Научная статья на тему 'Review of the issue № 1-2 (5-6)'

Review of the issue № 1-2 (5-6) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Текст научной работы на тему «Review of the issue № 1-2 (5-6)»

7 A

Upravlenets №1-2 (5-6) 2010 REVIEW OF THE ISSUE № 1-2 (5-6)


by Vladimir N. Belkin, Nadezhda A. Belkina

Summary. The article deals with fundamental issues of RF economy transition to innovative development way. Social-psychological difficulties adherent to most organizations in the country are shown. The experience of such difficulties overcoming by means of the system organizations «Growth» and «Innovation» introducing is described.

Key words. Innovation, innovation activity, innovation development, methods of innovation activity assessment, innovation activity governance, economic and social-psychological barriers to innovation development.

Contact Info:

Vladimir N. Belkin

Director, Dr. Sc. (Ec.), professor, RF Honored Researcher

Nadezhda A. Belkina

Chief researcher, Dr. Sc. (Ec.)

The Ural Branch of Russia Academy of Science Institute of

Economics, Chelyabinsk affiliation

68, Ul. Commune, Chelyabinsk, RF, 454000

Phone: (3512) 33-16-09

E-mail: akademiya28@bk.ru


by Eugene A. Korolev

Summary. Based on the modern theory of longterm techno-economic development the author deals with the innovation development organization and governance problems. The necessity of the state role enhancement in these objectives solving is shown.

Key words. Production, technics, technology, technological structure, innovation development complex state programs, the theory of long-term techno-economic development.

References. 1. Message from the President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev to the Federal Assembly on Nov. 12, 2009 Official website of the President of Russia. 2. Glazyev S.Y., Lvov D.S., Fetisov G.G. Evolution of techno-economic systems: possibilities and limits of centralized regulation. - M.: Nauka, 1992. 3. Glazyev S.Y. Theory of long-term techno-economic development. - M.: Vladar, 1993. 4. Glazyev S.Y. Genocide. - M.: Terra, 1998. 5. Glazyev S.Y. On the development Russian economy strategy Scientific report. - M.: CEMI Academy of Sciences, 2001. 6. Korolev E.A. The mechanism of change of technological structures as an object of Systems Analysis // Management: Theory and Practice. № 1-2. 2001. Udmurt State University, Izhevsk, 2001. 7. Korolev E.A. Organizational mechanism of transformation of economic systems. Problems of theory and practice. - Ekaterinburg: Izd-vo Ural. gos. economical. un-ta, 2002. 8. Korolev E.A. The evolution of technological structures in the management of social production // Management: Theory and Practice. № 1-2. 2002. Udmurt State University, Izhevsk, 2002. 9. Korolev E.A. Key factors and driving forces for the transformation of industrial complexes at the present stage (theoretical and methodological aspects of the study). Scientific report. - Ekaterinburg: Ural State University, 2003. 10. Kuznetsov P.G. Features an energy analysis of the foundations of the organization of social production // Efficiency of scientific and technological creativity. - M.: Nauka, 1968. 11. Kuznetsov P.G., Stakheev Y.I. Thermodynamic aspects of labor as man's relationship to nature. A series of «Nature and Society". - M.: Nauka, 1968. 12. Averyanov A.N. System knowledge of the world. - M. Politizdat, 1985.

Contact Info:

Eugene A. Korolev Head of the use development analysis and forecast, Dr. Sc. (Ec.) Sverdlovskya oblast Natural Resources Ministry 101, Ul. Malysheva, Yekaterinburg, RF, 620031 Phone: (343) 355-14-52 E-mail: korolev@mprso.ru


by Alexander N. Mtn

Summary. The article gives reasons of the necessary change in mental schemes of innovations essence and advantages understanding, innovation development indexes adoption and the state participation in construction of the economy innovation model through innovation policy.

Key words. Innovation, an innovative model of economy, knowledge economy, innovation potential of the agricultural sector, the capitalization of knowledge.

References. 1. Santo B. Innovation as a means of economic development / Transl. from Hungarian. - M.: Progress, 1990. 2. Twiss B. Research-technical innovations management / Transl. from English. - M.: Economics, 1989. 3. Glazyev S.Y. Theory of long-term techno-economic development. - M.: Vladar, 1993. 4. Bukhov S.M., Doroshenko Y.A. Different types innovation economics efficiency evaluation // Economichesky analiz: theoriya i practika. №3. 2005. 5. Krylatykh E.N. Russia agro-food sector development forecast up to 2030 // Agrarny Vestnik Urala. № 6 (36). 2006. 6. Voronina N.V Investments to innovations as the basis of the region stable social-economic development. Diss. thesises. - Khabarovsk, 1998. 7. Sakaiya T Cost built by knowledge, or the future history // The new industrial wave in the west. - M.: Academia, 1999. 8. Russia President Speech http://www.kremlin.ru/appears/2008/09/19/1615/_tu-pe63374tupe63376tupe82634_206639.shtml. 9. http://agror-eview.ru/innovacii-i-proizvoditelnost-truda-kriterii-ocenki/

Contact Info:

Alexander N. Mitin Head of Management theory and practice Dprt., Dr. Sc. (Ec.), professor The Ural State Law Academy

cab. 510, 23, Ul. Komsomolskaya, RF, Ekaterinburg, 620066 Phone: (343) 374-30-08 E-mail: idom@list.ru


by Larisa D. Zubkova

Summary. The paper deals trends with developing territories innovation activity development tendencies.

Key words. Innovation activity, developing territories, innovation inevitability

References. 1. Inozemtsev B. Innovations with coercion // Rossiyskaya Gazeta - federal issue №4958 (134). July 23, 2009. 2. Russia regions. Social-economic indexes. 2009: Statistical book / Rosstat. M., 2009.

Contact Info:

Larisa D. Zubkova Assistant-professor of the Dprt. finance, money circulation and credit, Cand. Sc. (Ec.)

International Institute of Finance, Business and Management

The Tyumen State University

16, Ul. Lenina, Tyumen, RF, 625003

Phone: (343) 873-55-50

e-mail: Lasasha@rambler.ru


by Sun Wei, Olga B. Veretennikova Summary. The article accentuates China's role in motives are considered, their tendencies are analyzed and their branches and regions as well.

Key words. Direct foreign investment, accumulated direct foreign investments, investment climate.

Contact Info:

Sun Wei

Professor of Harbin Engineering University, MBA supervisor, Master in Finance, General Secretary-Deputy, Research society director, in the province of Heilongjiang economic and technical investigations society Director in the North-East Asia in Heilongjiang Province, Dr. Sc. (Ec.) http://sunwei.80.hk E-mail: sunwei.ru@gmail.com Olga B. Veretennikova The Ural State University of Economics 62/45, Ul. 8 Marta / Narodnoi Voli, Yekaterinburg, RF, 620144 Phone: (343) 251-96-92 E-mail: veretennikova_o@mail.ru


by Boris A. Voronin

Summary. The author analyzes agricultural administration system efficiency in Russian Federation, focuses on the most acute problem and offers a new construction of interaction system between state administration bodies and agricultural unions (associations).

Key words. The agrarian economy, agriculture, the management system of agriculture, state agricultural policy, agricultural market.

Contact Info:

Boris A. Voronin Head of the Dprt. of Law, Dr. Sc. (Law), professor 23, Ul. Karl Liebknecht, Ekaterinburg, RF, 620075 Phone: (343) 371-57-92 E-mail: voroninba@yandex.ru


by Elena N. Zaborova

Summary. The author deals with the social inequality phenomenon in a historical context, analyses social justice paradigm, focuses the prevention idea as the main social-political trend.

Key words. Social justice, social inequality, social policy, state regulation of relations in the social sphere, prevention of social injustice.

Contact Info:

Elena N Zaborova Director of Practical Psychology and Sociology Institute, Dr. Sc. (Sociology), Professor The Ural State University of Economics 62/45, Ul. 8 Marta / Narodnoi Voli, Yekaterinburg, RF, 620144 Phone: (343) 251-96-89 E-mail: zaborova@bk.ru


The Institute of Human Being Round Table December 24, 2009. Report

by Oleg V Oshkordin

Summary. The author deals with a term «man's life quality» essence viewed as a system composition law with a due account of man's life organization levels.

Key words. Life quality, the system composition law, life quality ideal model, man's life organization level. Contact Info:

Oleg V Oshkordin Vice-Rector for Public Relations and international relations, Dr. Sc., Professor

The Ural State University of Economics

62/45, Ul. 8 Marta / Narodnoi Voli, Yekaterinburg, RF, 620144

Phone: (343) 251-96-20

e-mail: oleg@usue.ru

MAN SHOULD BECOME A PRIORITY The Institute of Human Being Round Table December 24, 2009. Report

by Simyon I Spector

Summary. Speaker analyzes the notions of «social justice» and « life quality», formulates man's physical conditions and development problems in Russian socium.

Key words. The social orientation of the economy, social justice, social differentiation, social policy, life quality.

Contact Info:

Simyon I Spector Director

GUZ CO "The Center of medical help specialized types "Institute of Medical Cellular Technologies"

25, Ul. Sobolev, Ekaterinburg, RF, 620036 Phone: (343) 376-97-83

MAN'S WELFARE RIGHTS IN THE SYSTEM OF COMPETITIVENESS MODERN PROBLEMS The Institute of Human Being Round Table December 24, 2009. Report

by Viktor P Ivanitsky

Summary. The report dwells upon the factors and sources of different society population strata, its welfare provision directions at the regional level are identified.

Key words. Welfare, incomes level, competitiveness, social inequality, the population social stratum.

Contact Info:

Viktor P Ivanitsky The USUE research supervisor, Dr. Sc. (Ec.), Professor, Academician of High School International Academy of Sciences The Ural State University of Economics 62/45, Ul. 8 Marta / Narodnoi Voli, Yekaterinburg, RF, 620144 Phone: (343) 254-37-06 E-mail: nvp@usue.ru


by Eduard I Popov, Alena E Fedorova Summary. The article describes grades system development technology at an Kaizen concept introduction problems are analyzed.

Key words. Kaizen concept, grading, grades system, official instructions, efficiency key indexes.

Contact Info:

Eduard I Popov Expert, consultant of Labour Economics and Personnel Management Dprt.

The Ural State University of Economics 62/45, Ul. 8 Marta / Narodnoi Voli, Yekaterinburg, RF, 620144 Phone: (343) 257-54-73 E-mail: popov@uemz.ru Alena E Fedorova Assistant-professor of Labour Economics and Personnel Management Dprt., Cand. Sc. (Ec.)

The Ural State University of Economics

62/45, Ul. 8 Marta / Narodnoi Voli, Yekaterinburg, RF, 620144

Phone: (343) 257-54-73

E-mail: dekan_2002@mail.ru


by Alexey N. Romanov Tatyana V Clyusarenko Summary. The authors deal with different viewpoints in understanding the essence of legal work, its place and importance in the school management. Based on this analysis the authors determine of the teacher with the pupil and their relation to this work.

Key words. Lawmaking, law enforcement, legal regulation, legal work, legal work at school, legal education.

References. 1. Education Ministry Order of February 11, 2002. №393 // Modernization of Russian education: appendix to the journal "Vestnik obrazovaniya". 2003. № 3. 2. On Education: The Law of 10 July 1992 № 3266-1 (in the red. from 17.07.2009 № 148-FZ) // Vedomosti Syezda narodnykh deputatov RF i Verkhovnogo Soveta. 1992. №30. 3. Parashchenko VN. Legal work of the enterprise juridical service. M, 1980; Buhalovsky O.N. Juridical Service in the national economy. Voronezh, 1976. 4. Mar-temyanova A.M. Legal work organization in the national economy, Sverdlovsk, 1978. 5. Laptev VV Production efficiency, economic mechanism, economic law / Law studies. 1984. №3. 6. Law of July 10, 1992 № 3266-1 (in the red. from 17.07.2009 № 148-FZ) // Vedomosti Syezda narodnykh deputatov RF i Verkhovnogo Soveta. 1992. №30. 7. Shamova TI., Tretyakov P.I., Kapustin N.P. Training programs governance. M., 2002. 8. Training quality management: efficiency problem. Ekaterinburg, 2004. 9. Shkatulla V.I. Educational Law: text-book for high schools. M.: NORMA, 2001. 10. Mazaev B. To know and respect laws. On legal education in the school / Uchitel. 2004. №1. 11. About a lesson «Human Rights»: Education and Science Ministry Letter of October 7, 2008 №AF-320/03 // Vestnik obrazovaniya. 2008. №22. 12. Polivanova K.N., Hasan B.I., Spasskya VV. Russia Foundation of Legal Reforms. Legal education structure and content in a school / Grazhdanovedeniye: Appendix to Uchitelskaya gazeta. 2001. №47. 13. Legal space in the GOU CO №548 "Tsaritsyno" // School legal services: federal purpose project // http://law.school548.ru/space.php 14. Education Ministry Order of February 11, 2002. №393 // Modernization of Russian education: appendix to the journal "Vestnik obrazovaniya". 2003. №3. 15. Dick N.F Pupils self-governing in school. A book for a modern manager / N.F. Dick. Rostov-on-Don, 2006. 16. School work system in a child rights and lawful interests protection / N.A. Manshin. Volgograd, 2007. 17. Kabushev VT Pupil self-governing: theory and practice: a manual. Minsk, 2003. 18. Dimova I. To teach children responsibly and talented. Movement is spreading and developing / Grazhdanovedenie: Appendix to Uchitelskaya gazeta. 2006. №48.

Contact Info:

Alexey N Romanov Dean of Management and Law Faculty, Head of the Dprt. of Law, Cand. Sc. (Law), assistant-professor The Ural State University of Economics 62/45, Ul. 8 Marta / Narodnoi Voli, Yekaterinburg, RF, 620144 Phone: (343) 251-96-26 E-mail: ran@usue.ru

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Tatyana V Clyusarenko Assistant-professor of Law Dprt., Cand. Sc. (Law)

The Ural State University of Economics

62/45, Ul. 8 Marta / Narodnoi Voli, Yekaterinburg, RF, 620144

Phone: (343) 251-96-26

E-mail: ran@usue.ru

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