Научная статья на тему 'Methods of multi-layered crushing'

Methods of multi-layered crushing Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Ключевые слова
soil / plow / tillage / crumbling / soil quality / furrow / plow body.

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Efremova Violetta Nikolaevna

Improvement of soil fertility can be done in various ways, namely: the introduction of organic fertilizers prepared specifically for these purposes, the introduction of mineral and organic fertilizers, the introduction of mineral fertilizers, sowing of various crops, followed by plowing them, ie, planting green manure to saturate the soil phosphoric and other chemical elements that increase the nutritional value of the soil. Another way to improve the nutritional value of the soil is the main tillage with intensive crumbling and turnover of the reservoir.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Methods of multi-layered crushing»

«Ш^шетим-^шгмаьотжш©^ / AGRICULTURAL fOHNCHS



УДК 631.312.54

Efremova Violetta Nikolaevna,

senior teacher of the department mechanization of livestock and life safety Kuban State Agrarian University named after I. T. Trubilin



Improvement of soil fertility can be done in various ways, namely: the introduction of organic fertilizers prepared specifically for these purposes, the introduction of mineral and organic fertilizers, the introduction of mineral fertilizers, sowing of various crops, followed by plowing them, ie, planting green manure to saturate the soil phosphoric and other chemical elements that increase the nutritional value of the soil. Another way to improve the nutritional value of the soil is the main tillage with intensive crumbling and turnover of the reservoir.

Keywords: soil, plow, tillage, crumbling, soil quality, furrow, plow body.

The main tillage with intensive crumbling and turnover of the sheet is carried out to a greater depth, i.e. more than 0.30 m. This promotes mixing of the upper soil layers with the lower ones and embedding the plant mass on the substrate of the processed soil, which leads to saturation with nutrients. due to decaying plant residues and microorganisms.

To accomplish this goal, the plows called longline are used in practice - because they remove the soil in layers and close up the remains of plant mass, dropping it to the bottom of the furrow. These plows are intended for the main processing of marginal soils in order to improve them; They are also used for deep plowing of soil for sowing alfalfa, both fodder and seed, as well as for planting gardens and vineyards [1].

Longline plows differ from the usual ones in that they have bodies with dumps, and there may be up to three of them, arranged in three tiers. Soil processing takes place in layers. In this case, the lower layers of the soil are involved in the arable horizon. Tiered plowing reduces clogging 4-5 times.

Today, the country's industry produces mounted three-tier PTN-40 and two-tier PD-4-35 plows.

The first has three buildings for processing, respectively, the upper, lower and middle tiers of the soil and a cutting knife. The first and third shells are fixed to the main beam, and the second body to the main or remote frame beams. Racks of buildings of the first and third can be rearranged in height. The first case has a replaceable elongated blade, the second one is shortened. The width of each case is 0.40 m. By changing the position of the first and rear third buildings in height and adjusting the support wheel, the upper layer can be cut at a depth of 0.10-0.20 m, the middle one is 0.200.30 m and the bottom - 0.30-0.40 m [2].

Three-tiered plowing is used in the processing of podzolic soils. The first building with a cultural blade and the third building are installed on the main beam, and the second (main) with a conical shaped blade - on the extension beam. In the process of plowing, the front body loosens, wraps and folds the upper fertile layer on the third illuvial layer. Following the second body, shifted right to the width of the capture, cuts off part of

the illuvial layer and, together with the upper layer lying on it, raises, displaces to the right and without turning puts it on the second layer dropped by the third case to the bottom of the furrow [3].

For bunk plowing using two bodies in different versions. For processing solontsovye soil on the frame of the plow set the body of the first tier with an elongated blade and the body of the third tier with a shortened blade. The second body is fixed on the main beam along the line of action of the first. The corpus of the second tier is removed. In this case, the top layer of soil, cut off by the first hull, is wrapped and placed in an open furrow, prepared by the hull for the previous passage. Going behind the first case, cuts the third one and the second layer lying on it, drops them from the shortened heap and mixes them up with each other.

When plantation plowing with the laying of the top layer on the bottom of the furrow, the third building is removed, the cultural dump is installed on the first building, and the second building with a conical blade is fixed to the main beam. The first body cuts the upper layer and drops to the bottom of the open furrow. The second body, moving after the first, lifts the lower layer and lays on the first [4].

For tillage with a destructured top layer, the third building is removed, and in its place is attached the first building with a cultural heap. The second body is fixed on the remote beam. When the plow is working, the second hull cuts the second and third layers of the soil, picks them up and without significant mixing puts them on the top layer, dropped by the hull to the bottom of the furrow.

The mounted two-tier plow PD-4-35 is used for plowing the soil under irrigated crops to a depth of up to 0.40 m with full embedding of rhizomes, weed seeds and wintering pests. On the frame of the plow, resting on two wheels, there are four upper and four lower bodies. The width of each grip is 0.35 m. Upper bodies can be installed at a plowing depth of up to 0.20 m. The technological process proceeds in a similar way. Plow width of 1,40 m [5].

When cultivating alfalfa for fodder and seeds, the plowing depth varies up to 0.35 m. This makes it difficult to use conventional plows for the main tillage,

AGRICULTURAL fOUNdS / «ШУ1теУ1УМ-ШУГМА1>>#3(Ш7)),2(0]9


since they are not designed for heavy loads that the working bodies and plow frames experience. . This is especially evident in the processing of heavy solid Kuban black soil. The frames of such plows in these conditions do not withstand stresses and collapse.

To solve this problem when processing solid chernozem, we have developed a plow design that provides layer-by-layer crumbling of the formation without intense deformation during processing, which leads to a decrease in loads on the working bodies of the plow [6].

The process of tillage is as follows: horizontal plowshares, located on three levels, which cut the layer and have a catch width less than 0.15 m below the main body, cut off the layer at each level with a thickness of 1/3, depending on the depth of treatment. At the same time, due to stresses at the ends of plowshares, cracks are formed in the array of the treated formation, which further destroy the formation, which reduces the total energy costs for fracture during processing. The main body of the plow lifts the cut and destroyed pre-layers, which turn around the blade of the main body in the opened furrow.


1. Turovsky B.V. Dependence of the energy intensity of the disk working body on the operating modes / Turovsky B.V., Efremova V.N. // Technique and equipment for the village. 2013. № 10. P. 16-18.

УДК 636.22/.28.033

2. Efremova V.N. Multi-tiered plow / Efremova V.N. Country mechanic. 2014. № 1. P. 7.

3. Petunin A.F. The movement of a trihedral wedge in the soil / Petunin A.F., Efremova V.N., Tri-fonov I.K. // Rural mechanizer. 2015. No. 3. P. 16-17.

4. Bychkov A.V. Substantiation of the possibility of using straw flour for the production of building blocks / Bychkov A.V., Shkhalakhov L.V., Efremova V.N., Ovsyannikova O.V. // In the collection: Scientific support of the agro-industrial complex Collection articles on the materials of the X All-Russian Conference of Young Scientists dedicated to the 120th anniversary of I. S. Kosenko. Ed. for issue A. G. Koshchaev. 2017. p. 1001-1002.

5. Bychkov A.V. Parameters of the process of dry cleaning of root crops with auger separator / Bychkov A.V. thesis ... candidate of technical sciences: 05.20.01 / Don State Technical University. Rostov-on-Don, 2014.

6. Efremova V.N. Research work of students in the educational process of the university / Efremova V.N, Ovsyannikova O.V // In the collection: Practice-oriented learning: experience and current trends. Collection of articles based on educational and methodical conference. 2017. p. 144-145.

Козуб Ю. А., Ильина О. П., Рядинская Н. И., Хунданова Т. Л., Плиска А. А., Будаева А. Б., Мартемьянова А. А., Мирвалиев Ф. С.

Иркутский государственный аграрный университет имени А.А. Ежевского,

г. Иркутск


Kozub Y. A., Ilina O. P., Ryadinskaya N. I., Khundanova T. L., Pliska A. A., Budaeva A. B., Martemyanova A. A., Mirvaliyev F. S.

Irkutsk State Agricultural University named after A. A. Ezhevsky, Irkutsk




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