RELIGIOUS FANATICISM IS A FACTOR THAT NEGATIVELY AFFECTS THE SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIETY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Dehkonova S.

This article analyzes religious fanaticism as a factor that negatively affects the social development of society.

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УДК 374

Dehkonova S. teacher

Department of Social Sciences Namangan Engineering-Construction Institute


Abstract: This article analyzes religious fanaticism as a factor that negatively affects the social development of society.

Key words: terrorism, religious fanaticism, religious values, individualization, development.

The first and main reason for the origin of religious extremism is the emergence of fanatical ideas and views. People who have poisoned their minds and become fanatics do not refuse to do any inappropriate things, considering what they are doing to be right. However, the real goal of the "leaders" who started them on this path is essentially inhuman. Their main intention is to establish the ancient Arab caliphate in the whole of Asia. However, their main intention is not limited to this, they seize power under the guise of religion, and in this way, they cannot resist killing the great creature called " man"'. They are doing their evil and disgusting deeds in different countries at this very moment.

It has been known for a long time that Islam spread to the territory of Uzbekistan from 643-644 years, but several works related to Islam were created in this region. state in the 8th-14th centuries) through Movarounnahr (the lands occupied by the Arabs - "the other side of the river" in Arabic at that time referred to the area between the Amudarya and Syrdarya rivers), then from the 9th century these sciences became part of the region developed in zida. By this time, six collections of authentic hadiths recognized in the Islamic world (assihah as-sita), then three collections were added to form nine books (alkutub at-tis'a). Three of them It was compiled by the scholars of Movarounnahr -Imam Bukhari, Imam Termizi, Imam Dorimi. Since then, Islam has been recognized as our national religion in our region. Freedom of religious values with the honor of independence made it possible for Islam to take its place in society. But at the same time, the views that developed in secret and formed under the influence of various ideologies under the guise of religion also created favorable conditions.

Now the question arises, who can be called people who use such a pure religion as a mask for their malicious intentions. They intended to establish a caliphate. If they don't know what our prophet Muhammad Mustafa, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, "The caliphate will be 30 years after me, countries will appear."

According to information, about 500 terrorist organizations are operating in the world today. During 1968-1980, they committed about 6700 terrorist operations. As a result, 3,668 people died and 7,474 people were injured. This statistic can be a proof of my above thoughts. For 22 years, 3,668 people became victims of subversive acts, and I told you that more than 3,000 people were killed in the events of September 11 alone, due to the growing desire of terrorist organizations for globalization and society.

Extremism and terrorism not only undermine people's faith in the future, but also overshadow problems in the international arena, including mutual trust between peoples of different faiths, and hinder the development of international economic and cultural cooperation. is dying. According to experts, more than a hundred terrorist organizations in the world are armed with the most modern weapons, and these organizations share information with each other, become partners when carrying out subversive activities, and provide each other with financial assistance when necessary. and provide assistance in other forms. Among the largest such organizations are Al-Qaeda, Al-Jihad al-Islami, Hizbut-Tahrir, Taliban, ISIS, Wahhabis and we can mention other terrorist organizations as an example. Currently, Islamic extremism and related terrorism pose a particular threat to more than 15 countries of the world. These countries include Sudan, Egypt, Syria, India, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Libya, Senegal, Pakistan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Palestine, Iraq and other countries where terrorism has taken root. Currently, the most terrible acts of sabotage are taking place in the territories of Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. The events that took place in Uzbekistan on February 16, 1999 (Tashkent), March-April and July 2004, and May 2005 (Andijan) are one of the next "atrocities" of the large-scale international terrorist structure. there is no doubt. Our country is not the first country to face religious extremism and terrorism and suffer from its complications. It is a disease that threatens the security of many countries of the world today.

We know that when a child is born, it does not run away, or immediately say the words "mother" or "father". But how did this new terrorist organization gain such power in such a short time? The answer is one!! Behind them, so to speak, there are black-handed organizations whose breadwinners are as dangerous to the world as black thigh disease. They encourage such subversive groups to start wars by providing them with weapons and finances. Immediately, putting on their second mask, they sell weapons and lend money to the attacked country for its self-defense, history can testify to this.

Who are filling the ranks of terrorists? Who are joining knowingly or unknowingly?

One of the factors that feed this brutality is the poor population, and one of the main factors is ignorance, lack of education and, of course, social strata with an ideological gap in their minds entering this path. That is why the extremists use our holy religion as a mask for their hateful ideas, influence

people's minds with non-existent religious laws, gather around them, and in this way do not even spare lives. In fact, religion is not for them to believe, but it serves as a weapon or a mask for their vile deeds, hateful, malicious, disgusting intentions - to seize political power by force.

According to the briefing held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan for local and foreign media representatives, with the help of such organizations as "Hizbut Harakati Jihad", "Da'wat Ul Irshad" and "Society of Islamic Scholars of Pakistan" ( Most of them are from Ferghana Valley) young people are being "educated" in religious educational institutions located in Peshawar district.

One of the things that worries and makes us all think and requires us to pay more attention to the problems related to the peace of our country is that in these secret centers in Pakistan, about 400 people from Central Asia, mainly from Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, are living in our country. is that he is preparing to carry out various subversive activities. In such a complicated situation, it is the need of the hour for every citizen of our country to collect all their thoughts and opinions and think deeply about the future and peace of their country, about the prospects of our people, about their duties, their duties to the family and the country.

Our first President rightfully believes in the great potential of religion in educating the citizens of Uzbekistan and states that "we are supporters of religion to enjoy the most family moral and spiritual values, historical and cultural heritage." "But we," continues I.A. Karimov, "will never allow religious appeals to become a flag for meddling in the struggle for power, politics, economics, and jurisprudence."

The concept of religious extremism is often used in our press at present. Extremist priests call such people apostates, i.e. blasphemers, and punish them mercilessly. Although the extremists in the Islamic religion are working under the guise of reviving the old Islamic ideas in order not to fall under the influence of the developed powerful countries in the west and to fight against the danger of losing independence in the life of the society and government policy of the Muslim countries, in fact their religious and political views striving for power is aimed at taking control of the country.

Today, it is necessary to create a healthy environment in the minds of young people, make them owners of a healthy ideology, and keep them under control until they reach the level where they can choose the right path independently.

Today, the issue of improving the socio-spiritual environment and living conditions of the population, protecting young people from the influence of various religious extremist currents is the most important issue for all of us.


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