and society are gradually passed from ancestors to descendants due to spiritual upbringing.

In the correct upbringing of young people, both physically and spiritually, it is especially necessary to introduce the recommendations of the subjects of modern medicine, pedagogy, psychology into each family. It is extremely important that every family, parent, first of all, always feel that he is responsible for the child in the person's image, ensuring for him all the rights and freedoms that belong to the person. The unique office-neighborhood, which existed in a rare country in the years of independence, is also becoming important in preserving national and spiritual values, strengthening peace and tranquility of el yurt, spiritual education of young people and education of them as a perfect person. It is instructive that the elders of the neighborhood who saw the low elevation of the world, the caivoni onachon, with their life experience, are preserving the continuity of folk traditions, giving spiritual education and lessons to young people. In this, the influence of the neighborhood-specific lifestyle and life culture, the relationship between the neighbor and the neighborhood is great.

By spiritual and moral education, we understand the process of purposefully helping to form the spiritual and moral sphere of the child, which is the basis of the main culture of the individual. The spiritual component of education in this case is to help the child master the system of values and ideals, as well as form a certain personal worldview position. The moral component is aimed at helping to develop


SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

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feelings, relationships and behavior that reflect the ideological (meaningful) position of the child in his social activities: in relations with other people and with the world

The worldview, behavior and formation of youth as a perfect person, from important social psychological factors that affect the social environment and this is an increase in the demand and need for information communication technologies in society. In the information age, which is rapidly developing day by day, there is no way to avoid or resort to the use of modern techniques. Because in the formation of the worldview, in the further expansion of the spiritual world, especially computer technology plays the role of the main tool.

Psychologists report that one of the important motivations for behavior is belief. Some sources give him such a definition: faith is a system of important motives that encourage an individual to come to a decision in a way that is consistent with his views, principles, worldview. In other words, the content of needs, manifested in the form of beliefs, means nature, knowledge about the surrounding world of tevarak and their understanding in a certain way. When this knowledge is regulated from a philosophical, aesthetic, natural-scientific point of view and an internally organized system is established, it is desirable for fate to be interpreted as a worldview of the individual.

A worldview is a set of knowledge, visions and ideas that are transformed into an organized,holistic conscious system that encourages an individual to occupy a worthy place in society in a certain mold, in a way that has its own personal image. The role of socialization spaces in the spiritual formation of young people is great. Among these, the role of family and neighborhood in our conditions is unique. The elements of initial social experience and social behavior in a person are embodied precisely in the family, the system of family relations. That is why in our people there is a proverb "seen in a bird's nest". That is, the initial molds of personality qualities are obtained in the family, and this mold becomes polished and refined under the influence of other groups in society.

In our Uzbek context, in addition to the family, the neighborhood plays an important nurturing-socializing role. The maturation of young men and women at a young age is influenced by three important psychological mechanisms, namely the environment, the work community, the family microenvironment, and informal Ulfat. For example, the psychological climate in the labor community, the world of spirituality, instability, social consciousness, social values, certain traditions and habits can create a positive or negative change in the character of a new member.

of God.

SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

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The spiritual image of young people with a modern worldview reflects a rich tapestry of diverse influences, blending ancient wisdom with contemporary realities. As young individuals navigate the complexities of the digital age, mindfulness, environmental consciousness, pluralism, social activism, and the quest for authenticity shape their spiritual identities. Embracing a dynamic balance between tradition and progress, the youth of today redefine spirituality as a holistic journey that encompasses personal well-being, social responsibility, and a profound connection with the world. In this evolution, the spiritual image of modern youth becomes a testament to the resilience, adaptability, and authenticity of a generation seeking deeper meaning in an ever-changing world.


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