MODELING PERSONAL SPIRITUALITY IN THE PROCESS OF GLOBALIZATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
thinking / modeling / spirituality / personality / society / value / transformation. / мышление / моделирование / духовность / личность / общество / ценность / трансформация.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Abdusattarova, Sitora Fakhriddin Kizi

The article describes the socio-philosophical and historical-philosophical problems of modeling, its relationship with the life of society, the functioning of the social system, the spiritual maturity of the individual. The model is present in all forms of human mental activity, and modeling reflects the desire of man to know the properties of the original object (object-original), the internal laws of change and development, that is, the social system and the origin of social processes in it. However, modeling as a scientific method of knowing is different from a simple idea, a prediction. The article reveals these peculiarities of modeling, its epistemological functions.

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В статье рассмотрены социально-философские и историко-философские проблемы моделирования, его связь с жизнью общества, функционированием социальной системы, духовной зрелостью личности. Модель присутствует во всех формах мыслительной деятельности человека, а моделирование отражает стремление человека познать свойства исходного объекта (предмета-оригинала), внутренние законы изменения и развития, то есть социальной системы и происхождения. социальных процессов в нем. Однако моделирование как научный метод познания отличается от простой идеи, предсказания. В статье раскрываются особенности моделирования, его гносеологические функции.


SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(8), August, 2023



Abdusattarova Sitora Fakhriddin kizi

Tashkent State University of Law, Associate Professor of the Department of General Education Sciences and Culture,

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


The article describes the socio-philosophical and historical-philosophical problems of modeling, its relationship with the life of society, the functioning of the social system, the spiritual maturity of the individual. The model is present in all forms of human mental activity, and modeling reflects the desire of man to know the properties of the original object (object-original), the internal laws of change and development, that is, the social system and the origin of social processes in it. However, modeling as a scientific method of knowing is different from a simple idea, a prediction. The article reveals these peculiarities of modeling, its epistemological functions.

Keywords: thinking, modeling, spirituality, personality, society, value, transformation.


Доцент кафедры общеобразовательных наук и культуры, доктор философских

В статье рассмотрены социально-философские и историко-философские проблемы моделирования, его связь с жизнью общества, функционированием социальной системы, духовной зрелостью личности. Модель присутствует во всех формах мыслительной деятельности человека, а моделирование отражает стремление человека познать свойства исходного объекта (предмета-оригинала), внутренние законы изменения и развития, то есть социальной системы и происхождения. социальных процессов в нем. Однако моделирование как научный метод познания отличается от простой идеи, предсказания. В статье раскрываются особенности моделирования, его гносеологические функции.


Абдусаттарова Ситора Фахриддин кизи

Ташкентский государственный юридический университет,


SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(8), August, 2023

Ключевые слова: мышление, моделирование, духовность, личность, общество, ценность, трансформация.


It is known that the activity of a person is a product of his subjective views, consciousness and thinking, and his spiritual relations, which does not require proof. The application of this axiom and the study of the influence of social existence on subjective reality have raised various questions, debates and discussions in the history of philosophy since ancient times. After our country gained independence, the social thinking of our society, which went into a new formation process, got rid of the former ruling communist ideology and Marxist dogma. This, in turn, caused radical changes in the science of philosophy, and enabled the formation of the principle of analyzing objective and subjective situations as a mutually harmonious reality, and the elimination of the "Chinese wall" between them. In this regard, the President of our country Shavkat Mirziyoyev's fundamentally important thoughts on spiritual values, cultural heritage, national idea and ideology, undoubtedly, have an important place. "Nowadays, when the world is changing rapidly, various new threats and dangers are emerging that undermine the stability and solid development of nations, it is more important than ever to pay attention to spirituality and enlightenment, moral education, and the desire of young people to learn and mature" [1].


In fact, the effect of any reforms and changes in the society is first determined by the moral level of the people, high, noble moral qualities of a person. But this situation does not oppose culture and spirituality, i.e., subjective phenomena, to economic-objective relations, but requires their dialectical interdependence. It is no secret that the process of globalization is affecting the social development of most countries in varying degrees. Modernization appears as a result of this influence, it can be said that it is the result of the civilizational development of national states. If we take the example of Uzbekistan, national development in our country appears as a unique social reality. For example, according to preliminary data, in January-June 2021, the GDP of the Republic of Uzbekistan increased by 6.2% compared to the same period last year[2]. As our head of state noted: "First of all, we need to deepen our work on economic reform and liberalization, and accelerate the work started on structural changes in its sectors and industries. It is on this basis that we need to increase the gross domestic product of our country by more than 2 times by 2030" [3]. In the conditions of the global financial crisis, Uzbekistan manages to preserve its internal social development features and effectively develop them. First of all, it is

SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(8), August, 2023

important that President Shavkat Miromonovich's far-sighted policy, clearly defined strategic goals and tasks aimed at modernization of our country's economy, are important. At the moment, any development and modernization processes depend on the social, economic, political, cultural and spiritual preparation of the country's population, and their conscious participation in changes in society. Because changes, reforms and renewals in the society first of all affect people's spirit, thinking, and heart, prompting them to specific actions. If these changes do not affect people's thinking, effective results cannot be achieved. So, a real modernization process will occur only when innovations in society fundamentally change the human heart and worldview. Today, the modernization process as a broad social reality covers not only the economy, but also all spheres of life in our country. "Nowadays, not only societies respecting traditional values, but also societies based on modern technology and nanotechnology, industry, medicine, high service, feel the need to rebuild their lives" [4]. At a time when computerization, robotization, and interactive communications are boldly developing, all spheres of social life seek to change, to modernize, and as a result, to model the spirituality of a person, this is a natural social situation.

Modeling problems have long been the object (subject) of research of social scientists, philosophers, economists, cybernetics and mathematicians. However, most researchers have a narrow sectoral approach to modeling. At the same time, modeling is characterized by a wider coverage of phenomena, "existential prediction" of the development of dynamic complex systems [5].

"Modeling" as a scientific concept comes from the word "model". According to philosophers, a model (lat. modulus - measure, sample) is a substitute object that can replace the original object under certain conditions, reproduces the interesting properties and characteristics of the original object. Reproduction is carried out both by subject (order, device, sample) and in the form of symbols (graph, diagram, program, theory). Modeling refers to the process of studying objects according to their models. It is necessary to distinguish between solving scientific problems of a special subject by acquiring knowledge that serves to build models and model. Modeling is the final part of the methodology of thinking, organization and, in particular, representation of knowledge about the world, methodical design of types of models. Philosophical generalization is the final part of the process of researching the object (subject) according to their models. This generalization occurs on the one hand, it turns models into objects (objects) that have the freedom to create their own reality, laws, images, as a result of which new knowledge (heuristics) is generated and eliminates the need for modeling. On the other hand, it defines a categorical

SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

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ontology and a picture of the world (cognitive and linguistic). In the process of actual modeling (decomposition) it establishes a certain relationship between the model and the object, or in the process of special theoretical analysis, experiment (verification) it connects the characteristics of the model to the object (subject). It is clear from this that every era has its heroes and role models. With the development of science and technology, cybernetics, and the emergence of new methods of management, a new branch of knowledge - modeling theory - appeared. Today, any sphere of social life cannot do without the use of modeling methods. It is impossible to achieve success in management activities, to achieve socio-economic, cultural, pedagogical goals and tasks without the help and use of modern, innovative forms of modeling. The process of modeling is an integral part of the modernization of the individual and society.

Today, when the phenomenon of modernization is becoming a global reality, it is important to recognize that this process takes place primarily through the human heart and spirituality. Therefore, modern modernization processes are not in the style of scientific and technical revolutions carried out in Europe in the 19th-20th centuries, but on the contrary, it is appropriate that they are related to the further improvement of a person's views on the individual, family, life, work, society, and the attitude towards the nation and homeland. Unfortunately, in some scientific circles, especially in the works of European scientists, the phenomenon of modernization is interpreted as a reality related only to economy, production and technology. The experience of history shows that ideas and concepts that do not take into account the interests of man, his spiritual and spiritual aspirations, eventually become contradictory. In this sense, the financial, economic and ecological crisis that is currently ongoing on a global scale is the result of the scientific and technical revolutions that took place during the XIX-XX centuries, which completely ignored the issue of raising the spiritual world of man. In conclusion, the process of modernization should not be a phenomenon that takes place without the spiritual aspirations of a person, on the contrary, it should serve to increase the spirituality of a person.


1. Mirziyoev Sh.M. Speech at the opening ceremony of the 43rd session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, October 10, 2016 // https://uza.uz/uz/posts/zbekiston-respublikasi-prezidenti-shavkat-mirziyeevning-islo-10-09-2017

2. Review of trends in the economy and development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the first half of 2021 by the Ministry of Economic Development and Poverty Alleviation. https://mineconomy.uz/uploads/

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3. Mirziyoev Sh.M. "We will build a free and prosperous, democratic state of Uzbekistan together with our brave and noble people", his speech on December 15, 2016 // https://nrm.uz/contentf

4. Модернизационные прсцессы в мире.М., ИМПРА, 2006, стр. 70-78

5. Абдусаттарова, С. Ф. К (2023). ГЛОБАЛЛАШУВ ЖАРАЁНИДА ШАХС МАЪНАВИЯТИНИ МОДЕЛЛАШТИРИШ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 3(8), 169-173.

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