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Ключевые слова
relation / national culture / society / spiritual renew / values / achievements / Uzbekistan

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Farxodjonova N.F.

In this article highlights religion to national culture in the condition spiritual revenue of society in the republic of Uzbekistan.

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Russian Federation in connection with the transfer to the tax authorities of the authority to administer insurance contributions for compulsory pension, social and medical insurance [Electronic resource]: Federal Law of 03.07.2016 No. 243-FZ from 30.11.2016) // SPS «Consultant Plus»

4. On the introduction of amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation and the recognition of certain legislative acts (provisions of legislative acts) of the Russian Federation as invalid in connection with the adoption of the Federal Law «On Amending Part One and Two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation in Relation to the Transfer of Authority to Tax Authorities on the administration of insurance contributions to compulsory pension, social and medical insurance» [Electronic resource]: Federal Law of 03.07.2016 No. 250-FZ (red. from 19. 12.2016) // SPS «Consultant Plus»

5. On introduction of amendments to parts one and two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and separate legislative acts of the Russian Federation [Electronic resource]: Federal Law of November 30, 2016 No. 401-FZ // SPS «Consultant Plus»

6. On the procedure for the formation of a state task for the provision of public services (performance of work) in relation to federal state institutions and financial support for the fulfillment of the state task [Electronic resource]: Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 640 of June 26, 2015 (as amended on 04.11.2016) // ATP «Consultant Plus»

7. Knyazheva O.V. Modern tax policy of Russia and its development trends in 20152016. // Finance and management. - 2015. - No. 3. - P.25-40.

UDK 304.008

Farxodjonova N.F.

Teacher of department Social sciences Namangan Engineering - Construction Institute



Annotation: In this article highlights religion to national culture in the condition spiritual revenue of society in the republic of Uzbekistan.

Key words: relation, national culture, society, spiritual renew, values, achievements, Uzbekistan.

The process of succession of cultural values is not merely the success of the development of national cultures, but also the generalization of achievements in the culture of other peoples. The culture of peoples living in the Central Asian region has developed in the ancient times, on the basis of close cultural ties with Eastern and Eastern countries. A broad spectrum of cultural cooperation is a key feature of the culture of unlimited ethnic and religious content. At the present time, the people of Uzbekistan focus on the development of national culture, contributing to the

development of world culture, trying to capture the modern achievements of world civilization and civilization. Intensive workshops are being held in this area: international contests and festivals have been held, exhibitions of culture days and art works of foreign countries have been demonstrated, permanent cultural centers such as the Indian Cultural Center, French Culture House, and other cultural events of Uzbekistan. Theoretical justification of its features and its worthwhile evaluation of its place in the world culture are strong. Evidence for this is Mirzo Ulugbek and his contribution to world civilization (1994). "The Role and Place of Uzbekistan in the World. Bukhara and World Culture "(1995)," Central Asian and World Civilization "(1998).

Thanks to its rich cultural traditions and active involvement in the processes of world culture, its makeup in its international arena is growing.

The development of science and technology from the mid-twentieth century has led to the formation of strong information. Mass media, cinemas, radio, television, and computer communications have begun to dominate the process of modern societime.

The truthful analysis of contemporary civilization also shows that the spiritual culture is gaining popularity. The culture of mass culture is as follows:

1. Has universal consumers who are not related to their nationality, age, place, social characteristics;

2. The process that created the samples in this culture has become a massive feature and expresses the special emphasis of the industry, where hundreds of thousands of people are busy with their "press liras", "great show performers", "cinema , TV, pop stars.

In his opinion, this tool has become a powerful force in the struggle for information in the field of information.

Using media and electronic communications, the media encourage people to perceive social events and cultural values at the same time. G.E. As noted by MacMoan, "a new world-wide electronic culture that is common and popular."

The truthful analysis of contemporary civilization also shows that the spiritual culture is gaining popularity. The culture of mass culture is as follows:

1.University, age, location, and mass social consumers are not related to social features;

2. The process of creating these samples in the culture is a massive feature of the industry, in which hundreds of thousands of people are busy, including "press lefthings", "great show", "cinema , TV, pop stars.

Popular culture is associated with the general necessity of consumption. There is a great need for this as a consumer demand. In the meanwhile, spiritual values in modern civilization become a means of fulfilling the needs of a narrow range. The deep meaning of culture, memory infinity is replaced by "typical", "generic" values, and the creation of realistic "existing works" based on existing examples (film, television, and literary works). The individual's creative abilities can not be separated from nationality and become a consumer of ready-made "cultural products". The president has repeatedly mentioned the dangerous

consequences of the mass culture for young people.

Everyone should choose one of the two ways, either by choosing one or the consumer, or at least a pretentious one, with respect to his or her identity. Humanity is increasingly aware of the necessity of developing technology and social and ecological control of mass communication, and the burning of the spiritual genius of modern man. The Universal Decade for the Cultures, announced by the UN General Assembly in the 1990s, is an important milestone in highlighting the problem of this problem, defining its solutions. The main objective of the "decade" is to restore the significance of universal cultural values in the rapidly evolving economic and technogenic development in which the following tasks have been addressed: the recognition of the importance of advancement in the development of culture, material production identifying ways of involvement of artists, recognition of cultural identity and cultures, encouraging creative potential and initiative in individual and collective, developing international cultural cooperation and others. Thanks to independence, Uzbekistan has been actively and actively involved in several UN-led international programs, including the Universal Manuscripts of Heritage, and the Great Silk Road, aimed at further developing and promoting cultures. Nowadays there are monuments of Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva and Shakhrisabz, which are of world significance in the republic, after which the following three have achieved the status since 1991. "The Great silk yuli" is not only history but also today. In May 1993, the European Commission gathered representatives from Central Asian, Caucasian and European Union countries in Brussels. Teaching integration of the independent states of Central Asia and the Caucasus into the world economy through the restoration of ancient roads from the ancestors; At the meeting, a declaration on the establishment of the European-Caucasus-Asia transport corridor was signed.

One of the practical steps of UNESCO was the establishment of an International Central Asian Research Institute in the city of Samarkand on the basis of the Silk Road Communication Program. In 1997, thanks to the achievements of our independent state in restoring and developing national culture, He was a member of the UNESCO Executive Board, and President Islam Karimov was awarded the "Ibn Sina" Medal. Educating a physically and spiritually healthy generation in the country, improving the education system pays great attention to the development of historical consciousness and independent thinking in young people. The year 2000 was marked by the Year of Soglom Generation in Uzbekistan. The essence of this is that the essence of the ongoing reforms is focused on the human being and is being implemented for the person. Therefore, the healthy generation is the nation, the future of the country. It is no accident that the first order in our country is called "Soglom avlod uchun". This is a promising step in the future of the great future.


1. Каримов И.А. Она юртимиз бахту-икболи ва буюк келажаги йулида хизмат килиш - энг олий саодатдир. -Т.: Узбекистан, 2015.

2. Мирзиёсв III.M. Буюк келажагимизни мард ва олийжаноб халкдмиз билан

6npra KypaMH3. -T.: Y36eKHCTOH, 2017.

3. Tulenov J. Qadriyatlar falsafasi. T., 1998 y.

4. Xayrullaev M. Madaniy meros va falsafiy fikr tarixi. T. 1985 y.

UDK 82-3

Fayziyeva A.A.

Teacher of Bukhara State University Uzbekistan, Bukhara city



Annotation: In this article highlights use of syntactical stylistic devices in Peter Abrahams' "Path of Thunder ".

Key words: syntactic, stylistic devices, "Path of thunder", literature.

According to professor Galperin stylistic device is a conscious and intentional intensification of some typical structural and or semantic property of a language unit (neutral or expressive) promoted to a generalized status and thus becoming a general model. It follows then that an SD is an abstract pattern, a mould into which any content can be poured. As is known, the typical is not only that which is in frequent use, but that also reveals the essence of a phenomenon with the greatest and most evident force.

As any author Peter Abrahams also had a great deal of stylistic devices in his novel "Path of thunder", with the help of which he tried to reveal social inequality, race discrimination and other social issues in Africa. In the following article we have analyzed the use of some syntactical stylistic devices and begin with rhetorical question used in the novel:

Example: Why should only the people who are not white suffer?

In the sentence above the author used the stylistic device rhetorical question. It is not the question asked only by Mako, but it is the question asked by each and every African, who suffered inequality, spending their lives as slaves for white people. They can't understand the reason why they should be slaves, is the reason the colour of skin? The question is like the nucleus of the novel, revealing all the meaning of it . Another example:

Why is love the one thing man cannot really control?

As the novel is set on the love between two people, Lanny and Sarrie, who are representatives of two different races, the reader can understand the purpose of asking this question. Both Lanny and Sarrie could not control their feelings and they fell in love with each other, knowing well that it was impossible and even forbidden. Lanny asked this question and didn't wait for answer, because it is clearly seen that nobody could answer this question. Here the rhetorical question is used to express the astonishment of the character.

Repetition is the mostly used one among the syntactical stylistic devices. By repeating one word, phrase or sentence the author made the reader pay attention to what he wanted to say, as those parts carried the main ideas the author intended to

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