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Ключевые слова
Business management / operational management / quality control / demand / supply

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Purwiyanto Didik, Purwanto F.X. Adi

This study aims to analyze the management of the sea transportation business through the operational management of sea transportation, transportation demand and supply in Indonesia. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative. The results of this study showed that the operational management that was done has been carried out properly starting from operational planning, operational scheduling, to operational control. All these activities are carried out in accordance with the operational standards in the company. There are several factors that can affect the demand for sea transportation. These factors are: Economic Factors, Political Factors, and Technological Factors. To meet the very high demand for sea transportation services, a large fleet of ships is needed. The fleet of ships currently operating in Indonesia, was seen by their ownership, consists of national and foreign fleets.

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UDC 332; DOI 10.18551/rjoas.2022-08.09


Purwiyanto Didik*, Purwanto F.X. Adi

Hang Tuah University, Surabaya, Indonesia *E-mail: didik.purwiyanto@hangtuah.ac.id


This study aims to analyze the management of the sea transportation business through the operational management of sea transportation, transportation demand and supply in Indonesia. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative. The results of this study showed that the operational management that was done has been carried out properly starting from operational planning, operational scheduling, to operational control. All these activities are carried out in accordance with the operational standards in the company. There are several factors that can affect the demand for sea transportation. These factors are: Economic Factors, Political Factors, and Technological Factors. To meet the very high demand for sea transportation services, a large fleet of ships is needed. The fleet of ships currently operating in Indonesia, was seen by their ownership, consists of national and foreign fleets.


Business management, operational management, quality control, demand, supply.

Indonesia is a maritime country with the largest number of islands in the world. With more than 17,000 islands, Indonesia has developed into one of the countries that is the world's maritime axis or center. Indonesia has enormous potential in the field of sea transportation, where sea transportation services are an important business element in the chain of distribution of goods and commodities between islands.

The development of an area really needs transportation services that must be adequate, when there is no transportation as a means of supporting the mobilization of passengers and goods, it is difficult to expect satisfactory results to be achieved in an effort to develop the economy for a country, one of the transportation services that are often used today is transportation using ships that require supporting infrastructure in the form of ports where large-scale ports for exploitation are managed by the transportation service, the function of sea transportation is very important in development.

As an archipelagic country which has an area of 1.5 million km with a sea area larger than the land area, it is appropriate if this maritime country places sea transportation in a very important position because in such an area there are 17, 508 large and small islands and almost half of them, inhabited by humans who are absolutely interconnected.

The sea is not only a natural resource but also a transportation facility which is defined as the use of the sea for the benefit of shipping traffic between islands, between countries and between continents, both for the transportation of goods and passengers, it is necessary to guarantee the security and safety of local and international shipping supported by facilities. shipping safety such as Shipping Navigation Assistance Facilities (SBNP), shipping telecommunications, navigational state vessels which are the responsibility of the regional government for its operation.

The scope of public services in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia as an embodiment of people's sovereignty basically aims to increase the dignity of the nation and mandates the government's obligation to provide prosperity as much as possible for citizens, promote public welfare, educate the nation's life and participate in carrying out world order. The 1945 Constitution gives orders for the duties and authorities of all government officials to carry out their mandate for the welfare of their people, through good and responsible governance and its realization is good public service.

Thus, the mandate of the 1945 Constitution as contained in Act Number 25 of 2009 becomes a guideline for all state apparatus in all government structures according to their duties and functions to carry out good governance, development and services to the people and its citizens, with the aim of prospering its citizens. Public service providers include all state and government administrators in accordance with their duties and functions, independent institutions established by the government to carry out public services and public/private organizations that provide services, as well as business entities/legal entities that cooperate and/or are tasked with carrying out service functions., as written in Act No. 20 of 2010 concerning transportation in waters/ports. That sea transportation is an activity which according to its activities serves sea transportation.

Today, the public is more open to provide criticism for the services provided by the government. As a result, the substance of the administration plays a significant role in the regulation in providing direction to all public organizations to achieve goals. The current public demand for excellent service is enough to force the government to restructure public services intended for the community. People with various needs really want satisfaction to meet their needs. If the community does not find satisfaction from the services provided, it will lead to negative perceptions of services in the community.

As long as the desire to implement good governance, the demands for the provision of quality public services are currently getting bigger. The government agreed with this desire by setting 2017 as the year of improving public services. Service providers or in this case the government has also issued various policies to improve service quality, such as excellent service and minimum service standards. However, the quality improvement is still not working as intended.

According to (Render & Heizer, 2014), operational management is a series of activities that create value in the form of goods and services by converting inputs into outputs. In service companies, the production process does not produce physical products, therefore it is important to maintain service quality to customers, so that they can continue to maintain their position in the market from existing competitors.

There are three functions of operational management, such as: Business planning and forecasting that are developed by management into operational planning. The essential elements of operational planning fall into five categories: capacity, location, layout, quality, and service methods. Operational Scheduling in which managers plan services by involving workers in a low contact process, scheduling based on reservation of dates, times, and where services are provided. And operational controls where managers monitor performance by comparing results with detailed plans and schedules. If the schedule or quality standards are not achieved, the manager takes corrective action (checks to ensure that the decisions taken have been implemented).

In carrying out service operational control, it is necessary to look through quality control. There are three quality controls, such as:

• Quality Organization. Producing high quality goods and services which requires effort from all parts of the company. A separate quality control department is no longer sufficient. Everyone including customers must focus on quality;

• Quality Directing. In this case, managers must motivate employees throughout the company in order to achieve goals in terms of quality. They must regularly find ways to develop a focus on quality by providing training to employees, encouraging engagement, and compensating for the quality of work performed by employees;

• Quality Control. By observing products and services, a company can detect errors and make improvements. Managers must be able to define specific standards and measures. The results of the evaluation are then conveyed to employees or suggest the need for changes to improve performance according to standards, and corrective actions are taken to overcome existing performance differences.

For this reason, the research problem can be formulated as: 1) How is the operational management of sea transportation; 2) Demand and supply of transportation in Indonesia.

Purpose of the study: to know the operational management of sea transportation; to find out the demand and supply of transportation in Indonesia.

Based on the research objectives above, the authors cite two uses that can be expected from this research, as follows:

• Academic. The academic use for this research is that it is hoped that this research can be useful as a reference that can support the development of science and as input for future research related to sea transportation business management;

• Practical. The practical use for the research that the author is doing is hoped to be useful as a contribution to improving the operational management of sea transportation.


Transportation is the movement of people or goods from one place to another by using a vehicle which driven by humans or machines. Transportation is used to make it easier for humans to carry out daily activities. Sea transportation is a means of sea transportation at sea such as ships and ferries. The definition of sea transportation according to the Indonesian dictionary defines a ship as a vehicle for carrying passengers and goods at sea. While in Act No. 17 of 2008 about Shipping, ships are defined as water vehicles with certain shapes and types that are driven by wind power, mechanical power and other energy, including vehicles that have dynamic support, vehicles under the water surface and floating buildings that do not move around.

Sea Transportation is a freight forwarder, which is goods transportation services/transportation to meet the needs of parties who deliver goods on a consignment basis or consignment recipients to carry out shipping and transportation, customs clearance management, and other general activities carried out by sea transportation service companies/businesses.

Sea transportation is the activity of transporting passengers, and or goods, and or animals, through a water area (sea, river, and lake crossing) and certain theories (domestic or overseas), using ships. Transportation of people or goods is usually not the final destination, therefore the demand for transportation services can be referred to as derived demand arising from the demand for other commodities or services. Thus the demand for new transportation will exist if there are driving factors. The demand for transportation services does not stand alone, but is hidden behind other interests (Morlok, 1984).

Basically, the demand for transportation is caused by the following things (Nasution, 2004):

• The human need to travel from another location with the aim of taking part in an activity, such as work, shopping, going to school, and so on;

• The need for transportation of goods to be used or consumed in other locations.

Facilities Types of Ships Based on Their Functions:

a) Passenger Ship. A passenger ship is a large ship that is used to carry a large number of passengers. It should be noted that passenger ships have less popularity than Freight ships. That's why passenger ships are less common than Freight ships. The types of passengers' ships are; cruise ships, ocean liners, ferries;

b) Freight Ship. Freight Ship is a large ship that is used for the distribution of goods in bulk. Giant ships transporting goods must be found often at the port, such as Tanjung Priok. Freight ships are the most common ships because they are not only large in number, but also in type. The types of Freight consist of Container and Tanker Ship.


a) Port. Port is a facility at the end of an ocean, river, or lake to receive ships and transfer cargo and passengers into them. Ports usually have equipment specifically designed to load and unload ships at anchor. Cranes and refrigerated warehouses are also provided by the management and private parties concerned. Often, supporting facilities are built around it, such as canning and processing of goods. Indonesian Government Regulation No. 69 of 2001 about ports and their functions and operations. Ports can also be defined as water areas that are protected from sea waves and are equipped with terminal facilities including: docks, cranes, marine warehouses.

b) Shipyard. A shipyard is a place designed to repair and build ships. These ships can be in the form of cruise ships/yachts, military fleets, cruise lines, cargo or passenger aircraft.

Sea transportation as a reference for sea transportation can comply with applicable international regulations or those stipulated in the country. Avoiding human error due to lack of supervision is also a major factor in compliance of work safety. It must be admitted that the number of national ships is still far from being needed, but this does not mean that sea transportation must be forced, sending goods above the ship's load limit on the grounds of pursuing profit, of course, it is strictly prohibited.

But this is not the shipping company's fault, the government is also taking part in overcoming this. By providing bureaucratic convenience and cheap credit services to shipping companies, it will make it easier for companies to renew their fleets and also improve sea transportation maintenance and services, supervision and provision of bureaucratic facilities will ensure improving the quality of sea transportation management. Considering that sea transportation makes a very large contribution to the income of the state treasury and increases people's welfare.

Sea transportation plays an important role in the world of international or domestic trade, transportation has also opened access and connected island areas, both developed areas and isolated areas. As an archipelagic country, Indonesia is in dire need of sea transportation. (Vellega, 2009) in a geographical perspective reminds that the challenges of globalization related to marine are sea transportation, communication systems, urbanization in coastal areas and marine tourism.

Therefore, it is necessary to have a maritime policy that accommodates marine transportation in a maritime country. The development of sea transportation in Indonesia is still controlled by foreign parties. In the field of sea transportation. Indonesia does not yet have an adequate fleet of ships in terms of number and capacity. Data in 2009 shows that the national fleet's share capacity of foreign transportation which reached 345 million tons only reached 5.6 percent. Meanwhile, the share of the national fleet for domestic transportation which reached 170 million tons only reached 56.4 percent. Such conditions are certainly very worrying, especially in the era of free trade. Port Management The low quality of the port cannot be separated from the error of the port management system which is centralized, monopolistic and efficient. The role of the government, which should act as a regulator, is in fact still colored by the interests of one business entity, PT Pelindo. This mixing of functions has caused delays in port development and hampered efforts to create a climate of fair business competition.

Therefore, port deregulation that is accommodative and leads to the restructuring of the port structure should be the main consideration for improving port management in Indonesia. Deregulation and restructuring of port arrangements must be directed at creating a climate of fair business competition in economic entrepreneurship at ports so as to attract both foreign and domestic investors to invest in Indonesia. A healthy business competition climate will be able to realize modern and globally competitive port services. The inflow of investment will result in the modernization of port facilities and an increase in the quality of port service performance as well as having a chain effect on other sectors, so that expectations of higher national economic growth can be achieved.

In accordance to article 10 paragraph (3) of Act No.22/1999 on regional autonomy, the city or district government has the authority in the sea area as far as one third of the sea boundary of the province. Authorities in this marine area include: exploration, exploitation, conservation and management of marine wealth as the boundaries of the marine area, setting administrative interests, spatial planning, law enforcement on regional regulations and assistance in enforcing state security and sovereignty in view of port regulations related to maritime affairs. spatial planning in the marine area, then the city and district governments have the authority to draw up a port master plan as part of the regional spatial plan.

Salim (2008) argues that transportation is the activity of moving cargo and passengers from one place to another. It is also said that transportation is the basis for economic development, community development and industrialization growth. The existence of transportation causes specialization or division of workers according to expertise in

accordance to the culture, customs and culture of a nation or region.

Figure 1 - Research Framework

Sumantoro (2010) suggests that transportation activities are actions taken to move an item or person from one place to another, transportation management is part of planning, organizing, controlling and activating the activities of moving goods and people from the place of origin to the place of others to achieve certain goals.


This type of research is descriptive qualitative, which is a research that seeks to reveal the natural condition holistically in the form of written words or related documents and are not manifested by numbers. Qualitative research not only describes single variables but can reveal the relationship between variables with other variables (Ali, 2002).

This research was conducted through library research. Research that uses the object of study in the form of existing libraries in the form of books, magazines, and articles that have a correlation with the discussion in this study. Besides that, some information obtained from various media sources, both newspapers and electronic media is applied in the data analysis method.

Data collection techniques in this study are as follows:

• Library Research Method;

• Documentation method.


The company plans capacity by designing the capacity of the ship. The first part in the capacity design, the company plans the maximum capacity of the ship's cargo, the capacity of the ship in general is of the general cargo type depending on the size of each ship, the ships owned by the company have 3 types of sizes, 500 dwt (depth weight tonnage), 750 dwt, and the largest is 1000 dwt. The explanation of the maximum capacity is as follows: a ship that has a size of 500 dwt, in other words the maximum capacity of the maximum weight that can be accommodated by the ship is 500 dwt, this 500 dwt is the total maximum weight of passengers and cargo and the crew operating the ship.

The second capacity planning relates to planning the passenger capacity that can be accommodated by the company's ships. Basically, the company plans that each sailing activity can accommodate a maximum of 75-100 people at a time. Based on data from the company, this number can only be achieved during the holiday months, while on weekdays, the number of passengers' ranges from 15-30 people. This has been considered as ideal for ships, because ships also carrying ship crews and their luggage.

The location of the service also affects the operational costs, the location of the port selected and visited has an effect on the operational costs incurred. Operational costs here are in the form of costs for obtaining sailing permits, ship fuel, ship maintenance and loading and unloading costs. The main ports were chosen because apart from easy access to the port for passengers, the main port also has better terminal facilities than ports that are not the main ports.

The room arrangement which carried out by the company is divided into two parts, the arrangement of the room for passengers and crew members, and the arrangement of the room for luggage. The first arrangement, the arrangement of rooms for passengers and crew, the ship used is of the general cargo type designed to carry cargo and passengers. From the arrangement of the existing space on the ship, the ship is divided into 3 parts: 1) the work space as well as a resting place for the crew, 2) the rest room for the passengers, 3) the ship's cargo storage room or hold. The crew's work and rest rooms are at the rear of the ship, there is the captain's room, the sailors' workspace, at the bottom of the ship there is an engine room where the machinists and mechanical technicians work to maintain the condition of the main engine and ship auxiliary engines.

The passenger's rest room is in the middle of the ship, there is a kind of tent set up, which provide a mattress as a passenger bed. And the ship canteen is also in the passenger rest room, so passengers can easily access the canteen when they want to buy food or drinks. The second part of the arrangement, the company plans arrangements for passenger luggage or cargo carried by ships.

The cargo storage room or hatch is located in the center of the ship after the passenger rest room. For matters of room layout for cargo on board, special handling is needed. The company cooperates with third parties, namely shipping agents to coordinate the cargo carried by passengers, the agent will first record the goods carried by passengers and traders who will board, and then the agent will coordinate with the first officer to arrange the cargo into the ship. This loading room or hatch is located at the front end of the ship, along with a crane to facilitate the loading and unloading process of goods that are quite heavy and cannot be transported by labor. Items that are personal belongings of passengers such as motorbikes, daily necessities in the form of food and drinks packaged in boxes will be stored or placed on the top of the ship's deck, while basic food items such as corn, rice, sugar, chili, then building materials such as cement, fertilizer, wood, and even copra that can be transported into the ship, these items are wrapped in sacks and placed at the bottom of the ship, precisely in the hold. This is because these items are prone to damage and need a special place.

To avoid the ship returning to the main or home-based base with an empty condition, the company cooperates with the agent in charge of managing the cargo so that the agent will work with the ship's crew to bring goods that are not in the remote area using the income earned from passenger tickets to buy goods such as groceries and others so that the ship does not return empty, besides that the agent will also provide food and beverage supplies for canteen purposes, so that this will benefit the company, because the cost for fuel is accompanied by with the income that goes to the company through the canteen on board the ship.

The first service quality planning is service quality planning. Service activities that start from providing detailed shipping information such as arrival and departure schedules, ticket prices, destination routes, and provisions for luggage, the company ensures the delivery of information regarding the ship's arrival schedule at the port.

The quality of a shipping company's service is seen from how the company carries out service activities to passengers, and whether the company can organize smooth, comfortable, and safe shipping activities for passengers. Shipping safety is a condition of fulfilling safety and security requirements concerning transportation in waters and ports. Therefore, the company is very concerned about the completeness of the documents or certificates that must be fulfilled. By following existing regulations, the company always strives to provide guaranteed service activities because it meets the standards set by the government.

The quality of service expected by the company is to be able to carry out a smooth and comfortable voyage for passengers. In other words, the entire service process, such as pre-voyage, shipping, to post-voyage, must be ensured to run well. Pre-cruise activities mean from passengers looking for detailed shipping information to the port or head office, then handling passengers and their luggage at the passenger terminal at the port. Shipping activities mean when passengers have boarded the ship and the ship sails to the destination route, where the company provides services to the passengers, and post-cruise activities when passengers get off the ship and the loading and unloading process is carried out and passengers' luggage has been taken. The company ensures that all service activities can run according to the applicable standard operating procedures.

The second quality planning is ship quality planning; the company uses the quality standard used by the government called the International Maritime Standard Code (ISM Code). When the company fulfills the required documents that must be completed by the pioneer shipping company before it can sail, the company will receive a sail-worthy certificate called a Safety Management Certificate (SMC).

The company always strives to provide consistent service, for the cruise always runs according to schedule, unless bad weather or wave conditions make it impossible to sail, the cruise will continue to operate every day for a full year. In the event of force majeure events, namely things beyond the control of the company such as bad weather, high ocean currents, which result in delayed shipping activities so that the luggage is damaged, the company establishes a policy to be responsible to passengers with a note that these conditions are caused by natural factors or negligence of the ship's crew in handling passenger loads such as imperfectly closing the hatch so that the luggage is damaged, or the occurrence of engine damage, the company will be responsible for compensation. Therefore, the company has insured the ship and passengers.

In addition, the ship documents and shipping permits are owned completely and this is very much considered by the company, this is a form of the company's commitment to customers so that passengers do not have to worry about the cruise being canceled at any time due to incomplete sailing requirements documents, new ships sailing late or failing to sail. in the event of bad weather or sea conditions with high waves making it impossible to sail, or there is damage to the ship's inventory and it takes time to repair, other than these reasons, shipping activities will continue. Vessel documents are continuously updated with permits and have been prepared before the tender process takes place. On average, ship documents expire after five years.

The shipping schedule for the routes served has been determined during the tender process which usually takes place from December to January each year, in the tender process the government determines the schedule and policy on the amount of subsidies which are income from pioneer shipping companies. From the existing routes or routes, the government has estimated the time needed for ships to go from one port to another, so the company just needs to follow the existing schedule.

The equipment needed during the voyage process is in the form of GPS or tracking system, radar, radio communication system, compass, anchor, crane for loading and unloading, passenger safety equipment in the form of life jacket and life raft, and the rest is inventory readiness or ship equipment.

In organizing quality, the company focuses on three things: organizing service quality, organizing passengers, and organizing with third parties, namely agents to arrange luggage.

In the first organization, the 1st resource explained that in organizing the company's service quality, the director referred to the SOP flow which was conveyed orally to every existing employee, both employees at the head office and branches as well as ship crews. The director also sets standards that must be met before the ship can sail, such as checking the ship's inventory before sailing is the responsibility of the captain, coordinating the loading and unloading process with the agent, holding meetings with the port master or KSOP and completing the documents requested by the port master is the responsibility of the operations manager.

In conducting quality briefing, the director conducts quality briefing on 3 things:

direction in serving passengers, direction in handling passenger luggage, and direction on schedule accuracy.

The first direction is in serving passengers. As a service company, service to customers is the main key to the success of companies engaged in services.

The second direction is the direction of handling passenger luggage. The Director directs the operational manager and operational staff to oversee the performance of the shipping agent who is responsible for the process of collecting luggage and loading and unloading processes into the ship. This is intended to avoid damage to goods due to negligence on the part of the agent. And the last direction, namely the direction to maintain the accuracy of the shipping schedule. The director directs each captain to maintain the timeliness of sailing, and minimize delays too long at the port, so that the company can complete 1 voyage on schedule.

In controlling the quality of service, the director controls 3 things: quality control of ship crew services, ship quality control, schedule accuracy control, and cargo handling control.

In controlling the quality of ship crew services, the director refers to the SOP flow that is conveyed orally to every existing employee, both employees at the head office and branches as well as ship crews. The director also sets standards that must be met before the ship can sail, such as checking the ship's inventory before sailing is the responsibility of the captain, coordinating the loading and unloading process with the agent, holding meetings with the port master or KSOP and completing the documents requested by the port master is the responsibility of the operations manager. The Director also controls service activities through the suitability of a complete passenger manifest list and passenger cargo for each port the ship stops at, the comprador book which has been stamped by the comprador who was on board and participated when the ship sailed, and a complete report on expenses in 1 voyage made and signed by the captain and the head of the branch. The company also evaluates the performance of the ship's crew through communication with an independent party, namely the harbormaster. The leadership will not hesitate to reprimand or even remove individuals who cannot work optimally and serve passengers according to procedures, especially for ship crews.

Differences in production or commodity goods from one area to another trigger the movement or movement of goods to meet human needs. Meanwhile, the movement of passengers and goods is the basis for trade. The existence of trade businesses both at home and abroad (Export & Import) affects the demand for sea transportation services in Indonesia because sea transportation is the choice of most Indonesian people in carrying out goods delivery activities. The production of Indonesian sea transportation has increased every year, along with the increase in Indonesian marine production, the load number available for sea transportation is also increasing every year.

Every year the production of Indonesian sea transportation continues to increase both domestically and abroad, with the production of sea transportation increasing, the number of cargo available for sea transportation also increasing every year at the end of 2009 the total amount of cargo available reached 836,668,838. tons.

Although it had dropped in 2006 - 2008 due to the economic crisis that occurred in the world, it was not minus (-) and in the end the growth of sea transportation production. Indonesia rose again in 2009 in line with the improving world economy with a growth rate of 7.43%. The demand for sea transportation services is not only limited to shipping goods but also to passenger crossing services. Considering that Indonesia is an archipelagic country whose land area is separated by a large sea area, sea transportation services are needed. The demand for crossing services by sea transportation can be said to be very high, as can be seen by the large number of passengers each year. There are several factors that can affect the demand for sea transportation.

These factors are:

• Economic Factor: Country's GDP (Gross Domestic Product) development; domestic and foreign trade content; economic policies (tax rates, interest etc) issued; economy tour;

• Political Factors: the occurrence of war; the existence of political alliances (MEC,

APEC, ASEAN, etc); reference to certain countries;

• Technology Factors: sea transportation technology; telecommunication technology.

To meet the very high demand for sea transportation services, a large fleet of ships is

needed. The fleet of ships currently operating in Indonesia, judging by their ownership, consists of a national fleet and a foreign fleet. The two fleets compete to be able to get cargo with the aim of domestic and foreign markets (export-import).

With a national fleet of 9,164 vessels in 2009, the carrying capacity that can be provided to meet demand is 3.86 million GRT. This number will continue to grow following the increase in the number of requests for transportation services in Indonesia.

In 2005 the president issued Presidential Instruction Number 5/2005 about the Shipping Industry, the existence of the Presidential Instruction has gradually revived the shipping industry in Indonesia. Slowly but surely the number of national ships is increasing every year, while on the other hand, the number of foreign ships is decreasing. In the Presidential Instruction Number 5 of 2005, the cabotage principle is included which requires the transportation of inter-island commodities in Indonesia using Indonesian-flagged vessels in stages until 2010. With the cabotage principle, the national fleet of ships can grow and slowly take over the domestic freight market which was once controlled by foreign ships. The government's role in the shipping industry by issuing Presidential Instruction No. 5 of 2005 followed by the Shipping Act No. 17 of 2008, made the growth of the national fleet to be higher, while for foreign vessels the growth was minus (-) because the number had been much reduced. In addition to freight forwarding services, the demand for crossing services using sea transportation also increases every year.

Sea transportation has become the choice of Indonesian people to travel, but this is not followed by the growth in the number of ferry transportation. At certain times, especially during holidays, passengers have to be crowded and don't even get a place. It is necessary to add additional crossings in Indonesia to prevent the accumulation of passengers and goods at ports, which can cause delays in the distribution of passengers and goods. There are several factors that can affect the supply of sea transportation.

These factors are:

• The size or carrying capacity of the ship;

• The speed of the ship when sailing;

• Loading and unloading time at the port;

• Vessel operation and maintenance ratio, Old ships (short operating time, high maintenance time), Young ships (high operating time, short maintenance time);

• Regulations (regulations) issued by the government.

A government organization should have the main goal of providing good quality services for the community. Satisfied or not a person being served depends on the performance of the government apparatus and it will relate to people's expectations of the services received. There is a close relationship between the concept of service quality and customer satisfaction.

There are several benefits that will be created from the provision of quality services, among which will create a harmonious relationship between the government apparatus and the community, and the birth of public trust in the government. The method for measuring service satisfaction used in this final project is a customer satisfaction survey using the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) method.

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Service satisfaction is defined as a condition where the wishes, expectations and needs of services can be fulfilled by the government.

To be able to participate in assessing the extent to which the quality of public services provided by the government apparatus and state apparatus cannot be avoided, this is even a benchmark for the quality of these services, which can be measured from the criteria for quality indicators in public services.

According to Zeithaml, Parasuraman and Berry (in (Hardiansyah, 2012)) to determine the quality of service that is felt by consumers, there are indicators of service quality that lie in five dimensions of service quality and each dimension has the following indicators:

1. Tangible: service quality in the form of office physical facilities, computerized

administration, waiting room, information area. The indicators are:

• Appearance of officers or apparatus in serving customers;

• Convenience of a place to do service;

• Ease in the service process;

• Discipline of officers or apparatus in performing services;

• Ease of customer access in service requests;

• Use of tools in service.

2. Reliability: the ability and reliability to provide reliable services. The indicators are:

• Accuracy of officers in serving;

• Have clear service standards;

• The ability of officers or apparatus to use assistive devices in the service process;

• The expertise of officers in using tools in the service process.

3. Responsiveness: the ability to help and provide services as well as quickly and accurately, and responsive to consumer desires. The indicators are:

• Respond to every customer or requester who wants to get service;

• Officers or apparatus provide services quickly;

• The officer or apparatus performs the right service;

• The officer or apparatus performs the service carefully;

• Officers or apparatus perform services in a timely manner;

• All customer complaints are responded to by the officer.

4. Guarantee: the ability and friendliness and courtesy of employees in ensuring consumer confidence. The indicators are:

• Officers provide guarantees on time in service;

• Officers provide a guarantee of costs in service;

• Officers provide guarantees of legality in service;

• Officers provide assurance of cost certainty in the service.

5. Empathy: firm but caring attitude of employees towards consumers. The indicators are:

• Put the interests of the customer or applicant first;

• The staff serves with a friendly attitude;

• Officers serve with a polite attitude;

• Officers serve non-discriminatory;

• Officers serve and value every customer.

Basically, Zeithaml's theory, even though it comes from the business world, can be used to measure the performance of public services provided by government agencies.


The company's operational scheduling makes the shipping scheduling system already owned and running every day for a full year. Each route or route has been determined the duration of the route so that the company only ensures the accuracy of the cruise with the sailing schedule.

The operational control of the company is carried out through the heads of branches who directly control the captain and crew of the ship in their respective areas. Control is also carried out on agents who assist the company's operational activities regarding passenger arrangements and loading and unloading processes.

The stages of service activities carried out by the company regularly every year facilitate shipping activities carried out by the company, although the existing system still has shortcomings in the loading and unloading process, this needs to be considered by the company, considering that shipping must also adjust to the duration of the stopover at the port and the provisions of the government, to complete the voyage according to a predetermined schedule.

RJOAS, 8(128), August 2022 REFERENCES

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