Научная статья на тему 'Social-political need of fighting with Enlightenment against ideology of religious extremism and terrorism'

Social-political need of fighting with Enlightenment against ideology of religious extremism and terrorism Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Ismanova Arofat

In reply to: given article the «Thought against thought, struggle by the educated ideology against idea» is spoken about the prevention and struggle against international terrorism, about carrying out of preventive work.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Social-political need of fighting with Enlightenment against ideology of religious extremism and terrorism»


(подняв ладонь, растопырьте все пальцы) Закры-ва-ют-ся.

(соедините пальцы и сожмите их в кулак) «Зайчики»

Поставьте все пальцы одной руки на стол. Вышли зайки на лужок, Встали в маленький кружок. Раз зайка, два зайка, три зайка, Четыре зайка, пять... (пересчитайте заек) Будем лапками стучать. (стучите всеми пальцами по столу вместе или вразнобой)

Постучали, постучали И устали. Сели отдыхать.

(согните пальцы в кулак) «Поиграем в пальчики»

Загибать по очереди все пальцы на обеих руках. На последние строчки - шевелить пальцами обеих рук.

Большаку дрова рубить, А тебе воды носить, А тебе печь топить, А тебе тесто месить, А малышке песни петь. Песни петь да плясать, Родных братьев потешать.

В ходе выполнения игровых упражнений с элементами самомассажа педагог (воспитатель) должен следить за правильным выполнением действий обучающимися с ограниченными возможностями здоровья на уровне дошкольного образования. В случае когда обучающийся затрудняется в самостоятельном выполнении действий, педагог может оказывать ребенку помощь посредством метода «рука в руке» [6].

Таким образом, применяя игровые упражнения с элементами самомассажа, педагог (воспитатель) осуществляет регулярную профилактику соматических заболеваний, умственного перенапряжения, предупреждения стрессовых состояний у обучающихся с ограниченными возможностями здоровья на уровне дошкольного образования.


1. Абрашина Н. А. Лечебный и профилактический массаж для детей с нарушениями развития [Текст] / Н. А. Абрашина. М.: Флинта, Наука, 2009. 200 с.

2. Беззубцева Г. В. Развиваем руку ребенка, готовим ее к рисованию и письму: Конспекты занятий с играми и упражнениями по развитию мелкой моторики и графических навыков у детей 5-7 лет. [Текст] / Г. В. Беззубцева Т. Н. Андриевская - М.: Издательство «ГНОМ и Д», 2003. 120 с.

3. ВасичкинВ. И. Большой справочник по массажу [Текст] / В. И. Васичкин. М.: Эксмо, 2004. 448 с.

4. Ермакова И. А. Развиваем мелкую моторику у малышей [Текст] / И. А. Ермакова. СПб.: Литера, 2008. 32 с.

5. Светлова И. Е. Развиваем мелкую моторику и координацию движений рук [Текст] / И. Е. Светлова. М.: Эксмо - Пресс, 2001. 72 с.

6. Сиротюк А. Л. Упражнения для психомоторного развития дошкольников [Текст] / А. Л. Сиротюк. М.: Аркти, 2008. 60 с.

Social-political need of fighting with enlightenment against ideology of religious extremism and terrorism Ismanova A. (Republic of Uzbekistan) Общественно-политическая необходимость борьбы просветлением против идеологии религиозного экстремизма и терроризма Исманова А. (Республика Узбекистан)

Исманова Арофат /Ismanova Arafat — соискатель, Научно-практический центр национальной идеи и идеологии, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Abstract: in reply to: given article the «Thought against thought, struggle by the educated ideology against idea» is spoken about the prevention and struggle against international terrorism, about carrying out of preventive work.

Аннотация: в данной статье говорится о предупреждении и борьбе против международного терроризма, о проведении профилактической работы «Мысль против мысли, борьба просвещённой идеологией против идеи».

Keywords: religious extremism, terrorism, «Short leg», «red eye».

Ключевые слова: религиозный экстремизм, терроризм, глобализация, «короткая нога», «красных глаз».

Our government gives a lot of chances to young generation to be intelligent. Theoretical and methodical principles are worked and carried out in order to educate youth in national idea. Our president's book «High spirit -invincible force» is one of methodical works. In this work the author special emphasis on saving the government from spiritual crisis, any moral crisis in the country, its national interests and to ensure a healthy future generation can become a serious danger, warned the community that this may lead to crisis, he says «If any violater and aggressive power in the world want to make any nation or country subordinate, obey and take all their fortune, firstly they try to disarm, in other words they try to deprive its national traditions, history and spirituality» [1].

The main point and menace of religious extremism and international terrorism are based scientifically in our president I. Karimov's works. In addition in our president's «Uzbekistan on the Threshold of the Twenty-First Century: Challenges to Stability and Progress» is devoted to whole part, called «religious extremism and fundamentalism» and demonstrate its seven signs, analyze the ways of elimination.

What is spiritual threat? President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov said about ideological, ideological, principal and informational raid, destabilization of world of human spirit, to be a human regardless of language, religion and belief.

Religious extremism and globalization of terrorism, its savagery is not the truth known today. This black power has been struggling against the development of countries, nations from the beginning. It was followed sometimes in the guise of religion, sometimes dressed as policy, sometimes directly, shamelessly in an open form of vulgarity. For instance during Uzbekistan's twenty -five year's independence progress extremist-terrorists who were against trying to sow the seeds of instability to the mind and to the soul of our people, especially to our youth, they committed majority of malfeasance for diverting people's chosen path.

Primarily leaders of large countries did not give enough attention to the troubles increasingly threating for the mankind. Only incidents happened on the 11th September, 2011 showed extent of the risk of extremism and terrorism. World widespread public remained a serious concern in connection with the barbaric terrorist that happened on that day in the New York International Business Center of the USA, the Pentagon building in Washington. By the events Islom Karimov standing in the world's highest pulpits, that terrorism and extremism has become an international force and proved once again the correctness of the idea of the establishment of an international center against it. Religious extremism, terrorism, not only a problem of the region, a nation, a country, but also has been confirmed that the issue of universal.

Religious extremism and terrorism, and the trend are not a fact known only today. This black power had fought against the nations, developing countries. It was followed sometimes in the guise of religion, sometimes dressed as policy, sometimes directly, shamelessly in an open form of vulgarity. For instance during Uzbekistan's twenty -five year's independence progress extremist-terrorists who were against trying to sow the seeds of instability to the mind and to the soul of our people, especially to our youth ,committed majority of malfeasance for diverting people's chosen path.

The decision «About coordination of the actions of the countries of the world in the fight against international terrorism» was taken by member states of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly in 2002, on the eighth plenary session. The resolution acknowledged the existence og the need to create a body to coordinate the fight against extremism and anti-terrorist center. In CIS countries in order to improve legal mechanism the important legal documents were developed by the staff of the center in the fight against extremism and other forms of terrorism.

August 26, 2005, the CIS member states adopted the concept of co-operation in the fight against terrorism and extremism. Giving careful attention to the CIS member states on cooperation in the fight against terrorism and extremism, based on the goals and objectives of the concept of preventive came to increasing priority. Religious extremism and terrorism prevention work was carried out it will be necessary to better understand the history of the origin of the ideology. The head of ideology Sayyid Qutb (1906-1965) came from «Muslim Brotherhood» movement (Egypt, 1928) is recognized as the founder of the modern ideology of Islamic extremism. According to his «theory» that the majority of Muslims are not a Muslim and all the countries are against of Islamic resistance. Thus, the aims are the establishment of the Islamic state and make the whole society Muslim. For this, to carry out terrorist acts, all kinds of disgusting things return call.

The analysis of the literature on Islamic religion shows that in history extremism has repeatedly studied. At the end of the ninth century, Iraq Qarmatians extremist movement does not recognize the tenets of Islam; even the Hajj was considered as heresy and was declared as idolatry. And the nickname of Hamdam ibn al-Asha was taken the word Qarmat which means in the different sources distinctly «big foot» or «red eye». Qarmatians in the Hajj seasons attacked caravans, involved in the robbery. Particularly, in 930 they broke in Mecca plunder the city. Several thousand pilgrims and the residents of Mecca were captured or killed. They


destroyed the Kaaba, the black stone was divided into two, went to Bahrain, only 20 years later, it was returned to Mecca in exchange for payment.

The international community began to harass because of religious extremists and terrorists in the year of the last decade of the twentieth century. Especially for United Nations, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, a number of regional and international non-governmental and community organizations, the legislative and the executive, the law-enforcement institutions and special services have become a very important issue.Therefore the roots of the problem's cause and origin are being deeply explored by the politicians, lawyers, historians and representatives of other discipline.

Nowadays terrology is one of the global and complex subjects in the world. Because there are no any countries which are free from the influence and danger of the terrorism. Meanwhile, day by day terrorism is making modern its working procedures and using the modern technologies. In this context, we hope that the results of our research will contribute to the development of the direction of prevention science of terrology. That's a pity, in addition to the above - mentioned regions, evil Inclinations such as religious extremism and terrorism is stepping towards Uzbekistan which is newly won independence, and going with advanced steps to the bright future, and they are trying to destroy its peace.

The events which happened in Tashkent on February 16, in 1999 showed that the real purpose of grippers to strike to the Constitutional system and to come to the government. The attack of religious extremism to Uzbekistan is shown through the spread of fanaticism, and they try to lose the belief to the current state.

Extremists in society aim the dependent, mute, and increase the number of inactive people, «false» and «true» religiosity pursue symptoms caused by the conflict. They tried to train militants to achieve their goals. Uzbekistan was shown to the west as «Islamized» to the east, on the other hand, as «irreligious» form, intended to damage the country's international reputation. However they tried to make evil plans in order to increase conflicts between generally Islamic civilizations and non - Islamic ones. The activities of extremist, terrorist groups that declared as «Islamic State of Iraq and Syria», themselves are notable examples.

In conclusion, it should be noted that if the religious extremism and terrorism is spiritual disease, it is clear that it is the most infectious and almost incurable illness. Medicine maintains such diseases in quarantine zone and the transmission and distribution of all the places, the people against them. The people, especially the child's immune system will be stimulated against that disease. So we saw above, as a moral religious extremism and terrorism, infectious spiritual disease, taking into account that it is a global problem, population, especially in the minds of young people should be vaccined against the idea, and requires improving ideological immunity. At the same time, we focus on principle «the idea against idea, and opinion against opinion».


1. Karimov I. A. High spirit - invincible force. Tashkent: Manaviyat, 2008.

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