Научная статья на тему 'Sociality as the basis for the formation of an integral view on the social and communicative process'

Sociality as the basis for the formation of an integral view on the social and communicative process Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Telep O.A.

The article is devoted to the consideration of the trinity of social communication as the basis for its development in society. The interdependence of physical, biological, and social aspects of communication and approaches to modeling the communicative process in society is established. The views on the possibility of forming an integral approach to the understanding of social communication are defined.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Sociality as the basis for the formation of an integral view on the social and communicative process»



Телеп О.А.

Викладач, кафедра соцiокульmурноï ôiMMbHocmi Комунальний вищий навчальний заклад «Ужгородський коледж культури i мистецтв» Закарпатсько'1' обласно'1'ради




Telep O.A.

Lecturer, Department of socio-cultural activity Uzhgorod College of Culture and Arts



Стаття присвячена розгляду триедносп сощально1 комушкаци як основи ïï розвитку в суспшьствг Встановлюеться взаемозалежшсть фiзичного, бюлопчного та соцiального аспектiв комушкаци та пiдходiв до моделювання комушкативного процесу в суспiльствi. Виводиться положения щодо можливостi форму-вання штегрального шдходу до розумiння соцiальноï комушкаци.


The article is devoted to the consideration of the trinity of social communication as the basis for its development in society. The interdependence of physical, biological, and social aspects of communication and approaches to modeling the communicative process in society is established. The views on the possibility of forming an integral approach to the understanding of social communication are defined.

Ключовi слова: комушкащя, сощальна комушкащя, триедшсть, сощально-комушкативний процес, моделi соцiальноï комушкаци.

Keywords: communication, social communication, trinity, social-communicative process, models of social communication.

Contemporary socio-cultural transformation of society happens not only due to the transition of industrial society into the information society but in accordance with significant changes in its communication structure (N. Luhmann, M. McLuhan, A. Toffler, M. Masuda, T. Stonier). Social communication has become all-pervasive and captured the society in its networks, so N. Luh-mann defined as a society, that it is constantly in contact (N. Luhmann). There is a relevant issue of updating the point of view on the communicative nature of social reality, which also draws the attention of researchers who study the communication process in society from the point of view of different sciences - sociology, psychology, cultural studies, ethology, and the theory of social communications.

Social communication is the part of the social environment, and it is a condition for the implementation of public relations and connections, becomes a factor of social progress. Such understanding of society is recognized in recent years, but the fundamentals for this evolved over the millennia. Thanks to the achievements of sociological sciences, it is known that the predictions about the understanding of society as a system of relations belonged to the founder of the sociological theory O. Comte.

Scientists recognize the fundamental influence of informatization on the formation of ideas about the communicative process in society and the preparation

of the information environment for the implementation of communication connections between people. Improvement and development of information processing technologies add new impetus to the expansion of the components of the communication process in all spheres of public life. Today, there is a diffusion of communicative models created in the period of informatization of society. Regarding this, there is a rich reference base, widely used in the fields of political, educational, economic, industrial, intercultural, artistic, and other communicative practices.

The aim of the article is to identify the study and analysis of the features of the communication process as a component of socialization and functioning of society. The tasks include the study of the origins of the attitude to communication as a social phenomenon; the application of logic of the trinity for the definition of social communication; the establishment of the possibility of "social" communication as an integrator of the social and communication process. The solution of these tasks gives us the opportunity to predict the development of the model of social communication of the media age that demand the consideration of communication as such and, in our opinion, has a triune nature.

According to the ideas of sociology, sociocentric importance of communication didn't identify all the processes of organization of animal and human life (G.

Spencer). However, further research confirms that social progress connected to the development of systems and environments of communication and human relations. In the context of the study of historical and theoretical origins of the evolution of social communication in the social structure, it should be noted that according to the position of P. Sorokin, development in society occurs in the horizontal and vertical vectors of social interaction [1]. The consideration of society as a single organism is already a fairly developed idea in sociology, social psychology, cultural studies, and in the aspects of the search for common features of the communicative action in society. We should add works of N Lazarsfeld, who developed the macro-sociological vision of the society, about the unity of the philosophical and sociological paradigm in the search for common characteristics [2].

Social relations are possible only in society, which is a way of existence of mankind, a set of forms of joint life of people. Communication in society becomes a means of coordination of mutually oriented social actions of people conscious or unconscious, but those that arise from the needs of social life. This is considered as the sociality of communication. So, the reactions to external stimuli (mental reactions) connect universal content of communication with social communication. The need to distinguish the psychological and social components of social systems is also highlighted by N Luh-mann [3]. N. Luhmann notes that the psychological side of society operates on the basis of consciousness, sociality occurs on the basis of communication. So, N. Luhmann believes that "the social system cannot think, and a physiological system cannot communicate" [3]. At the same time, he notes that there is a constant connection between the systems, and their closeness does not mean that there is no influence of the systems on each other, which can be established by an external observer [3]. Communication, by N. Luhmann's definition, describes not only the action of the message carrying the information, but also the auto-poetic operation itself, and connects three different parts into one: "information", "message", and "understanding". Thus, it can be included in further communicative relations [3].

Such correspondences are established by studying the socio-cultural structure of society and identifying its impact on the sphere of social interaction, the sphere of social communication. In particular, we study essential content filling of the cultural space [4]. Thanks to the formation of a system of social memory of mankind, social evolution does not destroy the achievements of previous civilizations but preserves them for revival in a new civilization. Researchers recognize the fact that the main source and factor of evolution is the constant development of communication capabilities of mankind. So, communication forms the space of social life. It is also a condition for the implementation of social connections and relations. As a result, it becomes a significant factor for social progress. Today, such understanding of communication in society has reached almost universal scientific recognition, even though the prepositions for this were formed before the Aristo, who is considered as a creator of first ideas about communication.

All scientists, who study communication and communication processes within a certain discourse, always turn to the list and analysis of definitions of communication and communication process. In contrast to the formulation of the new definition, we must find the universal interpretation of the concept of "communication", which refers to "social" communication as a phenomenon of social interaction. It is important for us that researchers have identified three noteworthy aspects of understanding communication in its material, mental and social aspects. According to the physical (material) understanding of communication, it is understood as a means of transferring information from one source to another, between the devices, certain persons through the appropriate communication channel. The shortest way to access this information is to use Wikipedia [5]. The interpretation of communication as a process of information exchange focuses on the techniques, technologies and means of transferring a certain meaning from one subject to another. Social communication in its definitions is based on the substantive aspect of social interaction, recognizes the bilateral or multilateral process of establishing and developing contacts between people due to their needs in social activities. Linguistics considers communication as the process of physical and social exchange of information between the subjects of the information space using words, letters, and language signs. Philosophy for the definition of communication introduces the concept of intention and expansion of means of communication through voice, gesture, facial expressions and the like. Psychologists accept different views on communication of representatives of other sciences and define the concept of "communication" as a process of exchange of products of mental activity (a specific process of communication and interaction of people with the help of language or other sign systems).

The definition of communication and social communication in the framework of the theory of social communication is given in the dictionary of V. Il-ganaeyva, in which the author distinguishes concepts in plural and singular, according to the phenomenological and ontological approaches of study [6, p. 296-299, p. 310-311]. Social communication is defined as the purposeful exchange of information and knowledge significant for participants. So, communication is based on communication action that can be programmed [6, p. 296-297]. The author presents social communications as a set of processes and structures that ensure the purposeful circulation of social information and knowledge in the social space-time continuum [6, p. 310]. Pocheptsov G. G. gives the definition of social communications in the following form: "social communications, or social communications, is a unifying concept for all communications of the social system - private and public. Any communication promotes socialization, as it increases the area of general knowledge and actions of people" [7]. The main functions of socio-communications include: the maintenance of the existing state of socio-system, transfer of socio-system into the new condition, activating or blocking specific parameters of socio-system [7]. It can be argued that

changes in social communications are directly dependent on changes in people's consciousness, which is influenced by changes in the world.

Social and communication behavior as an element of social communication is considered in the works of researchers who study the processes of socialization of children and adolescents, the safety of social communication in social relations and the biological nature of human communication. Horovy V. considers the biological origins of social communication in his work [8]. The emergence of communication of a biological species is a manifestation of the general biological mechanism of cooperation that reflects the actions of universal system development. The researcher considers various aspects of the formation of the means of functioning of two communication systems - biological and socio-biological, which provide the conditions for the formation of a system of social information communications. The biological side of social communication is included in its further study at the level of psychology, psychophysics, and social engineering. In particular, Humberto Maturana and Francisco Varela summarized the search of different scientific schools regarding the biological foundations of social communication, both in living and non-living systems, including in human society [9].

Thus, the trinity of connections in the process of communication is manifested already in the establishment of the nature of social communication: biological, physical (material), and social. We choose the definition of communication as a physical process and social communication as the transmission of certain messages that have informational, signal-sign, intentional character. Social communication is based on the psychological characteristics of a person or a social subject, so the psychological function is formed in the process of socialization and is shaped by the environment. The physical (material) aspect of social communication is formed by technical means for the implementation of actions for the storage, processing and transmission of information through communication channels arising in the historical sequence of the formation of society as a system. In this sense "social" communication integrates physical (technological), biological, and social levels. This definition of social communication is transformed at the lower level of reproduction of the communication process in various areas of social and communication activity - in politics, economics, religion, marketing, education, journalism, document and information sphere, etc. the universal definition of social communication creates the necessary theoretical basis for the implementation of social engineering technologies in all designated areas.

The trinity of "social" communication is manifested in the system structure of social reality as a connection between system, structure and functions. Kho-lod O. underlines these situations in his theory of inmutation of society and the method of social-engineering analysis [10]. Kholod O. considers social engineering as the triune complex of processes aimed at:

1) identification of existing models of social activity; 2) creation of a new (better) model of social activity of society; 3) future pragmatization of the effectiveness and efficiency of the created models of social activity of society. The described triune complex of the processes, Kholod O. calls the triune principle of realization of social engineering and illustrates it with the examples [10, P. 165].

The communication process itself consists of a large number of processes that scientists (representatives of various theoretical scientific schools) connect with the processes of coding, transcoding, compiling messages, choice of media and format of the message transition. All these processes, if we consider them from the point of view of the system description of communication in its physical (material), biological and social components, may not occur in full, since the course of such processes in the implementation of social communication is not fixed, and contacts between the subjects are established at the level of the results of previous public contacts, information and impressions that were obtained by the subjects in certain social and communicative situations and social environments (socialization, training, practical experience, national-cultural environment and other factors).

The trinity of the information, communicators, and intentions is based on the definitions of communication, its adaptability and algorithmization, resulting in a certain state of the participants of the communicative process. The social and communication process covers the entire system of social communications of society as a means of ensuring social interaction. Society becomes an integral customer, a generator of information and knowledge, a consumer of social information, as well as a source of goal-setting in the process of social communication. So, the society integrates the subject and the object of the communication process. The system of social communications is the mediator in this process. Communication in the social system is considered as a universal means of formation of a person, culture and society. Social communication is a phenomenon of social life, unlike "communication" in its universal meaning.

The triune nature of social communication can be considered as the basis for determining the parameters of the socio-communicative process (biological, physical, social) and it fits into the new state of social reality of the era of media society. Network society based on multimodal communication systems is becoming a new experimental platform for the study of social communication processes, based on an integrated vision of social communication. According to our conclusions, the "sociality" of communication is an integrated idea about the way of implementation of social interaction between social actors. Further research in this direction will provide an opportunity to create new foundations for modeling the socio-communication process in the new socio-cultural situation.


1. Sorokin P. (1992). Human. Civilization. Society. Moscow: Politizdat.

2. Lazarsfeld P. (1993) Analyzing the relations between variables. On social research and its language. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

3. Luhmann N. (2005) Society of society. Part 2. Media communications. Logos. Moscow.

4. Foucault M. (1994) Words and things. Archeology of humanitarian sciences. St. Petersburg.

5. Wikipedia. The Free Encyclopedia [Electronic resource]. Retrieved from: https://en.wikipedia.org/

6. Ilganayeva V. A. (2009) Social communications (theory, methodology, activity): reference dictionary. Kharkov.

7. Pocheptsov G. Socio-communications and socio-systems [Electronic version] Retrieved May 10, 2019 from http://osvita.mediasapiens.ua/mate-rial/24715

8. Horovy V. (2010) Social-information communications, their filling and resource. Vladymyr Vernad-sky National Library of Ukraine. Kyiv.

9. Maturana H.R. & Varela F.J. (1992). The tree of knowledge: The biological roots of human understanding. Cognition. Shambhala. Boston.

10. Kholod O. (2010) Media and theory of social communications: monograph. Publishing center "Institute of advertisement". Kyiv.


Лаптев И.Г.

Кандидат педагогических наук, профессор Астраханский государственный университет,

Астрахань, Россия



Laptev I. G.

Candidate of pedagogical Sciences, Professor Astrakhan state University, Astrakhan, Russia


В «Концепции духовно-нравственного развития и воспитания личности гражданина России», в частности, отмечается, что «обучающиеся вместе с педагогами, родителями, иными субъектами духовной, культурной, социальной жизни обращаются к содержанию... традиционных российских религий...» [2]. В статье рассматриваются аспекты становления нравственности и духовной культуры с позиций известных ученых, писателей, педагогов. Приведены цитаты из книги великого просветителя четвертого века от Рождения Христа Святого Иоанна Златоуста, словом своим и благодатными делами служившего просвещенческому гуманизму. Статья подготовлена по материалам библиотеки Свято-Троицкого Сканова монастыря.


In the "Concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the individual citizen of Russia", in particular, it is noted that "students together with teachers, parents, other subjects of spiritual, cultural, social life turn to the content of... traditional Russian religions..." [2]. The article deals with the aspects of the formation of morality and spiritual culture from the standpoint of well-known scientists, writers, teachers. Quotes from the book of the great educator of the fourth century from the Birth of Christ St. John Chrysostom, his word and gracious deeds served enlightened humanism. The article is based on the materials of the library of the Holy Trinity monastery Skanov.

Ключевые слова: Педагог, подрастающее поколение, духовно-нравственное воспитание, священнослужитель.

Keywords: Teacher, younger generation, spiritual and moral education, priest.

«Учитель - перед именем твоим позволь смиренно преклонить колени» Н.А. Некрасов

Педагогическая деятельность - это личностная ответственность педагога за будущее современного подрастающего поколения. Успешное решение сложных и ответственных задач воспитания и обучения в решающей степени зависит от его личности, его нравственной позиции, профессионального мастерства, эрудиции и духовной культуры. Это

высокая миссия, предназначение которой - сотворение и самоопределение личности молодых людей в образовании, духовности и культуре, то есть утверждение Человека в человеке.

Как Сатин говорил в пьесе М. Горького, Человек - это звучит гордо, так и Педагог - это звучит очень гордо и по православным пасторским канонам служит «радению» и заботе не только о воспитании и обучении, но и о становлении нравственной и духовной культуры.

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