Научная статья на тему 'Dump ripper for soil protection from water erosion'

Dump ripper for soil protection from water erosion Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Mamatov Farmon Murtozevich, Mardonov Sherzod Halilovich, Shodmonov Golib Dustmurodovich

A dump ripper for soil protection from water erosion is proposed. It is established that the use of a dump ripper to reduce operating costs by 27.7%, fuel consumption by 24.5%, to increase labor productivity by 25.7% compared to existing plows.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Dump ripper for soil protection from water erosion»


Mamatov Farmon Murtozevich, professor, Head of the Department of scientific-applied researches and Innovation (Republic of Uzbekistan) Karshi Engineering-Economics Institute, E-mail: fmamatov50@mail.ru Mardonov Sherzod Halilovich, PhD., researcher (Republic of Uzbekistan) Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Mechanization Enjeneers, Shodmonov Golib Dustmurodovich, PhD., researcher (Republic of Uzbekistan) Karshi Engineering-Economics Institute,


Abstract: A dump ripper for soil protection from water erosion is proposed. It is established that the use of a dump ripper to reduce operating costs by 27.7%, fuel consumption by 24.5%, to increase labor productivity by 25.7% compared to existing plows.

Keywords: soil, water erosion, moisture conservation, ripper, loosening coefficient, two-tiered, comb, slope.

Introduction. Recently, erosion has caused a significant damage to the agriculture of Uzbekistan. Excessive soil treatment leads to the spread of wind and water erosion of soils. In Uzbekistan today, more than 70% of the sown areas are exposed to varying degrees of wind and water erosion [1, P. 16-19]. The most important measures to prevent soil erosion include the technology of soil treatment and technical means. But applied technologies and technical means for pre-till-age tillage in Uzbekistan not only does not prevent, but also contributes to the emergence and development oferosion processes [2, P. 71-73; 3, P. 115-117; 4, P. 58-63]. Since, the existing system of agriculture does not provide for measures to prevent wind and water erosion of soils. Consequently, the tasks associated with the development of soil-cultivating equipment that meet the requirements of measures to prevent water erosion of soils is very relevant [5, P. 81-84; 6, P. 86-88].

Objects and methods of research. The object of research is a dump ripper to protect the soil from erosion. The methods of system analysis and the rules of agricultural mechanics were used in the research.

Studies were conducted in 2017 in the Kashkadarya region of Uzbekistan. Stubble is a stubble ofwinter wheat. Type of soil - light gray. The average slope of the terrain is 7°. Humidity and hardness of the soil horizontally 0...10, 10...20, 20...30 cm was 8.1; 11.8; 13.4% and 2.21; 2.74; 3.19 MPa. Number of stubble residues 0.675 kg/m2.

Results of the research. In order to prevent water erosion on sloping lands, the authors developed a technology that allows the step bottom of the furrow with large crests to be obtained at the bottom of the furrow, and crests on the surface of the field. The combination of subsoil ridges with superficial

crests contribute to the complete retention and accumulation of soil water (especially after rainfall), respectively, water erosion is completely prevented.

To implement this technology, a two-tier dump ripper was developed with upper and lower ripping working organs [7].

The two-tier dump ripper (fig. 1) contains a frame 1, on which the working elements 2 and 3 are successively set in turn. Each working organ consists of a column 4 inclined in the transversely vertical plane and fixed on it a knife 5, a bit 6, a field board 7, and a ripping plate 8. The inclined part of the stand of the working member 2 is made with a lower height, and the inclined part of the working member 3 with a higher height. On each working organ 3 with a higher height is fixed the blade 9.

The two-stage blade ripper works as follows.

On the slopes of fields with a slope, the cultivation of the soil by the ripper is carried out across the slope. In the process of soil cultivation, the chisel 6 of the working organ 2 with a smaller height of the inclined part, penetrating into the arable layer, cleaves the soil shavings. The resulting cracks extend to the soil surface at a certain angle Moving ahead the chisel lifts the soil separate from the massif. At this point, a knife 5 of the rack 4 is being introduced into the zone of the deformed bit. The chipped soil, rising along it, enters the knife 5, then onto the loosening plate 8, with intensive destruction of the soil. This process is completed when the chips come off the working surfaces of the ripping plate 8 under the action of inertial forces and gravity forces. The chisel 6 of the working organ 3 with a greater height behind the working organ with a lower height of the inclined part of the rack 2 is inserted into the sub-plow layer below the plow sole, and under the action

Section 12. Technical science

of the knife and the ripping plate, the soil is loosely loosened. The blade 9 of the working organ 3 removes the top layer of the soil, which is in front of its stand, additionally loosens and

wraps. The crests are formed on the surface of the treated field. This allows you to trap rainwater above the recess, as a result of which water is absorbed into it.

Figure 1. Technological process of operation a two-tier pile-up ripper

Thus, after the passage of the ripper, a stepped bottom of the furrow with a periodic groove (intrasoil ridges) intersecting the compacted sole and surface ridges is obtained. The combination of subsoil ridges with superficial crests contribute to the complete retention and accumulation of soil water (especially after rainfall), respectively, water erosion is completely prevented.

Based on the results of theoretical and experimental studies, an experimental two-level dump ripper was developed and manufactured and its production tests were carried out in comparison with plow PLN-4-35.

The results of the agrotechnical evaluation of the compared machines show that the dump ripper for the stability of the depth of soil cultivation, stubble conservation and the content of erosion-hazardous particles shows better results

than plow PLN-4-35. When the dump ripper is working on the surface of arable land, crests are formed with a height of 12.1 cm, and at the bottom are also ridges. The distance between the ridges is 70 cm. The combination of the ridges of the furrow with the crests of the arable land surface helps to retain water and prevent the soil from washing off after rainfall, i.e. water erosion. At the same time, in the 0-5 cm layer, the amount of erosion-hazardous particles decreases by 1.87 times. The use of a dump ripper to reduce operating costs by 27.7%, fuel consumption by 24.5%, to increase labor productivity by 25.7% compared to existing plows.

The conclusion. It is established that the use of a dump ripper on sloping lands contributes to the retention and accumulation of soil water, and accordingly water erosion is prevented.


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3. Mamatov F. M., Mirzaev B. S. Soil protection and moisture saving technologies and tools for tillage // European Applied Sciences. Stuttgart (Germany), 2013. - No. 9. - P. 115-117.

4. Маматов Ф. М., Мирзаев Б. С., Авазов И. Ж., Буранова Ш. У, Мардонов Ш. Х. К вопросу энергосберегающей противо-эрозионной дифференцирированной системы обработки почвы // Инновации в сельском хозяйстве. - Москва, 2016. - № 3 (18). - С. 58-63.

5. Мирзаев Б. С., Маматов Ф. М. Противоэрозионная технология гребнисто-ступенчатой вспашки и плуг для ее осуществления // Природообустройство. - Москва, 2015. - № 2. - С. 81-84.

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