Амурский зоологический журнал, 2023, т. XV, № 4
Amurian Zoological Journal, 2023, vol. XV, no. 4
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https://www.doi.org/10.33910/2686-9519-2023-15-4-838-846 http://zoobank.org/References/9C5D4902-2E01-4282-B0A5-DDB0912AD851
UDC 595.773.4
Review of the Hydrotaea meteorica group (Diptera, Muscidae)
N. E. Vikhrev
Zoological Museum of Moscow University, 2 Bolshaya Nikitskaya, 125009, Moscow, Russia
Nikita E. Vikhrev
E-mail: [email protected]
SPIN: 1266-1140
Scopus Author ID: 32467511100
Abstract. A review of the world fauna of the H. meteorica group, which, according to the present publication, consists of six valid species, is offered. It is proposed that the group originated from SE Asia and recently several of its species have been widely spread along with cattle breeding. Four new synonymies are offered: Hydrotaea affinis Karl, 1935 = H. zao Shinonaga & Kano, 1971, syn.nov. = H. affinoides Feng & Feng, 1997, syn.nov. and Hydrotaea nigribasis Stein, 1913 = H. australis Malloch, 1923, syn. nov. = H. dukouensis Ni, 1982, syn. nov. Considering these cases, the author has formulated his approaches to the synonymy in general. Keys to males and females of the H. meteorica group are given.
Copyright: © The Author (2023). Published by Herzen State Pedagogical
University ofRussia. Open access under Keywords: Diptera, Muscidae, Hydrotaea meteorica group, identification CC BY-NC License 4.0. keys, synonymy
Обзор группы видов Hydrotaea meteorica (Diptera, Muscidae)
Н. Е. Вихрев
Зоологический музей МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова, Большая Никитская ул., д. 2, 125009, г. Москва, Россия
Сведения об авторе Вихрев Никита Евгеньевич E-mail: [email protected] SPIN-код: 1266-1140 Scopus Author ID: 32467511100
Аннотация. Предложен обзор мировой фауны группы видов H. meteorica, которая согласно этой публикации, включает шесть валидных видов. Предположено, что рассматриваямая группа видов происходит из Юго-Восточной Азии, а в недавние времена некоторые виды широко распространились благодаря скотоводству. Предложены четыре новых синонима: Hydrotaea affinis Karl, 1935 = H. zao Shinonaga & Kano, 1971, syn.nov. = H. affinoides Feng & Feng, 1997, syn.nov. и Hydrotaea nigribasis Stein, 1913 = H. australis Malloch, 1923, syn. nov. = H. dukouensis Ni, 1982, syn. nov. На примере рассмотренных видов автором сформулированы общие подходы к синонимии. Даны определительные ключи по самцам и самкам для группы видов H. meteorica.
Права: © Автор (2023). Опубликовано Российским государственным педагогическим университетом им. А. И. Герцена. Открытый доступ на условиях лицензии СС БУ-ЫС 4.0.
Ключевые слова: Diptera, Muscidae, группа видов Hydrotaea meteorica, определительные ключи, синонимия
Males of the species included in the Hydrotaea meteorica group have on the apex of f1 a pair of swollen spines dilated basally and sharpened apically (Fig. 4), instead of a pair of rigid teeth typical for Hydrotaea. They have a compact habitus, even somewhat roundish, with a large head and short body (Fig. 1). Their c haetotaxy is as follows:f2 with a regular row of spinulose ventral setae in basal half; t2 with 2 p, without ad; t3 with pd seta weak (not longer than tibia width) or absent. Outer rows of ac are represented by rather strong setae, distinctly longer than scutal ground setulae.
The adults are cattle secretophages and are often attracted to the human body. They also visit cattle dung, where larvae breed (Pont 1973). According to the present publication, the world fauna consists of six valid species. Three species (Hydrotaea affinis Karl, 1935; Hydrotaea cilifemorata Emden, 1965 and Hydrotaea spinigena Xue & Li, 1995) are dustributed in SE Asia, and I suppose that the H. meteorica group originated from this region. Other three species (Hydrotaea cinerea Robineau-Des-voidy, 1830; Hydrotaea meteorica Linnaeus, 1758 and Hydrotaea nigribasis Stein, 1913) are widely distributed, which is quite expected for species associated with cattle.
Material and Methods
The specimens examined are deposited in the following museums:
ANIC — Australian National Insect Collection, Canberra, Australia;
MNHN — Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris, France;
ZIN — Zoological Institute, Saint Petersburg, Russia;
ZMHU — Museum für Naturkunde, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany;
ZMUM — Zoological Museum of Moscow University, Russia (not indicated in the text).
Geographical coordinates are given in the decimal degrees format. 'River' is abbreviated to 'R'.
The following generally accepted abbreviations for morphological structures are used:
f1, t1, f2, t2, f3, t3 = fore-, mid-, hind- femur or tibia respectively; ac — acrostichal setae; dc — dorsocentral setae; prst — presutural; post — postsutural; a, p, d, v = anterior, posterior, dorsal, ventral seta(e).
The abbreviation for the tarsi as tar followed by a pair of digits separated by a hyphen was proposed by Vikhrev (2011): the first digit (1 to 3) gives the leg number and the second digit (1 to 5) the number of the tarsal segment. For example, tar1-4 = 4th segment of fore tarsus; tar3-1 = hind basitarsus.
When referring to figures, to avoid confusion I capitalise the first letter (Fig. or Figs.) for those appearing in this paper and use lowercase (fig. or figs.) for those published elsewhere.
List of species of the Hydrotaea meteorica group with extensive taxonomic comments
Hydrotaea affinis Karl, 1935 Fig. 5
Hydrotaea affinis Karl, 1935: 38. Type locality: Tainan, Formosa (= Taiwan). Hydrotaea zao Shinonaga & Kano, 1971. Type locality: Japan, Honshu, syn.nov. Hydrotaea affinoides Feng & Feng, 1997. Type locality: China, Sichuan prov., Yaan env., Mt. Zhougong (29.946°N, 103.040°E), 1700 m, syn.nov.
Hydrotaea affinis Karl, 1935: Emden (1965, redescription).
Hydrotaea zao Shinonaga & Kano, 1971: Shi-nonaga & Kano (1971); Shinonaga (2003, redescription).
Hydrotaea affinoides Feng & Feng, 1997: Fan (2008: 484, redescription in Chinese; 10171023, identification key, in English.
Material examined: INDIA, West Bengal state, Kalimpong, 27.06°N, 88.43°E, 16-30.11.2013, K. Tomkovich, 1$; RUSSIA, Primorsky Reg.: Andreevka env, 42.7°N, 131.1°E, 26-31.07.2018, N. Vikhrev, 3$, 21$, first record for Russia. THAILAND: Chanthaburi province, Khao Khitchakut National Park, 12.82°N, 102.13°E; 1-4.11.2009, N. Vikhrev, 1$; 3-6.12.2011, D. Gavryushin, 1$; N. Vikhrev, 1$; Nakhon Ratchasima province, Khao Yai National Park, 11.02.2009, N. Vikhrev, 1$.
Distribution. SE Asia. China: Taiwan and Sichuan provinces; India: Madras and West Bengal states; Japan, Honshu; Russia, Primor-sky region; Central Thailand.
Discussion on synonymy. Males of H. affinis are unmistakable due to a row of 4-6 long apically downcurved pv setae in the apical quarter of t3 (Fig. 5). More precisely, they were easily distinguishable before two more species with the same modification of hind tibia were described from Japan and China. Shinonaga & Kano (1971) and Shinonaga (2003) compared H. zao with H. meteorica but did not compare it with H. affinis. H. af-finoides was described as a species with ca-lypters 'dirty white' while H. affinis has ca-lypters 'pale brown' (Fan 2008).
1. Let us compare the diagnostic value of the two mentioned characters: the modified t3 and the colour of calypters. The most appropriate analogy belongs to William Paley and is widely known from Richard Dawkins's book The blind watchmaker: a stone has a common natural origin, whereas a watch implies the presence of an intelligent design. The row of curved pv setae on t3 is a 'watch': it is a complex and ordered structure that was created by the directed action of natural selection. It is obvious that such a modification occurred only once; therefore, all its owners are at least closely related organisms. Another 'watch' character is the unusual shape of apical teeth on the male fore femur: swollen spines dilated basally and sharpened apically (Fig. 4). This synapomorphic character is shared by the species of the H. meteorica group, and actually this was the reason of recognizing this group. In such terms the characters like dirty white/pale brown colour of the calypters or the number (4 to 6) the apically curved pv setae on t3 are 'stones'. Below, I will use the terms 'strong' or 'weak' characters instead of 'watch' and 'stone.
The description of new species on the base of weak characters is not convincing unless there are at least two correlating independent weak characters and intraspecific variability has been studied on a large enough series of specimens. Neither H. zao nor H. affinoides satisfies these conditions.
2. By analogy with 'case law' (in Russian: прецедентное право), I'd like to propose on this example the principle of 'case taxonom-ic approach' (i.e. in Russian: прецедентный таксономический подход). H. affinis is an uncommon species poorly represented in insect collections. Instead of describing new H. affinis-like species from few available specimens on the base of difference of the calypters colour, the authors should have started with studying variability of the same character in related, much more common and much better represented in collections H. meteorica. In H. meteorica the colour of calypters varies widely from yellow to dark brown, commonly there are yellow and brown-calypter specimens from the same locality. I consider this variability as intraspecific, either inherited or induced by external conditions, such as temperature. Only if someone convincingly justifies the need for splitting H. meteorica into several species on the base of variability of the calypters colour, it would be reasonable to discuss the same approach to H. affinis.
3. The third principle — 'no difference, no validity' — is a practical application of the main approach to any scientific investigation, namely Occam's presumption 'not to produce unnecessary entities'. If author(s) forgot (or 'forgot') to compare a newly described species with a really similar one(s) but compared it only with an obviously different one(s), then such new species goes to synonymy without long discussions. This principle may well be applied to H. zao.
So, Hydrotaea affinis Karl, 1935 = H. zao Shinonaga & Kano, 1971, syn.nov. (using the above suggested principles 1 and 3) = H. affinoides Feng & Feng, 1997, syn. nov. (using the above suggested principles 1 and 2).
Hydrotaea cinerea Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 Hydrotaea palpalis Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 Hydrotaea gracilis Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 Hydrotaea trimucronata Pandelle, 1889
Material examined: KAZAKHSTAN, East Kazakhstan Reg., 49.25°N, 87.00°E Ust'-Chindagatuy env., 1750 m, 3-5.07.2012, O. Kosterin, 2$. MONGOLIA, Uvs aimak, 10 km W of Uureg Nuur Lake, 50.17°N,
90.73°E, 1700 m, YPT, W. Slaymaker & A. Reshchikov, 11-13.07.2010, 1$; Sredne-Gobiysky (= Dundgobi) aimak, somon Luus (45.5°N, 105.8°E), 23-24.07.1967, V. Zaitsev, 1$ (both ZIN). RUSSIA: Buryatia Reg.: Mondy env, 51.67°N, 100.94°E, Irkut R., 1350 m, 20-26.06.2021, N. Vikhrev, 1$. TURKEY, (Antalya province), Manavgat env., pine forest (36.76°N, 31.44°E), 31.03.2008, N. Vikhrev, 1$. UKRAINE, Kharkov Reg., Kharkov env., 18.05.1881, K. Yaroshevsky, 2$ (ZIN).
Distribution. Palaearctic.
Hydrotaea cilifemorata Emden, 1965
Type locality: India, Uttarakhand state, Mundali (forest), 9000 ft. (2500 m) (30.83°N, 77.95°E); $ holotype and 2$ paratypes in Zoological survey of India, Calcutta (whether they still exist or not is unknown), 2$ paratypes in BMNH, London.
Material examined: INDIA, Uttarakhand state, 30.407°N, 78.289°E (Surkunda Devi Temple trek starting point), 2500 m, (around horses), 9-10.09.2010, N. Vikhrev, 18$, 2$.
Distribution. So far known only from India, Uttarakhand state.
Hydrotaea meteorica Linnaeus, 1758 Fig. 1
Hydrotaea constans Harris, 1780
Material examined: ARMENIA, Arzakan (40.45°N, 44.60°E), 1.08.1969, V. Rikhter, 1$ (ZIN); BELARUS: Gomel, Minsk and Vitebsk Regions (Makovetskaya, Vikhrev 2020).
GEORGIA, Tbilisi, Tskneti (41.7°N, 44.7°E), 4-8.06.1979, G. Veselkin, 1$. KYRGYZSTAN, Jalal-Abad Reg., Lake Sary-Chelek (41.90°N, 71.95°E), 29.05.1952, A. Zhelokhovtsev, 1$. RUSSIA: Altai Rep. Reg., Chulyshman R. (51.35°N, 87.75°E), 19.07.1970, V. Sychevs-kaya, 1$; Amur Reg.: Zeya env., 53.7°N, 127.3°E, 29.06.1981, A. Shatalkin, 1$; Yukhta, 51.5°N, 128.2°E, 27.07.1979, G. Veselkin, 1$; Bashkortostan Reg., Muldashevo env., 54.82°N, 59.77°E, 9.07.2021, O. Kosterin, 1$; Buryatia Reg.: Tunka env., 51.7°N, 102.6°E, 750 m asl, 7-11.06.2021, N. Vikhrev, 4$; E of Tory, 51.8°N, 103.2°E, 660 m, 12.06.2021, N. Vikhrev, 1$; Arshan env., 51.927°N, 102.435°E, 1200 m, 16.06.2021, E. Makovets-kaya, 11$; Ulan-Ude env., Tataurovo (52.14°N, 107.44°E), 10.06.1977, G. Veselkin, 1$; Irkutsk Reg., Slyudyanka, 51.68°N, 103.69°E, 480 m, 12-14.06.2021, N. Vikhrev, 1$; 2829.06.2021, E. Makovetskaya, 10$; Ust-Kut (56.8°N, 105.8°E), 25.07.1979, G. Veselkin, 1$; Khakasia Reg.: Abakan, park, 53.74°N, 91.41°E, 16.07.2017, N. Vikhrev, 1$; Shira env., 54.5°N, 90.1°E, 21-27.06.2011, K. Tomk-ovich, 2$; Krasnodar Reg., Dakhovskaya env., 44.20°N, 40.17°E, 29-30.06.2009, K. Tom-kovich, 2$; Krasnoyarsk Reg., Novochernore-chenskiy env., 56.27°N, 91.12°E, 16.06.2011, K. Tomkovich, 2$; Mordovia (Vikhrev et al. 2020); Moscow Reg., 10 km W of Ruza, 55.66°N, 36.05°E, 1-10.08.2016, E. Erofeeva, 2$; 1-11.06.2017, 2$; Kostino env. (56.31°N, 37.75°E), 22-23.05.2010, N. Vikhrev, 1$, 3$; Novosibirsk Reg., Ob' R. right oxbow, 54.86°N,
Fig. 1. Hydrotaea meteorica, male (photo by Frank Koehler, diptera.info) Рис. 1. Hydrotaea meteorica, самец (фото: Frank Koehler, diptera.info)
83.04°E, 16.06.2016, O. Kosterin, 1$; Primor-sky Reg., Andreevka env, 42.7°N, 131.1°E, 25-30.06.2014, N. Vikhrev, 1$; Suputinsky (presently Ussuriysky) Nat. Reserve («43.6°N, 132.3°E), 20.07.1968, Kandybina, 1$ (ZIN); Stavropol Reg., Essentuki env. (44.0°N, 42.8°E), 10.05.1979, G. Veselkin, 4$; Tomsk Reg., Bachkar (57.02°N, 82.1°E), 9.07.1972, P. Polyakova, 4$; Tuva Reg., Uyuk R., 800 m, 52.07°N, 94.04°E, 27.05.2018, N. Vikhrev, 1$; Saint Petersburg Reg., Yukki (60.11°N, 30.28°E), 18.07-16.08.1933, A. Stackelberg, 3$ (ZIN). TAJIKISTAN, Dushanbe Reg., Gis-sar Range, Varzob gorge, Takob biostation, 38.835°N, 68.964°E, 2000 m, 2-4.06.2010, K. Tomkovich, 1$. TURKEY, Nevshehir Reg., 38.594°N, 35.024°E, 1250 m, 18.04.2010, N. Vikhrev, 3$, 2?.
Distribution. Widespread in Holarctic and north of the Oriental regions. I suppose that the species was introduced to North America only 200-300 years ago. When entomologists began to study regional faunas in the 19th and 20th centuries, many species associated with cattle had already been introduced to many remote localities.
Discussion. In most species of Hydrotaea, the male genitalia are uniform and useless for identification. Instead, almost all males of Hydrotaea have modified setae or setulae on the mid- and hind legs. There are only few examples of absence of such modifications. A lot of species of Hydrotaea which have the same
modifications (a strong character) and differ by weak characters only were found belonging to the same species and synonymysed, but H. meteorica, H. cinerea and H. cilifemorata are still considered as valid species. The best recommendations how to divide H. meteorica and H. cinerea were given by D'Assis-Fonseca (1968: 30-31); Emden (1965: 315-317) gave detailed diagnosis for H. cilifemorata. The diagnostic characters are summarised in Table 1.
On the one hand, the considered species fit the criterion I proposed above: there are several independent diagnostic characters, though weak ones. On the other hand, these characters vary widely and gradually. They usually allow the identification of Eastern European specimens, but it is often difficult to apply them to specimens from East Asia. Two examples are given below.
THAILAND, Chantaburi province, Khao Khitchakut National Park, 12.82°N, 102.13°E, 3-6.12. 2011, N. Vikhrev, 1$. This specimen has the ventral setulae on f3 medium long and notopleuron without hairs near posterior seta as in H. cinerea, but the ventral spines on f2 weak; the scutum and abdomen undusted; the knob of halter and calypters brown as in H. cilifemorata.
RUSSIA, Primorsky Reg., Anisimovka env., 43.13°N, 132.80°E, 450 m, 21-24.07.2018, N. Vikhrev, 2$. These specimens have the ventral setulae on f3 medium long and the notopleuron without hairs near posterior
Table 1
Diagnostic characters to divide H. meteorica, H. cinerea and H. cilifemorata
Таблица 1
Диагностические признаки для разделения H. meteorica, H. cinerea and H. cilifemorata
Character species fine av on f3 dusting on scutum dusting on abdomen colour of calypters colour of halters knob v spines on f2 hair(s) near post ntp seta
H. meteorica S 0.5x as long as f3 width absent or fine fine, dark grey, median vitta not distinct brown or yellow dark long and strong present
H. cinerea S about as long as f3 width more or less strong densely dusted with distinct narrow vitta yellow yellow or dark long and strong absent
H. cilifemorata S 2x as long as f3 width absent undusted, median vitta indistinct brown dark short and fine present
seta as in H. cinerea, but the scutum and abdomen undusted; the knob of halter and ca-lypters brown as in H. meteorica.
H. cilifemorata might be considered as a North Indian subspecies of H. meteorica, but H. cinerea can not be a subspecies because it has the same wide trans-Palaearcic distribution as H. meteorica.
Personally I believe that these forms represent intraspecific variability of the widespread and common, cattle secretophagous H. mete-orica. However, in order to avoid possible disagreements between Muscidae experts, I still consider here H. meteorica, H. cinerea and H. cilifemorata as valid species. I hope that molecular data will clarify the situation.
Hydrotaea nigribasis Stein, 1913 Fig. 4.
Hydrotaea nigribasis Stein, 1913. Type locality: South Africa, Durban. Hydrotaea australis Malloch, 1923: 667. Type locality: Australia, south Queensland, syn. nov. Hydrotaea dukouensis Ni, 1982. Type locality: Sichuan, Dukou (presently Panzhihua 26.57°N, 101.71°E), syn. nov.
Hydrotaea australis Malloch, 1923. Emden (1965: 314, redescription); Pont (1973: 232, redescription).
Hydrotaea dukouensis Ni, 1982: Fan (2008: 482, redescription in Chinese; 1017-1023, identification key, in English).
Type materia! examined: Holotype, H. nigribasis, S: Pinetown, Durban, (= S Africa, 29.84°S, 30.84°E), 20.04.(19)02, F. Muir (ZMHU).
Other materia! examined: AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Eidsvold («25.4°S, 151.1°E), 6.10.1929 and no data, 3S, 5? (ANIC). ETHIOPIA, Oromia Reg., Ambo env., (8.98°N, 37.85°E), 2100 m, 01.11.2009, L. Rybalov, 1S, 1?. INDONESIA, Papua province, Jayapura (2.55°S, 140.70°E) env., 18-25.04.2009, A. Sokolov, 3S, 5?. NEW CALEDONIA, Noumea (22.2°S, 166.5°E), 07.1958, J. Rageau, 1S (MNHN).
Distribution. A Paleotropical species associated with cattle. Australia: WA, NT, QLD, NSW (Pont 1973); China, Sichuan (Fan 2008), Ethiopia, Oromia; Indonesia, Papua; New Caledonia; Malaysia (Emden 1965); Nepal (Shinonaga, Singh 1994); S Africa (type locality); Sri Lanka (Emden 1965).
Figs. 2-5. 2 — H. spinigena, male head, lateral; 3 — H. spinigena, male mid leg (modified from Xue & Chao 1998: 905, figs 2097Fe and 2097Fp); 4 — H. nigribasis, male fore leg (as H. australis, from Emden 1965: 313, fig. 83b); 5 — H. affinis, male hind tibia (as H. affinoides, from Fan 2008: 484, fig. 153c)
Рис. 2-5. 2 — H. spinigena, голова самца сбоку; 3 — H. spinigena, средняя нога самца (с изменениями по Xue & Chao 1998: 905, figs 2097Fe и 2097Fp); 4 — H. nigribasis, передняя нога самца (как H. australis, по Emden 1965: 313, fig. 83b); 5 — H. affinis, задняя голень самца (как H. affinoides, по Fan 2008: 484, fig. 153c)
Synonymy. I have no doubts that specimens from Africa as well as from Australia and New Guinea (known as H. australis) belong to the same species. They fit the redescription by Pont (1973) and share all diagnostic characters: body length 3 mm; no minute setulae between outer rows of rather strong ac setae; notopleuron bare; head dusted, without any glossy areas; S with fore leg as in the H. meteorica group; t3 in medial third with a row of 3-5 straight pv setulae (same as on t3 of H. affinis as shown in Fig. 5). The description of H. dukouensis is less comprehensive. Fan (2008: 458, fig. F) showed typical fore femur of the H. meteorica group. In both keys by Xue et al. (2007a; 2007b) H. dukouensis does not run to the H. meteorica group although the modification of f1 was clearly described as that of the H. meteorica group: 'fore femur with 2 specialised setae on ventral surface of distal part, one spine-like, the other resembling a bird's head'. In the better key by Fan (2008: 1022) H. dukouensis runs to the H. me-teorica group. H. dukouensis also shares a small size (3 mm) and a row of 3-5 short pv setulae at middle of t3. The principle 'no difference, no validity' should be applied here. So, Hydrotaea nigribasis Stein, 1913 = H. australis Malloch, 1923, syn. nov. = H. dukouensis Ni, 1982, syn. nov.
If my supposition that the origin of the H. meteorica group is SE Asia is correct, then the spread of H. nigribasis to Australia and Africa most likely happened along with cattle breeding. At least I am sure that H. nigribasis appeared in New Caledonia together with human settlement.
Hydrotaea spinigena Xue & Li, 1995 Figs. 2, 3
Material examined: INDIA, West Bengal state, Kalimpong, 27.06°N, 88.44°E, 650 m, 1-11.12.2013, K. Tomkovich, 1?. NEPAL, Rasuwa distr., Dhunche env., 28.098°N, 85.318°E, 2000 m, 7-9.06.2017, A. Oze-rov, 1?. THAILAND, Chiang Mai province, 19.28°N, 98.61°E. 1350 m, attracted on human body, 15-18.11.2010, N. Vikhrev, 3S. VIETNAM, Lao Cai province, Sa Pa env.,
22.321°N, 103.856°E, 1400 m, on buffalo dung, 19-29.03.2019, N. Vikhrev, 1$, 5?.
Distribution. Continental mountain part of the Oriental Region. Known from: China: Guizhou province, Changshun County (26.0°N, 106.4°E) and Yunnan province, Qu-jing (25.5°N, 103.8°E) (Fan 2008); India: W Bengal state; Nepal: Rasuwa district, Thailand: Chiang Mai province; Vietnam: Lao Cai province.
Descriptive notes. A distinctive species. Head large. Arista slightly thickened; the second quarter of arista whitish; aristal setu-lae very short. Vibrissae short, straight and thickened; under vibrissae there is a vertical row of four short, straight and thickened setae (Fig. 2). Gena narrow, at the anterior end with a pair of strong, upward directed spinulose setae. Thorax black, almost without dusting. Katepisternals 1+1; dc 2+4, ac 0+1, katepimeron bare. Notopleuron without hair(s) near posterior seta. Wing slightly darkened, calypters brown.
Legs black. Fore leg typical for H. meteorica group: f1 with swollen apical spines, t1 emarginated in basal half and thickened in apical half. Mid femur modified: basal 3/5 of av surface with a row of fine setae ending by two long and strong av setae; basal 3/5 of pv surface with a row of straight, spinulose setae ending by two long and strong pv setae (Fig. 3). t2 with 2 p; tar2-1 and tar2-2 with a dense row of fine waved v setulae (Fig. 3). f3 with a complete row of fine v setulae in basal 3/4; in apical 1/4 with 3 strong av setae. t3 with 4 fine av in middle third. Abdomen in posterior view with thin grey dusting and black median vitta.
Female is easily recognizable by the arista whitish in the second quarter. Aristal hairs very short. Upper parafacials and most of fronto-orbital plates glossy. t3 with 2-3 av and 1 ad.
Key to the males of Hydrotaea meteorica group
1. Arista slightly thickened; the second quarter
of arista whitish; aristal setulae very short.
Vibrissae short, straight and thickened;
under vibrissae there is a vertical row of 4 short, straight and thickened setae (Fig. 2). f2 beyond middle with 2 long av and 2 long strong pv; tar2-1 and tar2-2 with dense ventral hairs (Fig. 3) .. spinigena Xue & Li
— Without modifications described above .. ....................................... 2
2. t3 at apical quarter with a row of 4-6 long apically down-curved pv setae (Fig. 5). Upper parafacial glossy black. (f2 with a row of 7-9 ventral spines, these are weak and almost twice shorter than femur width. f3 ventrally bare except for 3-4 strong av at apical quarter. t3 in middle with a row of 3-4 stright pv setulae, with or without av, without ad and pd. Notopleuron bare. Body length 4.5-5 mm)......affinis Karl
— t3 without long pv setae at apical quarter. Parafacial entirely dusted...............3
3. Small, body length about 3 mm. t3 in middle with a row of 3-5 stright pv setulae, without pd and ad, with 2(1-3) strong av. No minute setulae between outer ac setae. (Notopleuron bare. f2 with a row of 3-4 ventral spines, these are strong, as long as or longer than femur width. Abdomen densely dusted with black median vitta.) .........................nigribasis Stein
— Body length about 4-5 mm. t3 without row of minute pv setulae, with medium strong 1 pd, 1 ad and 1 av. Surface between outer ac setae covered with minute setulae____4
4. f3 all along covered with dense, long (2-2.5x longer than femur width) and fine av and pv setae, in apical quarter with 3-4 strong av setae. f2 without spinulose ventral setae, a row of straight v setae present but they are not stronger than other setae
on f2. (Scutum not dusted) .............
.....................cilifemorata Emden
—f3 covered with more sparse and shorter (at most as slightly longer than femur width) ventral setae (except for 3-4 strong av setae in apical quarter). f2 with a row of 1012 spinulose ventral setae, they are much stronger than other setae on f2.........5
5. f3 with with fine av setae half as long as fe-
mur width. Scutum seen from behind not
dusted (Fig. 1); abdomen thinly dusted.
Knob of halters always brown. Notopleuron usually with hair(s) near posterior seta
.....................meteorica Linnaeus
—f3 with fine av setae as long or slightly longer than femur width. Scutum seen from behind dusted grey (on posterior part or humeral calli or both); abdomen densely dusted. Knob of halters yellow or brown. Notopleuron without hair(s) near posterior seta.....cinerea Robineau-Desvoidy
Notes on females of the Hydrotaea meteorica group
The only diagnostic character that allows distinguishing females of H. cinerea was provided in the key by D'Assis-Fonseca (1968). For all other species considered here I examined series of females collected together with males and on this base worked out the recommendations given below. However, there is a difficulty: the males of the H. meteorica group are easily identifiable by characteristic shape of swollen spines at the apex off1, but how to understand that a female belongs to this group? Recommendations for the Palaearctic fauna are mostly useless for tropical species of the H. meteorica group, tropical Hydrotaea are poorly known, especially their females. I can offer the following set of characters for females of the H. meteorica group:
a. t2 never with ad;
b. pd seta on t3 either absent or short if present (not longer than tibia width);
c. outer rows of ac are represented by rather strong setae, distinctly longer than inner setulae or scutal ground setulae;
d. species of the group are secretophaguos and are often attracted by human body or to cattle.
Key to the females of the Hydrotaea meteorica group
1. Paleotropical. Small, body length about 3 mm. No minute setulae between outer ac setae. Frons distinctly narrower than 1/3 head width. (Notopleuron bare. Parafacials and fronto-orbital plates entirely dusted.
t3 without or with very short pd.).........
.........................nigribasis Stein
— Body length about 4-5 mm. Surface between outer ac setae covered with minute setulae................................ 2
2. Oriental. Upper parafacial glossy black . . . ....................................... 3
— Palaearctic. Parafacial and fronto-orbital plates entirely dusted. (Notopleuron with hairs. t3 with 1 pd and 1 ad.)...........5
3. Notopleuron bare. t3 without pd. Frons narrower than 1/3 head width. Fronto-orbital plates mostly glossy black..............4
— Notopleuron with hairs. t3 with ad and pd. Frons wider than 1/3 head width. Fronto-
orbital plates dusted....................
.................... cilifemorata Emden
4. Arista whitish in second quartre. Aristal hairs shorter than base of arista. t3 with ad. ..................... spinigena Xue & Li
—Arista entirely dark. Aristal hairs as long as base of arista. t3 without ad. (Apart from Oriental realm, this species is known from
SE Palaearctic.)..............affinis Karl
5. Knob of halters always brown. Notopleu-
ron with hair(s) near posterior seta ........
..................... meteorica Linnaeus
— Knob of halters yellow. Notopleuron without hair(s) near posterior seta ...........
............. cinerea Robineau-Desvoidy
I am very grateful to the curators and staff of the following museums: ANIC, MNHN, ZIN, and ZMHU for the opportunity to work with their collections. I thank Oleg Kosterin (Novosibirsk) for his advice and corrections.
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Shinonaga, S. (2003) Monograph of the Muscidae of Japan. Tokyo: Tokai University Press, 347 p. (In English) Shinonaga, S., Kano, R. (1971) Fauna Japonica. Muscidae (Insecta: Diptera). Vol. I. Tokyo: Academic Press
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Japanese Journal of Sanitary Zoology, vol. 45, Supplement, pp. 99-177. (In English) Vikhrev, N. (2011) Review of the Palaearctic members of the Lispe tentaculata species-group (Diptera, Muscidae): Revised key, synonymy and notes on ecology. ZooKeys, vol. 84, pp. 59-70. https://doi. org/10.3897/zookeys.84.819 (In English) Xue, W-Q., Chao, C-M. (1998) Flies of China. Vol. 1. Shenyang: Liaoning Science and Technology Press, 1365 p. (In Chinese).
Xue, W.-Q., Wang, M.-F., Du, J. (2007a) The genus Hydrotaea Robineau-Desvoidy in China, with a description of four new species (Diptera: Muscidae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, vol. 80, no. 4, pp. 281297. https://doi.org/10.2317/0022-8567(2007)80[281:tghric]2.0.co;2 (In English) Xue, W.-Q., Wang, M.-F., Wang, D.-D. (2007b) The genus Hydrotaea (Diptera: Muscidae) from China, with description of three new species. Oriental Insects, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 273-291. https://doi.org/10.1080/00 305316.2007.10417512 (In English)
For citation: Vikhrev, N. E. (2023) Review of the Hydrotaea meteorica group (Diptera, Muscidae). Amurian Zoological Journal, vol. XV, no. 4, pp. 838-846. https://www.doi.org/10.33910/2686-9519-2023-15-4-838-846
Received 11 October 2023; reviewed 23 October 2023; accepted 30 October 2023.
Для цитирования: Вихрев, Н. Е. (2023) Обзор группы видов Hydrotaea meteorica (Diptera, Muscidae). Амурский зоологический журнал, т. XV, № 4, с. 838-846. https://www.doi.org/10.33910/2686-9519-2023-15-4-838-846
Получена 11 октября 2023; прошла рецензирование 23 октября 2023; принята 30 октября 2023.