SYNERGETIC APPROACH IN THE ANALYSIS OF SOCIAL RELATIONS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Ключевые слова
synergy / variability / globalization / order and disorder. / синергия / изменчивость / глобализация / порядок и беспорядок.

Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Salimov, Bakhriddin Lutfullaevich, Tursunov, Shokhijakhan Ravshanovich, Haydarov, Mehriddin Nuriddin Ugli

In the article, all the processes taking place in society are related to order and disorder, stability and instability, and the detailed study of these processes by synergetics, which is a relatively new philosophical direction, is based on scientifically based ideas and considerations.

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В статье все процессы, происходящие в обществе, связаны с порядком и беспорядком, стабильностью и нестабильностью, а детальное изучение этих процессов синергетикой, являющейся относительно новым философским направлением, основано на научно обоснованных идеях и соображениях.


SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(3), March, 2023


Salimov Bakhriddin Lutfullaevich

Professor of Tashkent State Transport University.

Tursunov Shokhijakhan Ravshanovich Student of Tashkent State Transport University. Haydarov Mehriddin Nuriddin ugli

Student of Tashkent State Transport University.

In the article, all the processes taking place in society are related to order and disorder, stability and instability, and the detailed study of these processes by synergetics, which is a relatively new philosophical direction, is based on scientifically based ideas and considerations.

Key words: synergy, variability, globalization, order and disorder.

В статье все процессы, происходящие в обществе, связаны с порядком и беспорядком, стабильностью и нестабильностью, а детальное изучение этих процессов синергетикой, являющейся относительно новым философским направлением, основано на научно обоснованных идеях и соображениях.

Ключевые слова: синергия, изменчивость, глобализация, порядок и беспорядок.

Maqolada jamiyatda sodir bo 'layotgan barcha jarayonlar tartib va tartibsizlik, barqarorlik va beqarorlik bilan bog'liqligi nisbatan yangi falsafiy yo 'nalish bo 'lgan sinergetika tomonidan bu jarayonlar batafsil, ilmiy asoslangan g'oya va mulohazalarga tayangan holda o'rganilgan.

Kalit so'zlar: sinergiya, o'zgaruvchanlik, globallashuv, tartib va tartibsizlik.


In the direction of synergetics, which entered the field of philosophy in the 70s of the 20th century, society and its random processes were analyzed to a certain extent. "Synergetics looks at everything as a system. It divides the system into two categories: one is a closed system and the other is an open system. Inanimate systems in the universe are closed, living systems are open. [ Studying the phenomena of stability and instability or order and disorder (chaos) as well as the permanence of these phenomena and their transition to each other is the basis of the essence of




SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(3), March, 2023

synergetics1. This aspect takes priority in the analysis of all philosophical issues in synergetics. From the point of view of synergetics, all phenomena in nature and society are caused by stability and instability, order and disorder (chaos).


"Synergetics relies on the law between the unstable state and the stable state, imbalance and balance in the process of development." There are many types of this stability and instability or order and disorder (chaos) and all events in the universe, especially processes in society, take place under the influence of their interaction2. With this in mind, we "must first establish for ourselves that the central problem of synergetics is the relationship between order and chaos." If we take it in this sense, it can be seen that the origin of synergetics depends not only on the Western philosophy of the 20th century, but also on other philosophical currents, including modern Uzbek philosophy. This is clearly proven by O. Fayzullaev's opinion that "Stability and change are together and at the same time." Also, from this idea, order and disorder, stability and instability, stasis and variability exist together and at the same time, but one of them is open and the other is hidden, and then they are mutual. It is concluded that rin is exchanged and this process continues continuously3. In addition, "It is well known that there are different types of order and chaos, and they are unstable and tend to overlap. Orderly structures sometimes become disordered here and there. Order becomes chaos. In turn, chaos turns into order."

Russian philosopher V. A. Kut'rev, in his description of synergetics, stated that the main tenet of synergetics is that "order comes from chaos." So which opinion is correct? What should be the main issue of synergetics? In our opinion, the definition given by V. P. Bransky seems to be funny. Because it covers several aspects at once. For him, both order and disorder and their interaction are the main issues of synergetics. Actually it is. The definition given by V.A. Kut'rev shows the main issue of synergetics in a narrow scope. Because only one issue - the problem of the emergence of order from disorder - is thrown into the middle. However, it is overlooked that it can be the other way around, that is, chaos can emerge from order, or disorder can turn into chaos.

1 Salimov B.L. Expression of Dialectic Categories in the Individual's Social Life // openaccessjournals. eu. International Journal of InnovativeAnalyses and Emerging Technology. Volume: 1, lssue 4, 2021. -P.16-18.

2 Salimov B.L. The views of philosophiacal analysis of ancient greek scholaks on social relations // Web of scientific: International scientific research loural. Vol 2, lssue 7, lule, 2021. -P.94-101

3 Salimov B.L. The manifestation of dialectical principles in the life of the human and society // JournalNX: A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal. Vol. 6, ISSUE 5, May, 2020. - P.112-117.

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The central problem of synergetics is order and disorder, and there are many accidental aspects of their interrelationship. It is known that the concepts of fluctuation and bifurcation are important in synergetics4.

"Since fluctuation represents the transition of an unbalanced system to a balanced system, the chosen path of this process is not immediately clear. The process has "ripened" and reached a point where the question of which way to go is raised. This point is called a bifurcation point, and one of several random paths is chosen...between the two bifurcation points, that is, after the next path is chosen, causality prevails. Causality is lost in the points themselves, and the selection is random." In this process, i.e., "Each object has the same overall chance of being selected." Selection is especially important in a situation of chaos. But, "Chaos puts chance first. In the game of the same era of chaos, chance plays a decisive role. The truth that seems to be final comes into action. The solution of the impossible is found, or the impossible becomes possible." Disorder, that is, chaos often happens unexpectedly, unintentionally, that is, by chance. In our opinion, to be more specific, chaos usually happens by accident5. In other words, the transformation of orderly movement into disorder (chaos) happens by chance in most cases. If we apply this rule to the life of society, the following conclusions are drawn: A society in which order prevails never wants to fall into a state of disorder (chaos) and does not try to do so. On the contrary, such a society will do everything possible to avoid falling into a state of disorder (chaos). One more thing should be mentioned here. If an orderly society falls into a state of disorder (chaos), the leading leaders of that society are the first cause, then all the people living in that society (depending on their position) are also the cause. It is appropriate to call the chaos that occurs in society as social chaos. "Social chaos is a complex, non-linear, self-organizing social system that is in the process of changing these structures."

It can be said that synergetics teaches people the ability to predict (predict) what the society they live in will be like in the future. This means self-organization in some ways. It is important to predict future risks in the process of self-organization. Because the ongoing process of self-organization may fail under the influence of unexpected accidents in some cases. We didn't use the phrase trying to predict in vain. After all, this phrase is different from foretelling, and it is very important. Because foretelling means knowing exactly what will happen tomorrow. This is unlikely and far from reality. In the language of science, "it is not possible to tell what will happen

4 Salimov B.L. Expression of Dialectic Categories in the Individual's Social Life // openaccessjournals. eu. International Journal of InnovativeAnalyses and Emerging Technology. Volume: 1, lssue 4, 2021. -P.16-18.

5 Salimov, Bakhriddin Lutfullaevich (2023). OPINIONS OF CENTRAL ASIAN SCHOLARS ON SOCIAL RELATIONS. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 3 (1-2), 178-182.

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in advance about the future social situation in terms of social division (bifurcation). It is possible to try to foretell (prediction) only from the point of view of probability (generalized information about the possible manifestations and scenarios of the development of future events and the evaluation of these probable scenarios)6. If we explain the meaning of bifurcation, which we translate as social division, in a simpler way, it means that there are several ways of development of the society of individuals. It is very difficult to know exactly which way the society will go. In fact, "the progress of science has shown that it is impossible to say clearly that subsequent situations can always strictly repeat the previous ones." As mentioned above, we can only know about the possible manifestations of future development and self-organization, that is, scenarios. In simpler words, it means that the future can be like this, or it can be like that, and it can be different.

According to V. P. Bransky, "there is also a possibility of turning prediction (prediction) into foretelling. In the language of physicists, it is also possible to confirm predictions on the basis of experiment, that is, scientific experience. If theory and practice coincide, then it can be considered that prophecy is confirmed. In this case, no one can prove that this is a coincidence. This constitutes a social experiment, and the whole history of the world embodies a chain of such experiments." The correspondence of theory to practice opens the door to wide opportunities for not only telling, but also for the flourishing of human society. Of course, both theory and practice should acquire a positive character7. But we must not forget that theory and practice do not always match. Their compatibility with each other depends, first of all, on the level of development of that theory. However, we must also remember that the complete predictability of personal life makes people bored. Because their lifestyles are the same. "If all the events in the world were fully predicted, there would be no uncertainties. As a result, there is no need for any risk in the movement of people. Such a world will be determined in strict relation or in the same sense. Nothing new can be created in it. Everything is doomed to repeat itself forever."

One of the convenient ways to study randomness and self-organization based on it is to analyze similar random events that have happened, that is, mistakes. After all, by understanding the essence of the events that happened in the past, it is possible to have at least a little information about the development of similar events in the future. Because "the manifestation of errors is orderly or random in its character ladi". "Study and analysis of past mistakes, i.e., the appearance of random events, allows to

6Salimov B.L. Expression of Dialectic Categories in the Individual's Social Life // openaccessjournals. eu. International Journal of InnovativeAnalyses and Emerging Technology. Volume: 1, lssue 4, 2021. -Р.16-18.

7 Салимов Б.Л. Жизненный путь природы и общества состоит из цепи случайностей и необходимостей // Colloquium-journal. -v 2020. -№24 (76). Cz^sc 2. -С. 33-35.

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draw conclusions about the structure and nature of legal processes." It can be said that synergetics takes its own way in this regard - "It (synergetics) does not look for the cause of events8. He does not ask what, what happened or why and why. Instead, it (synergetics) seeks answers to the questions of how or how. There is a special conclusion that completes this idea. According to him, "it is pointless to ask the question that it could have been different compared to the past. After all, history itself has already happened. There is no way to influence the past." In general, one can agree with this opinion. Because no matter how much we talk, we cannot change the events of the past. But this should not lead to the conclusion that the past should not be studied, defined and evaluated. In our view, it is the answer to the question of "why or why it happened" in relation to past events and to ideas and theories of self-organization in the development of nature and society. Would be appropriate to seek. We think that only then we will have detailed information about which of the past events are necessary and which are coincidences. Because "... this history is not always considered a pure necessity, but it is a unity, that is, a mixture of necessity and chance."

In short, one of the main concepts that make up the essence of synergetics is "structures can be orderly or chaotic." Coincidence becomes important in the process of transitioning from these orderly structures or irregular structures to each other.

According to the analysis of historical scientists, it has been at least one million years since the first people appeared on earth. This is not a small term. Of course, during the past time, a person has matured and grown in every way. Now, together with material needs, people also have spiritual needs, without which it is difficult to imagine our life today9. In particular, a person's desire to know his identity is considered one of these needs. In fact, every person who has a certain level of intelligence and understanding should seek to know who he is, choose his own life path, if necessary, "Free and should try to build a prosperous country, a free and prosperous life. This is an aspect of self-organization from the point of view of the Republic. If every compatriot living in independent Uzbekistan thinks about these things, if he thinks about them, not only these but also other questions, problems and goals should always be in the center of our attention. In particular, "Today, in the conditions of intense globalization in the world, in a tense situation where the conflict of various interests is intensifying in the international arena, and the world economic and financial crisis is continuing," common sense - reasoning should never leave us.

8 Salimov, Bakhriddin Lutfullaevich (2023). OPINIONS OF CENTRAL ASIAN SCHOLARS ON SOCIAL RELATIONS. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 3 (1-2), 178-182.

9 Салимов Б.Л. Философская роль диалектических категорий в жизни человека // Историческая психология и социология истории (historial psychology & sociology). - М., 2020. Т. 13. -№1. -С. 111-119.

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We think that then our future will be great10. Because if we are always alert, if we can see far, we will be able to anticipate and be prepared for unexpected dangers, that is, random events that have an unpleasant effect on the life of society and the development of our country. possible For this, first of all, we need to understand the meaning of coincidence, try to foresee various unexpected events in the life of the society and the state. But this is not an easy task. As long as we do not understand the essence of self-organization of our society on a scientific basis, it will be difficult to build a prosperous life. The situation shows that not everyone can correctly understand what will happen tomorrow, from which direction the danger will come. "Today, the bloody conflicts and conflicts, terrorism and extremism, which are increasingly intensifying in some regions of the world, require us to be constantly alert and vigilant." Stability cannot be maintained by simply having information about those risks, simply assessing them. So, what should be done?! The correct answer to this question is the speech delivered by the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev at the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly: "... People, first of all, the most important task is to form and educate the thinking of young people on the basis of enlightenment . Our main task is to create the necessary conditions for young people to show their potential, to prevent the spread of the "virus" of the idea of violence. For this We believe that it is necessary to develop multilateral cooperation in social support of the young generation, protection of its rights and interests.

In this regard, Uzbekistan proposes to develop a generalized international legal document - the UN International Convention on the Rights of Youth - aimed at the formation and implementation of youth policy in today's conditions of rapid development of globalization and information and communication technologies.


At the end of our article, we can draw the following conclusions based on the above-mentioned opinions and considerations:

- the study of stability and instability or order and disorder (chaos) phenomena and the transition of these phenomena to each other forms the basis of the essence of synergetics, the point of bifurcation plays an important role in synergetics. At this point, one of the future development paths of the system is randomly selected;

- chaos comes from chance, chance is not superficial, but a complex phenomenon, it can be positive or negative;

10 Салимов Б.Л. Жизненный путь природы и общества состоит из цепи случайностей и необходимостей // Colloquium-journal. -v 2020. -№24 (76). Cz^sc 2. -С. 33-35.

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- random events can be single or multiple. Each random event has its own characteristics and they are never the same, and a random event can occur independently of previous random events;

- one of the convenient ways to study chance is to analyze similar random events that have happened in the past and ask the question "why or why does this happen?" should be asked and answered. Because it is impossible to influence the random events that happened in the past;

- accidents that happen in society depend on the spiritual development of that society, and the root of accidents that happen in society should be sought from the processes in that society. A morally high society is less likely to have unpleasant accidents;

- as a result of scientific knowledge of the category of chance, it is possible to protect young people from accidental mistakes and protect them from the sphere of influence of ill-intentioned people.


1. Salimov, B. L. Expression of Dialectic Categories in the Individual's Social Life. openaccessjournals. eu. International Journal of InnovativeAnalyses and Emerging Technology, 1, 16-18.

2. Lutfullaevich, S. B. (2021). The views of philosophiacal analysis of ancient greek scholaks on social relations. Web of Scientist: International Scientific Research Journal, 2(07), 94-101.

3. Salimov, B. L. (2023). OPINIONS OF CENTRAL ASIAN SCHOLARS ON SOCIAL RELATIONS. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 3(1-2), 178-182.

4. Лутфуллаевич, C. Б. (2020). Философская роль диалектических категорий в жизни человека. Историческая психология и социология истории, 13(1), 111-

5. Салимов, Б. Л. (2020). Жизненный путь природы и общества состоит из цепи случайностей и необходимостей. In Colloquium-journal (No. 24 (76), pp. 5557). Голопристанський мюькрайонний центр зайнятостг


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