THE EFFECT OF CREATIVE-CRITICAL THINKING TO LEARNING FOREIGN LANGUAGES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
Pronunciation / accent / intonation / methods of pronunciation / Segmental features

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Muazzam Anvar Kizi Mukhtorova, Saida Turgunovna Gaziyeva

In this article considered analyses and opinions concerning scientific searchings about pronunciation and its effects to learning foreign languages, developer methods of pronunciation and intended main aims at developing pronunciation

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Muazzam Anvar kizi Mukhtorova

Tashkent region Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute the faculty of Tourism 2 nd

course, 20/4 - group E-mail: muazzammuhtorova@gmail .com

Saida Turgunovna Gaziyeva

Scientific adviser, teacher of the faculty of Tourism, Chirchik State Pedagogical

Institute of Tashkent region


In this article considered analyses and opinions concerning scientific searchings about pronunciation and its effects to learning foreign languages, developer methods of pronunciation and intended main aims at developing pronunciation.

Keywords: Pronunciation, accent, intonation, methods of pronunciation, Segmental features.


When learning any language, it is necessary to follow not only its grammatical features but also the rules of pronunciation. Through this course work we will learn how to pronounce and improve English pronunciation with various examples, games, exercises. And in this course work, the research work of many researchers is considered and the researcher who is reading this course work discovers another world of knowledge for himself. The course work also discusses the features of pronunciation and how to teach it. While reading the course work, a question arises in the inos. Is the ability to pronounce really an important factor when learning a language? What should you focus on to improve your pronunciation? Of course, the ability to pronounce is the most important factor in learning any language. If we have peers who have problems with pronunciation, we can of course recommend them in-house literature.

Pronunciation refers to the production of sounds that we use to make meaning. It includes paying attention to specific language sounds (parts), speech features that exceed each sound level, such as tone, sentences, pressure, time, rhythm (high quality features), how the voice is expressed (voice quality) and, in its broader definition, attention to touch and

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closely related expressions. and the way we speak the language. Each of these aspects of pronunciation is summarized below, and further research is suggested. In addition, Chapter 2 of the course work contains comments on pronunciation and its teaching, which means that it is necessary to pay attention to the relevance of the topic of the course work and pronunciation factors. The broad definition of nouns includes both suprasegmental and segmental features. Although these different aspects of pronunciation are treated alone here, it is important to remember that they all work together when we speak, so they are often best read as an integral part of spoken language. The theory described below is important for teachers to understand how these different components work, but it is not necessary for students to integrate the theory in depth. This practice is of great concern to them! Traditional pronunciations often focus on sectional features, especially since these are somehow related to the written word, so it is easier to identify and work on them. Recent forms of pronunciation, however, have suggested that higher pronunciation may be a major factor in the perception of other speakers. Students often benefit from attention in both aspects, and some students may need more help in some areas than others. This view all starts with suprasegmental features. Another tangible benefit of focusing on suprasegmentals is that students from mixed L1 domains in the same class will benefit, and will often find that the difficulty of their classes improves at the same time.


Pronunciation and its the most important components in learning English language. Why is pronunciation important? Pronunciation is important because it can affect the meaning of words. For example, if a word is pronounced incorrectly, it can lead to confusion. The way we speak reflects the way we think and feel. Those who can accurately pronounce English are more likely to be understood by native speakers, even if they make errors in other areas. Those whose pronunciation is difficult to understand will not be understood, even if their grammar is perfect. Such learners may avoid speaking English and as a result experience social isolation, employment difficulties and limited opportunities for further study, which may affect their settlement in Australia People often judge others by the way they speak, and so people with poor pronunciation may be judged as incompetent, uneducated or lacking in knowledge, even though listeners are only reacting to their pronunciation. Many adult learners find pronunciation one of the most difficult aspects of English to learn, and they need explicit help from the teacher. Studies of understudy needs reliably appear that our learners feel

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the require for elocution work in lesson. In this way a few sort of articulation work in lesson is essential. What is pronunciation? Pronunciation alludes to the generation of sounds that we utilize to create meaning. It incorporates consideration to the specific sounds of a dialect, perspectives of discourse past the level of the person sound, such as pitch, stating, stretch, timing, beat (suprasegmental perspectives), how the voice is anticipated (voice quality) and, in its broadest definition, consideration to motions and expressions that are closely related to the way we talk a dialect. Each of these viewpoints of articulation is briefly sketched out underneath, and references for advance consider are suggested. The components of pronunciation a wide definition of elocution incorporate both suprasegmental and segmental highlights. In spite of the fact that these distinctive viewpoints of elocution are treated in separation here, it is imperative.

Conventional approaches to articulation have frequently centered on segmental angles, generally since these relate in a few way to letters in composing, and are in this manner the most straightforward to take note and work on. More later approaches to pronunciation, be that as it may, have recommended that the suprasegmental perspectives of articulation may have the foremost impact on coherent for a few speakers. As a rule learner's advantage from consideration to both angles, and a few learners may require offer assistance in a few ranges more than in others. This outline begins with suprasegmental highlights. One impressive commonsense advantage of centering on suprasegmentals is that learners from mixed L1 foundations within the same course will advantage, and will frequently discover that their segmental troubles make strides at the same time.

Suprasegmental perspectives of pronunciation Stretch numerous instructors advocate beginning with push as the essential building square of pronunciation teaching. Stress alludes to the conspicuousness given to certain syllables inside words, and to certain syllables or words inside expressions. It is flagged by volume, constrain, pitch alter and syllable length, and is frequently the put where we take note hand developments and other signals when we are observing somebody talking. One discernible highlight of English is the diminished nature of unstressed syllables. In this way, not as it were are pushed syllables longer, louder, more powerful and at a distinctive pitch, but unstressed ones are frequently diverse in quality. Push is critical at three distinctive levels: • word level - multisyllabic words have one or more syllables that are stressed • sentence level - the foremost vital words tend to be focused • contrastive push - the foremost imperative words carry more prominent stretch.1

Adult Migrant English Program Research Centre, October 2002 - Pronunciation 1.

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By the way we can find many bibliography and references which based pronunciation. Such as "English pronunciation in Use" by Jonathan Marks helps to student and also teachers to communicate with each other without many ascents. Through a big help of this book or handbook every language learners may listen and doing some exercises on themselves for pronunciation in English. We can learn lots of features and rules of pronunciation such us intonation. And author of this book tells about students that this handbook is the major component of being the best listener and speaker. There are many types of activities and tasks which are related with improving pronunciation in while speaking but we will talk about this in the second chapter.

How we can increase our pronunciation and speak like native speakers? Does reading or listening helps to improve our pronunciation? These kinds of questions we can see on the net or listen over our teenagers and many other places where new learner have. But through this paper work we desire to show you some advises and main factors to develop and improve pronunciation: The first handbook to increase pronunciation is a book by Samuel Blumenfeld, which requires us to learn hardly and deeply pronunciation.

Samuel L. Blumenfeld is an authority on the teaching of reading, and his work is widely respected. He has been writing about American education for the past 30 years, and has given lectures and seminars in all 50 states and in Canada, England, Australia, and New Zealand. Mr. Blumenfeld is the author of books on education, including The New literates, How to Tutor, Homeschooling: A Parent's Guide to Teaching Children, and five other titles. His articles have been published in a variety of publications, including Vital Speeches, American Education, Home School Digest, and Practical Homeschooling. Mr. Blumenfeld is well-known for his expert opinions on literacy and reading instruction, and he has been a guest on hundreds of radio and television talk shows. After graduating from City College of New York in 1950, Mr. Blumenfeld studied at the Sorbonne in Paris. On his return to the U.S., he entered the publishing industry where he worked for Rinehart and Company, World Publishing Company, The Viking Press, and Grosset and Dunlap, where he worked as editor of the Universal Library quality series. He also served as chairman of the Massachusetts Reading Reform Foundation branch for 20 years. Mr. Blumenfeld has taught in public and private schools and has taught extensively. In 1983, Mr. Blumenfeld developed his own phonetic learning program, Alpha Phonics: A Primer for Beginning Readers, which for more than 20 years garnered

2 English pronunciation in Use elementary self study and classroom , Jonathan Marks, Cambridg New York, p, 5-6.

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widespread popularity among home school children in the United States and abroad. His straightforward, simple "logical way has taught thousands of children and adults to read. Blumenfeld's Alpha-Phonics is the culmination of years of experience and


research in finding the most effective way to teach reading.

The second theory is connected with Paul Moritoshi's work. He determined pronunciation as the main factor in speaking. He learned Hymes's work which called "Ethnography of speaking" and wrote his own "Contrasting classroom spoken discourse with casual conversation using Hymes's (1979) ethnomethodological framework." "The seven features of discourse proposed by Hymes' 'Ethnography of speaking' (1972, reviewed in Coulthard, 1985: 44-55 and Brazil, 1995: 101-109) provide a framework which not only sets out his view of communicative competence, but also facilitates the examination of oral discourse from various genres".4

More details on tones and how they are used in speech can be found in Yallop (1995), and some practice activities can be found in Gilbert (1994) and Hancock (1995). Clennell (1997) provides a useful description of how intonation is used to signal what is important in what is said, the force or attitude with which something is said, how we use intonation to distinguish between new and old information, and how we use pitch change to signal turn-taking and other conversational management strategies. He also suggests some teaching ideas appropriate for more advanced learners, but which could be adapted for use with lower levels.5


New directions in research.

• In teaching pronunciation, we shouldn't think only about individual sounds. Intonation, rhythm, and changes in connected speech are also important.

• Voice quality—the overall characteristics of a speaker's voice, such as average pitch, tenseness of the muscles of the throat and vocal tract—or whether the speaker's voice sounds breathy, nasal, etc.—also have a strong influence on how a speaker's pronunciation sounds.

• As English becomes an international language, the emphasis of pronunciation teaching will probably move away from trying to make learners sound like native speakers and toward helping them become more intelligible in speaking with both native and nonnative speakers of English.

Blumenfeld's Alpha-Phonics A Primer for Beginning Readers, New Revised Edition, Sepfember 2005 First Printing, October 2005

4 Contrasting classroom spoken discourse with casual conversation using Hymes's (1979) ethnom< framework. Paul Moritoshi.

5 October 2002 - Pronunciation 1 Adult Migrant English Program Research Centre https://t.me/ares uz

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Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal

How do vowel sounds differ from each other?

• Simple vowels, glided vowels, and diphthongs: Is the sound constant throughout the vowel, or does it change a bit at the end?

• If the tongue stays in the same position throughout the vowel, it's a simple vowel.

• If the tongue position changes just a little, it's a glided vowel.

• If the tongue position changes a lot, so it sounds like two separate vowel sounds blended together, it's a diphthong.

• Tongue position: Where is the highest, tensest, or most active part of the tongue?

• Vertical position: high / mid / low

• Horizontal position: front / central / back

• Lip rounding: Are the lips very rounded, somewhat rounded, relaxed, stretched wide?

• Tense and lax vowels: How tense or tight are the muscles of the tongue during the sound?6

Being teachers of English, we use various methods in classrooms to teach pronunciation which includes:

1. Naturalistic method. In this method, learners are exposed to the language for some time. They don't have the pressure to imitate; they just listen to the sounds without any stress. After sometime, they are asked to repeat those sounds in the same pattern. This method is similar to that of the natural acquisition of a language. Speech shadowing is one of the famous techniques used in this method.

2. Phonetic transcription method. This is an age old and time tested method to teach pronunciation. In this, the L2 learners are given the detailed description of the standard phonetic alphabet and the other rules of pronunciation. It requires a lot of attention and hard work from the students, as learning the code is not so easy. This method has one advantage in which if the learner once becomes aware of the phonetic alphabet, he can learn the pronunciation of the new words also by referring to a standard dictionary.

3. Minimal pair drills method. Minimal pairs are the pairs of words or phrases that differ in only a single sound. So, the teacher makes the students understand the basic patterns of each and every sound in the target language. Teacher selects the words which differ by a single sound and these words are drilled continuously in the class so as to make them understand the

6 Teaching Pronunciation: A Course Book and Reference Guide

Second Edition. By Marianne Celce-Murcia, Donna M. Brinton, Janet M. Goodwin, with Barry

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difference in sounds. These drills improve the listening perception and oral production .

E.g. ship - /Jip/ & sheep - /Ji:p/

Zip - /zip/ & zeep - /zi:p/

Pen - /pen/ & Pan - /pan/

4. Sentence drills or contextualized minimal pairs. After this level, gradually the students are made to listen to the sentences, with words that sound similar, but differs in the meaning they convey. Here, students learn through context.

E.g. Are you the least in the list? /a:(r) ju: 5s li:st in 5s list/?

5. Visual reinforcement. It is the noiseless way of educating articulation. This strategy employments the word charts, color bars, pictures, props, sound colour charts etc; to improve the comprehensibility of the understudies. The instructor communicates mainly through signals and permits the understudies to talk more within the lesson. This strategy is more suitable to the adult learners instead of drills and rhymes which are more reasonable to the children. sound charts are arranged by putting vowels on the best and consonants at the foot isolated by a line. Among vowels, immaculate vowels are spoken to in a single colour and diphthongs in two colours. It makes the peruser to identify the sounds effectively. Push designs can be made effortlessly caught on by the understudies by planning a chart with checked push syllables. As a rule, the stretch sounds are spoken to by a speck underneath them or push syllables are capitalized.

6. Vowel fluctuations and pressure switch systems. Digging tests on vowel changes and vowel changes enables learners to speak correctly.

Eg. delete / delete /, read / ri: d / - vowel changes

Record / 'reko:d /, record / ri'ko:d / - change pressure

In the second example, we have both vowel changes and pressure changes.

7. Language distortion. There are a number of English twists that help L2 students improve their language their understanding and pronunciation. As they become accustomed to the language barriers, they become accustomed to the sound target language patterns.

Eg. Betty bought butter, but the butter was bitter, she combined bitter butter with the best butter to make bitter butter is better.

8. Reading aloud. Reading aloud is a method by which students are allowed to read a verse or poem correctly and depression. This allows the

teacher to prepare the students at the same time and in the

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classroom itself. Quick fix prevents students from forming false ideas in naming.

9. Records. In this case, students were made to listen to audio recordings and


asked to record their own production.

Nowadays, a number of software is available to improve pronunciation. For example, K-Van solutions - gives students an audio clip and space to record their voice. Students can listen their voice and correct themselves. Researchers found many kind of pronunciation developing methods for teaching pronunciation. Through this methods teachers can teach their students very well as well as they desired. In addition there many accents in English speakers who are learned in different


ways.You can watch this accents and take information about speaking.


Over the past 15 years, there has been an interest in delivery word teaching in the ESL / EFL curriculum. Highlighting this new to focus, Joan Morley has selected seven essays for her planned anthology that include informative research and practical teaching suggestions on naming. The first three articles offer effective suggestions for pronunciation in the classroom. The first of these is "Pronunciation Assessment in the ESL / EFL curriculum, "Goodwin, Brinton, and Celce-Murcia. diagnostic procedures for visual and production tests, continuous feedback, which includes self-discipline, peer pressure, and teacher correction, as well class success test. The second article is entitled "Empowering Students With Predictive Skills, by Dickerson, describes his "Three Ps". vision, production and forecasting - which is a teacher's guide in assisting students set goals for spelling and pronunciation, emphasizing prediction skills which apply to all levels of performance. The final article in this series Gilbert's "Intonation: A Navigation Guide for the Listener," suggested practical operations using gadgets such as kazoo, magnets, and rubber belts teaching communication, rhythm, and music.9


The main purpose of this article is to show the features of the role of pronunciation in the study of English and the theoretical aspects of these features, the main aspects of teaching English as a future teacher and should be given attention. If a person pays attention to the language he is learning and its features, he will witness

7 INNOVATIVE METHODS IN TEACHING PRONUNCIATION Mounika Arimüli , Aruna Kumari Kanuri , William kery Kokkirigadda "International journa of science Technology and Management" Vol.No.05,Issue.No .08,August 2016

8 Watch the YouTube clip of Amy Walker introducing herself in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UgpfSp2t6k

9 Celce-Murcia, M., Brinton, D. M. & Goodwin, J. M. (1996). Teaching pronunciation. Cambridg

Cambridge University Press.

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many of its mysteries. The pronunciation of the language is just another mystery of his. But reading a book alone is not enough to improve pronunciation. Of course, language learners who test it and work on it every day know this. The neurons of our brain also remember the new language by hearing, seeing, and feeling it, which is why intonation is so important in language learning.

While speaking in English, we can see that many of our peers also have problems, but it is possible to solve them. While finding a result against difficulties has been the subject of course work, as a course work writer, it is safe to say that all learners can solve their problems through very well-researched research and published books designed to solve pronunciation problems. One should definitely try to do more research and find solutions in other areas without getting stuck with language learning. Because, according to the above researchers, reading a book alone does not solve pronunciation problems. The main aspect and factor is to increase this hearing ability and conduct practical exercises on hearing exercises every day. In addition, listening to music in that language, memorizing the words of the music, and watching movies, or writing down thoughts from the text of a work read or speaking will help to solve pronunciation problems.


1. Adult Migrant English Program Research Centre, October 2002 - Pronunciation 1.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

2. English pronunciation in Use elementary self study and classroom , Jonathan Marks, Cambridge University Press, New York , p, 5-6.

3. Gazieva S. T. READING IS THE RECEPTIVE SIDE OF WRITING //Academic research in educational sciences. - 2021. - Т. 2. - №. 5. - С. 1564-1570.

4. Blumenfeld's Alpha-Phonics A Primer for Beginning Readers, New Revised Edition, Sepfember 2005

First Printing, October 2005

5. Contrasting classroom spoken discourse with casual conversation using Hymes's (1979) ethnomethodological framework. Paul Moritoshi.

6. October 2002 - Pronunciation 1 Adult Migrant English Program Research Centre

7. Teaching Pronunciation: A Course Book and Reference Guide Second Edition. By Marianne Celce-Murcia, Donna M. Brinton, Janet M. Goodwin, with Barry Griner.

8. INNOVATIVE METHODS IN TEACHING PRONUNCIATION Mounika Arimilli , Arana Kumari Kanuri , William kery Kokkirigadda "International jouma of science Technology and Management" Vol.No.05,Issue.No.08,August 2016

9. Celce-Murcia, M., Brinton, D. M. & Goodwin, J. M. (1996). Teaching pronunciation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

10. Watch the YouTube clip of Amy Walker introducing herself in 21 different accents: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UgpfSp2t6k

June, 2022

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