SEMIOTIC EXPRESSIONS OF GREAT TURKMEN POET MAGTYMGULY`S ARTICTIC WORD Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Payziyev H.

The analisys of poems language by Magtymguly gives us an opportunity to make sure that the poet masterly used the language means in his works.

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scientific, father was the scientist and poet Dovletmammet Azadi. Magtymguly-Pyragy in expression, poetic method, practice he may have learned from his father. It is known the poet is aware of the science of the masters who came before him and has a great respect for their creativity. In the book "Magtymguly and Eastern literature" published in 2014 by scientist Romanguly Mustakov, he refers to B.A. Garryyev's article "Magtymguly knew everything", "Seypelmelek-Medhaljemal" and "Warka-Gulsha" are influence of Eastern literature and it is stated that famous characters of Eastern literature such as Iskander, Isa, Suleiman, Rustem Zal, Jemshit appear in Magtymguly's poetry. We can see this in the greatness of his respect in referring to the ideas that should be mentioned in his work. The poet is interested in the sources they refer to. It can also be concluded by the description of the situations in his poems "Satashdym", "Turgul diydiler". In Magtymguly's work we can meet this phrase like Arsh-Kurs, sky, earth, heaven and hell, faith, repentance, prayer and et.c. It is known that he tried to understand the mystery of the disappearances. It is clear that he is fully aware of the sacred books of the Towrat, Zebur, the Bible, and the Holy Kuran. That's why the poet has a deep understanding of the Prophets known in the East, the Holy Spirit and the infinite power of the past. He was deeply interested in the stories about the Prophet Yusuf in "Yusup-Zuleyha" epos. He created several works based on this story. One of his works are "Atly Yaranlar", "I swear in Arabic", "Diye-diye". In addition, representatives of the world of love are interested in the story of "Leyli-Mejnun", the sultan of the world of beauty. He cites examples from "Arzy-Gambar", "Gul-Bilbil", "Zohre-Tahyr", "Seypelmelek-Methaljemal", "Shasenem-Garyp" and other loves are described in his work.

In general, Magtymguly's creativity was greatly influenced by the great wordsmiths of the East. Studying Magtymguly's creativity is limitless because it is a multifaceted creation. Therefore in our article, we paid a lot of attention to the past's references to lovers. In 2023 when Magtymguly's 300th anniversary will be celebrated, our state has set out to fully and properly own the creations of our poet.


1. История всемирной литературы: в 9 томах. Под редакцией И.С.Брагинского и других. - М., 1983-1984гг.

2. Избранное. Махтумкули Фраги. Составители Б.А.Каррыев, М.Овезгельдыев. - Ашхабад: Институт языка и литературы имени Махтумкули Академии наук Туркменской ССР, 1983г.

3. https://turkmenistan.gov.tm/ru

© Mashadova L., 2023

УДК 39

Payziyev H.,


Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly

Ashgabat, Turkmenistan



The analisys of poems language by Magtymguly gives us an opportunity to make sure that the poet masterly used the language means in his works.

Key words:

artistic words, figuratively, philosophically, semiotically, sign, symbol.

Пайзиев Х.,


Туркменский государственный университет имени Махтумкули

Ашхабад, Туркменистан



Анализ языка стихотворений Махтумкули дает нам возможность убедиться в том, что поэт виртуозно использовал языковые средства в своих произведениях.

Ключевые слова:

художественное слово, образно, философски, семиотически, знак, символ.

The "Elbrus of the world poetry", the diamond crown of the Turkmen spirit, the great personality and thinker poet Magtymguly Pyragy, who lived in the 18th century, was of great importance in the development and improvement of the Turkmen literary language and literature. Because when Magtymguly created his poems, he took the words in the hand of wisdom, used the most important ones, and created the people in a language that anyone could understand when reading. The philosopher, who understood the importance of words in shaping personality and in human life, attached great importance to words, especially artistic words. It is probably not easy to understand the world of Magtymguly Pyragy's poetry, because the poet used words not literally, but often figuratively, philosophically, semiotically.

Let's focus on the term "semiotics" here. Semiotics (in Greek semeion - sign) is the science of signs and sign systems. This science teaches the system of symbols and numbers as a tool for creating, transmitting and storing information. That being said, science acts as a medium that connects (or joins) our mind, language, and existence into a unified chain. The subject of semiotics is a system of signs or signs that serve as an intermediary between man and the world

What is a "sign"? What is meant by "sign"? A sign (Greek signum) - is a material, a so-called object that acts as a substitute (placeholder) and is perceived through the senses. The science of semiotics is closely related to rhetoric. In semiotics, the idea to be expressed is not directly expressed, through symbols (signs) in a poetic tone, figuratively, secretly.

According to this feature, it is similar to artistic devices such as metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, symbol, which are part of tropes. But unlike them, in semiotics, words are not only used figuratively, but, as we mentioned, understanding signs, what meaning lies under the sign, and what the hidden meaning actually is, is determined by logical thinking. This science is also related to Aristotle's syllogistic. Only four figures (metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, symbol) are found in it. In a syllogism, a logical conclusion is drawn from the idea to be expressed.

In Eastern literature, expressing the hidden meaning through symbols, reaching rhe root of the word, is characteristic of the poetic form, which is characterized by "muamma".

If we give a semiotic analysis to the word "mountain", it is not a mountain that means an object in its literal sense, but it comes as a semiotic sign and symbol that means "not to be afraid, to be afraid". The reason why we say symbol here is that semiotic symbols are divided into three groups according to their modes of meaning: index, icon, and symbol. As can be seen from this classification, symbolism is also a part of semiotics. "A symbol is a way of figuratively organizing a sentence in fiction and folklore and expressing an idea without saying it directly, ironically, in which a word or object is used as a permanent symbol of another object and concept" [R. Rejebov, Dictionary of Literary Terms. - Ashgabat: Turkmenistan, 1966].

In "Dictionary of Turkmen classical literature" was published by A. Meredeov and S. Ahalli, the word "mountain" has the following meanings: mountain (also Persian word:g) - 1) burning, burning place; 2) mark, sign, number, label; darkness; 3) a boat, a boat, a boat; mountain - sorrow - sorrow of separation.

In general, by analyzing such semiotic, artistic-philosophical meanings in Magtymguly's poetry, one can clearly see the lexicon and semantics of the Turkmen literary language, the interpretation of several meanings in one word, and the metaphorical potential of the Turkmen language. Pyragy's works promoting humanity, honesty, and unity are of inestimable value for all humanity. References:

1. Shihnepesov Amannepes. The world of Magtymguly. - Ashgabat, 2014

2. Степанов Ю.С. Семиотика. М., 1971.

3. Лотман М.Ю. Семиосфера. М., 2000.

4. http://www.aber.ac.uk/media/Documents/S4B/semiotic.html

© Payziyev H., 2023

УДК 39

Дурдыева А.,

старший преподаватель Туркменский государственный институт культура

Ашхабад, Туркменистан Гурбандурдыев Н., преподаватель

Туркменский государственный институт культура

Ашхабад, Туркменистан


Культура существует в двух формах - материальной и нематериальной. Образы жизни культуры тесно связаны друг с другом и обуславливают друг друга. Когда мы говорим о внутреннем образе жизни культуры, мы имеем в виду внутренние ценности. Люди производят материальные блага, необходимые им для жизни. Для их производства они воздействуют на природу, используют ее сырье, перерабатывают их и создают вещи, которые природа не может нам подготовить — машины, машины, дома, одежду, продукты питания, книги, произведения искусства и т. д.

Ключевые слова: Культура, ценности, наследие, искусство.

Durdyeva A.,

senior lecturer. Turkmen State Institute of Culture.

Ashgabat, Turkmenistan. Gurbandurdyev N., lecturer.

Turkmen State Institute of Culture.

Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.

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