SOME FEATURES OF TENSE SOUNDS IN TURKMEN AND ENGLISH LANGUAGES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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the subjects of economic activity, the improvement of knowledge due to the exchange of information, the creation of new technologies in high-tech industries. opens wide opportunities for the creation of modern jobs.

Digital logistics is the optimization of material, human, information and financial resources to solve the problem of reducing costs based on modern information technologies. As a result, the development of this technology affects all areas of the economy. These include healthcare, education, financial services, transportation and other industries.

Wisdom, science and education are the main source of progress and power of any country. The 21st century, in the truest sense of the word, started as the age of science. The science sector has become the main driving force of social development. Today, with the help of science and technology, automatic technologies, software-controlled capabilities, computerized devices are used for the benefit of mankind. Occupations that were once considered difficult are now much easier. Heavy work is taken over by technology, but it requires scientific knowledge and technical literacy from the employee, which become a mandatory condition of work. This is the demand of the times, the demand of the age of science. Today, not only industry, but also agriculture, i.e. farming, animal husbandry is based on science and technology. In fact, the modern world is built on the foundations of science and technology.

Economy, technology, management, and general life demand more and more education and science. Formerly agricultural countries are becoming industrialized countries, while industrialized countries are transitioning to digital economies. The digital economy is the management of industrial production and other sectors of the economy through software. It is the use of information and communication technologies in industry and commerce, science and everyday life. References:

1. Arbabow B. Economic theory. Textbook. - A.: TDNG, 2020.

2. Babaev G. Bank Management. Textbook. - A.: TDNG, 2016.

3. Eyeberdiyev G., Geldimammedov A. Exchange business and securities market. Textbook. - A.: TDNG, 2013.

4. Sopyev.A. and others. Economic theory. Textbook. - A.: TDNG, 2012.

©Arasheva O.O., Evlyakulova O., Nurmyradov S., Khojadurdyeva K., 2023

Baymyradova Selbi Annamuhammedovna, senior lecturer Gaitnazarova Mahym Serdarovna, 5th year student Magtymguly Turkmen State university Turkmenistan, Ashgabat


In the first stages of learning foreign languages, mainly the phonetic structure, correct pronunciation, reading and correct writing rules of the studied language are taught. During the development of pronunciation skills, deaf learners pronounce the acoustic features of speech sounds of a foreign language according to the articulatory rules of their native language. It is one of the important tasks of the teacher to notice these mistakes in time and correct them so that such situations do not become a habit later.

If the sound structure of the foreign language being studied is explained using the comparison method,


ISSN (p) 2411-7161 / ISSN (e) 2712-9500

№4 / 2023

it encourages the correct pronunciation and the formation of correct speaking skills.

One of the main problems with developing English speaking and writing skills is the mismatch between spelling and orthography. About this, prominent scientist and pedagogue L.W. Sherba notes that in almost all languages writing does not correspond to the spoken language, that is, the letter of the word as well as the syllable, and especially in English there is a big difference between the written and the spoken language. [1,164p].

This, in fact, can be explained by the fact that 6 letters in this language make 20 syllable sounds. Therefore, starting from the first stages of teaching English, giving students an understanding of phonetic transcription, which is used to express the phonetic structure of a word, and the reading rules of letters, which are used to express vowels, eliminates these difficulties.

In this article, based on our phonological analysis of the tense sounds of the Turkmen and English languages, we decided to focus on the issues related to some of the revealed features of the two languages.

Linguists divide English vowels into monophthongs and diphthongs. The word "Monophthong" is explained in the linguistic encyclopedic dictionary as: "monos - one and phthongos - sound", and the word "diphthong" means "two syllable sound consisting of one syllable".

English also has triphthongs. Triphthongs are not considered separate phonemes and are treated only as combinations of the diphthong and the neutral [d] sound. About this scientist G.P. Torsuyev says: "Triphthongs cannot be added to the English phonetic system because they are not produced in one syllable, but in two syllables. They can only be considered as a combination of the diphthong and the phoneme [d]" [2.134-135pages.].

English diphthongs and triphthongs are not unique to the Turkmen phonetic system. As we mentioned earlier, both components of diphthongs consist of tenses. In this regard, there are different opinions among scholars about whether or not to include the diphthong [ju] in the English language. The prominent British and American scientist Peter Ladefoged says about this diphthong in his book "A course in phonetics": "[ju] diphthong differs from other diphthongs in that the main part falls at the end. For this reason, many scholars consider it not as a diphthong, but as a combination of an unstressed and a stressed sound. Given the distributive properties of sounds in English, it can be considered a diphthong" [3,39p.].

Some scholars note that the Turkmen language also has diphthongs. However, they note that the first component of the Turkmen diphthongs is from the tense, and the second is from the unstressed, y, v (w), but they can also be considered as a modification of the long tense.

Another feature of the phonetic structure of the Turkmen and English languages, which belong to different groups, is some features in the syllable structure of these languages. Although syllable structure in English is formed on the basis of consonant-unstressed phonological opposition, in which the consonant sound performs the function of forming a syllable, unlike the Turkmen language, there are syllables in English that consist only of unstressed syllables. They mainly occur at the end of words with voiced infinitives [l, m, n].

It can be noted that the length-shortness characteristic of the vowels of the Turkmen language is common in English as well, but the length characteristic of vowels in the English language is relative rather than absolute. to adjacent sounds, etc. depends. In a stressed open syllable, long syllables are pronounced longer.

Teaching the phonetic features of the English language in comparison with the phonetics of the students' native language will have a positive effect on the successful selection of learning material, its appropriate assimilation during learning, and the elimination of mother-tongue interference. Literature:

1. Sherba L.W. Language system and speech detail.- L.; Science, 1974. - 411p.

2. Torsuev T.P. Phonetics of the English language. - M,; Publishing House of Literature in Foreign Languages, 1950, -831p.

3. Peter Ladefoged. A course in Phonetics. University of California, Los Angeles, 2006. - 310p.

©Baymyradova S.A., Gaitnazarova M.S., 2023

Baymyradova Selbi Muhammedovna, senior lecturer Joraeva Sadap Deryaevna, 5th year student Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly

Turkmenistan, Ashgabat


Key words:

education, teach foreign language, problems of teaching second language, problematic consonants.

During the Revival of the new era of stable state, as a result of the great efforts of the President, our country is reaching high levels in all areas. Along with all areas, great importance is attached to teaching young people a foreign language in depth, increasing their linguistic wealth, enabling them to speak freely in world languages, and providing modern education.

According to scientists, language is a means of communication. Learning world languages is one of the main areas. We explain to the students the importance of English and inform them about the abundance of literary and scientific books in this language. This increases their enthusiasm for English.

Educating young people who will contribute to the development of the country is one of the important directions of today. Therefore, the newest methods of education are developed and studied on a scientific basis.

Language is used as a means of communication in life. Communication is a two-way process. It includes "Hearing" and "Speaking".

Listening means listening, meaning spoken dialogue and monologue. Listening is a challenge for students because they need to quickly distinguish sounds in speech and remember the words of phrases or sentences. But it is not as easy as in our mother tongue. Linguistic forms of mother tongue and English are different. When listening to learn a new text, they face three challenges - phonetic, lexical and grammatical.

The speed of communication can also cause problems. The speaker's voice is also affected. In teaching speaking, the teacher should encourage the students to talk about the given text, that is, to get the students to learn the unknown words through the words they know. To develop listening and speaking skills, listening and speaking skills should be developed. Most of the lesson should be taught in English by the students. To develop these skills, use phonetic, grammatical, and lexical exercises. With the advancement of digital technology, there are opportunities to show students in class anything from art films to cartoons, all of which have a great impact on playing and especially listening.

The main problem of English pronunciation is to build a new set of boxes corresponding to the sounds of English, and to break down the arrangement of boxes corresponding to the sounds of English and to break down the arrangement of boxes which the habits of our native language have so strongly built up. We do this by establishing new ways of hearing, new ways of using our speech organs, and developing new speech

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