Научная статья на тему 'Management analysis of West Surabaya Shipping Lines in Tanjung Perak Harbor of Surabaya'

Management analysis of West Surabaya Shipping Lines in Tanjung Perak Harbor of Surabaya Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
Public service / management / planning / organizing / actuating

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Arsyad Abdullah, Budi Rianto, Suwasono Bagyo

Objective of the study is to describe the Management of Surabaya's West Shipping Line based on planning, organizing, directing, and supervising. This research is policy-based research with a qualitative method approach. The method of data analysis uses interactive model analysis with three procedures for data reduction, data presentation and verification. In general, the findings of the study, Management of the Surabaya West Shipping Line in the Port of Tanjung Perak Surabaya based on planning, organizing, actuating and controlling.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Management analysis of West Surabaya Shipping Lines in Tanjung Perak Harbor of Surabaya»

DOI 10.18551/rjoas.2019-01.49



Arsyad Abdullah*, Budi Rianto, Suwasono Bagyo

University of Hang Tuah, Surabaya, Indonesia *E-mail: abdullah.asryad.0035@gmail.com


Objective of the study is to describe the Management of Surabaya's West Shipping Line based on planning, organizing, directing, and supervising. This research is policy-based research with a qualitative method approach. The method of data analysis uses interactive model analysis with three procedures for data reduction, data presentation and verification. In general, the findings of the study, Management of the Surabaya West Shipping Line in the Port of Tanjung Perak Surabaya based on planning, organizing, actuating and controlling.


Public service, management, planning, organizing, actuating.

Quality public service is one of the keys to get support and trust from the public for the government in carrying out the tasks of government and development. Most public organizations in Indonesia in various sectors including government, education, health, transportation and so on have decreased the quality of services provided (Islamy, 2000)

One of the priorities for improving the quality of public services in Indonesia is the Sea Transportation sector, this is based on the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia is a maritime country consisting of thousands of islands, located between the two continents of Asia and Australia and between the two Pacific and Indian Oceans, so that sea transportation has an important and strategic role in relations between nations

The transportation sector is known as one of the links in the goods and passenger distribution network that has developed very dynamically and plays a role in supporting economic, socio-cultural and defense security development. At present the development and growth of the sea transportation sector has experienced a significant increase. The number of ships used for trade and sea shipping has increased quite sharply. Trade through sea transportation, including its distribution, will directly or indirectly have an impact on macroeconomic indicators such as strengthening stock values and the rupiah exchange rate, mobilizing and demobilizing the community, and reflecting the dynamics of the national economy.

Shipping Lines Conditions in several Ports in Indonesia are increasingly crowded by the activities of various types of vessels both from domestic and abroad. This solid shipping lines condition needs to be balanced with good port area governance so that it can improve navigation services and the placement of anchor vessels in the Shipping Lines area. One important factor in improving ship loading and unloading services is to pay attention to the shipping flow by taking into account the depth of the sea channel and the width of the sea channel which aims to avoid the ship with a certain draft from danger of runaway, and so that ship traffic entering or leaving the port can be carried out simultaneously (two ways).


Conceptual Definition of Public Services. Public service is an activity of providing services or serving the needs of people or communities or other organizations that have an interest in the organization in accordance with the basic rules of the procedure determined to give satisfaction to the reception of services.

Discussing public services, the literature mentions the principles of Simplicity, Clarity, Certainty of time, Accuracy and Security.

Munir (1995) defines public service as management whose activities are directed specifically at the delivery of services to meet public interests or individual interests, through appropriate means and satisfying the personal being served.

There are 3 important elements in public service, the first element, is the organization of service providers. The second element, acceptance of services, namely people or communities or organizations with interests and the third element is satisfaction given and / or received by service recipients. Factors that affect the performance of public services include; government officials as organizers (quality of human resources); community or customers as users or recipients of public services; legislation; mechanisms and procedures for implementing public services; supporting facilities for service delivery; institutions and funding sources for public service operational activities, and the most decisive is the commitment of top regional chiefs.

Manulang (1990) states the term management contains three definitions, first management as a process, second, management as a collective of people who carry out management activities and thirdly management as an art (an art) and as a science.

Management has four functions, namely planning, organizing, leadership, and controlling. From the basic functions of management, then follow-up is carried out after it is known that what has been set is "achieved" or "not reached" (Choliq, 2011).

Terry (1992) gives a sense of management, namely a process or framework, which involves guidance or transfer of a group of people towards organizational goals or real intentions. This includes knowledge of what should be done, determining how to do it, understanding how they should do it and measuring the effectiveness of the efforts that have been made

Furthermore Terry (1992) explained that management functions can be divided into four parts, namely planning is the determination of work that must be carried out by the group to achieve the goals outlined. Planning includes decision-making activities, because it is included in the selection of decision alternatives. Organizing means the process of grouping activities to achieve the goals and assignments of each group to a manager. Organizing is done to collect and organize all the necessary resources, including humans, so that the desired work can be carried out successfully. Implementation is an effort to move group members in such a way that they are willing and trying to achieve the goals that have been planned together. Supervision is the discovery and application of methods and tools to ensure that the plan has been carried out in accordance with a predetermined plan.

Shipping Lines is part of the main facilities of the Port Master Plan. The shipping Lines is part of the port because it serves to support the smooth and safe flow of ships, passengers and / or goods traffic, as well as sailing safety and security. Once the importance of the shipping Lines for a port is explained in the following theories. According to Salim (1997) Port in its position as a sea transportation subsystem is a terminal for carrying out duties for loading / unloading goods and passengers, anchoring and anchoring ships and floating tools as sea transportation. Based on the duties and activities of the port as the entrance / exit of the area, the port requires special areas, both onshore and inland waterways. Also the port requires supporting facilities, among others: Shipping Lines and Port Pool, Requirement to maintain permanently and continuously from shipping and waterways, port and port ponds, as well as those bound to buoys (buoys) which are vessels where ships are anchored - the ship waits for the opportunity to dock at the dock. The seaside area that is used as places for maintenance and repairs of ships, graving docks and floating docks needs to be provided and the watershed used for loading and unloading ships.

Framework of Thinking and Hypothesis. There are four management functions, namely: Business planning and forecasting developed by management into planning. Important elements in planning are divided into five categories: capacity, location, layout, quality, and service method. Organizing where management plans by involving workers in the low contact process. Direction where management provides direction in implementation and management control or supervision monitors performance by comparing results with detailed plans and schedules.

Research on the management of Surabaya West Shipping Lines focuses on 4 (four) main management characteristics, namely planning, organizing, actuating and controlling port service performance. Service quality and port performance will be effective and effective if the management of shipping lines is based on the functions of Planning, Organizing, Actuating and Controlling the Shipping Flow.

Figure 1 - Framework of Thinking

Hypotheses: Harbor service quality will be effective and increase if it is carried out by planning, organizing, directing and supervising shipping lines.

Subject of the Study. The subject of this study is Tanjung Perak Harbor Surabaya and West Surabaya Shipping Lines in Surabaya.

Respondents are related officials / personnel from the Port Administrator, PT. Pelindo III, Syahbandar, Scouting, Container Ships, Cargo Ships, and KRI type BU / BAP / BCM. Data collection techniques used in this study were through interviews, observation, and documentation

The object of research is the management of Shipping Lines which includes Planning, Organizing, Actuating and controlling the operational activities of Shipping Lines. These objects become research variables and analyzed using interactive model analysis with three procedures, data reduction, data exposure and conclusions / verification


This study applies qualitative methods that are policy-based research and analyzes the performance of organizations in ports, especially shipping lines, namely studies aimed at generating input for policy formulation related to operations in the harbor area. In this study qualitative methods are used to explain the problems in APBS Management in improving organizational performance at the harbor of Tanjung Perak Surabaya. This method is used to target the aims and objectives of the study where some of the questions that arise as well as the data obtained, such as the relationship of accountability and performance of port agencies, coordination of Pelindo with stakeholders related to maritime affairs

The unit of analysis is Planning, Organizing, Actuating and controlling the operational activities of Shipping Lines.

Data analysis method uses data analysis that has been developed by Miles and Huberman (Emzir, 2010), using interactive model analysis with three procedures, namely data reduction by conducting a simplification process of data from various sources and various methods to determine themes and organize data according to research focus which includes planning, organizing, actuating and controlling operational activities of shipping lanes. Submission of data is done in a way by using tables and images relating to Planning, Organizing, Directing and supervising the operational activities of Shipping Lines. Conclusions / verification by means of any conclusions will always continue to be verified during the research that involves the interpretation of the researcher


Operational Planning of Shipping Lines in improving Port Quality and Performance. The Planning Process carried out by the Port Authority, namely the Port Administrator of PT.

Pelindo III covers the planning of widening and deepening Surabaya West Shipping Lines in the Madura Strait to be an urgent need to be done immediately so that the flow of goods through the Tanjung Perak harbor of Surabaya does not stagnate or is not optimal as it is today. PT. Pelindo III as the company that is most ready to become the initiator of the APBS planning project or can also be formed a consortium to work on the Surabaya West Shipping Lines project. The current condition of the Surabaya West Shipping Lines is only able to receive 41,428 movements / year and is getting denser.

Planning is carried out with the policy of anticipating an increase in the flow of goods and ships, so the Tanjung Perak Harbor needs to be developed so that it can function as an international port standard and support regional and national industries and economies. The development of the Tanjung Perak Harbor in Surabaya must be carried out through a strategy to improve the capacity of water facilities and land facilities as well as access to ports. In accordance with the plan, the Harbor of Tanjung Perak will be developed in stages, covering the stages of urgent rehabilitation, short-term development and long-term development. In accordance with the development strategy scenario set by the government, the shipping lines, both the Surabaya West Shipping Lines (APBS) and the Surabaya East Shipping Lines (APTS), are the main priorities of the three development stages above. The needs and capacity of shipping service lines, anchor anchored areas and port pools are prioritized to ensure smooth and safe vessel movement.

Organizing is based on the letter of the Minister of Transportation number AL 703.1.11 Phb 2012, dated September 24, 2012, PT. Pelindo III is designated as the Business Entity of the Initiator of the Development and Management of the Surabaya West Shipping Lines. Organizing attention to safety and security sailing in the waters or at the Surabaya West Shipping Lines in order to avoid accidents can also be interpreted that the ship is in shipping while preserving the environment of the shipping lines so that it can avoid conflicts in the utilization of Surabaya's Tanjung Perak Harbor waters. Every ship sailing in the Surabaya West Shipping Lines or port must be carried out at a safe speed and adjusted to the conditions of the waters and under the supervision of the Harbor Administration (ADPEL) Tanjung Perak Surabaya

Navigation or activities in the waters that can endanger sailing safety, must be designated as a safety zone by placing a mark in the form of SBNP in accordance with applicable regulations, which are then broadcast through coastal radio stations (SROP), Indonesian News / Maritime Sailors News (KN / BPI) and or through online media or websites. In addition, it is necessary to be informed about the condition of the waters and continuous weather updates, such as signs of a storm occurring which result in high waves and high currents and changes. In order to maintain order and navigation safety and security in the shipping lane, every marine activity plan must be coordinated with the Directorate of Navigation at the Tanjung Perak Harbor of Surabaya so that there is no overlap in the placement or construction of marine facilities that can disrupt the smooth flow of shipping activities in and out of ports.

Organizing is carried out with news broadcasting delivered and broadcast widely through coastal radio stations (SROP), coastal earth stations in shipping and website / Online telecommunications networks in the order of priority and must fulfill news broadcasting provisions, including news on danger, meteorology and shipping broadcasts in port waters Tanjung Perak Surabaya. SBNP installation is a facility that is built or formed naturally that is outside the ship and serves to assist the navigator in determining the position and / or direction of the ship as well as notifying shipping hazards and / or obstacles for the sake of safety in the Surabaya West Shipping Lines. This SBNP is installed to provide guidance on prohibited zones that must not be entered by every ship passing through the area

Operational Actuating of Shipping Lines in improving Port Quality and Performance. The actuating is carried out by the Harbor Authority, namely the Port Administrator of PT. Pelindo III conducts scouting activities for incoming vessels, dockers and ships out of wharves in the Surabaya West Shipping Lines. Guiding guidance activities include Safety Guiding aspects, Pandu Net Waiting Time, Postpone Time (PT), Approaching Time (AT) and

Tugboat Availability. The briefing activities included transportation and logistics flow at Surabaya West Shipping Lines starting from ships entering port waters, anchored ships, docked ships at the dock, loading and unloading goods to and from ships, until the ships exited the port waters. This activity will provide an indicator of success in managing the Surabaya West Shipping Lines and the Tanjung Perak Harbor of Surabaya itself.

Scout Division, together with the Navigation Bureau and Surabaya West Shipping Lines is the operator of scouting services for incoming vessels, dockers and ships out of the pier at the Surabaya West Shipping Lines. This achievement can determine the level of responsiveness that supports port performance. The results of KPI measurements from each division will then be recapitulated by the Performance Control Division and the PFSO. The frequency of monitoring is carried out consistently over a period of time, such as: per hour, per shift, per day, per week, two weeks, per quarter. The measurement results will describe the service quality and port performance that can be provided by the Harbor of Tanjung Perak in a certain period

Controlling of shipping operations in improving Port Quality and Performance. In carrying out the control, the Harbor Authority, namely the Harbor Administrator of PT. Pelindo III conducts activities to carry out scouting services. Because pandu is considered a navigator who is very aware of the conditions and nature of local waters in addition to his expertise to control the ship through advice or command orders to the captain so that the ship can sail a waters safely. To be able to carry out the task of scouting properly, supporting facilities are needed in the form of Guiding Service Assistance Facilities (SBPP):

• Guiding Motor is a ship that serves to deliver or pick up guides to and from ships in the middle of the sea;

• A tugboat is a ship that serves to assist the guide in the process of removing / anchoring the ship from and to the dock and to guard the narrow shipping lines;

• Kepil ship is a ship that serves to help remove and deliver ropes to and from the pier.

In addition to SBPP, guidance is also needed to install the Shipping Navigation

Assistance Facility (SBNP) to facilitate the entry and exit of ships passing through the APBS. Scouting services, port activities, and ideal conditions of the Surabaya West Shipping Lines can affect the productivity and service quality of the Harbor of Tanjung Perak Surabaya. If high productivity and quality of service, both ships and goods, that use the Surabaya West Shipping Lines, can affect the performance of the Harbor of Tanjung Perak Surabaya.


Management of the Surabaya West Shipping Channel (APBS) at Tanjung Perak Harbor Surabaya is based on the principles of management consisting of Planning, Organizing, Actuating and Controlling. The planning function is an activity that starts from the discussion of the initial idea up to the implementation.

Likewise the Harbor Authority, namely the Port Administrator of PT. Pelindo III, the planning function occupies the most important part in the process of managing the West Surabaya Shipping Lines (APBS). The planning process in the Management of the Surabaya West Shipping Lines (APBS) includes several steps, namely the policy of anticipating an increase in the flow of goods and ships. Tanjung Perak Harbor Planning will be developed in stages, including urgent rehabilitation, short-term development and long-term development. The plan is carried out with the policy of anticipating an increase in the flow of goods and ships, the harbor of Tanjung Perak will be developed in stages, including the phase of urgent rehabilitation, short-term development and long-term development. Based on the description, it can be concluded that the planning function implemented by the Harbor Authority, namely the Harbor Administrator of PT. Pelindo III in Management of Shipping Lines can be said to be good. This can be seen from the port development plan to anticipate the increase in shipping flows.

The organizing function implemented by the Harbor Authority is the Harbor Administrator PT. Pelindo III is run in a normative manner and runs well like general corporate organizations. In the organizing function, the output produced is an organizational

structure so that the division of tasks is more focused. The part that must implement the company's plan to handle the shipping channel is in accordance with its responsibilities and authority. Organizing is realized with the pattern of employment relations between port operators, port users and service providers has not been optimally synchronized, especially those connected with the issue of openness and trade procedures.

Actuating at the organization in the form of directing a leader so that his staff are willing to carry out the task, encourage and motivate subordinates, and create climate or work atmosphere, especially in the management of shipping lines. The function of actuating is important for an organization because each organization ideally has its own ideology and vision and mission. If the directional function can be applied in a directed manner, the staff will fully understand the objectives of the organization they are shading. Actuating here is closely related to the responsibilities of each level of the section. The Actuating function is aimed at the part to carry out their responsibilities. At the Port Authority namely the Harbor Administrator of PT. Pelindo III actuating function is carried out at the first level of the ship guidance section, the relevant Division is responsible for making KPI achievement reports and the report will then be examined by the Performance Control and PFSO Division.

The controlling function of the Harbor Authority is the Harbor Administrator PT. Pelindo III is carried out by all parts. In other words, all parts have the responsibility to oversee the course of shipping lines, even though vital supervision is fully carried out by the Head of the Port Authority, namely the Port Administrator of PT. Pelindo III. Supervision is a systematic effort to set standards for implementation with planning objectives, designing feedback information systems, comparing real activities with predetermined standards, determining and measuring deviations and taking corrective actions needed to ensure that all company resources are used in the most effective and efficient way to achieve company goals

This finding is in line with the opinion of Terry (1992) that management is a process or framework, which involves guidance or transfer of a group of people towards organizational goals or real intentions. This includes knowledge of what needs to be done, determining how to do it, understanding how they should do it and measuring the effectiveness of the efforts that have been made. Planning is a management function that plays an important role in efforts to achieve a goal well. In other words, planning is a process for systematically preparing activities that will be carried out to achieve certain goals. Therefore, in essence the planning aspect always exists in every type of organizing activity as one of the management functions is to create a formal structure where work is determined, divided and coordinated. actuating / motivating as "the whole process of giving motives works to subordinates in such a way that they want to work sincerely in order to achieve organizational goals by efficient and economical supervision is an attempt to determine what has been achieved, conduct an evaluation of it and take action - corrective action if needed to ensure that the results are as planned.


Based on observations and interviews, the Harbor Authority namely the Harbor Administrator of PT. Pelindo III has carried out management of Shipping Lines by planning the widening and deepening of the Surabaya West Shipping Lines in the Madura Strait. Planning activities are carried out with the policy of anticipating an increase in the flow of goods and ships. planning. Tanjung Perak Harbor will be developed in stages, including urgent rehabilitation, short-term development and long-term development.

Organizing is realized through a pattern of working relations between port operators, port users and service providers that have been optimally synchronized, especially those connected with the issue of openness and trade rates, which results in easier bureaucracy, lower service time and flow of services. Short loading and unloading time does not result in waiting, delay and stacking of goods and ships that will enter or exit Tanjung Perak Harbor Surabaya through Surabaya West Shipping Lines.

The Actuating was carried out with scouting activities for incoming ships, dockers and ships out of the pier at the Surabaya West Shipping Lines. Guiding guidance activities

include Safety Guiding aspects, Guides of Net Waiting Time, Postpone Time (PT), Approaching Time (AT) and Tugboat Availability. PT Pelindo III (Persero) Tanjung Perak branch in measuring service activities has used KPI which functions as a quality target in carrying out service activities and shows the level of port performance. The division concerned is responsible for making KPI achievement reports and the report will then be examined by the Performance Control and PFSO Division.

Controlling is carried out to prevent the occurrence of ship accidents and other losses in shipping are by carrying out scouting services. Because pandu is considered a navigator who is well aware of the conditions and nature of local waters in addition to his expertise to control the ship through advice or command orders to the captain so that the ship can sail a waters safely.


By considering the Surabaya West Shipping Lines management concept that has been summarized above and looking at several factors that support the management of the Surabaya West Shipping Lines itself, the authors formulated a number of recommendations and suggestions to improve the performance of the Surabaya Tanjung Perak Harbor through the management of the Surabaya West Shipping Lines, namely for the inventory process of Shipping Navigation Assistance Equipment and Shipping Safety Infrastructure. increasing cooperation between institutions and implementing relations and developing equipment that can function and in accordance with regional conditions, as well as improve relations between implementing relevant agencies.

Improve internal coordination of each shipping safety operator and increase operational human resources as well as include officers / operators in the field in carrying out their duties as the spearhead in helping improve shipping safety.

In anticipating the future volume of loading and unloading of goods, it is necessary to have supporting facilities in the form of navigation safety and security guarantees in the shipping lane, berth / dock facilities, and adequate goods / container service facilities to support the smooth flow of traffic and regulation. Traffic in the Surabaya West Shipping Lines APBS so that it can support the economy of Surabaya and East Java.


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