Научная статья на тему 'Security of agricultural works'

Security of agricultural works Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
agricultural / work / machinery / labor / security / inspection / conditions

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Ovsyannikova O. V.

The article presents safety requirements for the operation of agricultural machinery, the environmental as-pect of safety in agriculture, and the process of creating optimal working conditions.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Security of agricultural works»

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the implementation of this process, use of a layered destruction of the reservoir in a single pass. Thus, layer-by-layer destruction excludes from the technological process of crumbling of the reservoir the deformation and the rise of large soil layers. There is no process of moving large masses at the first two stages of processing, the mass of the machine itself decreases, and, consequently, its cost and the technological properties of the work are improved [8].


1. Petunin A. F. The movement of a trihedral wedge in the soil / Petunin A. F., Efremova V. N., Tri-fonov I. K. Rural mechanic. 2015. No. 3. P. 16-17.

2. The method of sifting loose materials and the working body for its implementation Oleinik V. N., Voloshin N. I. Patent for invention RUS 2044437.

3. Turovsky B. V. The dependence of the energy intensity of the disk working body on the operating modes / Turovsky B. V., Efremova V. N. // Technique and equipment for the village. 2013. № 10. P. 16-18.

4. Bychkov A. V. Substantiation of the possibility of using straw flour for the production of building blocks / Bychkov A. V., Shkhalakhov L. V., Efremova V. N., Ovsyannikova O. V. // In the collection: Scientific support of the agro-industrial complex Collection articles on the materials of the X All-Russian Conference of Young Scientists dedicated to the 120th anniversary of I. S. Kosenko. Ed. for issue A. G. Ko-shchaev. 2017. p. 1001-1002.

5. Efremova V. N. Research work of students in the educational process of the university / Efremova V. N., Ovsyannikova O. V. // In the collection: Practice-oriented learning: experience and current trends Collection of articles based on materials methodical conference. 2017. p. 144-145.

6. Frolov V. Yu. Machines and technologies in dairy cattle breeding / Frolov V. Yu., Sidorenko S. M., Sysoev D. P., Bychkov A. V. // Study guide for university students enrolled "Agroengineering" / Krasnodar, 2013.

7. Efremova V. N. Multi-tiered plow / Efremova V. N. Rural mechanizer. 2014. № 1. P. 7.

8. Efremova V. N. Features of the development of tilling machines / Efremova V. N., Ser-dyuchenko V. M. // Colloquium-journal. 2018. No. 10-2 (21). Pp. 7678.

9. Shirokoryadova, O. V. Chemical composition of sieve fractions of fat-free sunflower flour / O. V. Shirokoryadova, A. D. Minakova, V. G. Shcherbakov // Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii. Food technology. 2007. № 2. P. 94-95.

10. Shirokoryadova O.V. Chemical composition of sieve fractions of defatted sunflower flour / Shiro-koryadova OV, Minakova AD, Shcherbakov VG // News of higher educational institutions. Food technology. 2007. № 2. S. 94-95.

Ovsyannikova O. V.

Kuban State Agrarian University Russia, Krasnodar



The article presents safety requirements for the operation of agricultural machinery, the environmental aspect of safety in agriculture, and the process of creating optimal working conditions.

Keywords: agricultural, work, machinery, labor, security, inspection, conditions.

During the operation of agricultural machinery, it is important to know the safety regulations. The implementation of all safety precautions and safety rules is the most important factor in avoiding accidents.

It is allowed to work on agricultural machines to persons who have completed a course in the specialty of a wide-profile driver-tractor driver who has passed the exam and received an appropriate certificate. Before starting work, it is imperative to check that the equipment is in good condition, all the necessary appliances and tools, and a first aid kit are present. Also, you should pay attention to the state of grounding and the condition of lifting mechanisms [1].

Persons under 18 years of age, pregnant and lac-tating women are not allowed to work using gasoline, epoxy resins, gas-electric welding, pneumatic and electric tools. All maintenance work must be carried out in accordance with the regulations [2].

All persons who violate the requirements of instructions on labor protection may be subject to disciplinary liability.

In the production of agricultural products are often created unfavorable conditions for the normal operation of the human body. This includes dust in the performance of mechanized work on the field, irregular working hours, the constant risk of infection and disease [3].

If there is a risk of dangerous diseases from animals at work, the management is obliged to provide employees with vaccinations.

Livestock farms must be equipped in accordance with sanitary and hygienic standards. The veterinary service of the enterprise should ensure that each imported animal is accompanied by appropriate certificates of its health. Management must strictly follow environmental and labor legislation, which allows it to protect its staff from industrial accidents [4].

The State Labor Inspectorate monitors compliance with the management of enterprises legislation, certifies workplaces, resolves conflicts arising between the employee and his boss.

Sanitary inspection monitors the implementation of sanitary and hygienic forms. Technical inspection -



for compliance with safety regulations. This is extremely important when working with various mechanisms, chemicals and animals. Psychophysiological working conditions depend on neuropsychic tension, which, of course, is caused by the complexity of work and the responsibility for its results [5].


1. Development of technology for producing food protein food from sunflower seeds. Shirokoryadova o.v. Dissertation for the degree of candidate of technical sciences / kuban state technological university. Krasnodar, 2009.

2. Bychkov A. V. Substantiation of the possibility of using straw flour for the production of building blocks / Bychkov A. V., Shkhalakhov L. V., Efremova V. N., Ovsyannikova O. V. // In the collection: Scientific support of the agro-industrial complex Collection

articles on the materials of the X All-Russian Conference of Young Scientists dedicated to the 120th anniversary of I. S. Kosenko. Ed. for issue A. G. Ko-shchaev. 2017. p. 1001-1002.

3. Efremova V. N. Research work of students in the educational process of the university / Efremova V. N., Ovsyannikova O. V. // In the collection: Practice-oriented learning: experience and current trends Collection of articles based on materials methodical conference. 2017. p. 144-145.

4 Efremova V. N. Multi-tiered plow / Efremova V. N. Rural mechanizer. 2014. № 1. P. 7.

5. Sunflower crude - economically perspective raw materials for the production of food protein-carbon food. Shirokoryadova OV, Minakova A.D., Shulvinskaya I.V., Saprunova E.V., Shcherbakov V.G. Proceedings of higher educational institutions. Food technology. 2009. No. 5-6 (311-312). Pp. 45-48.

УДК: 664.6

Долбикова А. А., Шмаров Д. Ю., Козуб Ю.А.,

доцент к.с-х.н.

Иркутский государственный аграрный университет им. А.А. Ежевского



Dolbikova A. A., Shmarov D. Yu., Cozub Yu.A.

Irkutsk State Agrarian University. A.A. Ezhevsky




Хлебобулочные изделия пользуются повышенным спросом. В настоящее время положительной тенденцией на рынке хлебобулочных изделий является значительное повышение качества выпускаемой продукции. Для изделий из дрожжевого теста наиболее длительным и значимым этапом тестоприготовле-ния является брожение. В статье определено влияние длительности растойки теста на подъемную силу дрожжей. По результатам исследования, быстрота подъема теста была лучшей у образца дрожжей «Саф-Левюр». Время растойки составило 30 мин., в результате по органолептическим показателям образец №2 соответствовал ГОСТу 31805.


Bakery products are in high demand. Currently, a positive trend in the bakery market is a significant improvement in the quality ofproducts. For products made from yeast dough, the longest and most significant stage of dough preparation is fermentation. The article defines the influence of the duration of the spreading of the dough on the yeast lifting force. According to the results of the study, the speed of the dough rise was the best for the sample of the Saf-Levure yeast. The time of the raster was 30 minutes, as a result, according to organoleptic indicators, sample No. 2 corresponded to GOST 31805.

Ключевые слова: хлебопекарные дрожжи, подъемная сила, хлеб, расстойка, спиртовое брожение, сахар, форма хлеба.

Keywords: baking yeast, lifting force, bread, proofing, alcoholic fermentation, sugar, form of bread.

Хлебобулочные изделия занимают одно из ведущих мест в питании населения. Хлеб - уникальный пищевой продукт, содержащий практически все компоненты, необходимые для поддержания жизнедеятельности и здоровья человека: белки,

сложные углеводы, кальций, железо, фосфор, важнейшие витамины группы В, включая тиамин, ниа-цин и рибофлавин, при небольшом количестве жиров. Хлебобулочные изделия содержат большое количество клетчатки. Кроме того, хлеб является

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